User's Guide - California State University, Northridge

SOLAR Business Process Guide:


California State University, Northridge

|DOCUMENT HISTORY--SOLAR Business Process Guide: APDB |


|01/09/03 |First publication. | |

| | | |

Copyright ( 2003 by California State University, Northridge. All rights reserved.

Information in this book is subject to change without notice. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of California State University, Northridge.


Product and company names herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

Table of Contents

Introduction 1

Academic Planning Database (APDB) Processing in SOLAR 1

APDB Deadline 2

Prerequisites 2

Support and Resources 2

1. Prepare for APDB and Adjust Learning Mode 3

2. Perform SOC Audit 7

3. Check AutoCalc Workload 11

4. Perform Faculty Status Audit 15

5. Review Workload Reassignment 21

6. Work with Faculty Summary Report 27

7. Verify Faculty Workload 37


“SOLAR” is the name for the student administration system used at California State University, Northridge (CSUN). The name is an acronym for Student On-Line Administrative Resources. The SOLAR system administers student and academic data and information for faculty, staff, administrators, and students.

The SOLAR system rollout is part of the California State University (CSU)-mandated Common Management System (CMS) implementation of an integrated information system at all 23 campuses. All CSU campuses are scheduled to complete implementation of the software developed by the company, PeopleSoft, by 2007.

SOLAR Academic Planning Database (APDB) functionality is integrated with the entire SOLAR system, which allows many offices to work together to serve our students, faculty, staff, and community. The SOLAR system enables us to centralize information used to maintain student and applicant records, the course catalog, schedule of classes, class enrollments, and grading information. It minimizes repetitive data entry; streamlines academic data; and provides up-to-date administrative information about students and applicants for faculty and advisors.

Academic Planning Database (APDB) Processing in SOLAR

Each California State University campus is required to report faculty workload and course data each Fall, Spring, and Summer YRO term to the Chancellor’s Office through a reporting system called the Academic Planning Database (APDB).

The APDB gathers two types of data as of census:

• Data on all Regular Session individuals with instruction-related responsibilities, and

• Data on all Regular Session courses offered.

The Chancellor’s Office and campus administrators use APDB data for budget planning and allocation as well as campus facilities planning. CSUN collects APDB data through SOLAR (Student On-Line Administrative Resources System).

CSUN departments are required to meet one APDB processing deadline each semester by Census by verifying section and faculty data in reports and adjusting data in SOLAR.

Verify and/or adjust information in the SOLAR SOC to meet APDB requirements by reviewing and working with the following SOLAR data and reports in the following order:

1. APDB Learning Mode

2. SOC Audit Report

3. AutoCalc Workload Check report

4. Faculty Status Audit report

5. Request for Workload Reassignment report

6. Faculty Summary report

7. Faculty Workload report

APDB Deadline

Information in SOLAR must be adjusted for APDB processing and capture by the census date of the current term.


The contents of this guide are designed for use by those who have a basic understanding of computers, how to use a Web browser, and how to schedule classes in SOLAR.

Support and Resources

After you complete your training, you may have additional questions. To obtain assistance:

• Review this document, the “SOLAR Business Process Guide: APDB,” which provides step-by-step instructions detailing the tasks and procedures related to using APDB functionality.

• Call SOLAR Support Services at extension 7267. SOLAR Support Services provides training, documentation, and related support service to CSUN faculty, staff, and administrators who use the SOLAR system to administer functions related to the SOC, Student Inquiry, Advisement, APDB, and Grading.

1. Prepare for APDB and Adjust Learning Mode

This section lists information to gather before you begin APDB work and describes the process for adjusting the SOLAR APDB learning mode for class sections in your department that do not meet face-to-face.

If the SOLAR APDB Mapping Values (Mtg) [pic] link is not used to enter a learning mode of synchronous or asynchronous for an online class section, SOLAR will automatically record a default value of face-to-face (F) for the online class section at census.

NOTE: Asynchronous class sections are online classes with no arranged hours, days, or room assisgments throughout an academic term. Synchronous class sections are either broadcast or online class sections that require student to participate in class-related activities during a prescribed set of hours and days throughout an academic term.

0. Before you begin your APDB work on SOLAR, gather the following items for the current academic term:

• A list of class sections in the department that are offered online (asynchronously or synchronously)

• A list of instructors in the department that have reassigned-time and/or reimbursed-time activities

• A list of instructors no longer teaching or working in your department and the reason(s) for the inactivity. (That is, instructor names and their status as terminated, on leave, on sabbatical, on FERP, retired, and so on.)

8. For each class section that does not meet face-to face, adjust the APDB learning mode value. To do so:

0. Go to the Meetings page for an online class section.

0. Click the APDB Mapping Values (Mtg) [pic] link.


The Meeting APDB Attributes page displays.


0. Use the following table to enter Learning Mode field values:

|Condition |Actions |

|If the class section is |Enter A (for asynchronous) in the Learning Mode field, press the key, and click|

|asynchronous... |the OK [pic] button. |

| | |

| |NOTE: Asynchronous class sections are online classes with no arranged hours, days, or|

| |room assisgments throughout an academic term. |

|If the class section is |1. Enter S (for synchronous) in the Learning Mode field, and press the key. |

|synchronous... | |

| |NOTE: Synchronous class sections are either broadcast or online class sections that |

| |require student to participate in class-related activities during a prescribed set of|

| |hours and days throughout an academic term. |

| | |

| |Additional Learning Mode field rows display on the Meeting APDB Attributes page. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |2. In the second Learning Mode field row: |

| | |

| |[pic] |

| | |

| |● Enter the letter O, and press the key if the class section is broadcast to |

| |the Channel Islands campus. |

| |OR |

| |● Enter the numeral 1, and press the key if the class section is broadcast to |

| |the CSUN campus. |

| | |

| |3. Click the OK [pic] button. |

0. Click the Save [pic] button on the Meetings page.

0. Repeat the procedures in this section for all online class sections.

2. Perform SOC Audit

This section reviews how to verify and adjust class section information in the SOLAR Schedule of Classes in preparation for APDB census data capture and reporting.

0. Select CSUN SA>Schedule of Classes>Reports>NRSR0030—SOC Audit Report.

9. Navigate to the report parameter page for the SOC Audit Report.


10. Use the following table to enter report parameter values for the SOC Audit Report:


|Term |Enter the four-digit academic term code for the current term or use the Lookup [pic] icon to select |

| |a term from a list of valid values. |

|Session |Enter the numeral 1 for Regular Academic Session. |

|Campus |DO NOT enter any characters in the field. Leave the field blank to ensure that both CSUN and CSUCI |

| |class sections are included in the report. |

|Acad Org |Enter the appropriate academic organization (department) code or use the Lookup [pic] icon to select|

| |the academic organization from a list of valid values. |

|Census Data |DO NOT select the Census Data checkbox. |


11. Run the report, and print a copy of it.

12. Use the following table to review warning or error messages that display in the report and take action as needed:



|TOTAL LOAD FACTOR NOT = 100 |On the Meetings page of the SOLAR Schedule Class, select the Workload tab. Verify and adjust |

| |the Load Factor field(s) as necessary so that the total load factor for the class section equals|

| |100. |

| | |

| |If there is only one instructor for the class section, enter a load factor of 100 in the Load |

| |Factor field. If the class section is team taught, adjust the load factors for the instructors |

| |accordingly so that the sum of the Load Factor fields for all instructors equals 100. |

|CLASS HAS NO FACULTY ASSIGNED |On the Class Meetings page for the class section, assign the appropriate instructor to the class|

| |section if the class has students enrolled. |

| | |

| |NOTE: Assign the department chair as the instructor on the Meetings page for a class section |

| |if no instructor has been hired by the time of census or can be assigned to a class section by |

| |the time of census. |

| | |

| |NOTE: If both the message, CLASS HAS NO FACULTY ASSIGNED, and the message, CLASS HAS NO |

| |STUDENTS ENROLLED, display for a class section, no action is required. |

|CLASS LEVEL MISSING OR INCORRECT |Indicates that the class section is missing from the SOC or that an incorrect Class Level is |

| |assigned as its Class Attribute. |

| | |

| |Contact your College SOC Coordinator to request that a Class Attribute be inserted or corrected |

| |on the Basic Data page of the SOLAR Schedule of Classes component for the class section. |

|CLASS MEETING INFO NOT ENTERED |Indicates that the class section has no or incomplete meeting pattern data entered for it. |

| | |

| |Enter meeting pattern data on the Meetings page in the SOLAR SOC for the class section. |

|CLASS HAS NO STUDENTS ENROLLED |No action required. |

|CLASS CS# 36 NOT = COURSE CS# 02 |No action required. |

|CLASS HAS NO FACULTY ASSIGNED |No action required. |



SOLAR APDB Activity: Adjust field values on the Meetings page as dictated by messages that display in the NRSR0030-SOC Audit Report.

NOTE: If an error message displays indicating that the workload assignment will result in a total term FTE% of more than 100% and the error message includes a specific workload percentage between 100% and 200% for the instructor, click the OK button. The system will save the assignment and accept the excess 100 FTE% assignment.


If a Microsoft Internet Explorer message displays indicating that the assignment will result in a total term FTE% of more than 100%, the system will not accept the assignment. Click the OK button and adjust instructor assignments for the current term to accommodate the assignment you want to add.

13. Rerun the NRSR0030-SOC Audit Report to verify updates and make adjustments to the SOLAR SOC until no further adjustments are necessary.

3. Check AutoCalc Workload

The NRSR0091 Auto-Calc Workload report identifies class sections in an academic organization with instructors assigned Not Include in the Assign Type field and/or for whom the AutoCalc checkbox is deselected in the Workload section of the SOLAR SOC Meetings page.

This section reviews how verify and adjust information related to the Assign Type field and Auto Calc field for instructors on the Meetings page of the SOLAR Schedule of Classes in preparation for APDB census data capture and reporting.

0. Select CSUN SA>Schedule of Classes>Reports>NRSR0091 Auto-Calc Workload.

14. Navigate to the report parameter page for the NRSR0091 Auto-Calc Workload report.


15. Use the following table to enter report parameter values for the NRSR0091 Auto-Calc Workload report:


|Term |Enter the four-digit code for the current academic term. |

|Session |Enter the numeral 1 to designate the regular academic session. |

|Acad Org |Enter the academic organization code for the department, or use the Lookup [pic] icon to select a|

| |code from a list of valid values. |


16. Run the report, and print a copy of it.

The report lists class sections in the academic organization that have instructor(s) designated Not Include in the Assign Type field and/or with the AutoCalc checkbox deselected on the Workload portion of the associated Meetings page.

17. Use the following table to review report information about relevant class sections and instructors, and take action as needed:




|If the instructor is a volunteer or adjunct |No action required. |

|instructor... | |

|If the instructor IS NOT a volunteer or adjunct |In the Workload portion of the Meetings page for the class section: |

|instructor... |Change the instructor Assign Type field to IFF. |

| |Select the AutoCalc checkbox if it is deselected. |

| |Click the Save [pic] button. |


SOLAR APDB Activity: Adjust field values on the Meetings page as indicated by information in the NRSR0091 Auto-Calc Workload.

18. Rerun the NRSR0091 Auto-Calc Workload report as needed to verify updates and make adjustments to the SOLAR SOC until no further adjustments are necessary.

4. Perform

Faculty Status Audit

This section reviews how to verify and adjust information related to an instructor’s teaching status in the SOLAR Schedule of Classes in preparation for APDB data capture and reporting.

0. Select CSUN SA>Schedule of Classes>Reports> NRSR0032 - Faculty Sts Report.

0. Navigate to the report parameter page for the NRSR0032 - Faculty Sts Report.


0. Use the following table to enter report parameter values for the NRSR0032 - Faculty Sts Report:


|Term |Enter the four-digit code for the current academic term or use the Lookup [pic] icon to select a |

| |term from a list of valid values. |

|Session |Enter the numeral 1 to designate the regular academic session. |

|Acad Org |Enter the academic organization code for the department, or use the Lookup [pic] icon to select a|

| |code from a list of valid values. |


0. Run the report, and print a copy of it.

0. Review warning or error messages that display on the report, and take action as need by using information in the following table:

|NRSR0032 - Faculty Status Audit Report Messages |


|Active – Not Teaching | |

| |● If the instructor is a department chair or dean or has FULL-TIME reassigned or research|

| |activities, |

| |no action is required. |

| | |

| |(That is, if the instructor has full-time duties that are designated as Assigned Time, |

| |Other Support Fraction, or Instructional Administrative Fraction, no action is required.)|

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |● If the instructor is temporarily not teaching (for example, on sabbatical, FERP, sick |

| |leave, and so on): |

| | |

| |a. Go to the Term Workload page for the instructor in the current term. |

| | |

| |b. Verify that the instructor is not assigned to class sections for the current term, |

| |and take action as follows: |

| | |

| |■ If the Workload Assignment portion of the Term Workload page DOES NOT display a class |

| |section teaching assignment for the current term: |

| | |

| |i. Click the Delete Row [pic] button in the Workload Definition category row for the |

| |current term on the Term Workload page. |

| | |

| |[Be sure to click the Delete Row [pic] button in the Workload Definition portion of the |

| |page for the correct term and for the correct instructor.] |

| | |

| |ii. Click the Save [pic]button on the Term Workload page. |

| | |

| |OR |

| | |

| |■ If the Workload Assignment portion of the Term Workload page displays class section |

| |teaching assignment(s) for the current term, adjust instructor information on the |

| |Meetings page. To do so: |

| | |

| |i. Go to the Meetings page for the class section. |

| | |

| |ii. Delete the instructor ID from the ID field in the Instructors for Meetings Pattern |

| |portion of the page. |

| | |

| |iii. Click the Save [pic]button on the Meetings page. |

| | |

| |NOTE: Do not delete class section assignments that display in the Workload Definition |

| |portion of the Term Workload page. |

| | |

| |iv. Return to the Term Workload page for the instructor, and click the Delete Row [pic] |

| |button in the Workload Definition category row that displays for the current term. |

| | |

| |v. Click the Save [pic]button on the Term Workload page. |

| | |

| | |

| |● If the instructor has retired, been terminated, or otherwise left CSUN and is not |

| |teaching at the university in the current term or future terms,iInactivate the |

| |instructor. To do so: |

| | |

| |Go to the Instructor Advisor Table page for the instructor, click the Add a New Row [pic]|

| |button in the Instructor Details portion of the page, change the Status field to |

| |Inactivate, and click the Save [pic] button. |

| | |

| |[pic] |

| | |

| |NOTE: Before inactivating an instructor be sure to verify that the instructor will not |

| |be teaching in this or future terms. |

|Active Not Fulltime |No action required. |


SOLAR APDB Activity: If the instructor has no class section teaching assignments for the current term and no class section teaching assignments display in the Workload Assignment portion of the Term Workload page for the current term, delete the Workload Definition row for the current term.

0. Rerun the NRSR0032 – Faculty Status Report as needed to verify updates and make adjustments to the SOLAR SOC until no further adjustments are necessary.

5. Review

Workload Reassignment

This section reviews how to verify and adjust information in the SOLAR Schedule of Classes related to an instructor’s reassigned workload.

Reassigned workload is that time an instructor is officially excused from teaching to perform other instructional duties such as advisement or curriculum development and so on. Each faculty member can receive workload credit for up to three different types of workload reassignment activities, at the discretion of the department chair and/or the college dean.

NOTE: After verifying and adjusting the Workload Reassignment Request report be sure to print a final copy of the report, have the department chair and college dean sign the report, make a photocopy of the signed report, and send the signed original report to Institutional Research at Mail Drop 8224.

0. Select CSUN SA>Schedule of Classes>Reports>NRSR0034 – Wkld Reassign Req.

0. Navigate to the report parameter page for the Workload Reassignment Request report.


19. Use the following table to enter report parameter values for the Workload Reassignment Request report:


|Term |Enter the four-digit code for the current academic term |

|Acad Org |Enter the academic organization code for the department, or use the Lookup [pic] icon to select a|

| |code from a list of valid values. |


20. Run the report, and print a copy of it.

21. For each instructor name that displays on the report verify the workload assignments and adjust them as needed. To do so:

0. Go to the Term Workload page for the instructor for the current term.

0. Double-check to ensure that you are working with the Term Workload page for the current term.

0. Use the information in the following table to add or delete Workload Assignment row information on the Term Workload page for the instructor in the current term:



|To add a Workload |i. Click the Add a New Row [pic] button in the Workload Assignment portion of the Term Workload page for |

|Assignment row |the current term. A new Workload Assignment row displays. |

| |ii. Use the following table, and enter information into fields in the new row: |

| | |



| | |

| |Description |

| |Enter a description of the workload reassignment activity, and press the key. |

| | |

| |Assign Type |

| |Select the appropriate numeric value from the drop-down menu. |

| |Assign Type Number |

| |Definition |

| | |

| |11 |

| |Excess Enrollments |

| | |

| |12 |

| |New Preparations |

| | |

| |14 |

| |Course or Supervision Overload |

| | |

| |15 |

| |Non-traditional Instruction |

| | |

| |16 |

| |In-Service Training for K-12 School Personnel |

| | |

| |17 |

| |Credit by Examination/Evaluation |

| | |

| |18 |

| |Instructional Support for Graduate Students |

| | |

| |21 |

| |Special Instructional Programs |

| | |

| |22 |

| |Instructional Experimentation, Innovation, or Instructionally Related Research |

| | |

| |23 |

| |Instruction-Related Services |

| | |

| |31 |

| |Advising Responsibilities |

| | |

| |32 |

| |Instruction-Related Committee Assignments |

| | |

| |33 |

| |Curricular Planning or Studies |

| | |

| |34 |

| |Accreditation Responsibilities |

| | |

| |35 |

| |Instruction-Related Facilities Planning |

| | |

| |41 |

| |California Faculty Association Activities |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Assign Type Reason |

| |If 11, 21, 31, 32, or 33 is selected for the Assign Type field: |

| |i. Click the Assign Type Reason [pic] link. |

| |The Assign Type Reason page displays. |

| | |

| |[pic] |

| | |

| |ii. Enter a letter code in the Workload Reason Code field that is related to the Assign Type field |

| |entry, or use the Lookup [pic] icon to select a code from a list of valid values with descriptions. |

| |iii. If you know the time source, click the Time Source Code drop-down menu and select a value. This is |

| |optional. |

| |iv. Click the OK [pic] button on the Assign Type Reason page. |

| | |

| |APDB Dept ID |

| |Enter the academic organization number, or use the Lookup [pic] icon to select an academic organization |

| |number from a list of valid values. |

| | |

| |Workload |

| |Ask your department chair how many WTUs the instructor receives in reassigned time for the current term, |

| |then use the following chart to determine the corresponding full-time or part-time workload value to |

| |enter in the Workload field: |

| | |

| |WTUs |

| |Workload Values to be entered into SOLAR |

| | |

| | |

| |Full-Time Faculty |

| |Part-Time Faculty |

| | |

| |1 |

| |1.25 |

| |1 |

| | |

| |2 |

| |2.5 |

| |2 |

| | |

| |3 |

| |3.75 |

| |3 |

| | |

| |4 |

| |5 |

| |4 |

| | |

| |5 |

| |6.25 |

| |5 |

| | |

| |6 |

| |7.5 |

| |6 |

| | |

| |7 |

| |8.75 |

| |7 |

| | |

| |8 |

| |10 |

| |8 |

| | |

| |9 |

| |11.25 |

| |9 |

| | |

| |10 |

| |12.5 |

| |10 |

| | |

| |11 |

| |13.75 |

| |11 |

| | |

| |12 |

| |15 |

| |12 |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |iii. Click the Save [pic] button. |

|To delete a Workload |Click the Delete a Row [pic] button beside the Workload Assignment row you want to delete on the Term |

|Assignment row for |Workload page for the current term, and then click the Save [pic] button. |

|Reassigned Time | |

| |NOTE: DO NOT delete class section workload assignment rows on the Term Workload page. If you need to |

| |adjust a class section workload assignment for the instructor, go to the Meetings page for the class |

| |section and adjust instructor information as needed. |


SOLAR APDB Activity: Add, delete, or adjust reassigned time assignments by working with the Workload Assignment portion of the Workload page for an instructor in the current term.

NOTE: If an error message displays indicating that the workload assignment will result in a total term FTE% of more than 100% and the error message includes a specific workload percentage between 100% and 200% for the instructor, click the OK button. The system will save the assignment and accept the excess 100 FTE% assignment.


If a Microsoft Internet Explorer message displays indicating that the assignment will result in a total term FTE% of more than 100%, the system will not accept the assignment. Click the OK button and adjust instructor assignments for the current term to accommodate the assignment you want to add.

22. Rerun the NRSR0034 – Wkld Reassign Req report as needed to verify updates and make adjustments to the SOLAR SOC until no further adjustments are necessary.

23. After no further adjustments are necessary, run a final version of the report and:

0. Have the department chair and college dean sign it.

0. Make a copy of the signed report.

0. Send the original, signed report to the Office of Institutional Research and Planning (Mail Drop 8224).

0. Keep the copy of the signed report for your records.

6. Work with Faculty Summary Report

0. Select CSUN SA>Schedule of Classes>Reports> NRSR0033 – Faculty Summary.

0. Navigate to the report parameter page for the Faculty Summary report.


0. Use the following table to enter report parameter values for the Faculty Summary report:


|Term |Enter the four-digit code for the current academic term |

|Session |Enter the numeral 1 to designate the regular academic session. |

|Acad Org |Enter the academic organization code for the department, or use the Lookup [pic] icon to select a|

| |code from a list of valid values. |


24. Run the report, and print a copy of it.

25. Verify that all active instructors appear in the report, and if an active instructor does not display on the report, add the current term to the instructor’s workload and/or add the instructor to the Instructor Advisor Table. To do so:

• Go to the Term Workload page for the instructor and click the Add a New Row button in the Workload Definition portion of the page. In the new Workload Definition row, adjust the Term field and the Instructor Assignment Class field.*



• If the instructor name is not retrieved in the Term Workload page, use the Instructor/Advisor Table to add a new instructor, and then go to the Term Workload page and add a Workload Definition row for the instructor for the current term.*

*NOTE: For information about how to add a term to an instructor’s workload and/or add an instructor to the Instructor Advisor Table, see the section, “Add a New Instructor,” in the SOLAR Business Process Guide: Building the Schedule of Classes.

26. Verify that each active instructor is correctly designated as full-time or part-time in the Ins Asn Cls (Instructor Assignment Classification) column of the report.

If an Instructor Assignment Classification is not correct for the current term, go to Term Workload page for the instructor and use the following table to adjust the Instructor Assignment Classification field value for the current term:

|Instructor Assignment Class |Description |

|Field Value | |

|FT |Full-time faculty member |

|PT |Part-time faculty member |

|TA |Teaching Associate |

|GA |Graduate Assistant |

|VOL |Volunteer, Adjunct, Unpaid instructor |


SOLAR APDB Activity: Adjust the instructor classification assignment for an instructor by working with the Instructor Assignment Class field in the Workload Definition portion of the Term Workload page for the current term.

27. Review the report to ensure that the IAF column of the report includes an IAF FTE% only for the department chair/administrator.

If an IAF FTE% is not included for the department chair or not included correctly, go to the Term Workload page for the department chair and adjust or add the workload assignment for the current term.

To do so, click the Add a New Row [pic] button in the Workload Assignment portion of the Term Workload page for the department chair and use the information in the following table to enter information into the fields that display in the new row:

|Field/Link |Instructions |

|Description |Type Department Chair. |

|Assign Type |Select IAF from the drop-down menu. |

|Assign Type Reason |a. Click the Assign Type Reason [pic] link. |

| | |

| |The Assign Type Reason page displays. |

| | |

| |[pic] |

| | |

| |b. Enter 2 (for Department Chair, 12 Months) in the Workload Reason Code field, and |

| |then click the OK [pic] button. |

|APDB Dept ID |Enter the academic organization, or use the Lookup [pic] icon to select an academic |

| |organization from a list of value values. |

|Work Load |Ask your department chair how many WTUs he/she would like to report to represent |

| |his/her administrative duties for the current term (up to 12 WTUs), then use the |

| |following chart to determine the corresponding workload value to enter in the |

| |Workload field: |

| | |

| |WTUs |

| |Workload Values to be entered into SOLAR |

| | |

| | |

| |Full-Time Faculty |

| |Part-Time Faculty |

| | |

| |1 |

| |1.25 |

| |1 |

| | |

| |2 |

| |2.5 |

| |2 |

| | |

| |3 |

| |3.75 |

| |3 |

| | |

| |4 |

| |5 |

| |4 |

| | |

| |5 |

| |6.25 |

| |5 |

| | |

| |6 |

| |7.5 |

| |6 |

| | |

| |7 |

| |8.75 |

| |7 |

| | |

| |8 |

| |10 |

| |8 |

| | |

| |9 |

| |11.25 |

| |9 |

| | |

| |10 |

| |12.5 |

| |10 |

| | |

| |11 |

| |13.75 |

| |11 |

| | |

| |12 |

| |15 |

| |12 |

| | |


SOLAR APDB Activity: Add and/or adjust Workload Assignment information for the department chair by working with fields in the Workload Assignment portion of the Term Workload page for the current term.

NOTE: If an error message displays indicating that the workload assignment will result in a total term FTE% of more than 100% and the error message includes a specific workload percentage between 100% and 200% for the instructor, click the OK button. The system will save the assignment and accept the excess 100 FTE% assignment.


If a Microsoft Internet Explorer message displays indicating that the assignment will result in a total term FTE% of more than 100%, the system will not accept the assignment. Click the OK button and adjust instructor assignments for the current term to accommodate the assignment you want to add.

28. Review the report and ensure that the OSF (Other Support Fraction) column of the report includes correct OSF time for active instructors, and add or adjust instructor workload information as needed. To do so:

Go to the Workload page for the instructor and click the Add a New Row[pic] button in the Workload Assignment portion of the page for the instructor and use the information in the following table to enter information into the fields that display in the new row (be sure to click the Save button after entering a new workload assignment row):


|Description |Enter a description of the activity or grant. |

|Assign Type |Select OSF from the drop-down menu. |

|Assign Type Reason |a. Click the Assign Type Reason [pic] link. |

| | |

| |The Assign Type Reason page displays. |

| | |

| |[pic] |

| | |

| |b. Use the Lookup [pic] icon beside the Workload Reason Code field, and select the |

| |most appropriate value from the list of valid values, which includes the following: |

| |GRT: Grant or Research (Non-GF) |

| |TCH: Teaching (Non-GF) |

| |GF: General Funds Non-Instructional DO NOT USE. |

|APDB Dept ID |Enter the academic organization, or use the Lookup [pic] icon to select an academic |

| |organization from a list of value values. |

|Workload |Ask your department chair how many WTUs the instructor receives in OSF reassigned |

| |time for the current term, then use the following chart to determine the |

| |corresponding workload value to enter in the Work Load field: |

| | |

| |WTUs |

| |Workload Values |

| | |

| | |

| |Full-Time Faculty |

| |Part-Time Faculty |

| | |

| |1 |

| |1.25 |

| |1 |

| | |

| |2 |

| |2.5 |

| |2 |

| | |

| |3 |

| |3.75 |

| |3 |

| | |

| |4 |

| |5 |

| |4 |

| | |

| |5 |

| |6.25 |

| |5 |

| | |

| |6 |

| |7.5 |

| |6 |

| | |

| |7 |

| |8.75 |

| |7 |

| | |

| |8 |

| |10 |

| |8 |

| | |

| |9 |

| |11.25 |

| |9 |

| | |

| |10 |

| |12.5 |

| |10 |

| | |

| |11 |

| |13.75 |

| |11 |

| | |

| |12 |

| |15 |

| |12 |

| | |


SOLAR APDB Activity: Add and/or adjust OSF (Other Support Fraction) information for an instructor by working with fields in the Workload Assignment portion of the Term Workload page for the current term.

NOTE: If an error message displays indicating that the workload assignment will result in a total term FTE% of more than 100% and the error message includes a specific workload percentage between 100% and 200% for the instructor, click the OK button. The system will save the assignment and accept the excess 100 FTE% assignment.


If a Microsoft Internet Explorer message displays indicating that the assignment will result in a total term FTE% of more than 100%, the system will not accept the assignment. Click the OK button and adjust instructor assignments for the current term to accommodate the assignment you want to add.

29. Review the report, and if invalid reassigned time displays for an active instructor, go to the Term Workload page for the instructor in the current term and use the Delete Row [pic] button in the Workload Assignment portion of the page to delete the relevant workload assignment(s) row(s).


30. Rerun the NRSR0033 – Faculty Summary report as needed to verify updates and make adjustments to the SOLAR SOC until no further adjustments are necessary

31. Run and print NRSR0033 – Faculty Summary report to verify final updates. Keep a copy for departmental record-keeping.

7. Verify Faculty Workload

The Faculty Work Load report displays a list of faculty and their teaching assignments.

0. Select CSUN SA>Schedule of Classes>Reports> NRSR0031 – Faculty Work Load.

32. Navigate to the report parameter page for the Faculty Workload report.


0. Use the following table to enter report parameter values for the Faculty Workload report:


|Term |Enter the four-digit academic term code for the current term or use the Lookup [pic] icon to select |

| |a term from a list of valid values. |

|Session |Enter the numeral 1 for Regular Academic Session. |

|Campus |DO NOT enter any characters in the field. Leave the field blank to ensure that both CSUN and CSUCI |

| |class sections are included in the report. |

|Acad Org |Enter the appropriate academic organization (department) code or use the Lookup [pic] icon to select|

| |the academic organization from a list of valid values. |

|Census Data |DO NOT select the Census Data checkbox. |


33. Run the report, and print a copy of it.

34. Use the following table to review messages in the report and take action as needed:

|Report Message |Action |

|No Assignment for Faculty | |

| |● If the instructor is a department chair or dean or has FULL-TIME reassigned or |

| |research activities, |

| |no action is required. |

| | |

| |(That is, if the instructor has full-time duties that are designated as Assigned Time, |

| |Other Support Fraction, or Instructional Administrative Fraction, no action is |

| |required.) |

| | |

| | |

| |● If the instructor is temporarily not teaching (for example, on sabbatical, FERP, sick|

| |leave, and so on): |

| | |

| |a. Go to the Term Workload page for the instructor in the current term. |

| | |

| |b. Verify that the instructor is not assigned to class sections for the current term, |

| |and take action as follows: |

| | |

| |■ If the Workload Assignment portion of the Term Workload page DOES NOT display a |

| |class section teaching assignment for the current term: |

| | |

| |i. Click the Delete Row [pic] button in the Workload Definition category row for the |

| |current term on the Term Workload page. |

| | |

| |[Be sure to click the Delete Row [pic] button in the Workload Definition portion of the|

| |page for the correct term and for the correct instructor.] |

| | |

| |ii. Click the Save [pic]button on the Term Workload page. |

| | |

| |OR |

| | |

| |■ If the Workload Assignment portion of the Term Workload page displays class section |

| |teaching assignment(s) for the current term, adjust instructor information on the |

| |Meetings page. To do so: |

| | |

| |i. Go to the Meetings page for the class section. |

| | |

| |ii. Delete the instructor ID from the ID field in the Instructors for Meetings Pattern|

| |portion of the page. |

| | |

| |iii. Click the Save [pic]button on the Meetings page. |

| | |

| |NOTE: Do not delete class section assignments that display in the Workload Definition |

| |portion of the Term Workload page. |

| | |

| |iv. Return to the Term Workload page for the instructor, and click the Delete Row |

| |[pic] button in the Workload Definition category row that displays for the current |

| |term. |

| | |

| |v. Click the Save [pic]button on the Term Workload page. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |● If the instructor has retired, been terminated, or otherwise left CSUN and is not |

| |teaching at the university in the current term or future terms,iInactivate the |

| |instructor. To do so: |

| | |

| |Go to the Instructor Advisor Table page for the instructor, click the Add a New Row |

| |[pic] button in the Instructor Details portion of the page, change the Status field to |

| |Inactivate, and click the Save [pic] button. |

| | |

| |[pic] |

| | |

| |NOTE: Before inactivating an instructor be sure to verify that the instructor will not|

| |be teaching in this or future terms. |


SOLAR APDB Activity: If an instructor has no class section teaching assignments for the current term and no class section teaching assignments display in the Workload Assignment portion of the Term Workload page for the current term, use the Delete Row button to delete the Workload Definition row for the current term.

35. If changes are made in SOLAR, rerun the NRSR0031 – Faculty Work Load report and the NRSR0033 – Faculty Summary report for departmental record-keeping.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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