MERCED-MARIPOSA - Modesto Junior College




Scholarships available: $250-1000 (number and amount offered are at the discretion of the committee)

|√Application Checklist |

| |2 Letters of recommendation |

| |Typed application |

| |College Transcripts (Official or Unofficial) |


1. Student must be a resident of Merced or Mariposa Counties or an active member or child of an active member of the Merced-Mariposa Cattlemen’s Association who does not live in Merced or Mariposa Counties.

2. Students must plan a career in an agricultural field and have a major which reflects that including study within Career and Technical Education programs.

3. A personal interview may be requested. You will be contacted so that a meeting can be arranged with the scholarship committee.

4. Must have maintained a cumulative GPA of 2.5.

5. Application must be delivered to a committee member or postmarked by April 1, 2019. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered. Students may add supplemental pages to the application as needed.

6. Address questions to Keri Ortiz @ (209) 631-3161 or with the subject “MMCA Scholarship.” Send applications to:

Merced-Mariposa Cattlemen’s Association

C/o Keri Ortiz

PO Box 314

Hornitos CA, 95325

7. The scholarships will be paid directly to the student in a single payment once proof of enrollment has been provided. Please mail/email proof of enrollment when available to:

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|Suzy Hultgren-Pimentel |or |Suzy Hultgren-Pimentel |

|8244 Palm Avenue | |Hultgrendairy@ |

|Winton, CA 95388 | | |



|NAME: | |


|CITY: | |STATE: | |ZIP CODE: | |

|PHONE 1: | |PHONE 2: | |

|EMAIL: | |

|MAJOR: | |

Directions: Type or copy and paste your responses into the boxes following each question and expand sections as needed to accommodate your response. Please include information from both your high school and college careers for the following questions unless otherwise indicated.

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1. College Cumulative Grade Point Average (10 points):

2. List high school or college agricultural activities, including projects, activities, awards, office held, etc. (10 points).

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3. List other high school or college activities including clubs, awards, offices held, etc. (10 points).

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4. List community service and related activities (10 points).

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5. List employment and/or work experience. Be sure to include duties or skills practiced (10 points).

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6. How do you plan to finance your college education (10 points)?

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Directions: Please answer the following questions in 1-2 paragraph responses per question. You may do research including talking to a cattle producer or MMCA member to compose your answer where applicable.

7. Explain your participation in Merced-Mariposa Cattlemen’s activities (if any) and give a summary of MMCA’s activities or causes (10 points).

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8. Provide a summary of your career goals and objectives (10 points).

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9. Describe two of the challenges facing today’s cattle producer (10 points).

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10. There is currently a disconnect between the consumer and the beef producer. Develop a proposal for consumer education about the beef industry. What should be done? (10 points)

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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