Braden BeanBeanyology: A Customized Workout Proposal for San Marcos Athletic CenterCoaching, Health & Wellness Promotion, PsychologyNobody lives forever, but the quality of your time on earth is measured by the quality of your health. The San Marcos Athletic Club is the primary audience, and the clients of Beanyology are the secondary audience for this proposal.“I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.” (Muhammad Ali) This leads to the problems: the level of difficulty both mentally and physically of sustaining a workout regimen. Solutions to the process of following a plan are monitored, along with the progressions of each client and altering workouts if needed. In coaching, one is trained to help guide individuals through complex tasks. Now in health, one studies how the body operates and what helps make the body operate to full capacity. Integrating psychology, one can analyze why individuals make the decisions they make and how to alter behavior by altering an individual’s attitude.Quote: 80 Badass Quotes About Training. (n.d.). Retrieved from De La FuenteIntegrating an Effective Online Presence for San Marcos Small Businesses: A Community Education WorkshopCommunication Studies, Mass Communication, SociologyTen years ago, just 7% of the U.S. population used at least one social media channel. Now, that number is up to 65% and increasing (Hernold, 2018). This means the majority of the population are on social media, and businesses of all sizes can use the technology to reach current and potential customers in ways not possible before the internet. However, in todays’ advances, it is not that simple or easily recognized for most small businesses to use the new platforms to reach their clientele. Meanwhile, larger businesses are taking advantage, because smaller businesses are lacking the knowledge and awareness for a greater customer base. However, little is known about how small enterprises use these technologies and social media. Social media opens up a new way of doing business, emerging into an interesting opportunity for small-sized enterprises to reach a number of goals. The primary audience for this project is San Marcos small businesses seeking to gain enormous value from social media to enhance their brand. From the findings, they indicate that social media must be recognized, and the time to start investing in these areas is now. With this data, a workshop has been created to offer small-sized enterprises a way to improve their social media usage and enhance their brand. It will also inform and provide participants with marketing strategies and suggestions on branding development. This workshop uses concepts and theories from the disciplines of Mass Communication, Communication Studies and Sociology. Amanda FryPromoting Responsible Ecotourism in the Guanacaste Province: A Publicity Concept for the Costa Rica Tourism Board (ICT)Business Administration, International Studies, Mass CommunicationCosta Rica is typically revered as the paradigm of ecotourism across the globe. With 800 miles of beautiful coastline Costa Rica is home to over 4% of the world’s total biodiversity making it an ecotourist’s paradise, according to Costa Rica’s National Institute of Biodiversity. This small Central American country receives over 1.7 million tourists per year and unfortunately, due to this surplus of tourists to the quiet, sleepy, beach towns in the Guanacaste province, areas of Costa Rica can no longer be praised. As the number of tourists in Guanacaste continues to grow steadily and the land becomes consolidated and owned by foreign investors and companies, the more issues the citizens and wildlife of this province are faced with. From large amounts of waste found on beaches, to electrocuted howler monkeys and tourists interfering with leatherback turtle mating practices, awareness surrounding responsible ecotourism practices needs to be increased. The Department of Tourism Development at the Costa Rica Tourism Board (ICT) lacks an effective publicity concept to bring awareness to tourists and land developers alike. How to responsibly visit and care for the gentle Costa Rican ecosystem is not something many are aware of. As a response, an effective publicity concept for ICT will increase awareness for visitors and current populations, while decreasing irresponsible ecotourist practices. Minors in Business Administration, International Studies, and Mass Communication will bring forth concepts and theories which can be utilized to create a successful publicity concept for ICT to combat these ineffective practices.Hunter JonesAddressing Efficiency and Job Retention: A Revised Training Program for Landmark Properties Management Leasing AgentsLeadership Studies, Mass Communication, PsychologyTexas State University is seeing modest rent growth of 1.8% compared to 2017. In 2019, the university is expected to grow by roughly 1,100 new beds. The number of private, off-campus beds has doubled this economic cycle as undergraduate enrollment has increased by about 10,000 students. Texas State has one of the higher bed-to-student ratios of the nation’s most prominent universities at 53.1%. Occupancy at Texas State is also the highest of the major Texas universities at 97.4% (Bunch, 2019.)With the influx of students attending Texas State University, the student housing market has been flooded with new clients. It's in every student housing company’s best interest to have properly trained employees in leasing. The issue is one company has not taken the proper steps to ensure agents are properly trained. Informational interviews revealed staff did not feel prepared for their duties as a leasing agent. The number one complaint was that the training was not extensive enough. The primary audience is the management team at Uptown Square apartments located in San Marcos. Informational interviews were conducted with past agents and current agents. The interviews revealed frustration with the training program and amount of support from management. Using concepts from the disciplines of psychology, leadership studies, and mass communication, this project proposes a revised training program for Landmark Properties management. Kyle KubitzaCultivating a Student-Athlete in Youth Baseball/Softball: A Workshop to Teach Youth Baseball/Softball Coaches to Emphasize Academics by Using Data AnalyticsCoaching, Mathematics, Sport PsychologyNinety-two-point seven percent of high school athletes who play baseball will not go on to compete in the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). Similarly, 94.5% of high school softball athletes will not compete in the NCAA. (Estimated probability of competing in college athletics, 2015) With statistics this one-sided, youth programs like the San Marcos Youth Baseball and Softball Association (SMYBSA) need an educational workshop in place to teach coaches how to effectively implement academics into their teams to prepare youth athletes for their future.A survey conducted by K. Kubitza revealed that 91% of coaches in the SMYBSA do not currently implement athletics in their practices, and further, only 55% use data analytics to make decisions when coaching. This shows the lack of emphasis and utilization of academics in youth programs as well as the lack of implementation by the coaches to teach athletes how the game is evaluated at higher levels.A workshop, held at the youth association’s facilities to teach SMYBSA coaches about data analytics in baseball and softball, was created to educate coaches about how academics can be used in their sport and ways to implement subjects like mathematics to teach their youth athletes.Education in Coaching, Sport Psychology, and Mathematics at Texas State University helped shape and form the ideas and information used to create this workshop intended to emphasize the use of academics in youth athletics to better prepare children for their future.Kinsey MajorDoulas Do What? A Workshop for First-Time Expectant Mothers in Central Texas Promoting the Benefits of Having a Doula for Birthing CareArt History, English, Social WorkIn the United States, there is a lack of knowledge and understanding about childbirth and birthing care options that are available. In a study of 1,318 pregnant women, less than 30% of first-time mothers had attended prenatal education classes and were unaware of any options outside of natural childbirth and cesarean section (Roan 2011). When there is a lack of knowledge about childbirth and birthing care options, women cannot make informed decisions about their maternity care, birth plans, and preferences. In addition, there is a lack of awareness of the benefits and duties of having a doula for prenatal, birth, and postpartum care because of the lack of knowledge and education regarding childbirth and birthing options. The workshop is focused on first time mothers who have chosen Central Texas Medical Center as their primary obstetrician and birthing location. First-time mothers range in many demographic factors such as age, educational levels, cultural backgrounds, and socioeconomic status. First-time mothers also are more susceptible and vulnerable to the problems faced by pregnant women on the national level. A doula can alleviate these anxieties and stressors, along with the added risks by communicating all procedures to the expectant mother in an easy to understand way, and can advocate for the mother’s decisions when the mother may doubt herself. A doula can also intervene and advocate for vulnerable first -ime mothers, and aid in the education and open discussion of options.Using concepts of Social Work, English, and Art History, as well as my training as a doula, this project will aim to bridge the gap between first time mothers and adequate childbirth education. Matthew OropezaBridging the Gap of Adolescent Boys in Need: An Advanced Training Module for San Marcos Treatment Center StaffHealthcare Administration, Psychology, Public HealthIf you knew you could make the life of a child better, would you? There are an estimated 12 million adolescents under the age of 18 who are admitted to a psychiatric facility each year in the U.S. The quality of those patients’ lives is determined by their direct care staff who spend 24 hours a day and seven days week with them. The staff determine what the kids do every day, how they do it, and are there for them in timed of need. Most of these kids from the hospitals researched in this study are victims of neglect, abuse or trauma, and as a result, often battle mental/behavioral disorders. Can you imagine being a 6-year-old boy in a facility away from his guardians (most of them not their biological parents?) That child will need exemplary care, and that is why I gaps in the quality of care need a solution. Our kids deserve the best. ProblemsThere is a lack of training in adolescent psychiatric facilities in the U.S pertaining to patient mediation. San Marcos Treatment Center staff lack the proper training in assisting a 6-10 year- old patients in a psychiatric crisis. The target audience is the San Marcos Treatment Center Staff, specifically the New Horizons 2 staff who deal directly with the 6-10-year-old adolescent boys. Using primary and secondary research and my three areas of study, Healthcare Administration, Public Health, and Psychology, an online training module will enhance the knowledge and skills of the staff to provide a better quality of care for their patients.Matthew PaisBreaking the Increased Statistics on Sexual Assault in Texas College FootballCriminal Justice, Psychology, Recreation Administration There needs to be a decrease in sexual assault cases involving college football players. Out of all cases, 98% of the accusations are true, but only 20% result in the assailant being prosecuted. With these numbers being low, it produces an increase in the likelihood of sexual assault cases, as attackers think they will not be punished. Specifically, in the NCAA, college football players have been seen in an alarming increase of cases resulting in a need for action. This workshop is designed for collegiate football programs, specifically Texas State University football players, to investigate the history of sexual assault, the legal and psychological consequences of sexual assault, and how everyone in the program can set an example of how to act. As the workshop primarily focuses on the athletes, it will still incorporate coaches and support staff in order to maximize the number of informed participants and add a larger base for accountability. The project uses aspects of recreation administration to build the workshop, criminal justice to focus on the legality of the issue, and psychology to explain how sexual assault can affect one’s mental well-being. Alex PeacockImproving Consistency and Confidence in Athletic Performance Through Game Film Analysis: A Workshop for Texas State University’s Men’s Basketball TeamCoaching, Media Studies, SociologyThe 2018-19 Texas State Men’s basketball team went down as the best team in school history. They bolstered a very impressive 24-10 record, which was 9 games better than the previous year. They brought a spark to the city of San Marcos, and the school, which was much needed! I should know because I was on the team; it was a first-hand experience. Although we packed the gym, won games, and had a fantastic year, we have nothing but memories to show for it. In other words, we fell short of our goals, including a ring and a trip to the NCAA tournament. Neither happened, but we were so close. This result caused me to think about what could have been done to put us over the top. I didn’t realize a big problem until I took this class. The problem was that a lot of the players weren’t analyzing practice and game film to better their performance. This is a huge part of improving personal performance that often gets easily overlooked. The focus of this project is to get players and coaches to understand the importance of not just team film, but individual analysis as well.David SaffordNetworking and Selling Your Script: A Seminar for Novice Screenwriters in Austin, TexasEnglish, Mass Communication, TheatreWith the need for television and movie writers dramatically increasing, the competition for these jobs has never been so fierce. The industry is already overcrowded with established writers who have long lists of credits and accolades numbering only 8,274 paid professional writers in the U.S. (Quora, Donahue, 2016) Unfortunately, the executives and showrunners who hire these people will rarely look for talent outside the city they live in or the few surrounding them (i.e. Los Angeles, New York, and Atlanta). This makes finding work for a writer living in Austin, Texas difficult without the right connections or networking skills. The audience for this project is novice screenwriters in Austin, Texas. Most of these writers are either still in college, or just recently graduated. Given the University of Texas-Austin’s specialization in film, the age of this audience would likely range between 18 and 28, with the expected older outliers. Anyone looking to get into the business of screenwriting after just graduating may not know the proper steps or how to use the tools at their disposal.The main concept used throughout this seminar will be the Strategy of Self Marketing, which mainly deals with the best ways to present oneself online using social media. One of these points about using online forums ties into the websites explained during the presentation, and are used to solve both problems. The websites grant access to professional writers, promoting the ability to network, chat, and exchange scripts.Vicente Stuart AceitunoAttacking Obesity in American WorkforceBusiness Administration, Coaching Athletics, PsychologyAmerican Obesity has been on the rise since the 1970’s. The eight-hour workday seems something of the past, an unattainable American dream. The cost of healthy food seems to rise in cost while still needing the time and know how to cook it yourself. The growing obesity epidemic is affecting not only our personal lives but also our professional. My project is about the obese American workforce and how best to tackle it. Companies are losing revenue from obese workers from increased sick days to loss of productiveness to raised healthcare costs. While the trend of fitness grows shown by social media platforms such as Instagram and the rise of sports events such as CrossFit. The percentage of obese Americans continues to rise leading our country to be one of the most obese on the planet. With an increasing number of Americans working more than 40 hours a week I feel the best way to tackle this would be from the company’s standpoint.Alan BattleInvesting in Tomorrow’s Future with the Master Finance Application Mass Communication, Religious Studies, Theatre Financial Literacy is a useful resource for all communities. However, it is a conversation that is not talked about enough in many schools across America. In United States, only 25 states require financial education to be taught in high school. As a result, many young adults struggle to manage money properly and become more at risk of accumulating high debt in the future. Since children spend most of their younger years in school, a portion of the curriculum should emphasize the importance of managing money, maintaining a decent credit score, and learning the dangers of accumulating too much financial debt.?I also suggest that financial education be a mandatory lesson in grade school for all states. This will only strengthen the minds in all communities across the country and allow more economic opportunity for future generations. Growing up in a large city such as Houston, I have witnessed many friends and family who suffer financially because they were not provided the resources or knowledge of basic money management when they were younger. Recent data from the U.S Treasury revealed that 1 in 4 adults could not afford an emergency expense of $400. Incorporating?financial education?early into a kid’s education can help ease some of their stresses and give them hope for a brighter future. To meet the educational need of financial literacy in America, I am developing and free downloadable application for grade-schools to implement into their curriculum. This application will motivate children and adults to make healthier spending habits and learn important tips related to financial education. With technology being on the rise, we must find innovative ways to teach each other useful tools that can benefit our country in the long run. Although my project is geared towards children, all age groups can benefit from it because it highlights different scenarios related to financial literacy such as homeowner ship tips, college loans, and more. Stephen Blevins Jr.Cannabis for America Business, Mass Communication and PsychologyIn America today, we have people who are jobless, others that have fallen to the addiction of opioid pills, some are having chronic health issues and prisons are now becoming overpopulated. One thing that can help with all these problems is legalizing cannabis. Marijuana is already legal in 33 states currently and continues to grow each year. Making this plant legal nationwide would help people get back on their feet; giving them the opportunity to start making decent money. Creating these jobs will also have a tremendous effect on the overall economy. This could also help people who are trying to fight their addiction to opioids. When it comes to health issues it helps to deal with depression, eating disorders, and chronic pain. Lastly, we have a plethora of minor weed charges that has put millions of people behind bars and that only adds to the overpopulation issue. If we choose to legalize marijuana in all 50 states it will help work towards the goal of bettering the country and its conflicts. Alex Coronado Should the NCAA allow student-athletes to receive compensation based on their likeliness or image in college athletics.Business Administration, Coaching, Sociology The debate that paying college players has been ongoing for many years. With the current revenue that television programs bring from televised games, there is now a clamoring for compensating players beyond their athletic scholarship. The following research gives insight on the topic of paying student athletes and the potential implication as well as consequences from the NCAA. I address numerous benefits of the compensation of student athletes, as well as the challenges that are faced by these same students. While I don’t propose that the NCAA compensate these athletes, I do propose that they can compensate on their own name and likeliness. Some examples include signing endorsement deals with outside companies. Another example would be the use of having a profitable YouTube channel as discussed in my research. By any means do I believe that the university or NCAA should pay student athletes. What I propose is that the rules and regulations are changed to benefit the athletes. These players put their bodies on the line every time they step of the field and court. The least the NCAA should do is let them compensate off their own name or likeliness.Selena Amairany De la FuenteExploring Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Texas High School English CurriculumsPsychology, Mass Communications, and EnglishThe United States of America has a vast array of differing demographics amongst its many regions and states. The state of Texas is examined on the impact of cultural relevancy in association to the study of the English subject and its mandated curriculum. Through observations and peer-reviewed material, children of different ages and different areas have demonstrated an improvement of grades and understanding through cultural pedagogy implemented by passionate instructors. Patterns of improvement are not discretionary observations solely based on pedagogy methods but also the attitudes of educators towards their students and the environmental factors surrounding the classroom and region of institution. The purpose of the project is to support and understand why allowing school districts more discretion to create curriculum, especially in the arts and literature, can appeal to their respective student demographics and enhance their learning process. Using strategies of social inclusivity in teaching empowers the students to think, speak and observe critically within the curriculum as well as outside the institution. Critical cultural pedagogy combined with other observed methods of teaching can induce greater skills of communication and comprehension during the early stages of learning.Michael Emani GantStrength Training with Young Athletes: How Much is Too Much?Exercise & Sports Science, Business, and Leadership CommunicationsOne of the underlying problems today that just isn’t talked about enough is the issue of powerlifting and strength training with youth children. The parents of these children, whether there are weightlifters themselves, just an eager parent that wants to jumpstart their child’s athletic career, or a parent that wants their child to stay or get into a healthy shape or lifestyle, it is imperative for all these parents to know difference between what their child can and cannot do. Some parents ignorantly put their child through a workout like what one could do at a full-grown adult’s age, not knowing or realizing their muscles and areas of cartilage that hasn’t yet turned to bone, or growth plates, are not fully developed. What I believe parents can do to alleviate this issue is get properly educated on the do and don’ts of strength training for young athletes. They should be lifting on a simple, fundamental system based on body weight, resistance band, and high rep, low weight training. A young athlete doesn’t need to be lifting heavy weights or doing 1 rep max’s and power lifting. Parents and coaches are responsible for making sure they lead their child to do exceptional things and not hold them back. If these precautions are taken, then it’ll only lead to more enjoyment of the sport for everyone involved: from the parent, to the coach, to the child.Brooke Harris A Struggle in Silence: The Unseen Battle with Mental Health in the African American Community Business Administration, Family and Consumer Science, Diversity Studies The negative stigma surrounding mental health in the African American community is something that has been growing, changing, and evolving for over a century. With the lack of emphasis on mental health in the black community people turn to unhealthy self-medication, isolation, or most commonly avoidance. Throughout history the hardships the community has faced have contributed to the negativity and lack of emphasis on mental health. During the time of slavery, African Americans sought comfort through religion as church represented a safe space for open expression. Then during the Jim Crow Era, the Black community was constantly marginalized through separate but not quite equal discrimination which in turn formed a community with its own resilience to function in society and deal with daily struggles. Although there was progress with the expansion of small black businesses and churches, the community still had to face rejection and discrimination while trying to succeed in America. As time went on community involvement became the primary source of expression on mental health. But other alternative outlets of music and fashion were arguably the most unique ways of expression because were used to make political and social statements that have been revolutionary in their impact. Many choose these alternate outlets rather than seeking professional help due to the lack of representation of blacks in professional psychology and because of the resilience that developed as a result of discrimination over time. Although it will not be easy to change the stigma surrounding mental health in the Black community, there’s hope that as more generations of minorities become more educated on the importance of mental health there will be an increase in adults who can contribute to society with a sound mind.Alvynne HawkinsHow to make money as a music producerBusiness, Music, PsychologyThe career of a music producer is one of the most fantasized among adolescents and young adults. People think that producers are making so much money behind the scenes, and that’s how it should be. However, the reality is that it is producers are having a harder time making money. The job market is oversaturated with amateur and intermediate producers that are underselling themselves. With the advent of YouTube and online beat stores, producers have somewhat been forced to sell beats for $50-$100. Amateur producers are selling for $25-$50 or free on YouTube. The producers with the best networking skills are still succeeding; but what should producers who don’t want to work with artist do? That is where my guidebook comes in.Montana JarrellSuccess is Unique to YOU: Encouraging High School Seniors to be Prepared for “What’s Next?”Fashion Merchandising, Mass Communication, & EnglishIn this project, I explore the idea that high school seniors are being poorly prepared for life outside of high school. Research shows that there is a serious disconnect in the level of readiness as high school student transition to college, the working force, or enlists in the military. This has a direct effect of creating unnecessary anxiety and stress within the high school youth. Upon researching this problem, I concluded that this is not just state-wide. It is a national problem. There needs to be a reevaluation of the education system and standards. The research presented throughout this project validates student’s complaints, as well as employers and professor’s frustrations. Overall, this problem is showing no signs of improving. If action is not taken to better the education system, there could be a potential problem larger than there already is.William KeenumPop-up Gym Concept for Individuals with Gym IntimidationBusiness Administration, Recreation Administration, Leadership StudiesIn the last couple of decades, the health and fitness industry has taken gigantic leaps in examination, exploration, and research. It is always a respectable and brave action to take when one pursues a healthier lifestyle, but that leap of faith can be restricted by gym intimidation. An ongoing issue that keeps many people out of a better routine is the timidness that comes with a gym’s atmosphere. Many studies have shown that Americans struggle with judgement at the gym. Whether it is self-conscious feelings, lack of knowledge of equipment, or just not knowing where to begin, it is an obvious obstacle that keeps people from bettering themselves. The idea of a pop-up gym can attract spontaneous individuals who like to exercise outside. Like a running group, people can meet up at a park, field, gymnasium, or any open space. Small gym equipment can be provided for circuit training and high intensity interval training exercises. The disciplines I have chosen to pursue this path are Business Management, Recreational Administration, and Leadership Studies. These minors have helped me improve my business strategies, my ability to write up programs, and my knowledge about leading.Romie Mark LofRelaxation for humans with the love of animalsInternational Studies, Public Administration, Business AdministrationThe overall purpose of this project was to introduce a solution to the stress levels of students and make it a worthwhile endeavor for students. The addition of making it possible to have animals available to all students throughout the year and then taking care of animals that some students would not be able to do. The idea of opening an animal daycare/shelter on campus would open many benefits for all. From helping students in certain degree paths to others that feel the overwhelming weight of getting a degree. What I looked at was the increasing stress levels of students, from going to school to just getting by with the daily routine. Having a shelter on campus for all students that serves more of a study area and relaxation all year round for students. Having them walking animals, to just playing with them in their free time, or just coming by and seeing the animals. Also opening a daycare portion for them in a way that helps students not worry about their pets while they study nor are they cooped up in a cage all day. Connor LowranceThe Use of Performance Enhancing Drugs in the MLB and Their Effect on the Human BodyEconomics Communications BusinessThis project explores the use of Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs) by professional athletes in the Major League Baseball (MLB) organization. Also, how professional athletes in the MLB are damaging their bodies and not looking out for their future or the youth baseball world. This project examines Kalinato’s (2014) research on what anabolic steroids do to the brain, Flemming’s (2014) research on the penalties associated with the players in the Major League Baseball organization that use Performance Enhancing Drugs. Other articles and research that view the business side of the MLB which retain to how players cost the league money when they do take Performance Enhancing Drugs and the economic side of baseball in the MLB which causes cities to either go up or down economically when using PEDs.Megan MajorsPlastic in the Food Industry: A reflection on the efficacy of paper alternatives when compared to multi-use plastic advancements towards a secular marketBusiness Administration, Communication Studies, PsychologyThis project addresses not only the global plastic pollution issue but specifically the contribution of the food packaging industry to said issue. I cover the scale of the issue and provide statistics for food packaging contributions. Further, I consulted several scholarly articles that present current ideas for addressing this issue and provide a space for discussing common issues and disagreements between these scholars. I did so to promote a better understanding of all parties that are affected by this issue and parties that could be affected by each proposed solution. After these articles have been addressed, and I present my view on each disagreement, I present my idea for solving the plastic waste in the food industry issue. I propose that by establishing local processing facilities, promoting local long-term participation in good recycling habits, and investing in the development of multiple use plastics, the plastic waste issue can be addressed within the food service industry. Andrew MuenninkConcussions in the NFL: The Worst of the Best Geography, International Studies, Business AdministrationMy project “Concussions in the NFL: The Worst of the Best,” entails the issue of concussions in the National Football League. Many former NFL athletes have suffered from concussions/CTE post their profession. Not only do these athletes suffer from this disease but the families do as well second handedly. The solution I have proposed in reducing the amount of concussions in the NFL is a one game suspension along with a required concussions awareness class, and a 50,000-dollar fine for any player who targets in a game. Though there has been a slight decrease in the overall amount of concussions within the league each season; with this solution implemented I find the number could have an even more dramatic decrease.Megan PowellAn Interdisciplinary Approach to Rape Culture on College CampusesWomen’s Studies, Diversity Studies, Studies in Popular CultureCollege campuses all over are struggling with the issue of rape, with one in five college women being sexually assaulted (Gourley, 2016). As incidents of rape continue to occur across college campuses, rape culture has also swelled. Rape culture is a set of attitudes and beliefs that promotes sexual violence. On college campuses, rape culture takes the form of victim-blaming, lack of consequences for perpetrators, and overall dismissal of rape as an existing problem. Through my research, I found that colleges have the capacity to exacerbate the problem as much as they do to alleviate it. Scholars report that college is a conducive environment for rape; that colleges unfairly target women in their rape prevention efforts, and as such, inadvertently contribute to rape culture; that self-defence is an effective combatant against rape that colleges often fail to include in their rape prevention efforts; and that by refusing to adequately punish perpetrators for their actions, colleges send the message that rape is permissible. After examining the research, I have determined that three steps should be taken in order to fight against rape culture: Colleges should more severely punish perpetrators of sexual assault, colleges should be more careful in the messages that they send students through their rape prevention efforts, and colleges should include self-defence in their rape prevention efforts.Karina RiveraImplementing Program Dream Home Now to Improve the Home Buying ProcessMass Communication, Business Administration, TechnologyThe following research concluded in a solution that will aid home buyers to buy their dream home and build trust with parties involved in the home buying process. Home buyers, banks, and real estate agents will participate in the Dream Home Now Program, which utilizes blockchain technology allowing for all parties to be in the loop. The main goal of the program is to prepare home buyers for the process of buying a home, giving them confidence in their actions, and trusting the parties involved. Trust will not be in question with the use of blockchain technology since this technology verifies and permanently records any modifications on any document. Results will increase the home buying rate given that?homebuyers?will have more confidence to work alongside real estate agents, sellers, and banks. The included minors allowed for an insight into the real estate home buying process. Technology allowed for an understanding of the usage of blockchain technology and how effective it has become in the real estate world. The Business Administration minor enables comprehension of the real estate business and the reasoning behind every action to have a successful business. Lastly, Mass Communication gives examples of how companies control and manage any public operations resulting from their actions, whether they are good or bad.Nicole Vozza Coral Reef Initiative Mass Communication, Psychology, Business Administration The treatment of coral reefs around the world have destructive effects on the environment. When there is damage done to a natural resource, it sets off a chain reaction and starts to affect many things. These damages may be directly or indirectly related. The overall well-being of life on land and in the ocean become negatively affected through the devastating damage to coral reefs around the world. As these environments endure pollution, climate change, and dangerous fishing practices, they are declining in population and health. Through awareness and efforts of volunteers, the ecosystems can benefit. Using these minor disciplines, I plan to contribute to the problems facing coral reefs. Mass communication will be used to advertise and promote my project as well as raise awareness of the issues at hand. Using psychology to encourage social responsibility while changing behaviors and attitudes towards the environment will help. Psychology will also be useful in training people who will interact with the ecosystems. Providing services like trips to learn about, explore, and clean the environments will require a business plan. Business administration will be necessary for funding and organizing. Morgan Wisenbaker Increasing Rates of Cesarean Sections due to Scheduling and Convenience: Hospital Births Compared to Birthing Centers and Health Outcomes for Infants and MothersFamily and Child Development, Psychology, SociologyOne of my three disciplines is family and child development. One of the classes I took in my undergrad for this minor was sexuality across the lifespan. One of the objectives for this class included is to acquire and adequate level of knowledge about human sexuality preparatory to a career serving and educating families. Education is one of the biggest gifts you can have or share with someone else. My professor shared something she believed to be a pressing issue and now I have taken on the same responsibility. I believe my background has made me more equipped for this project because I have been provided with the knowledge to continue the research. It is something I am also very passionate about. I decided to conduct my research on the increasing rates of cesarean sections and why they have doubled since 1986 and are continually increasing. I decided to focus my research across three different subgroups. The first being having cesarean sections due to scheduling and convenience. I chose this subgroup because I believe with advancing medicine, we have seen an increase in providers and patients scheduling inductions to work around personal schedules rather than letting the baby come on its own. With the research I found, if inductions happen before 39 weeks the risk of cesarean sections goes up significantly. The next subgroup I chose to explore is hospital births compared to birthing centers. I made this the bulk of my research because it was what I was most interested in finding out for myself. In this area of my research I found that the rate of cesarean sections compared to hospitals is 1 in 353 vs. 1 in 5 respectively. The last subgroup I investigated was the health outcomes of infants and mothers. There was a lot of diversity in the results that I found dependent on which study that I found. The common theme was that cesarean section babies have a harder time breathing on their own when they are first born, and mothers are more susceptible to infection and hemorrhage. ................

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