Sarah M - WOU

Sarah M. Boomer, Ph.D.

curriculum vitae - September 2006


1996 - Ph.D., Microbiology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA

1989 - B.S. in Biology (with Honors), University of Puget Sound, Tacoma WA

1989 - B.S. in English (with Honors), University of Puget Sound, Tacoma WA

1989 - Minors: Chemistry, Women Studies, Honors/Classics



Field Research - Yellowstone Red Layer Microbial Observatory (RLMO)

July 2006 - organized and supported 6-member GERMS student and teacher team, 7 days*

June 2006 - lead 3-member research-only team, 4 days*

July 2005 - lead 6-member GERMS student and teacher team, 7 days*

September 2004 - lead 4-member student team, 3 days

June 2004 - lead 10-member GERMS student team, 7 days

August 2003 - lead 5-member student team, 8 days (major backpacking)

July 2003 - lead 4-member student team, 6 days

June 2002 - lead 6-member student team, 9 days

August 2001 - lead 4-member student team, 13 days (major backpacking)

July 2001 - lead 4-member student team, 11 days (major backpacking)

September 2000 - lead 6-member student team, 9 days

July 2000 - lead 6-member team, 12 days (major backpacking)

August 1999 - lead 6-member student team, 12 days (major backpacking)

June 1998 - lead 7-member student team, 10 days

*unable to go because my father passed just before we were to leave; Kelly Shipley (research/education assistant) took my place

Independent Study Projects - Undergraduate Mentees

2004-6 - Jennifer Esparza: Mat Formation and Bacterial Population Studies**

2004-5 - Will Drury: Development of the Web-Based RLMO Database (Version 2.0)*

2003 - Jared Brougher:  Education Outreach Modules in Microbial Diversity*

2002-6 - Terry Manning:   Geochemistry-Directed Media Design Using Two RLMO Sites**

2002 - Melissa Boschee: Development of the Web-Based RLMO Database (Version 1.0)*

2001-3 - Peter Williams: Molecular Analysis of RLMO Geothermal Sourcewater*

2001 - Jessica Cameron: Education Outreach Modules in Microbial Diversity *

2001 - James Erdman: Molecular Cloning from New RLMO Communities

2001 - Jeanine Earnest: Characterization of New RLMO Communities

2000 - Sean Vigil: DNA Sequence Analysis Troubleshooting

1999 - Kody Phillis: Characterization of New RLMO Communities

1998 - Alex Dumanovsky: Molecular Cloning from Soil Samples

*received NSF/MO stipends; **received both NSF/MO stipends and ASM URF stipends

Research-Driven Undergraduate Course Curriculum

2000-Present - Molecular Biology (Biology 475);  Impact = 36

2000-3 - Computational Biology (Biology 301);  Impact = 15

2000-Present - Microbiology (Biology 331);  Impact = 124


1996-7 - Post-Doctoral: Retrovirus receptor recognition, HIV Phylogenetics (Overbaugh/Eiden)

1989-1996 - Graduate: Evolution of Feline Leukemia Virus as a model for HIV/AIDS (Overbaugh)

1988-1989 - Undergraduate: Novel photosynthetic hot-spring bacteria from Yellowstone (Pierson)



2001 - Present - Associate Professor, WOU Biology

1997 – 2001 - Assistant Professor, WOU Biology

1996-7 - Teaching Associate Professor, UW Biology


Annually - Principles of Biology (Biology 211); Typical Impact = 100/year

Annually - Non-Majors Microbiology (Biology 318); Typical Impact = 50/year

Biannually - General/Majors Microbiology (Biology 311); Typical Impact = 32/year

Every Other Year - Molecular Biology (Biology 475); Typical Impact = 10/year


Molecular Microbiology Workshops (3-5 per year); Typical Impact = 15/year

Environmental Microbiology Workshops (3-5 per year); Typical Impact = 15/year


2004-Present - WAMS Co-Director and Instructor, Typical Impact = 80/year

2004-Present - GEARUP Instruction, Typical Impact = 100/year

2001-Present - Saturday Academy Instruction, Typical Impact = 40/year

2001-3 - Upward Bound Instruction, Typical Impact = 10/year

Have also facilitated miscellaneous outreach for specific K-12 teachers/schools since 2005, typical impact = 80 year.



1998-2001; 2005-Present - WOU Faculty Senate

2003-Present - Division Promotion and Tenure Review Committee Chair

2002-Present - Division Promotion and Tenure Review Committee

2000-2004 - WOU Natural Science Division Curriculum Committee

1999-2001 - WOU Faculty Senate Executive Committee, Secretary

1998-2001 - WOU Scholarships and Financial Aid

1994-6 - UW Bioethics Steering Committee

Since 1997 - served on hiring committees for 10 faculty/staff positions in Biology.


2006/Pending - One of two campus representatives (with Jeff Templeton), CUR Workshop

2006 - Database Discussion Leader/Report Author, 1st Annual Yellowstone RCN Workshop

2004 - Co-Organizer (with Mark Young, Montana State University), NSF MO PI Workshop

2003 - Education/Outreach Discussion Leader, NSF MO PI Workshop

2002 - Novel Culture Approaches Discussion Co-Leader, NSF MO PI Workshop


2004-Present - Oregon Science Teachers Association

2000-Present - Yellowstone Association

1990-Present - American Society for Microbiology

1999-Present - Council for Undergraduate Research

1998-2003 - Oregon Academy of Science


2006 - Kelly Shipley, McMinneville High School, OR

2005 - Theresa Fenton, OHSU Dentistry, OR

2005 - Mathilde Reznick, Dental School at Mesa, AZ

2004 - Monica Smith, WSU Botany, WA

2004 - Tyler Treharne, OSU Pharmacy, OR

2004 - Holli Love, MHCC Dental Hygiene, OR

2004 - Misty Sommerfelt, MHCC Dental Hygiene, OR

2004 - Danny Lodge, OSU Engineering, OR

2003 - Viral Patel, OSU Pharmacy, OR

2003 - Sean Vigil, Medical School at Newark, NJ

2003 - Luke Gambee, Dental School at Mesa, AZ

2003 - Sara Crosky, Medical College of Wisconsin

2003 - Rogan Rattray, OSU Microbiology, OR

2003 - Melissa Austin, OSU Microbiology, OR

2003 - Melissa Boschee, Oregon Dept. of Agriculture

2003 - Kelly Shipley, WOU MAT/Education, OR

2002 - Mandy Ziglinski, WOU MAT/Education, OR

2002 - James Erdman, OSU Biochemistry, OR

2001 - Michelle Hase, AVI Pharmaceuticals Inc., OR

2001 - Jeannine Earnest, Genetools Inc., OR

2000 - Andrew Timm, OHSU Dentistry, OR

2000 - Kevin Larson, OHSU Dentistry, OR

1999 - Susan Reese, OHSU Medicine, OR

1999 - Ramon Larios, Medical College of Wisconsin

1999 - Alex Dumanovsky, OHSU Medicine, OR

1998 - Brad Aebi, OHSU School of Dentistry, OR

1998 - Kody Phillis, North Creek Labs/Technician, OR


2004 - NSF Research Coordination Network: Yellowstone Core Group Member ($500K for 5 years)

2003 - Mario and Alma Pastega Outstanding Faculty Scholarship Award, WOU ($1K)*

2002-Present - NSF RLMO/RUI Grant:  RLMO Longitudinal Study ($535K for 5 years)

2002 - WOU Faculty Development Grant:  Travel to NSF Workshop ($750)

2001 - WOU Faculty Development Grant: DNA Sequencing Software ($2K)

2001 - Li-Cor Educational/Marketing Poster Consulting ($750)

2000 - Waksman Foundation for Microbiology: Molecular Microbiology Course ($18K)

2000-2 - NSF MO/RUI Grant:  RLMO Project Survey ($220K for 3 years)

1998-9 - WOU Foundation Grant: support field studies in Yellowstone NP ($2K)

1998 - NSF-ILI Grant: automated DNA sequencing apparatus ($38K total)

1992-1995 - NIH Molecular and Cellular Biology Training Grant ($12K annual)

1988 - Murdock Undergraduate Summer Science Research Grant ($2K)

*Given my own funding, I donated all award monies to Lowell Spring Scholarship Fund



2004 - NSF MO PI Workshop, "RLMO/RUI: Current Undergraduate Research"

2003 - NSF MO PI Workshop, "RLMO/RUI:  From Hot Springs to the Teaching Lab"

2003 - WOU Pastega Award, "Colorful Adventures in Science"

2000 - Willamette University, "Molecular Diversity of Hot Spring Bacteria"

2000 - WOU Biology, "From Yellowstone to Molecular Biology Lab"

1999 - UO Ecology Evolution, "Heliothrix-like Bacteria in Yellowstone Nat. Park"

1998 - WOU Biology, "In Search of the Red Stuff, Yellowstone National Park"


Boomer, S.M., K.L. Shipley, D. P. Lodge, T.F. Manning, B.E. Dutton, manuscript in preparation.  Development of Layered Photosynthetic Mats in situ - Community Dynamics and Microbial Dispersal. Will submit to ASM Applied and Environmental Microbiology, October 2006.

Boomer, S.M., K.L. Shipley, manuscript in preparation. Enumeration and Identification of Enteric and Pseudomonad Proteobacteria from Agriculture-Impacted Rivers, and an Exploration of Fecal Viruses and Protozoa. ASM MicrobeLibrary Curriculum Resources, accepted/in revision, August 2006.

Boomer, S.M., K.L. Shipley, manuscript in preparation. Exploring and Enriching Nitrogen Cycling Microbes: Nitrogen Fixation, Amerobic Lithotrophy, and Anaerobic Nitrogen Reduction. ASM MicrobeLibrary Curriculum Resources, accepted/in revision, August 2006.

K.L. Shipley, Boomer, S.M., 2005. An Exercise in Computational Biology. The Oregon Science Teacher. Fall Issue.

Boomer, S.M., K.L. Shipley, 2005. A Laboratory Class Exploring and Classifying Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacteria Using Culture-Based Approaches, Microscopy, and Pigment Analysis. MicrobeLibrary Curriculum Resources. (ASM MicrobeLibrary Curriculum Resources On-Line Education).

Boomer, S.M., K.L. Shipley, B.E. Dutton, D.P. Lodge. 2005. A Laboratory Class Exploring Microbial Diversity and Evolution Using On-Line Databases, the Biology Workbench, and Phylogenetics Software. MicrobeLibrary Curriculum Resources. (ASM MicrobeLibrary Curriculum Resources On-Line Education).

Boomer, S.M., W.M. Drury, B.E. Dutton, D.P. Lodge, M.S. Boschee, W.M. Kernan, 2005.  The Red Layer Microbial Observatory Database: A Model for the Integration and Dissemination of Biological and Geochemical Data via the World Wide Web. Chapter Proceedings, First Biannual Workshop on Geothermal Biology and Geochemistry in Yellowstone (Thermal Biology Institute, Montana State University Press).

Boomer, S.M., D. P. Lodge, B.E. Dutton, 2002.  Molecular characterizaton of novel red green nonsulfur bacteria from five distinct hot spring communities in Yellowstone National Park. Applied and Environmental Microbiology (ASM Press), 68:346-55.

Boomer, S.M., D. P. Lodge, B.E. Dutton, 2002.  Bacterial diversity studies using the 16S rRNA gene provide a powerful research-based curriculum for molecular biology laboratory. Microbiology Education (ASM Press), 3:18-25.

Boomer, S.M., B.K. Pierson, R. Austinhirst, R.W. Castenholz, Characterization of novel bacteriochlorophyll a-containing red filaments from alkaline hot springs in Yellowstone. Archives of Microbiology, July 2000.


S.M. Boomer, K.L. Shipley. 2006. Photosynthetic Mat Formation Studies In Situ - Which Came First: Red, Green, or Chemotroph? ASM General Meeting, Orlando, FL.

K.L. Shipley, S.M. Boomer, 2006. SLIME: Students Learning Interesting Microbiology Experiments - an Outreach Program for Grades 2-12, ASM General Meeting, Orlando, FL.

S.M. Boomer, K.L. Shipley, B.E. Dutton, 2006. The Red Layer Microbial Observatory – Survey and Database Efforts, 1st Annual Yellowstone RCN Workshop, Bozeman, MT.

K.L. Shipley, S.M. Boomer, 2006. The Red Layer Microbial Observatory – Educational Opportunities for Undergraduates, Science Teachers, and Pre-College Students, 1st Annual Yellowstone RCN Workshop, Bozeman, MT.

S.M. Boomer, K.L. Shipley, D.P. Lodge, T.F. Manning, B.E. Dutton, 2004. The Red Layer Microbial Observatory - A Research Experience for Undergraduates in Yellowstone, 3rd Annual Microbial Observatories Principal Investigator's Workshop - New Discoveries, Linkages, and Partnerships, Big Sky, MT.

Manning, T.F., D.P. Lodge, S.M. Boomer, 2004. Attempts to Cultivate RLMO Bacteria Using Site-Specific Water Chemistry Data , ASM General Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Boomer, S.M., D.P. Lodge, K.L. Shipley, B.E. Dutton, 2004. A General Microbiology Lab Curriculum Featuring Culture-Dependent and -Independent Approaches and Computer-Based Project Presentations, ASM General Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

D. P. Lodge, S.M. Boomer, B.E. Dutton, 2004. A Bioinformatics Course Emphasizing Molecular Microbial Diversity, ASM General Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Drury, W.M., Dutton, B.E., Lodge, D.P., Boschee, M.S., Boomer, S.M., 2003.  RLMO Database:  A Model for Integrating and Disseminating Biological and Geochemical Data via the World Wide Web, Workshop on Geothermal Biology and Geochemistry in Yellowstone, Old Faithful, Yellowstone, WY.

S.M. Boomer, B.E. Dutton, W.M. Drury, T.F. Manning, D.P. Lodge, 2003. The Red Layer Microbial Observatory - a Yellowstone-Based Research Experience for Undergraduates, 2nd Annual Microbial Observatories Principal Investigator's Workshop, Arlington, VA.

S.M. Boomer, D.P. Lodge, P.F. Williams, M.S. Boschee, 2002. Analyses of Red Layer Bacteria and Thermal Sourcewater from Alkaline Hot Springs in Yellowstone Demonstrate Diversity and Selection in the Green Nonsulfur Lineage, 1st Annual Microbial Observatories Principal Investigator's Workshop, Arlington, VA.

Lodge, D.P., S.M. Boomer, P.F. Williams, B.E. Dutton, 2002.  Expanded studies of red green nonsulfur communities in Yellowstone provide further evidence of diversity and selection.  ASM General Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.

Williams, P.F., S.M. Boomer, D.P. Lodge, P.E. Poston, 2002.  Red green nonsulfur bacteria: Are they in the sourcewater?  ASM General Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.

Boomer, S.M., D. Lodge, B.E. Dutton. 2001. Comparative Molecular Analyses of Red Layer Bacteria from Alkaline Hot Spring Communities in Yellowstone National Park Demonstrate Diversity in the Green Non-Sulfur Bacteria Lineage. ASM General Meeting, Orlando, FL.

Boomer, S.M., D. Lodge, B.E. Dutton. 2001. A Research-Driven Curriculum for Undergraduate Molecular Biology that Assesses Microbial Diversity Using a 16S rRNA Approach. ASM General Meeting, Orlando, FL.

Boomer, S.M., R. Austinhirst, B.K. Pierson. 1995. Filamentous phototrophic bacteria containing bchl a from deep layers in hot spring microbial mats. Thermophile Conference. Yellowstone, WY.


2006 - Team whitewater paddling: Selway (Idaho/ARTA), Chilko-Fraser (British Columbia/ROAM)

2005 - Tour du Mont Blanc (120 miles/27,000 feet), Compagnie du Mont Blanc

2005 - Expedition rafting down the Hulahula, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (Alaska), MTS

2004 - John Muir Trail/Mt. Whitney (150 miles/30,000 feet), MTS

2004 - Expedition rafting down the Alsek (Yukon/Alaska), MTS

2003 - Team whitewater paddling: entire Middle Fork of the Salmon in high water, OARS

2000 - Rafted 300 miles of the Colorado/Grand Canyon, OARS

1997-Present - Happy homeowner and anti-lawn landscaper

1997 - Self-guided 4-week trek through Patagonia with Dr. Sara Machlin

1995 - Basic Rock/Ice and Mountain Safety Training, Washington Alpine Club

1994 - 100-mile/30,000 feet Wonderland Trail around Mt. Rainier, with Dr. John Gosink

1992-Present - Domain-Owner, Web-Mistress, Author of (outdoor/travel writing)

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