ASSESSMENT & TREATMENT (alphabetical listing) 3

Anger 3

Assessments 3

Treatment Resources (In-session / homework) 3

Books 3

Handouts 3

Other 3

Anxiety 4

Assessments 4

General 4

Specific 4

Agoraphobia 4

Panic 4

Specific phobia 4

Social phobia 4



Treatment Resources (In-session / homework) 5

Resources General 5

Books 5

Handouts 5

Other 7

Assertiveness / Self esteem 7

Assessments 7

Treatment Resources (In-session / homework) 7

Books 7

Handouts 7

Cognitive / Neuropsychological 7

Assessments 7

Treatment Resources (In-session / homework) 8

Books 8

Other 8

Depression 9

Assessments 9

Treatment Resources (In-session / homework) 9

Resources General 9

Books 9

Handouts 9

Other 10

Eating disorders 10

Assessments 10

Treatment Resources (In-session / homework) 10

Books 10

Other 10

Pain 10

Assessments 10

Treatment Resources (In-session / homework) 11

Books 11

Personality 11

Assessments 11

Treatment Resources (In-session / homework) 11

Books 11

Material not covered elsewhere 12

Assessments 12

Treatment Resources 12

Books 12

Other 13


ASSESSMENT & TREATMENT (alphabetical listing)





Treatment Resources (In-session / homework)


|7 |Anger control training (treatment package) |

|119, 262 |The anger control workbook: Simple, innovative techniques for managing anger & developing healthier ways |

| |of relating |

|242 |Anger disorders: Definition, diagnosis and treatment |

|278 |The Good Sleep Guide – 10 steps to better sleep and how to break the worry cycle. Timothy J. Sharp. |

| |(2001) Penguin Books. Australia. |


Assertiveness – general

Assertiveness – health and faulty assertion

Assertiveness – dealing with conflict

Assertiveness – expressing yourself

Assertiveness – a style of relating

Assertiveness – your personal rights

Setting goals for a more satisfying lifestyle

Stress management

Thinking straight


Relaxation and stress management tapes




Cognitive behavioural assessment interview (BASIC-P)

Wolpes Fear Inventory

Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule – Revised (ADIS-R)

Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI)

Coping Scale for Adults (CSA)

Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS)



Agoraphobia cognitions questionnaire

Mobility inventory for agoraphobia


Body sensations questionnaire

Hyperventilation checklist

Specific phobia

Blood injection symptom scale

Social phobia

Fear of negative evaluation


Impact of Events Scale (IES)

Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES)

Posttraumatic Stress Diagnostic Interview (PDS?)

Trauma Symptom Inventory (TSI)


Maudsley OC inventory

Padua inventory

Yale YOC Scale

Y-BOCS symptom checklist

Treatment Resources (In-session / homework)

Automatic thoughts questionnaire

Challenging negative automatic thoughts

Daily record of automatic thoughts

Record of activities schedule

Reasons for not doing self-help

Relaxation and stress management tapes

Resources General


|180 |The practice of behavior therapy |

|36 a & b |Cognitive therapy of anxiety disorders: Practice manual & conceptual guide |

|120 a & b |The anxiety and panic workbook (2 copies) |

|128 |The mental health handbook |

|213 |Treating health anxiety: A cognitive-behavioral approach |

|232 |Stop worrying about your health! How to quit obsessing about symptoms & feel better now |

|138, 171, 223 |The treatment of anxiety disorders – Clinician’s guide and patient manuals (2nd ed.). |

|172 |The treatment of anxiety disorders – Clinician’s guide and patient manuals (1st ed.). |

|265 & 266 |Overcoming Generalized Anxiety Disorder (Therapist protocol) (Client Manual) |

|270 |Overcoming panic: A complete nine-week home-based treatment program for panic disorder |

|86 & 87 |Overcoming Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A behavioural and cognitive protocol for the treatment of OCD. |

| |(Client manual) (Therapist Protocol |

|184 |Obsessional States: Methuen’s manuals of modern psychology |

|198 |Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: The facts |

|218 |Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (Treatment manuals for practitioners) |

|70 |I can’t get over it: A handbook for Trauma Survivors |

|227 |Treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A handbook and practice manual for therapy |

|251 |Psychological Assessment of adult posttraumatic stress states |

|259 |Trauma and recovery: From domestic abuse to political terror |

|267 & 268 |Overcoming Post-Traumatic stress disorder: A cognitive-behavioural exposure-based protocol for the |

| |treatment of PTSD and the other anxiety disorders (Therapist protocol) (2 copies / patient manual??) |

|278 |The Good Sleep Guide – 10 steps to better sleep and how to break the worry cycle. Timothy J. Sharp. |

| |(2001) Penguin Books. Australia. |


Anxiety Disorder Index and reading list

The nature of anxiety

Dealing with avoidance

Dealing with worry


Challenging negative automatic thoughts

Daily record of automatic thoughts

Cognitive restructuring I and II

Thinking straight

How to deal with negative thoughts


The good sleep guide

How to get a better night’s sleep

Understanding sleep


Stress management

Slow breathing exercise

Relaxation training

Attitudes and priorities for reducing stress

Relapse prevention

Coping with setbacks

Setting goals – more satisfying lifestyle

Plan for the break

Relapse prevention worksheet


Anxiety and hyperventilation

Control of hyperventilation I and II

Social concerns in panic disorder

Hyperventilation questionnaire (assessment / info??)

Nature of anxiety and Panic disorder

Overcoming panic symptoms

Panic attacks, panic disorders and agoraphobia (empty?)

Panic sensations II

Producing panic sensations I and II

Producing panic – daily life

Specific phobia

Blood and injury phobia

Graded exposure I and II

Social phobia

Articles in plastic sheet

Social phobia manila folder

Specific anxiety in social phobia

Social anxiety (empty)

Nature of anxiety and social phobia


Psychological reactions to traumatic stress


Causes and treatment

Exposure and response prevention

Nature of OCD


Video: Fight or flight? Overcoming panic and agoraphobia

Assertiveness / Self esteem


Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory

Treatment Resources (In-session / homework)


|107 |Self-Esteem (3rd ed.) |

|182 |The six pillars of self-esteem |

|247 |Self-Esteem: A complete course |

|191 |What you can change and what you can’t: The complete guide to successful self improvement |


Assertiveness – general

Assertiveness – health and faulty assertion

Assertiveness – dealing with conflict

Assertiveness – expressing yourself

Assertiveness – a style of relating

Assertiveness – your personal rights

Attitudes and priorities for reducing stress

Cognitive / Neuropsychological


Neuropsychology Assessment Summary

Neuropsychology Symptom Checklist

Benton controlled oral word association

Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System

National Adult Reading Test

Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT)

Rey Complex Figure Test (RCFT)

Stroop Neuropsychological Screening Test

Symbol Digit Modalities Test

Trail Making Test




Wisconsin Card Sorting Test

Treatment Resources (In-session / homework)


|5 |A guide to adult neuropsychological diagnosis |

|46 |Differential diagnosis in adult neuropsychological assessment |

|66 a & b |Handbook for normative data for neuropsychological assessment |

|126 |The consumer-oriented neuropsychological report |

|171 |Fundamentals of human neuropsychology (3rd ed.) |

|194 |Understanding brain damage: A primer of neuropsychological evaluation |

|221 |A guide to understanding head injury |

|222 |Treating patients with neuropsychological disorders |

|236 |Coping with memory problems |

|160 |Neuropsychological assessment (3rd ed.) |

|1 |A compendium of neuropsychological tests: Administration, norms and commentary |

|2 |A compendium of neuropsychological tests: Administration, norms and commentary (2nd ed.) |

|13 |Assessment of children: Revised and updated 3rd ed. ?? |

|28 a & b |Clinical interpretation of the WAIS-III and WMS-III (2 copies) |

|153 |WAIS-R |

|167 |WAIS-III, WMS-III: Technical manual |

|55 |Essentials of PAI assessment |

|56 a & b |Essentials of WAIS-III assessment (2 copies) |

|59 |Essentials of WMS-III assessment |

|106 |Selecting, administering and interpreting cognitive tests |


Video: An introduction to the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – 3rd ed

An introduction to the Wechsler Memory Scale



Cognitive behavioural assessment questionnaire (BASIC-P)

Beck Depression Inventory – II (BDI)

Beck Hopelessness Inventory (BHI)

Coping Scale for Adults (CSA)

Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS)

Adult Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire (ASIQ)

Treatment Resources (In-session / homework)

Automatic thoughts questionnaire

Challenging negative automatic thoughts

Daily record of automatic thoughts

Record of activities schedule

Reasons for not doing self-help work

Resources General


|179 |Breaking the patterns of depression |

|174 |Depression: Causes and treatment |

|118 |Taming the black dog – A guide to overcoming depression |

|122 |The Clinician – Child & Adolescent Mental Health Statewide Network (article in journal) |

|252 |Grief counseling and grief therapy: A handbook for the Mental Health practitioner |

|278 |The Good Sleep Guide – 10 steps to better sleep and how to break the worry cycle. Timothy J. Sharp. |

| |(2001) Penguin Books. Australia. |


Depression – what is major depression

Depression following loss or bereavement

How to activate yourself

Thinking straight

Reasons for not doing self-help work

Setting goals for a more satisfying lifestyle

Stress management

Attitudes and priorities for reducing stress

Thinking straight


Cognitive restructuring I and II

How to deal with negative thoughts

Structured problem solving

Relapse prevention

Coping with setbacks

Relapse prevention worksheet

Setting goals for a more satisfying lifestyle

Stress management


The good sleep guide (empty?)

How to get a better night sleep

Understanding sleep



Cognitive Therapy of Depression: Demonstration of an initial interview (1997). Therapist: Aaron T. Beck


Cognitive therapy for depression

Eating disorders


Eating Disorder Inventory - II

Treatment Resources (In-session / homework)


|186 |Overcoming eating disorders |


Video: Brief Therapy inside out: Working with eating disorders - A cognitive behavioural approach



P-3 (assess emotional functioning)

Pain Patient Profile Manual (P3 Manual)

Tampa Scale

Survey of pain attitudes

Disruptions to life rating scale

Orebro Musculoskeletal Pain Screening Questionnaire


Current situations and injury profile

Treatment Resources (In-session / homework)


|79 |Manage your pain: Practical & positive ways of adapting to chronic pain |

|97 |Psychological approaches to pain management: A practitioner’s handbook |



Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III)

Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI)

Thematic Apperception Test

Hermann Rorschach – Psychodiagnostics Plates

Treatment Resources (In-session / homework)


|62 |Forensic assessment with the Millon Inventories |

|73 |Interpretive guide to the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory |

|240 |MMPI-2 Assessing personality and psychopathology (2nd ed.) |

|170 |Psychological testing: Principals, applications and issues (3rd ed.) |

|202 |Personality theory and research (9th ed.) |

|239 |The MMPI: An interpretive manual |

|32 |Cognitive-Behavioral treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder |

| |(In Chris Allan’s room) |

|102 |Psychotherapy for Borderline Personality (In Chris Allan’s room) |

|105 |Schema Therapy: A Practitioners Guide (In Chris Allan’s room) |

|109 |Severe Personality Disorders – Psychotherapeutic strategies (In Chris Allan’s room) |

|141 |Transference and Counter-transference (In Chris Allan’s room) |

|206 |The T.A.T., C.A.T. & S.A.T. in clinical use |

Material not covered elsewhere


Self-Directed Search (Career / educational decisions)

Sex history questionnaire

Treatment Resources


|125 |The complete adult psychotherapy treatment planner |

|17 |Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A clinical workbook (1st ed.). |

|18 |Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A clinical workbook (2nd ed.) |

|75, 228 |Living with ADHD: A workbook for adults with Attention Deficit disorder (2 copies) |

|193 |The clinical practice of career assessment |

|190 |Living and loving together: How to make your personal relationships more fulfilling |

|192 |How to make peace with your partner |

|233 |A couple’s guide to communication |

|246 |Really relating: How to build an enduring relationship |

|254 |Couple skills: Making your relationship work |

|271 |Brief therapy for couples: Helping partners help themselves |

|197 |The psychology of gambling |

|178 |Surviving schizophrenia: A manual for families, consumers & providers |

|210 |Cognitive Behavioural Therapy with Schizophrenia: A practice manual |

|216 |The promise of SLEEP: The scientific connection between health, happiness and a good night’s sleep |

|234 |Stop smoking! Beating nicotine addiction |

|10 |Assessment outcome in clinical practice |


|(Some of John’s contribution) |

|208 |Love’s executioner and other tales of psychotherapy |

|196 |Aliens and Alienists: Ethnic minorities and psychiatry |

|209 |The illness narratives: Suffering, healing and the human condition |

|273 |Painful people and how to deal with them |

|244 |Time on our side: Growing in wisdom not growing old |

|215 |Neuropsychological effects of the psychiatric disorders |

|243 |Forgiveness and other acts of love: Finding true value in your life |



Living with schizophrenia


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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