Use-Case Specification: Import Schema from Database

Use-Case Specification: Import Schema from Database

Version 1.1

Revision History

|Date |Version |Description |Author |

|12/6/2002 |1.0 |Use Case for Importing the Schema from Database. |Sonia Kaura |

|03/16/2003 |1.1 |Revision to correct some subtle points |Uday Kale |

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Table of Contents

1. Import Schema from Database 4

1.1 Brief Description 4

2. Flow of Events 4

2.1 Basic Flow 4

2.2 Alternative Flows 4

2.2.1 Connection information is incorrect 4

2.2.2 Database is connected but schema retrieval is not possible 4

3. Special Requirements 4

3.1 The type of the login for the database 4

3.2 The DSN of the database 4

4. Preconditions 5

4.1 dbViZ configuration and installation 5

4.2 The type of database and its DSN 5

5. Postconditions 5

5.1 Schema loaded 5

5.2 Schema not loaded 5

6. Extension Points 5

Use-Case Specification: Import Schema from Database

Import Schema from Database

1 Brief Description

This use case lists the details for the “Importing the Schema from the Database”

Flow of Events

1 Basic Flow

1. The user selects to “Import Schema from Database” option from the File->Load Schema Menu.

2. The application (hereafter referred as dbViZ ) shows a window to let the user select the type of database and the connection string required to connect to it, including the hostname, port no, user name and password.

3. The application connects to the Database.

4. The schema is read from the database and loaded into the dbViZ main window, with the lists of tables present in it.

5. dbViZ is ready for displaying the tables onto the drawing area as ER Diagrams.

2 Alternative Flows

1 Connection information is incorrect

If the information provided by the user about the login, password or hostname/IP address is incorrect, an error message is shown and the user is asked to re-enter the information.

2 Database is connected but schema retrieval is not possible

The schema information is retrieved in different ways from different types of databases. If the user provides correct login, password but wrong type of database e.g. MS Access instead of Oracle, then the schema retrieval will not be possible. Therefore appropriate error is generated and the user is required to give the information again.

Special Requirements

1 The type of the login for the database

The login information to the database should be of some user who can query the schema information from the system catalog tables of the desired database.

2 The connection string for the database

The information regarding the database, including the hostname/IP address, the portno at which the instance is listening for incoming requests, and the instance id.


1 dbViZ configuration and installation

The dbViZ is loaded and appropriately configured when the user attempts to import the schema from the database.

2 The type of database and its connection string

The database is required to be ‘up’ for the connection to go through. The user should know what type of database it is (Oracle/Informix…). He should be able to give in a connection string as described above to be able to connect to the database.


1 Schema loaded

The Schema is successfully loaded and the main window of the drawing canvas shows the blank canvas in the center and the names of the loaded tables on the left, so that they can now be selected for drawing the E-R Diagram.

2 Schema not loaded

If there was some error in the loading of the schema then the application is at the initial window.

Extension Points


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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