EQUIS Online Peer Review (OPR) Schedule

EQUIS Online Peer Review (OPR) ScheduleGuidance Notes andTemplate for Initial Accreditation OPRsSchools should host and manage the online platform of the review. In addition to the items below, it is necessary for schools to read and include other relevant issues described in the EQUIS Process Manual Section 6: Guidance for the Peer Review – with special reference to guidance on the focus of some meetings (pages 44-55).The assigned Key Account Manager (KAM) will contact the School well in advance of the Online Peer Review (OPR) with instructions to submit a draft online review schedule to the EQUIS Office no later than 8 weeks prior to the OPR for approval. The EQUIS Office will revise the draft schedule and may request changes. After approval, the EQUIS Office will send the final schedule to the Peer Review Team (PRT) 2 weeks prior to the online review.As a general principle, the PRT expects to see individuals only once unless they have more than one functional role. The sessions should not exceed the maximum number of participants (max 5 per session or max 8 for parallel sessions) so as to allow for meaningful discussions. Therefore, only participants that are indicated in the agreed review schedule should participate in the meetings. Please, make sure that each session participant uses their own camera and microphone. Audio or video recording the interviews and feedback session is strictly forbidden.The schedule must be based on this template provided by the EQUIS Office. Deviations should be explicitly justified when submitting the draft schedule. The School should therefore only amend the document in the appropriate places. The daily starting times will be adapted to the particular time zone of the School and PRT, and will be agreed between the School and EQUIS Office well in advance, as described above.The draft schedule must contain the names and job titles of all session participants so that the EQUIS Office can evaluate the appropriateness of their inclusion. A participant directory with names, job titles, photos and a one-paragraph bio - organised by session - should be prepared for the PRT to reduce time spent on introductions.The School should prepare an online Base Room and reviewers should have access to it 2 weeks prior to the online review. Please find below some guidance for setting up the Base Room:Annex 9 of the EQUIS Process Manual describes the documents for the OPR that should be made available in the online Base Room. In addition, lengthy documents and less essential material may be stored in the Base Room instead of being inserted into the Self-Assessment Report (SAR) or the SAR Annexes.Please provide easy access to the Base Room (single access point, one login, one password). Keep in mind that access should be possible from outside your School and home country.Avoid asking PRT members to download any software. Please structure the documents organised according to the ten Chapters of the EQUIS Standards & Criteria. Provide a user interface that allows easy navigation of the documents.For ease of use, please, save all documents in a consistent file type, e.g. PDF. A Base Room Index in the form of a PDF containing clickable links to your document store has proven to work well. The Base Room should be accessible until the EQUIS Accreditation Board has taken its accreditation decision.Please note that Schools are not allowed to track PRT members’ access to the Base Room.The School should prepare a virtual Campus Tour to replace the site visit. The virtual Campus Tour should focus in particular on the School’s facilities including videos of the teaching facilities, offices, meeting rooms, students’ study spaces etc. It should be made available to the EQUIS Office and reviewers 2 weeks prior to the online review in the Base Room.The EQUIS Key Account Manager (KAM) will initiate the PRT preparatory meeting and will be reachable for the duration of the online review via email, WhatsApp or another pre-agreed communication channel. The KAM will also be available to join some sessions upon request from the PRT or School.The dress code for the review is business casual.Day -13:Online Base Room completed.School sends URL to Peer Review Team (PRT) and EQUIS Key Account Manager (KAM) Ditto for virtual Campus Tour.≈ Day -5:Preparatory meetingPRT meets to discuss first impressions, sets review agenda, discusses requests for further information, distributes work.2 hoursOrganised by EQUIS KAMDay 1:Total meeting time – 5 hoursPlease add timings for each reviewer if in different time zonesWelcome – PRT and School Accreditation TeamPRT, max 5 School representatives.<? hourInitial meeting with the School’s Executive Committee PRT, max 5 members of School Executive.1 hourBreakPRT in a private Breakout Room.? hour If specified by the EQUIS Committee – Areas of Concern or ReservationsPRT, max 5 members of School Executive.? hourThe School and the Transversal Standards of EQUIS PRT, max 5 members of School Executive.? hourBreakPRT in a private Breakout Room.? hourExternal Governance – Representatives of the School’s Governing Body, including for example members of the University leadership or Board of Trustees.These should not be the same people as for the initial meeting. PRT, max 3 members of Governing Body.? hourThe Overall Programme PortfolioAssociate Dean(s) and Programme Directors responsible for overall portfolio. PRT, max 5 responsible School members.? hourSummary meetingPRT in a private Breakout Room) to discuss 1st day, work on QP, and plan next sessions.1 hourDay 2:Total meeting time – 6 ? hoursPreparatory meetingPRT in a private Breakout Room to discuss agenda of day 2.? hourSelected Programme – Programme Director(s) and Administrators responsible for the programme. PRT, max 3 responsible School members.? hourBreakPRT in a private Breakout Room.? hourIn parallelStudents – Two groups in parallel from different programmes, to be scheduled in related programme groups. These groups should include students from the Selected Programme and students who contributed to the Student Report.2 PRT members, max 8 Students in each group.? hourIn parallelStudent support services – Admissions, marketing, internships, international office, careers, etc.2 PRT members, max 3 responsible School members.Other support services – Management of non-academic staff, ICT, facilities, etc.2 PRT members, max 3 responsible School members.? hourBreakPRT in a private Breakout Room.? hourFaculty Management – Dean of the Faculty or those responsible for faculty management.PRT, max 3 responsible School members.? hourBreakPRT in a private Breakout Room.? hourResearch – Associate Dean / Director for Research, members of the Research Committee.PRT, max 5 responsible School members.? hourBreakPRT in a private Breakout Room.? hourIn parallelSenior Faculty – A random group of faculty members. These should be different from the senior staff already met.2 PRT members, max 8 Faculty.Junior Faculty – A random group of faculty members.2 PRT members, max 8 Faculty.? hourSummary meetingPRT in a private Breakout Room to discuss 2nd day, work on QP, and plan next sessions.1 hourDay 3:Total meeting time – 5 or 6 hoursPreparatory meetingPRT in a private Breakout Room to discuss agenda of day 3.? hourIf not excluded by EQUIS Committee or PRTExecutive Education – Director of Executive Education programmes and support staff. PRT, max 5 responsible School members.? hourBreakPRT in a private Breakout Room.? hourFinancial Management and Control – Managers responsible for budgeting, investments, funding, risk management.PRT, max 3 responsible School members.? hourBreakPRT in a private Breakout Room.? hourIn parallelConnections with Practice – Representatives of key partners and clients from the world of practice, advisory boards, etc.2 PRT members, max 8 CoPrac.Alumni – Representatives of the School’s alumni network.2 PRT members, max 8 Alumni.? hourLong BreakTime tbd by PRTAssessment session including Quality Profile discussionPRT discussing results, formulating feedback.3 hoursOrganised by EQUIS KAMDay 4:Total meeting time – 2 ? hoursPreparatory meetingPRT in a private Breakout Room to discuss feedback.2 hoursOrganised by EQUIS KAMDebriefing and feedback to the School by the Peer Review TeamPRT, max 5 members of School Executive, EQUIS KAM (where appropriate).? hour ................

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