GSA Advantage!






FPDS Code D301 IT Facility Operation and Maintenance

FPDS Code D302 IT Systems Development Services

FPDS Code D306 IT Systems Analysis Services

FPDS Code D307 Automated Information Systems Design and Integration Services

FPDS Code D308 Programming Services

FPDS Code D310 IT Backup and Security Services

FPDS Code D311 IT Data Conversion Services

FPDS Code D313 Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) Services

FPDS Code D316 IT Network Management Services

FPDS Code D317 Creation/Retrieval of IT Related Automated News Services, Data Services, or

Other Information Services (All other information services belong under Schedule 76)

FPDS Code D399 Other Information Technology Services, Not Elsewhere Classified

Business Size: Small

I10, Inc.

12412 Wendell Holmes Rd.

Herndon, VA 20171-2554

P: 206-850-7519


Contract Number: GS-35F-408CA

Period Covered by Contract: 07/05/2015 – 07/05/2020

Business Size: Small, SBA Certified 8(a) Firm, SBA Certified HUBZone Firm

On-line access to contract ordering information, terms and conditions, up-to-date pricing, and the option to create an electronic delivery order are available through GSA Advantage! ® .

Customer Information

1a. Table of awarded special item number(s) with appropriate cross-reference to item descriptions and awarded price(s).





1b. Identification of the lowest priced model number and lowest unit price for that model for each special item number awarded in the contract. This price is the Government price based on a unit of one, exclusive of any quantity/dollar volume, prompt payment, or any other concession affecting price. Those contracts that have unit prices based on the geographic location of the customer, should show the range of the lowest price, and cite the areas to which the prices apply.

*Not Applicable

1c. If the Contractor is proposing hourly rates, a description of all corresponding commercial job titles, experience, functional responsibility and education for those types of employees or subcontractors who will perform services shall be provided. If hourly rates are not applicable, indicate “Not applicable” for this item.

See Labor Category Descriptions

2. Maximum order. $500,000.00

3. Minimum order. $100.00

4. Geographic coverage (delivery area). CONUS, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico

5. Point(s) of production (city, county, and State or foreign country). *Not Applicable

6. Discount from list prices or statement of net price.

All prices quoted under this contract are discounted from our commercial prices, and are stated as NET prices, including the GSA discount and IFF.

▪ State and Local Government Agencies: Offered the same discounts as all Federal Government customers

▪ Government Educational Institutions: Offered the same discounts as all Federal Government customers

7. Quantity discounts. .25% for orders exceeding $500,000.00

8. Prompt Payment terms. 1.5%-20; Net 30

9a. Notification that Government purchase cards are accepted at or below the micro-purchase threshold.

I10IT, Inc. will accept the Government purchase card for all orders and amounts.

9b. Notification whether Government purchase cards are accepted or not accepted above the micro-purchase threshold.

I10IT, Inc. will accept the Government purchase card for all orders and amounts.

10. Foreign items (list items by country of origin).

*Not Applicable

11a. Time of delivery. (Contractor insert number of days.)

As negotiated between I10IT, Inc. and ordering activity

11b. Expedited Delivery. The Contractor will insert the sentence “Items available for expedited delivery are noted in this price list.” under this heading. The Contractor may use a symbol of its choosing to highlight items in its price lists that have expedited delivery.

*As negotiated

11c. Overnight and 2-day delivery. The Contractor will indicate whether overnight and 2-day delivery are available. Also, the Contractor will indicate that the schedule customer may contact the Contractor for rates for overnight and 2-day delivery.

*Not Applicable

11d. Urgent Requirements. The Contractor will note in its price list the “Urgent Requirements” clause of its contract and advise agencies that they can also contact the Contractor’s representative to effect a faster delivery.

*Not Applicable

12. F.O.B. point(s). Destination

13a. Ordering address(es).

I10, Inc.

12412 Wendell Holmes Rd.

Herndon, VA 20171-2554

P: 206-850-7519

13b. Ordering procedures: For supplies and services, the ordering procedures, information on Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPA’s) are found in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 8.405-3. For supplies and services, the ordering procedures, information on Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPA’s) are

found in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 8.405-3.

14. Payment address(es).

I10, Inc.

12412 Wendell Holmes Rd.

Herndon, VA 20171-2554

P: 206-850-7519

15. Warranty provision. Standard Commercial

16. Export packing charges, if applicable.

*Not Applicable

17. Terms and conditions of Government purchase card acceptance (any thresholds above the micro-purchase level).

Contact Contractor

18. Terms and conditions of rental, maintenance, and repair (if applicable).

19. Terms and conditions of installation (if applicable).

20. Terms and conditions of repair parts indicating date of parts price lists and any discounts from list prices (if applicable).

20a.Terms and conditions for any other services (if applicable).

21. List of service and distribution points (if applicable).

22. List of participating dealers (if applicable).

23. Preventive maintenance (if applicable).

24a. Special attributes such as environmental attributes (e.g., recycled content, energy efficiency, and/or reduced pollutants).

*Not Applicable

24b. If applicable, indicate that Section 508 compliance information is available on Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) supplies and services and show where full details can be found (e.g. contractor’s website or other location.) The EIT standards can be found at: .

25. Data Universal Number System (DUNS) number. 808458462

26. Notification regarding registration in Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database.

Active Until 04/20/2016 ; Cage Code 4XR56

TAX ID Number (TIN): 26-143-6062




**The phrase, “Information Technology (IT) Professional Services/Identity Access Management (IAM) Professional Services” in the following paragraphs may need to be revised in order to be consistent with the Offeror’s proposal; e.g., if only IT Professional Services are offered, all references to IAM Services should be deleted.**

****NOTE: All non-professional labor categories must be incidental to, and used solely to support professional services, and cannot be purchased separately.


a. The prices, terms and conditions stated under Special Item Number 132-51 Information Technology Professional Services apply exclusively to IT/IAM Professional Services within the scope of this Information Technology Schedule.

b. The Contractor shall provide services at the Contractor’s facility and/or at the ordering activity location, as agreed to by the Contractor and the ordering activity.

2. PERFORMANCE INCENTIVES I-FSS-60 Performance Incentives (April 2000)

a. Performance incentives may be agreed upon between the Contractor and the ordering activity on individual fixed price orders or Blanket Purchase Agreements under this contract.

b. The ordering activity must establish a maximum performance incentive price for these services and/or total solutions on individual orders or Blanket Purchase Agreements.

c. Incentives should be designed to relate results achieved by the contractor to specified targets. To the maximum extent practicable, ordering activities shall consider establishing incentives where performance is critical to the ordering activity’s mission and incentives are likely to motivate the contractor. Incentives shall be based on objectively measurable tasks.


a. Agencies may use written orders, EDI orders, blanket purchase agreements, individual purchase orders, or task orders for ordering services under this contract. Blanket Purchase Agreements shall not extend beyond the end of the contract period; all services and delivery shall be made and the contract terms and conditions shall continue in effect until the completion of the order. Orders for tasks which extend beyond the fiscal year for which funds are available shall include FAR 52.232-19 (Deviation – May 2003) Availability of Funds for the Next Fiscal Year. The purchase order shall specify the availability of funds and the period for which funds are available.

b. All task orders are subject to the terms and conditions of the contract. In the event of conflict between a task order and the contract, the contract will take precedence.


a. The Contractor shall commence performance of services on the date agreed to by the Contractor and the ordering activity.

b. The Contractor agrees to render services only during normal working hours, unless otherwise agreed to by the Contractor and the ordering activity.

c. The ordering activity should include the criteria for satisfactory completion for each task in the Statement of Work or Delivery Order. Services shall be completed in a good and workmanlike manner.

d. Any Contractor travel required in the performance of IT/IAM Services must comply with the Federal Travel Regulation or Joint Travel Regulations, as applicable, in effect on the date(s) the travel is performed. Established Federal Government per diem rates will apply to all Contractor travel. Contractors cannot use GSA city pair contracts.

5. STOP-WORK ORDER (FAR 52.242-15) (AUG 1989)

(a) The Contracting Officer may, at any time, by written order to the Contractor, require the Contractor to stop all, or any part, of the work called for by this contract for a period of 90 days after the order is delivered to the Contractor, and for any further period to which the parties may agree. The order shall be specifically identified as a stop-work order issued under this clause. Upon receipt of the order, the Contractor shall immediately comply with its terms and take all reasonable steps to minimize the incurrence of costs allocable to the work covered by the order during the period of work stoppage. Within a period of 90 days after a stop-work is delivered to the Contractor, or within any extension of that period to which the parties shall have agreed, the Contracting Officer shall either-

(1) Cancel the stop-work order; or

(2) Terminate the work covered by the order as provided in the Default, or the Termination for Convenience of the Government, clause of this contract.

(b) If a stop-work order issued under this clause is canceled or the period of the order or any extension thereof expires, the Contractor shall resume work. The Contracting Officer shall make an equitable adjustment in the delivery schedule or contract price, or both, and the contract shall be modified, in writing, accordingly, if-

(1) The stop-work order results in an increase in the time required for, or in the Contractor's cost properly allocable to, the performance of any part of this contract; and

(2) The Contractor asserts its right to the adjustment within 30 days after the end of the period of work stoppage; provided, that, if the Contracting Officer decides the facts justify the action, the Contracting Officer may receive and act upon the claim submitted at any time before final payment under this contract.

(c) If a stop-work order is not canceled and the work covered by the order is terminated for the convenience of the Government, the Contracting Officer shall allow reasonable costs resulting from the stop-work order in arriving at the termination settlement.

(d) If a stop-work order is not canceled and the work covered by the order is terminated for default, the Contracting Officer shall allow, by equitable adjustment or otherwise, reasonable costs resulting from the stop-work order.


In accordance with FAR 52.212-4 CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS--COMMERCIAL ITEMS (MAR 2009) (DEVIATION I - FEB 2007) for Firm-Fixed Price orders and FAR 52.212-4 CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS −COMMERCIAL ITEMS (MAR 2009) (ALTERNATE I − OCT 2008) (DEVIATION I – FEB 2007) applies to Time-and-Materials and Labor-Hour Contracts orders placed under this contract.


The Contractor shall comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations (Federal, State, City, or otherwise) covering work of this character. If the end product of a task order is software, then FAR 52.227-14 (Dec 2007) Rights in Data – General, may apply.


Subject to security regulations, the ordering activity shall permit Contractor access to all facilities necessary to perform the requisite IT/IAM Professional Services.


All IT/IAM Professional Services performed by the Contractor under the terms of this contract shall be as an independent Contractor, and not as an agent or employee of the ordering activity.


a. Definitions.

“Contractor” means the person, firm, unincorporated association, joint venture, partnership, or corporation that is a party to this contract.

“Contractor and its affiliates” and “Contractor or its affiliates” refers to the Contractor, its chief executives, directors, officers, subsidiaries, affiliates, subcontractors at any tier, and consultants and any joint venture involving the Contractor, any entity into or with which the Contractor subsequently merges or affiliates, or any other successor or assignee of the Contractor.

An “Organizational conflict of interest” exists when the nature of the work to be performed under a proposed ordering activity contract, without some restriction on ordering activities by the Contractor and its affiliates, may either (i) result in an unfair competitive advantage to the Contractor or its affiliates or (ii) impair the Contractor’s or its affiliates’ objectivity in performing contract work.

b. To avoid an organizational or financial conflict of interest and to avoid prejudicing the best interests of the ordering activity, ordering activities may place restrictions on the Contractors, its affiliates, chief executives, directors, subsidiaries and subcontractors at any tier when placing orders against schedule contracts. Such restrictions shall be consistent with FAR 9.505 and shall be designed to avoid, neutralize, or mitigate organizational conflicts of interest that might otherwise exist in situations related to individual orders placed against the schedule contract. Examples of situations, which may require restrictions, are provided at FAR 9.508.


The Contractor, upon completion of the work ordered, shall submit invoices for IT/IAM Professional services. Progress payments may be authorized by the ordering activity on individual orders if appropriate. Progress payments shall be based upon completion of defined milestones or interim products. Invoices shall be submitted monthly for recurring services performed during the preceding month.


For firm-fixed price orders the ordering activity shall pay the Contractor, upon submission of proper invoices or vouchers, the prices stipulated in this contract for service rendered and accepted. Progress payments shall be made only when authorized by the order. For time-and-materials orders, the Payments under Time-and-Materials and Labor-Hour Contracts at FAR 52.212-4 (MAR 2009) (ALTERNATE I – OCT 2008) (DEVIATION I – FEB 2007) applies to time-and-materials orders placed under this contract. For labor-hour orders, the Payment under Time-and-Materials and Labor-Hour Contracts at FAR 52.212-

4 (MAR 2009) (ALTERNATE I – OCT 2008) (DEVIATION I – FEB 2007) applies to labor-hour orders placed under this contract. 52.216-31(Feb 2007)  Time-and-Materials/Labor-Hour Proposal Requirements—Commercial Item Acquisition. As prescribed in 16.601(e)(3), insert the following provision:

(a) The Government contemplates award of a Time-and-Materials or Labor-Hour type of contract resulting from this solicitation.

(b) The offeror must specify fixed hourly rates in its offer that include wages, overhead, general and administrative expenses, and profit. The offeror must specify whether the fixed hourly rate for each labor category applies to labor performed by—

(1) The offeror;

(2) Subcontractors; and/or

(3) Divisions, subsidiaries, or affiliates of the offeror under a common control.


Resumes shall be provided to the GSA Contracting Officer or the user ordering activity upon request.


Incidental support costs are available outside the scope of this contract. The costs will be negotiated separately with the ordering activity in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the FAR.


The ordering activity may require that the Contractor receive, from the ordering activity's Contracting Officer, written consent before placing any subcontract for furnishing any of the work called for in a task order.


Technical/Systems Engineer

Minimum/General Experience: 1 years of experience

Functional Responsibility: Responsible for coordinating the construction, maintenance, and expansion of an computer systems. Primary responsibilities include overseeing development and maintenance of computer systems, identifying departmental needs and make suggestions regarding technical direction, design and implement system security and data assurance, test software applications and systems, analyze users’ needs, create detailed sets of instructions explaining what computers will do.

Minimum Education: Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Engineering or related field

System Analyst

Minimum/General Experience: 2 years of experience

Functional Responsibility: Use prevailing technology, science and data to determine if the processes in pace are achieving the goals of the organization. The analyst should have in-depth working knowledge in the field.

Responsibilities include planning, generating solutions and creating reports, identifying problems particular to the project, analyzing any data, proposing solutions and final designs. The analyst should create algorithms and analyze their implementation and modeling of the design. Additionally, the analyst may lead testing and debugging of the systems and providing solutions for problems with any component or equipment. Support the generation of formal design documentation. Code, test and debug subroutines.

Minimum Education: Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Engineering or related field

Subject Matter Expert

Minimum/General Experience: 5 years of experience

Functional Responsibility: Act as definitive source of knowledge, technique, or expertise and be able to understand, articulate and implement best practices. Responsibilities include generating design specifications for software development, involving translating business requirements into detailed algorithms for coding. Expert will oversee the development, testing and implementation of the technical solution and validate that the final product satisfies the defined requirements. Must be able to review technical documentation, such as user guides, training manuals and system specifications prior to distribution to end-users and ensure subject area is accurately represented.

Minimum Education: Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Engineering or related field

Junior Engineer/Analyst

Minimum/General Experience: 2 years of experience

Functional Responsibilities: Works under close supervision, developing the requirements of a product from inception to conclusion. Develops required specifications for simple to moderately complex problems. Designs and codes software components, units, and modules that meet product specifications. Tests and debugs assigned components and units.

Minimum Education: Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Business, Science or related disciplines.


Minimum/General Experience: Five (5) years of progressive experience in computer programming, information systems or a relevant technical or scientific discipline.

Functional Responsibilities: Works under general supervision, developing the requirements of a product from inception to conclusion. Develops required specifications for simple to moderately complex problems. Designs and codes software components, units, and modules that meet product specifications. Tests and debugs assigned components and units.

Minimum Education: Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Business, Science or related disciplines.

Senior Engineer/Analyst

Minimum/General Experience: Nine (9) years of progressive experience in systems life cycle management, structured system development methodologies, structured analysis in Information Technology (IT) or relevant technical discipline.

Functional Responsibilities: Provides design, programming, documentation and implementation of applications, which requires knowledge of information technology systems for effective development and deployment of software modules. Provides technical and administrative direction for tasks, including review of work products for correctness, compliance with industry accepted standards, and user standards specified in specific Task Orders. Applies process improvement and reengineering methodologies and principles to conduct process modernization projects.

Minimum Education: Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Business, Science or related disciplines.

Database Specialist

Minimum/General Experience: Six (6) years of general experience of which four (4) years must be specialized

Functional Responsibilities: Provides highly technical expertise in the use of DBMS. Evaluates and recommends available DBMS products to support validated user requirements.

Minimum Education: Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Business, Science or related disciplines.

Senior Database Specialist

Minimum/General Experience: Ten (10) years general experience of which eight (8) years must be specialized. General experience includes increasing responsibilities in the development and maintenance of database systems

Functional Responsibilities: Manages the development of database projects. Plans and budget staff and data base resources. Prepares and delivers presentations on database management concepts. Provides supervision and direction to support staff.

Minimum Education: Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Business, Science or related disciplines.

Data Architect DA03

Minimum/General Experience: Has twelve (12) years of progressive experience in the area of database management, and eight (8) years of which must include management of large scale, complex systems.

Functional Responsibilities: Develop an integrated data strategy for movement of data from Legacy Systems to the New solution. This individual will design, develop and manage the various core analytical data models for enterprise-wide solutions and its suite of analytical applications based upon developing an understanding of key business requirements and proprietary analytical applications. Working with other members of the enterprise-wide solution team, the data architect will identify the appropriate system data flows and data management strategies; design and architect proprietary Data Marts and Data Warehouses; and work with applications teams in validating the data models and key metrics and analytics. This position requires an individual with extensive amount of experience in Critical understanding of data warehousing and relational database concepts is a must.

Minimum Education: Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Business, Science or related disciplines.

Technical/Systems Architect

Minimum/General Experience: Over ten (10) years of experience with the design, execution, and oversight of information technology (IT) projects.

Functional Responsibilities: Lead the design of IT solutions, which incorporate technical infrastructure, hardware and software. Identifies interfaces between application including legacy systems. Supports program/project management, business case analysis and alternative solutions.

Minimum Education: Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Business, Science or related disciplines.

Test Engineer TE02

Minimum/General Experience: At least five years’ experience in designing and developing analytical data solutions, solid skills in data architecture, data query, analysis, SQL, reporting tools and methodologies. Must have experience with testing framework architectures.

Functional Responsibilities: Performs assignments in the test arena when provided specific objectives and standards. Establishes and uses appropriate management information feedback systems to review, control, and report on assigned projects. Applies knowledge and experience of test and evaluation in the design, planning, execution, and analysis phases of test programs to assess the performance of aeronautical systems, subsystems, and equipment. Uses comprehensive knowledge and necessary skills to determine the levels of effort, resources, and integration required to develop executable Test scenarios to satisfy business requirements and system integration points and the technical/managerial ability to execute the Test plan.

Minimum Education: Bachelor’s degree in computer science or engineering.

Functional Analyst (FA03)

Minimum/General Experience: Three (3) years of general experience of which One (1) year should must be specialized in information technology projects functional analysis.

Functional Responsibilities: Possess functional knowledge of task order specific requirements and have experience in developing business and functional requirements for complex IT projects. Analyze user needs to determine functional and cross functional requirements

Minimum Education: Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Business, Science or related disciplines.

Senior Functional Analyst

Minimum/General Experience: Five (5) years of general experience of which Two (2) years should must be specialized in information technology projects functional analysis.

Functional Responsibilities: Possess superior functional knowledge of task order specific requirements and have experience in developing business and functional requirements for complex IT projects. Analyze user needs to determine functional and cross functional requirements

Minimum Education: Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Business, Science or related disciplines.

Task Manager, PM01

Minimum/General Experience: Has six (6) years’ experience in related technical and management discipline.

Functional Responsibilities: Works under general supervision of overall project manager of higher-level company management. Is responsible for the management of a specific task, or for a particular portion of a larger, more complex project. Is fully knowledgeable of all aspects of the technical areas involved in the assigned project. Performs studies, analyses, and tests on projects or tasks, which involve conventional plans, investigations, analyses, etc. Receives overall instructions on specific assignment objectives, features, possible solutions, etc. Assistance is furnished on unusual problems and work is reviewed for application of sound professional judgment.

Minimum Education: Possess a Bachelor’s degree in computer science or other related technical or scientific discipline.

Management Analyst (MA06)

Minimum/General Experience: Five (5) years’ experience in Budget, Financial, and Procurement support.

Functional Responsibilities: Provide assistance in the development, submission and execution of the budget. Develop the required budget documentation narratives and spreadsheets for the various budget stages throughout the three-year budget cycle for Department, OMB, and Congressional Request levels. This support includes developing and maintaining electronic data bases of planned (and implemented) activities, budget, finance, procurement, and other pertinent elements found in program implementation. Monitor, analyze and summarize budget reports and implementation progress status. Monthly approved financial plan (AFP) tables are reviewed and noteworthy items are highlighted. Status reports tracking the progress of funding reservations against approved budget are maintained and reviewed with client on a regular basis.

Procurement requests are initiated based on approved budget and in accordance with individual projects’ contractual requirements to insure that funds are appropriately applied. Special attention is given to ensure that the established operations plan goals are reached. Inform program managers and others within the organization of the status and availability of funds in different budget accounts. This position provides support for three separate fiscal budges concurrently in process with each in a different phase of development or processing stages and all related activities for their implementation. This support will also include developing and maintaining electronic databases of planned (and implemented) activities, budget, finance, procurement, and other pertinent elements found in program implementation.

Minimum Education: Bachelor’s degree in relevant field.

Help Desk Coordinator (HD01)

Minimum/General Experience: Three (3) years of progressive experience in a business ADP environment with emphasis on microcomputer hardware and software applications.

Functional Responsibilities: Staff the Help Desk. Answers user’s calls and records all necessary information. Offers assistance over the phone and follows the problem through to resolution. Assigns center, or appropriate area for resolution. Logs and reports data on the number and type of calls received.

Minimum Education: Possess a High School diploma and associates degree.

Help Desk Support (HD02)

Minimum/General Experience: Five (5) years of progressive experience in a helpdesk environment with emphasis on microcomputer hardware and software applications.

Functional Responsibilities: Provides user support to IBM compatible PC users and/or provides user support Macintosh users. Works with multi-server Novell 5.11 based system supporting users and work printers. Experience running a variety of applications that may include: Windows WP for Windows, Word for Windows, Excel, Paradox for Windows, PowerPoint, Procomm and cc:Mail for Windows, etc. Experience installing and setting up IBM workstations. Serves as the initial point of contact for troubleshooting hardware/software PC and printer problems.

Minimum Education: High School diploma or equivalent.

Technical Writer (TW02)

Minimum/General Experience: Five (5) years as a documentation specialist performing research, writing, and editing functions to prepare briefings, manuals, etc.

Functional Responsibilities: Under general supervision, edits and rewrites on-line and hard copy documents for grammatical, syntactical, and usage errors; spelling; punctuation; and adherence to standards, including consistency, format, and presentation. Proofreads documentation and graphics for accuracy and adherence to original content, provides quality control checking for documents received from photocopying and word processing; assembles Master copies, including graphics, appendices, table of contents, and title

pages, assists in scheduling printing, copying, and graphics with vendors. Gets quotes and determines best prices to achieve quality documents. Assists in determining level of effort required for incoming documents, assists in document tracking and logging, and consults with technical staff to determine format, contents, and the organization of technical reports and proposals.

Minimum Education: Associate’s degree in a related technical discipline.

Document Specialist III (DC03)

Minimum/General Experience: Five (5) years’ experience as a documentation specialist performing research, writing, and editing functions to prepare briefings, manuals, etc.

Functional Responsibilities: Under general supervision, edits and rewrites on-line and hard copy documents for grammatical, syntactical, and usage errors; spelling; punctuation; and adherence to standards, including consistency, format, and presentation. Proofreads documentation and graphics for accuracy and adherence to original content, provides quality control checking for documents received from photocopying and word processing; assembles Master copies, including graphics, appendices, table of contents, and title pages, assists in scheduling printing, copying, and graphics with vendors. Gets quotes and determines best prices to achieve quality documents. Assists in determining level of effort required for incoming documents, assists in document tracking and logging, and consults with technical staff to determine format, contents, and the organization of technical reports and proposals.

Minimum Education: Possess an associate’s degree in English or other related technical discipline.

Technical Administrative Support Specialist I (TS01)

Minimum/General Experience: One (1) year of experience in an office setting, supporting various technical and administrative activities.

Functional Responsibilities: Prepares draft and final form technical documents that will become deliverable items. Must be capable of typing at average or above average speed. Must be capable of typing technical narratives and data. Incumbent is responsible for spelling, grammar, and proper format, and for proofreading finished documents. Must be capable of using various word processing equipment. Must be familiar with typical office administrative procedures and processes.

Minimum Education: Possess a High School diploma or equivalent.

Security Engineer (SE03)

Minimum/General Experience: The individual will have four (4) years of experience performing the foregoing functions or a Master’s degree with two years of related work.

Functional Responsibilities: Individual will provide security architecture, policy and design guidance for business systems and networks. Individual will also provide Information Security Certification and Accreditation Support for applications, systems and networks in accordance with appropriate customer policies and processes and performs as an Information Assurance assessment team member. The individual will support for defining and assessing appropriate procedural security, network security and connection

rules, configuration management and accountability, maintenance, system rules of behavior, personnel and technical security controls, marking and labeling, incident response, continuity Participates in planning, cost analysis and implementation of all aspects of ADP security. Develops and implements Tempest procedures in all areas. Designs, develops, implements, and supports all ADP security policy, procedures, and systems. Will help provide security architecture, policy and design guidance for business systems and networks. Individual may also help provide Information Security Certification and Accreditation Support for applications, systems and networks in accordance with appropriate customer policies and processes. Helps develops materials and provide instruction to teams in the C&A activities at the appropriate skill level to accomplish the mission. Prepares security briefings and reports as necessary and participates as a subject matter expert in support of NETL security initiatives, conferences and Information Security Awareness. The Security Engineer implements and monitors ADP security procedures and issues. The Individual will also conduct risk assessments, firewall determinations, and security procedures.

Minimum Education: A Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Mathematics, Operations Research, Statistics, Engineering, or a related field.

Network Admin/ PC Technician (NA02)

Minimum/General Experience: The Network Admin will have two (2) years progressive experience performing advanced studies in the planning, design, development, and modification of voice and/or data network systems.

Functional Responsibilities: Prepares work plans and schematics for the placement, implementation, rearrangement, or removal of voice, data, and video/audio cables and associated hardware; assists in analyzing, selecting, and designing circuit paths, transmission logic, and hardware; assists in evaluating projected network usage, signaling characteristics, and proposed network media; and recommends media that will ensure transport and receipt of voice, data, and video/audio signaling. Under direct supervision, assists in analyzing customer’s voice, data, and image requirements, and develops cost-effective solutions.

Minimum Education: Possess a Bachelor’s degree in computer sciences, information systems, business engineering, or other related technical or scientific discipline.

PC Technician (PT01)

Minimum/General Experience: One (1) to five (5) years of applicable experience in maintaining and repairing computer systems, including peripheral equipment and supporting software.

Functional Responsibilities: The PC Technician works under general supervision providing maintenance of computer and peripheral equipment and software systems in an operational environment generally at a client site. The specialist is responsible for diagnosing technical and operational problems at the site and implementing necessary actions to resolve problems; provides instruction/assistance to system users in the use of applications software and hardware, as required. Provide technical management support to remote client sites. Day to day supervision for the maintenance of the computer site, including the computer, all peripheral equipment, and support software programs, in operational condition.

Minimum Education: High School diploma or certification.

Business Systems Analyst (BA02)

Minimum/General Experience: Three (3) years progressive experience performing advanced studies in the planning, design, development, and modification of business and technology systems.

Functional Responsibilities: Responsible for successful completion of assigned project details that meets customer needs. The analyst will be competent in alt phases of complex analysis of customer requirements and end results. The analyst operates very independently on all types of projects. Communicates strategies, methodology and pertinent findings as required. Understands where technology can be inserted into the business to maximize benefits and minimize costs. Bridges the gap between the business and technology areas of the enterprise. Research and understand alternative information analysis techniques. Develops, implements, monitors policies and procedures for information resources management. Analyzes areas of concern such as procurements, software licensing, maintenance contracts, inefficiencies, distribution of resources etc. and presents feasible alternatives and recommendations based on thorough research and analysis. Performs analysis of multiple business process Models.

Minimum Education: Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field.

Subject Matter Expert- Technical

Minimum/General Experience: Twelve (12) years of general experience supporting information technology projects related to individual’s subject matter expertise.

Functional Responsibilities: Subject Matter Experts (SME) serve as technical experts in areas relevant to a particular project. SMEs produce and/or review substantive and/or complex technical documentation reflecting detailed knowledge of technical areas as identified in the statement of work. Documentation subjects include systems design, system architecture, feasibility studies, and system specifications.

Minimum Education: Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Business, Science or related disciplines.

Sr. Business Systems Analyst (BA03)

Minimum/General Experience: Six (6) years progressive experience performing advanced studies in the planning, design, development, and modification of business and technology systems.

Functional Responsibilities: Responsible for successful completion of assigned project details that meets customer needs. The analyst will be competent in alt phases of complex analysis of customer requirements and end results. The analyst operates very independently on all types of projects. Communicates strategies, methodology and pertinent findings as required. Understands where technology can be inserted into the business to maximize benefits and minimize costs. Bridges the gap between the business and technology areas of the enterprise. Research and understand alternative information analysis techniques. Develops, implements, monitors policies and procedures for information resources management. Analyzes areas of concern such as procurements, software licensing, maintenance contracts, inefficiencies, distribution of resources etc. and presents feasible alternatives and recommendations based on thorough research and analysis. Performs analysis of multiple business process Models.

Minimum Education: Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field.

Business Subject Matter Expert II (BSME02)

Minimum/General Experience: Twelve (12) years progressive experience performing advanced studies in the planning, design, development, and modification of business and technology systems.

Functional Responsibilities: Responsible for successful completion of assigned project details that meets customer needs. The analyst will be competent in alt phases of complex analysis of customer requirements and end results. The analyst operates very independently on all types of projects. Communicates strategies, methodology and pertinent findings as required. Understands where technology can be inserted into the business to maximize benefits and minimize costs. Bridges the gap between the business and technology areas of the enterprise. Research and understand alternative information analysis techniques. Develops, implements, monitors policies and procedures for information resources management. Analyzes areas of concern such as procurements, software licensing, maintenance contracts, inefficiencies, distribution of resources etc. and presents feasible alternatives and recommendations based on thorough research and analysis. Performs analysis of multiple business process Models.

Minimum Education: Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field.

Technical Subject Matter Expert II (TSME02)

Minimum/General Experience: Five (5) years’ experience and oversees team of system professionals and technicians in installing and maintaining custom and commercial application software. Assists system professionals and technicians in. installing and maintaining operation system, network, and data base management software.

Functional Responsibilities: Serves as a consultant in coding, testing, and document creation, computer programs, modules, subroutines, linkages to Windows objects and application program interfaces to commercial software using two or more programming languages. Has ability to adapt to new situations and environments. Possess keen troubleshooting skills to assist other System Analysts and Program Managers. The SME provides leadership or analytical expertise to other specialist: operates with substantial independence and initiative. Has extensive knowledge of process, software product and/or specific technology. Performs on a daily basis, a variety of system design, analysis, and engineering tasks which are broad in nature and are concerned with design and implementation of major enterprise systems development and integration, including supporting personnel, hardware, software, and support facilities and/or equipment.

Minimum Education: Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field.

Project Manager

Minimum/General Experience: Has over ten (10) years of IT knowledge and expertise.

Functional Responsibilities: Acts as manager and central point of contact for a specific project or task within the program. Responsible for planning and executing a project. Prepares and maintains the project schedule and budget. Prepares and delivers status reports to the customer. Primary point of contact for the customer. Oversees all work and takes corrective action as necessary to ensure project success. Manages staffing, budget, prioritization, and other personnel matters. May serve as technical lead for the project.

Minimum Education: Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Business, Science or related disciplines.

Program Manager

Minimum/General Experience: Has over 10 years of IT knowledge and expertise

Functional Responsibilities: Acts as overall program manager and central point of contact for program wide IT solution activities. Responsible for planning and executing a project. Prepares and maintains the project schedule and budget. Prepares and delivers status reports to the customer. Oversees all work and takes corrective action as necessary to ensure project success. Manages staffing, budget, prioritization, and other personnel matters. May serve as technical lead for the project.

Minimum Education: Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Business, Science or related disciplines.

Agile Scrum Master (ASM02)

Minimum/General Experience: Experience playing the Scrum Master role for at least 1 year for a software development team that was diligently applying Scrum principles & practices

Functional Responsibilities:

• Guide the team on using Agile/Scrum practices and values.

• Enables the team to self-organize

• Assess the Scrum Maturity of the team, coach the team to higher levels of maturity at a pace that is sustainable and comfortable for the team.

• Removing impediments to maximize the team’s output by finding and allocating resources from within the organization

• Building a trusting and safe environment where problems can be raised without fear of blame, retribution, or being judged, with an emphasis of healing and problem solving

Minimum Education: Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Engineering or related field.

Agile Coach

Minimum/General Experience: 12+ years of development, quality or program management experience with multi-group / multi-disciplinary projects in a product company

Functional Responsibilities:

As an AGILE Coach, you are responsible for a combination of facilitation, mentoring, coaching, and training the teams to enable them in Agile and attain a sustainable maturity model. You are expected to be an experienced Agile practitioner who has gone through the process of Agile enablement at a program level and should be able to sustain Agile enablement in an account. You are expected toown some of the core delivery responsibilities of reviewing, monitoring, controlling and supporting growth of a portfolio of projects with the objective of delivering them as per the agreed Agile norms. For an Agile Coach the span is 80-100 FTEs.

Minimum Education: Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Engineering or related field.

Agile Training Course

Minimum/Maximum Participants: 1-50

Description: The SAFe Agilist certification program is for those who are and who seek to be an Agile certified change agents in an organization. The course will cover all topics on Scaled Agile Framework required for the exam. The course is interactive, with workshops and games as a teaching method. The workshop will be project based and consist of role play of scrum and launching of Agile Release Train. This validates students’ knowledge in applying the Scaled Agile Framework, lean thinking, and product development flow principles in an enterprise context so they can lead the adoption of the Scaled Agile Framework.

Duration: 4 days

C Sharp Training Course

Minimum/Maximum Participants: 1-50

Description: This course is designed to expose its attendees to a variety of concepts including:

• Design and program web and Windows applications with .NET and Visual Studio (VS)

• Write object-oriented code using C# and Visual Basic (VB)

• Leverage VS for code generation, UI design, testing and debugging

• Create web applications and process Web Forms

• Build SQL Server databases and access them using .NET code

• Writing applications using VB or C#

• Programming desktop and console applications

• Leveraging Visual Studio tools for rapid application development

• Creating web applications and processing Web Forms

• Saving data to SQL Server databases using Entity Framework

Duration: 5 weeks

Oracle ERP Training Course

Minimum/Maximum Participants: 1-50

Description: In this task, the attendees will be exposed to key concepts and terminologies specific to using Release 12 Oracle Compensation to configure and maintain compensation plans and to handle other compensation activities such as collecting transactions, crediting resources, calculating commissions and bonuses, and creating payment files. Additionally, class attendees will learn to:

• Identify and implement tasks and steps

• Understand the dependencies on additional E-business products

• Understand the integration for Oracle Incentive Compensation with other E-Business Products

• Understand the various implementation considerations for Incentive Compensation

Duration: 12 weeks

Health IT Labor Categories

Health IT Subject Matter Specialist

Determine information technology effects on the organizational structure and determine the ability that IT can support/meet organizational goals. Confers with healthcare client executive management using line of business expertise to define the client’s strategic information technology business goals, and advises in the reengineering of business processes to meet these goals. Analyzes client requirements and recommends development of acquisition strategies. Assist client in developing strategic plans and concepts. Advise client on the impact of new legislation or new technologies that are relevant to their agency. Demonstrate exceptional oral and written communication skills.

Bachelor’s degree and 12 years of experience.

Health IT Consultant

Provide analytical and program level support and is focused on high performance work. This support can be in any health care activity, such as electronic health records, health information exchanges, health analytics, personal health information management, innovative Health IT solutions, health informatics, or Health IT research. Contributes to the functional and technical specifications for development of a discrete project deliverable of moderate complexity. Complete assigned engagement tasks within the project scope and budget, while meeting deliverable requirements. Serves as a key analytical resource on engagement team. Assumes responsibility for conducting relevant research, distilling data, and creating reports. Actively engages consulting tools and methodologies to meet project objectives and complete program management activities. Maintains responsibility for quality assurance practices and fostering completion and accuracy of system documentation.

Bachelor’s degree and 10 years of experience.

Health IT Graphic Specialist

Prepares graphic illustrations for various publications. Completes assignments from concept phase through production for specific graphic projects. Coordinates the printing and type setting of materials and prepares the graphic design illustrations for review and approval. Ability to quickly grasp complex technical concepts and produce digestible content for the public Strong working knowledge of Microsoft Office and basic familiarity with software development lifeycle. Knowledge of health IT or healthcare software environment highly desired. 

Bachelor’s degree and 2 years of experience

Health IT Communication Analyst

Demonstrates experience in healthcare quality and the ability to motivate and lead a Task team to provide quality services and deliverables in a timely manner. Possess proven skill and experience in project management, managing people, project planning and coordination of daily activities, data analysis, constructive reporting, project management techniques and tools. Possess the skills and experience in critical-thinking, innovation, and problem-solving, recommending successful solutions, which include, but are not limited to the spread and implementation of such solutions for large scale change. Possess proven skills and experience in excellent oral and written communication spanning executives to the general public. Provides guidance and supervision to support staff.

Health IT Program Manager

Serves as the contract manager and administrator over the entire Health IT relevant contract effort. Acts as the primary interface and point of contact with Government project authorities and representatives on technical and contract administration issues. Supervises project operations of clinical applications, medical billing systems, infrastructure and medical devices by developing management procedures, planning and directing project execution, monitoring and reporting progress. Manages and controls financial and administrative aspects of the project with respect to contract requirements, enforces work standards, and assigns schedules.

Bachelor’s Degree and 10 years’ experience.

Health IT Senior Network Engineer

With minimal supervision (e.g. at small isolated sites),implements, operates, and/or upgrades, local, metropolitan, or wide area networks involving some subset of the following technologies and equipment: Novell, Windows NT, Banyan Vines, or other servers; Windows 3.1, Windows 95, OS/2 or other desktop machines; data switching equipment; VTC; hubs and routers; network cabling and transceivers; network interface cards; TCP/IP and other protocols; data and file encryption; and HP Open View or other network management software. Ability to analyze and define specialized requirements for Military Health system enterprise, networks and IT systems, which may include LANs, WANs mainframes, workstations, personal computers and wireless devices. Ability to design, plan, implement and use a variety of security and connectivity techniques, technologies, and tools to design, develop, and implement solutions into IT systems and networks. Maybe responsible for integration, implementation and maintenance of IT system solutions across the civilian and or military health system in both CONUS and OCONUS.

Bachelor’s degree and 5 years of experience.

Health IT Security Analyst

Solid knowledge of information security principles and practices as well as working experience with intrusion detection systems in an IT health systems environment.

Primary duties may include, but are not limited to:

• Installing, configuring, monitoring and responding to security systems.

• Understanding advanced security protocols and standards.

• Maintaining ongoing experience with software and security architectures.

• Evaluating and developing an approach to solutions.

• Proactively assessing potential risks and opportunities of vulnerability in the network.

Bachelor’s degree and 3 years of experience.

Health IT Business Systems Analyst

Provide analytical consultative services required to administer programs throughout all phases of business requirements analysis, software design, system and performance testing, and implementation. Analyze and review budget, schedule, and other program resources. Identify resource shortfalls and make corrective recommendations. Participate in analysis sessions to provide program requirements. Review the business and system, software and system integration requirements to ensure the requirements meet the program needs. Consider alternatives and develop recommendations. Identify, communicate and resolve risks. Identify and resolve issues to eliminate or mitigate the occurrence of consequences that may impact the success of the project. Research and analyze resource material. Monitor system tests; reviews test results; identify project issues

Bachelor’s degree and 3 years of experience

Health IT Business Process Consultant

Analyzes and develops computer software possessing a wide range of capabilities, including numerous engineering, business, and records management functions. Develops plans for automated information systems from project inception to conclusion. Analyzes user interfaces, maintain hardware and software performance tuning, analyze workload and computer usage, maintain interfaces with outside systems, analyze downtimes, analyze proposed system modifications, upgrades and new COTS. Analyzes the problem and the information to be processed. Defines the problem, and develops system requirements and program specifications from which programmers prepare detailed flow charts, programs, and tests. Coordinates closely with programmers to ensure proper implementation of program and system specifications. Develops, in conjunction with functional users, system alternative solutions

Bachelor’s degree and 2 years of experience

Health IT Architectural Specialist

Architect develops and maintains information reference architecture articulating the future state for achieving optimal sourcing, grouping, transformation, and sharing of enterprise data in an IT health systems environment.

Primary duties may include, but are not limited to:

• Contributing to information management systems’ architecture vision and ensuring that specific components are appropriately designed and leveraged.

• Defining information management architectural components.

• Defining information architecture standards and assisting in the creation of reference architecture.

Validating the detailed information architecture requirements for an application/ technology.

Bachelor’s Degree and 8 years of experience

| | | |

|Training Course |Duration |Rate |

| |2 weeks |$1,307.15 |

|Agile Training Course | | |

| |5 weeks |$6,090.68 |

|C-Sharp Training Course | | |

| |12 weeks |$9,158.21 |

|Oracle ERP Training Course | | |

|Labor Category |Standard Hourly Rate |

|Technical/Systems Engineer |$78.34 |

|Systems Analyst |$93.70 |

|Subject Matter Expert |$127.86 |

|Junior Engineer/ Analyst |$117.36 |

|Engineer/ Analyst |$126.46 |

|Senior Engineer /Analyst |$136.54 |

|Database Specialist |$130.82 |

|Senior Database Specialist |$164.59 |

|Data Architect DA03 |$161.43 |

|Technical/ Systems Architect |$156.50 |

|Test Engineer TE02 |$121.93 |

|Functional Analyst (FA03) |$109.67 |

|Senior Functional Analyst |$137.13 |

|Task Manager, PM01 |$91.99 |

|Management Analyst (MA06) |$91.10 |

|Help Desk Coordinator (HD01) |$36.11 |

|Help Desk Support (HD02) |$39.70 |

|Technical Writer (TW02) |$73.58 |

|Document Specialist III (DC03) |$76.02 |

|Technical Administrative Support Specialist I (TS01) |$69.58 |

|Security Engineer (SE03) |$134.47 |

|Network Admin / PC Technician (NA02) |$97.84 |

|PC Technician (PT01) |$72.55 |

|Business Systems Analyst (BA02) |$113.11 |

|Subject Matter Expert - Technical |$160.27 |

|Sr. Business Systems Analyst (BA03) |$132.78 |

|Business Subject Matter Expert II (BSME02) |$178.82 |

|Technical Subject Matter Expert II (TSME02) |$178.82 |

|Project Manager |$145.43 |

|Program Manager |$176.25 |

|Agile Scrum Master (ASM02) |$141.30 |

|Agile Coach (AC02) |$212.41 |

|Health IT Subject Matter Specialist |$134.37 |

|Health IT Consultant |$120.26 |

|Health IT Graphic Specialist |$63.89 |

|Health IT Communication Analyst |$83.58 |

|Health IT Program Manager |$114.25 |

|Health IT Senior Network Engineer |$114.25 |

|Health IT Security Analyst |$57.50 |

|Health IT Business Systems Analyst |$79.69 |

|Health IT Business Process Consultant |$117.17 |

|Health IT Architectural Specialist |$123.15 |

**** NOTE: This SIN is limited to professional Health IT Services only. Any non-professional labor categories shall be offered under SIN 132 100 only. All non-professional labor categories must be incidental to, and used solely to support Health IT services, and cannot be purchased separately..

Software and hardware products are out of scope.

****NOTE: Labor categories under the Special Item Number 132-51 Information Technology Professional Services may remain under SIN 132-51 unless the labor categories are specific to the Health IT SIN.

Vendor suitability for offering services through the new Health IT SIN must be in accordance with the following laws and standards when applicable to the specific task orders, including but not limited to:

• Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2009 (HITECH)

• The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)

• National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) and Special Publications

• Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) of 2002


a. The labor categories, prices, terms and conditions stated under Special Item Number 132- 56 Health Information Technology Services apply exclusively to Health IT Services within the scope of this Information Technology Schedule.

b. This SIN is limited to Health IT Services only. Software and hardware products are out of scope. Hardware and software can be acquired through different Special Item Numbers on IT Schedule 70 (e.g. 132-32, 132-33, 132-8).

c. This SIN provides ordering activities with access to Health IT services.

d. Health IT Services provided under this SIN shall comply with all Healthcare certifications and industry standards as applicable at the task order level.

e. The Contractor shall provide services at the Contractor’s facility and/or at the ordering activity location, as agreed to by the Contractor and the ordering activity.


a. Agencies may use written orders, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) orders, Blanket Purchase Agreements, individual purchase orders, or task orders for ordering services under this contract. Blanket Purchase Agreements shall not extend beyond the end of the contract period; all services and delivery shall be made and the contract terms and conditions shall continue in effect until the completion of the order. Orders for tasks which extend beyond the fiscal year for which funds are available shall include FAR 52.232-19 (Deviation – May 2003) Availability of Funds for the Next Fiscal Year. The purchase order shall specify the availability of funds and the period for which funds are available.

b. All task orders are subject to the terms and conditions of the contract. In the event of conflict between a task order and the contract, the contract will take precedence.


a. The Contractor shall commence performance of services on the date agreed to by the Contractor and the ordering activity. All Contracts will be fully funded.

b. The Contractor agrees to render services only during normal working hours, unless otherwise agreed to by the Contractor and the ordering activity.

c. The ordering activity should include the criteria for satisfactory completion for each task in the Statement of Work or Delivery Order. Services shall be completed in a good and workmanlike manner.

d. Any Contractor travel required in the performance of Health IT Services must comply with the Federal Travel Regulation or Joint Travel Regulations, as applicable, in effect on the date(s) the travel is performed. Established Federal Government per diem rates will apply to all Contractor travel. Contractors cannot use GSA city pair contracts. All travel

will be agreed upon with the client prior to the Contractor’s travel.



FEB 2007) for Time-and-Materials and Labor-Hour Contracts orders placed under this contract.


The Contractor shall comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations (Federal, State, City, or otherwise) covering work of this character. If the end product of a task order is software, then FAR 52.227-14 (Dec 2007) Rights in Data – General, may apply.


Subject to security regulations, the ordering activity shall permit Contractor access to all facilities necessary to perform the requisite Health IT Services.


All Health IT Services performed by the Contractor under the terms of this contract shall be as an independent Contractor, and not as an agent or employee of the ordering activity.


a. Definitions.

“Contractor” means the person, firm, unincorporated association, joint venture, partnership, or corporation that is a party to this contract.

“Contractor and its affiliates” and “Contractor or its affiliates” refers to the Contractor, its chief executives, directors, officers, subsidiaries, affiliates, subcontractors at any tier, and consultants and any joint venture involving the Contractor, any entity into or with which the Contractor subsequently merges or affiliates, or any other successor or assignee of the Contractor.

An “Organizational conflict of interest” exists when the nature of the work to be performed under a proposed ordering activity contract, without some restriction on ordering activities by the Contractor and its affiliates, may either (i) result in an unfair competitive advantage to the Contractor or its affiliates or (ii) impair the Contractor’s or its affiliates’ objectivity in performing contract work.

b. To avoid an organizational or financial conflict of interest and to avoid prejudicing the best interests of the ordering activity, ordering activities may place restrictions on the Contractors, its affiliates, chief executives, directors, subsidiaries and subcontractors at any tier when placing orders against schedule contracts. Such restrictions shall be consistent with FAR 9.505 and shall be designed to avoid, neutralize, or mitigate organizational conflicts of interest that might otherwise exist in situations related to individual orders placed against the schedule contract. Examples of situations, which may require restrictions, are provided at FAR 9.508.


The Contractor, upon completion of the work ordered, shall submit invoices for Health IT Professional services. Progress payments may be authorized by the ordering activity on individual orders if appropriate. Progress payments shall be based upon completion of defined milestones or interim products. Invoices shall be submitted monthly for recurring services performed during the preceding month.


Resumes shall be provided to the GSA Contracting Officer or the user ordering activity upon request.


Incidental support costs are not considered part of the scope of this contract. The costs will be negotiated separately with the ordering activity in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the FAR.


The ordering activity may require that the Contractor receive, from the ordering activity's Contracting Officer, written consent before placing any subcontract for furnishing any of the work called for in a task order.


a. The Contractor shall provide a description of each type of Health IT Service offered under Special Item Numbers 132-56 Health IT Services and it should be presented in the same manner as the Contractor sells to its commercial and other ordering activity customers. If the Contractor is proposing hourly rates, a description of all corresponding commercial job titles (labor categories) for those individuals who will perform the service should be provided.

b. Pricing for all Health IT Services shall be in accordance with the Contractor’s customary commercial practices; e.g., hourly rates, monthly rates, term rates, and/or fixed prices, minimum general experience and minimum education.

The following is an example of the manner in which the description of a commercial job title should be presented:

EXAMPLE: Commercial Job Title: Health IT Subject Matter Expert Minimum Experience: Ten (10) years.

Functional Responsibilities: Significant information technology consulting and clinical information system strategy and implementation experience. Experienced in client engagements representing a wide array of activities, related to professional information technology projects, in a healthcare/clinical environment, including strategic planning related to information technology systems and/or software, governance, process design/ redesign, clinical content development, and communications and training strategies for information technology solutions.

Minimum Education: Medical Doctor or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine.




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