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Unit 8 Notes - Skin DisordersName: __________________________________Define the key terms – or make flashcards:AtopicAutoinoculationDenudedExcoriationsLarvaeLichenificationRead through pages 142-143 and answer the following questions:What main components/structures does the integument (integumentary system) consists of?List the 5 sublayers of the epidermis from deep to superficial.What does the term avascular mean?What is keratin and what is its function in the skin?What is melanin and what is its function in the skin?Define the following terms:AlbinismVitiligoMelasma/chloasmaList the main features of the dermis384111516745900Follow the instructions to complete the diagram:Color code the following on the skin diagramStratum corneumStratum basaleEccrine (sweat) glandSebaceous (oil) glandSmooth (arrector pili) muscleBracket & label the epidermis, dermis, & hypodermisBriefly describe the skin appendages:Hair folliclesArrector pili muscleSebaceous glandEccrine glandApocrine glandDiscuss the major points of the 5 main skin functions.1st line of defensePrevention of fluid lossBody temperature regulationSensory perceptionVitamin D synthesisStudy QuestionsDiscuss the locations, advantages & disadvantages of resident/normal flora associated with the skin and its appendages. (see pages 98-99)Answer THINK ABOUT 8-1 questions pg 143Describe 3 ways in which the dermis differs from the epidermisExplain how the basal layer of the epidermis is nourished (since it is avascular).Describe the roles of sebaceous glands and eccrine glands. (How are they different).Explain three ways the skin acts as a defense mechanism.Use Table 8-1 pg 143 in text to make 13 Types of Lesions flashcards with descriptions & pictures/sketches & use study PPT to prepare for lab practicalPruritus – ________________________sensationMechanism not fully understood – release of ______________________ involved – pain receptors mildly stimulated by irritantsScratching may lead to ________________________ infections & subsequent ____________________.Diagnostic testsSkin scrapingCulturing & stainingDirect observationSpecific procedures for identificationGeneral treatment – how do these each help?Antihistamines, glucocorticoidsIdentification & avoidance of allergensCompressesRemoval of any precancerous lesionsThere are 3 basic categories of skin disorders that you will be researching, know their basic features:Inflammatory InfectionsTumorsTHINK ABOUT 8-4 page 153State the causative agent of: (specific name of the organism that is the cause)ScabiesRingwormPediculosisExplain why herpes simplex tends to recur.THINK ABOUT 8-5 page156List the 4 warning signs of cancerCase Study A – page 156State the factors in the family history that may support a genetic predisposition to atopic dermatitis in this infant.Explain why a secondary bacterial infection has probably developed.List four factors that tend to aggravate atopic dermatitis.Explain two ways in which administration of an antihistamine could help J.W. sleep. (Look back in the Pharmacology unit for help)Explain how hydrocortisone cream may reduce the inflammation and skin damage. (Look back in the Inflammation unit for help)Case Study B – page 156Explain the factors that make this lesion suspicious for cancer.List the possible predisposing factors in this patient.Predict the prognosis and the reasons for it in this case.Misc. Study Questions page 157Explain why Kaposi’s sarcoma is more common in immunocompromised patients.Explain the specific cause of pruritus in: (What does the organism, etc. do or have that actually causes the pruritus to happen?)a. scabiesb. pediculosisc. contact dermatitis ................

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