Web links checked October 2014


Oregon Department of Education

Office of Student Services

255 Capitol St. NE

Salem, OR 97310-0203


Oregon Department of Education


This directory is for use by Oregon educators and community members in identifying and utilizing educational curricular, instructional, and organizational resources to assist students as they prepare for productive lives in our diverse society.

Directory Format

The directory is organized by resource topics with individual listings under each topic. The listings within topics are alphabetical, with annotations as appropriate. Resources focus on programs appropriate for grades K-12, rather than on the college or university level, and include areas such as minority student achievement, race, ethnicity, culture, gender, disability, national origin, sexual orientation, and educational equity.

Directory Usage

While primarily intended for use by educators, the directory is also appropriate for use by students and community groups. Specific sections may be duplicated and disseminated throughout a school, while the directory may be kept on file in the school office or media center. It is hoped that the directory will lead to many more resources with education that is multicultural.


This resource directory is dedicated to the students of Oregon in the hope that they will make positive connections with one another as they grow, achieve, and succeed in a world of diversity, respect, and opportunity.

This directory is the result of the collection and collaboration of work in 2003 - 2006 by Charlie Benitez and Carol Elkins for the Oregon Department of Education’s website, and is not considered a comprehensive or all-encompassing document of multicultural resources.


• Introduction, Dedication & Credits……………………………………………………….. 2

• Education that is Multicultural……………………………….. 4

General Multicultural Organization Websites……………… 9

Student Achievement Organization Websites……………… 11

• National Organizations…………………………………………... 13

• Publishers and Distributors of Multicultural Materials…. 18

• Periodicals………………………………………………………….. 22

• Teaching Tolerance and Prejudice Reduction Programs… 23

• Multicultural Videos……………………………………………... 25


African American History Historical Text Archive –

➢ Comprehensive listing of sites on specific topics related to African American history.

The African American Mosaic -

➢ Library of Congress Resource Guide for the Study of Black History and Culture; surveys the variety of collections in the Library of Congress, including books, periodicals, music, and film.

African American Odyssey -

➢ Uses historical documents and photographs to trace the history of African Americans.

American Disability Association -

➢ Provides links to disability resources and organizations.

Arab American Institute –

➢ Includes educational information and resources for students about Arab Americans

Arab World and Islamic Resources -

➢ Information about Arab and Islamic culture and events.

Asian American History Links -

➢ Extensive list of Web links to resources on Asian American history and Asian cultures.

The Center for the Study of White American Culture, Inc.: A Multi-Racial Organization –

➢ Describes the organization and lists books and references related to building an inclusive society; includes links related to diversity and antiracism.

Children Now –

➢ Provides research reports on a range of topics impacting on students, including diversity issues.

Children’s Literature Best Books Lists

➢ Contains numerous recommended booklists, many organized by diversity issues, including ethnicity, religion, gender, and multiracial families.

Different and the Same Website –

➢ Describes the nationally-distributed “Different and the Same” videos and prejudice reduction program.

Disability History –

➢ Includes background information on the history of disability equity issues.

Education Week –

➢ Reprints of articles from Education Week newspaper; discusses many current multicultural issues.

Encyclopedia of Women’s History –

➢ By and for the K-12 community; students contribute biographies to this collaborative effort.

Entirely Too Many Curricular Resources –

➢ Hundreds of useful websites, divided by subject matter; extensive section on social studies, languages, and cultures.

ERIC (Educational Research Information Center) –

➢ Lists sites for searching the ERIC database on a wide range of topics, including multicultural education.

European History and Culture –

➢ Extensive collection of information on American/European history and culture.

Facets of Religion Virtual Library of Religion –

➢ Contains information on religions of the world, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism, Taoism, Islam, Sikhism, and Bahai.

Global School Net Foundation (GSN) –

➢ Organizes a monthly calendar of on-line projects related to enhancing global understanding.

Hispanic Heritage Awards Foundation–

➢ Celebrates the achievement of Hispanic Americans and provides role models for our youth.

Holocaust Websites –

➢ Annotated listing of more than 40 websites related to Holocaust studies.

Information for African American Educators –

➢ Information for teachers interested in focusing o or further incorporating the African American experience in the classroom; curriculum ideas for both K-12 and university students.

International Kids Space –

➢ An interactive site where children can share stories and art with children around the world.

Internet Sites for Students’ Intercultural Exchanges, Kidlink –

➢ Pen pals listing.

Journal of American Indian Education –

➢ On-line reprints of Journal articles.

LD Resources –

➢ Extensive listing of books, videos, conferences, and other resources related to learning disabilities.

Library of Congress –

➢ Catalog of ways to search for specific content in the Library of Congress Archives; includes extensive listings of multicultural topics.

Men’s Issues and Support –

➢ Resources and information on men's issues, including fatherhood, domestic violence, male rape, and more.

Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium –

➢ Contains links on topics such as civil rights laws and equity in technology.

Multicultural Education for Teachers -

➢ Listing of several websites related to multicultural education for K-12 teachers.

Multicultural Pavilion -

➢ Sponsored and maintained by the University of Virginia; offers a number of resources on multicultural education for the K-12 teacher; includes a teachers’ corner, an on-line discussion board, and links to hundreds of other sites.

National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME) – hjttp://

➢ Homepage of NAME, membership organization promoting multicultural research and practices pre-K through higher education.

National Center for Education Statistics –

➢ Current data related to education.

National Center for Learning Disabilities –

➢ Provides information for teachers and parents on addressing needs of students with learning disabilities.

National Coalition for Equity in Education –

➢ Addresses race, class, and gender bias issues related to teaching and student learning.

➢ Lists multimedia teaching and learning tools.

National Immigration Forum –

➢ Data on current immigration issues in the U.S.

National Women’s History Project –

➢ Comprehensive information about a wide range of women’s history topics and resources.

Native American Homepages –

➢ Extensive listing of Native American resources.

Native American Tribes –

➢ Lists federally recognized tribes and connects to tribal homepages.

Native Peoples –

➢ Website of a quarterly magazine that aims to give students of all ages a better understanding of Native Americans.

Native Web –

➢ Includes many Native American sites on the Web and an index to other sites, especially those dealing with Native American arts, museums, and music.

NEA (National Education Association) Multicultural Library –

➢ Describes professional multicultural education resource books for educators.

Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs (OBEMLA) –

➢ U.S. Dept. of Education resources for culturally and linguistically diverse learners.

Pathways to School Improvement/NCREL –

➢ Addresses school improvement issues; summarizes best practices and research related to specific topics, such as multicultural education; search under “Creative High-Achieving Learning Environments.”

Powersource: Native American Art and Education Center –

➢ Activities about Native American stories and art.

Public Broadcasting Specials –

➢ Information about many multicultural documentaries aired on PBS.

Reference and Research Articles on Multicultural Education –

➢ Internet search tool providing abstracts of a wide range of current articles from the ERIC Clearinghouse Database.

Resource Center on Educational Equity –

➢ Summarizes projects and research on educational equity by the Council of Chief State School Officers.

Rethinking Schools –

➢ Includes selected articles from the current issue of Rethinking Schools Newspaper and recent back issues; also has a complete index of all Rethinking Schools articles.

Science and Mathematics Consortium –

➢ Provides information related to equity in mathematics, science, and technology.

Southern Poverty Law Center –

➢ Information about teaching tolerance educational activities and monitoring of hate/violence incidents and groups.

Teachers Guide to the Holocaust –

➢ Provides a wide array of resources for teachers, including primary resource documents, photographs, and video clips about the Holocaust.

Teaching the Change –

➢ Explores issues of equity and social justice; produces resources for educators.

Tolerance –

➢ Coordinated by the Teaching Tolerance Project/Southern Poverty Law Center; includes news updates and teaching strategies related to addressing prejudice and discrimination.

UNESCO (United National Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) –

➢ Addresses cultural issues worldwide.

UNICEF’ Syberspace Bus –

➢ UNICEF’s interactive website for teachers and students to promote global understanding.

U.S. Dept. of Publications –

➢ Lists several publications that relate to equity and multicultural issues.

WeMedia –

➢ Provides extensive information and resources for individuals with disabilities.

Women’s Rights National Historic Park –

➢ Photos, graphics, and primary documents relating to women’s rights; lists historic sites related to the movement and biographies of its leaders.

World Wise Schools/Culture Matters –

➢ Provides on-line cross-cultural understanding curriculum developed by the Peace Corps for 8th-grade through college levels.

Yearbook of Holidays and Observations –

➢ Multicultural listing of holidays



Most national and regional equity and multicultural education organizations currently have websites. In addition to providing information about the organization, many of these sites also have links to other resources related to education that is multicultural topics and diversity issues. Listed below is a sampling of organization website addresses related to diversity and education issues.

Anti-Defamation League –

American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee –

American Association of School Administrators –

American Association of University Women –

American Federation of Teachers –

Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development –

Children’s Defense Fund –

Council for Exceptional Children –

Council of Chief State School Officers –

Council of the Great City Schools –

Disability Rights Education and Defense Funds, Inc. –

Educators for Social Responsibility –

Facing History and Ourselves –

FairTest –

GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Educators Network) –

Graymill/Generating Expectations and Students Achievement (GESA) –

Human Rights Campaign –

Intercultural Development Research Association –

The Civil Rights Coalition for the 21st Century –

Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics, Inc. –

Mid-Atlantic Equity Center –

➢ Multiple Intelligences and the Second Language Learner -


National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME) –

National Coalition Building Institute –

National Conference for Community and Justice –

National Council for Community and Education Partnerships –

National Council for Social Studies –

National Council of La Raza –

National Education Association –

National Museum of the American Indian –

National Gay & Lesbian Task Force –

National Information Center for Children & Youth with Disabilities (NICCHY) – material absorbed by Center for Parent Information and Resources (CPIR)

National Organization on Disabilities –

National Urban League –

National Women’s History Project –

Native American Rights Fund –

Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Dept of Education –

Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs, U.S. Dept. of Education –

Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) –

Peace Corps –

People for the American Way –

Rethinking Schools –

Southern Poverty Law Center –

Study Circles Resource Center –

Teaching Tolerance –

United Negro College Fund –

U.S. Dept. of Education –

U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum –

General Education

Discovering the Future -

➢ A presentation by futurist and business consultant Joel Barker about ways to

look beyond old paradigms to generate creative strategies for change in the workplace.


American Federation of Teachers (ADT) –

➢ Provides resources and policy initiatives on student achievement.

Applied Research Center/ERASE (Expose Racism & Advance Excellence) – now Race Forward

➢ Promotes school reform to eliminate racial inequality and enhance minority student achievement.

Center for Research on Education, Diversity, and Excellence (CREDE) –

➢ Produces research and educational practice reports focusing on linguistically diverse students.

Center for Research on the Education of Children Placed At Risk -

College Board –

➢ Provides the publication “Reaching the Top: A Report of the National Task Force on Minority High Achievement.”

Council for Basic Education –

➢ Conducts and disseminates research on school improvement and practices for effective instruction of diverse learners.

Council for Exceptional Children –

➢ Provides a wide range of educational, informational, and support services related to children with disabilities.

Council of the Great City Schools –

➢ Provides the report “Closing the Achievement Gap in Urban Schools” and other information regarding student achievement.

Alliance for Education –

➢ Provides research, resources, and training on educating diverse learners.

Education Development Center, Inc. –

➢ Provides research, resources, and training on issues impacting diverse learners.

Educational Research Service (ERS) –

➢ The nonprofit foundation serving the research and information needs of educators and the public.

ERIC: Educational Resources Information Center –

➢ Coordinates educational outreach and dissemination activities for several federal clearinghouses, each focusing on special topics such as urban education, rural education, and linguistically diverse learners.

FairTest –

➢ Explores issues of equity and assessment.

Gates Millennium Scholars Program –

➢ Information about annual college scholarships for minority students offered through a fund established by Bill and Melinda Gates.

Intercultural Development Research Association (IDRA) –

➢ Focuses on programs for diverse language learners.

Mid-Atlantic Equity Center –

➢ A regional center funded by the U.S. Dept. of Education that provides technical assistance on educational equity issues related to race, national origin, and gender.

Mid-Continent Regional Educational Lab (MCREL) –

➢ Conducts and disseminates research and provides resources and policy briefs on minority achievement issues.

Multiple Intelligences –

➢ Provides an introduction to multiple intelligence theory and its implications for meeting the needs of diverse learners.

National Alliance of Black School Educators -

➢ Focuses on minority achievement.

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) –

➢ Provides database and information on urban education and inclusive schooling; includes a monthly electronic newsletter.

National Association for Education of Young Children –

➢ Focuses on early childhood issues.

National Association for Multicultural Education –

➢ Membership organization pre-K through post-secondary promotes student achievement through multicultural education; holds annual conference and provides a journal and ListServ.

National Education Association (NEA) –

➢ Provides resources and policy initiatives on student achievement.

National PTA –

➢ Builds collaboration between home and school achievement efforts.

Office of Bilingual and Minority Language Affairs (OBEMLA) –

➢ Focuses on programs for diverse language learners.

Office of Educational Research and Improvement -

➢ Disseminates promising practices and programs.

Quality Education for Minorities (QEM) Network -

➢ A non-profit organization that promotes the academic preparation and success of minority students.

Research for Better Schools –

➢ Focuses on reform efforts in urban schools.

Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) -

National Urban League -

➢ Provides support for minority student achievement initiatives.

U.S. Dept. of Education -

➢ Federal agency with numerous offices addressing achievement issues.

WestEd –

➢ Conducts research and disseminates information about effective programs and strategies for diverse learners.


The following national organizations provide resources, information, advocacy, and/or services related to equity, multicultural education, and student achievement issues. Individual ethnic group organizations are generally not listed, but may be found on the Internet.

Activism 2000 Project -

➢ A clearinghouse to promote active participation by diverse youth in shaping U.S. policy and institutions.

American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee -

➢ Provides resources and teaching materials.

American Association for the Advancement of Science -

➢ Network focusing on science and technological issues for underserved populations (gender, race, ethnicity, disability factors).

American Association of University Women (AAUW) -

➢ Membership organization that produces gender equity in education materials.

American Counseling Association -

➢ Provides information on multicultural counseling.

American Federation of Teachers -

➢ National teachers organization; provides information on diversity issues.

American Folklife Center -

➢ Preserves and presents American diverse folklife.

American Friends Service Committee -

➢ Resources and programs on peace education, conflict resolution, and diversity issues.

American Indian Archaeological Institute

PO Box 1260

Washington Green, CT 06793


➢ Information on Northeastern Woodlands Indians.

American School Counselor Association

➢ Provides information on multicultural counseling and school climate.

Anti-Defamation League -

➢ Combats discrimination based on religion and race; provides training and resources.

Asian Pacific-American Heritage -

➢ Advocacy for Asian arts.

Aspira Association -

➢ Leadership and educational development working primarily with Puerto Rican youth and other Latino groups.

Association for Gender Equity Leadership in Education (AFELE) -

➢ Promotes equity in education, focusing on gender; formerly NCSEE.

AT&T Language Line Services -

➢ A subscription service that can be used to have immediate translations of communications in 140 languages; interpretation services are available 24 hours a day.

Center for Folklife Programs and Cultural Studies -

➢ Disseminates information about the traditional folklife of cultures throughout the U.S. and world.

International Center for Research on Women -

➢ Research and publication on women’s and gender educational issues.

Center for the Study of White American Culture: A Multicultural Organization

Center for Study

➢ Offers educational and consulting services, as well as bibliographies and a newsletter to promote the peaceful development of an inclusive American culture.

Center for Women Policy Studies -

➢ Conducts multicultural women’s policy research and advocacy.

Children’s Defense Fund -

➢ Advocacy for children focusing on children living in poverty.

Coalition for Essential Schools –

➢ Addresses equity and diversity issues in urban schools.

Collaborative to Advance Social and Emotional Learning (ASEL) –

➢ Provides training and resources related to the promotion of social and emotional learning for students.

Council for Exceptional Children –

➢ Provides a wide variety of educational, informational, and support services related to the education of children with disabilities; houses Office of Ethnic and Multicultural Concerns and ERIC Clearinghouse for Handicapped and Gifted Children.

Council for Indian Education -

➢ Produces materials and training for teachers of Native American children.

Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) -

➢ Conducts research and training on equity issues; professional organization of school state superintendents.

Educational Development Center –

➢ Provides resources and programs to promote educational equity.

Educators for Social Responsibility –

➢ Creates and disseminates publications and programs for teachers and students emphasizing intergroup relations, violence prevention, character education, critical thinking, and social responsibility.

Eisenhower National Clearinghouse for Mathematics and Science Education -

➢ Addresses many equity issues for diverse learners.

Facing History and Ourselves –

➢ Training and resources on the Holocaust and racism.

FairTest –

➢ Provides information about diversity and equity issues in testing and assessments.

Feminist Majority Foundation -

➢ Advocacy for girls and women; programs and resources to promote gender equity.

Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) –

➢ With over 90 chapters nationwide, GLSEN is the largest national organization addressing issues of anti-gay bias in K-12 schools; provides classroom resources.

Generating Expectations for Student Achievement (GESA) –

➢ Provides professional staff development; peer observation and coaching model program to enhance student achievement through addressing equity issues; also provides equity training for parents.

Girls, Inc. –

➢ Provides direct service, research, and advocacy to help girls achieve; focus on girls ages 6-18 from low-income and minority backgrounds.

Girl Scouts of the USA -

➢ Promotes opportunities and growth for girls from diverse backgrounds.

Institute for Educational Leadership -

➢ Consultation, staff development, and information services concerning at-risk students; focus on urban education and intergroup relations.

Civil Rights Coalition for the 21st Century –

➢ Site of record for relevant and up-to-the minute civil rights news and information.

League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) -

➢ Provides research and direct services to Hispanics on educational and economic opportunity.

Math/Science Network -

and Math/Science Resource Center -

Mills College

Oakland, CA 94613


➢ Programs in mathematics and science education for all people, with particular emphasis on the needs of women and students of color.

Mexican American Women’s National Association (MANA) -

➢ Advocates for improved training, education, and conditions for Latino women and girls.

National Advisory Council on Indian Education -

➢ Assists and advises the Secretary of Education on Indian education.

National Alliance of Black School Educators, Inc. -

➢ Gathers and provides information on improving educational achievement and opportunities for Black youth and adults.

National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE) -

➢ Professional association of educators, parents, and others interested in bilingual education.

National Association for Education of Young Children (NAEYC) –

➢ Focuses on early childhood issues; provides information and produces resources.

National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME) –

➢ National membership organization promoting research and practice in developing effective multicultural institutional school-wide and classroom programs; pre-K through post-secondary.

National Association of Elementary and Middle Level Principals -

➢ Produces equity materials.

National Foreign Language Center -

➢ Resources related to foreign language instruction.

National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education (NCWGE) –

➢ A coalition of over 50 national organizations devoted to achieving gender equity in all aspects of education.

National Coalition of Education Activists/Teaching for Change –

➢ Organization focusing on issues of equal opportunity in schools; conducts training institutes on topics such as racism and produces materials and a newsletter, “Action for Better Schools.”

National Conference for Community and Justice (NCCJ) –

➢ Works to build inclusive communities through interfaith understanding.

National Congress of American Indians -

➢ Serves the needs of a broad membership of Indian and Native governments, organizations, and people.

National Council of La Raza (NCLR) –

➢ Advocacy for Latinos in the U.S.

National Education Association (NEA) –

➢ Provides advocacy and resources on issues related to education equity based on a range of diversity factors.

National Immigration Forum -

➢ Resources related to U.S. immigration.

National Immigration Law Center -

➢ Provides assistance and information on immigration and refugee issues.

National Multicultural Institute –

➢ Provides training on cross-cultural communication and intercultural issues.

National Organization on Disability (NOD) -

Collects and disseminates information and publications on disability.

National Science Foundation -

➢ Addresses issues of equity in science education.

National Women’s History Project –

➢ Publishes extensive catalogue of resource materials; provides training and produces materials on multicultural women’s history.

National Youth Advocacy Coalition –

➢ Focuses on gay and lesbian youth issues; provides resources, technical assistance, and a magazine, Crossroads.

Office of Civil Rights –

➢ Monitors, handles complaints, and provides guidance on federal non-discrimination and education law.

Office of Refugee Resettlement -

➢ Federal government information and policy agency for refugee issues.

Peace Corps –

➢ Sends volunteers on 2-year assignments to 94 developing countries; can provide speakers.

People for the American Way –

➢ Addresses issues of social justice in the U.S.

Federal of Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) –

➢ Provides guest speakers and information packets on gay/lesbian youth issues; national office can provide information about local groups.

Quality Education for Minorities (QEM) Network -

➢ Conducts research and programs related to advocacy for minorities.

Rethinking Schools –

➢ Produces periodical and resources to assist teachers in promoting school reform for equity and social justice.

Shoah Visual History Foundation –

➢ Information about a tolerance education initiative, “Teaching Tolerance: A Spielberg Production related to Holocaust education and a Holocaust archives developed by film director Steven Spielberg.

Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League (SMYAL) -

➢ Support services and information for gay and lesbian youth.

Society for Intercultural Education Training and Research -

➢ Presents conferences and training to promote cross-cultural understanding.

Southern Poverty Law Center –

➢ Produces research and materials on hate/violence groups; coordinates Teaching Tolerance program of resources and training.


➢ Organization of teachers working with English language learners; publishes journal and newsletter.

United Negro College Fund -

➢ Focus on African-American issues.

U.S. Committee for Refugees -

➢ Works to protect the human rights of refugees.

U.S. Commission on Civil Rights -

➢ Federal commission that addresses issues of civil and human rights.

U.S. Dept. of Education -

➢ Federal agency with numerous offices addressing equity and multicultural education.

U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum -

➢ Provides teacher training and resources on Holocaust and anti-racist education.

U.S. Dept. of Labor -

➢ Information on government sponsored programs for Native Americans.

WestEd -

➢ A regional education research laboratory involved in identifying best practices specifically related to “underserved” students; produces several resources on developing equitable assessments for diverse students.

Women’s Bureau -

➢ Publishes fact sheets and information on education, training, and issues related to changing roles of women in the workforce.


The following companies and organizations publish and/or distribute print and non-print multicultural education materials. Most companies or organizations listed will provide catalogues of specific resources upon request. Web addresses have been verified. Mailing addresses have not been verified.

African American Images -

➢ Adult and children’s books from an Afrocentric frame of reference that promote self-esteem, collective values, and skill development.

AIMS International Books. -

➢ Bilingual books for children; posters, cards, and stickers in different languages.

American Jewish Historical Society -

➢ Extensive publications and archival materials.

Asia Resource Center -

➢ Wide range of Asian American resources.

Asian Cinevision -

➢ Films by and about Asian Americans.

Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development -

➢ References for educators on multicultural education issues and curriculum development.

AWAIR: Arab World and Islamic Resources and School Services -

➢ Materials about Arab and Arab-American culture.

Black Classic Press -

➢ African American focus.

Bread and Roses -

➢ Multicultural posters, such as “Women of Hope” series on African American women, Latinas, and Native American women.

Center for the Study of Human Rights - now the Institute for the Study of Human Rights

➢ Annotated listing of over 200 films addressing race relations.

Chelsea House Publishers -

➢ Multicultural titles for elementary and young adult readers; biographies on African Americans, Asians, Hispanics, and Native Americans.

Cobblestone Publishing Co. -

➢ Publishes multicultural magazines.

Crizmac: Art and Cultural Education -

➢ Posters and literature related to art of many cultures.

Engaging Schools -

➢ Materials on conflict resolution, violence prevention, diversity education.

ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) Clearinghouse -

➢ A federally-funded, nationwide information network; the ERIC database is the world’s largest index to journal articles and documents in education, containing over 800,000 citations, many related to multicultural education; has separate clearinghouses on areas such as rural education, urban education, bilingual education, and counseling.

Fellowship of Reconciliation -

➢ Current social events, multicultural posters, cards, calendars, and other merchandise.

The Feminist Press - at City University of New York

➢ Women’s studies publications and bibliographies.

Four Winds Indian Books -

➢ Native American focus.

Free Spirit Publishing, Inc. -

➢ Human relations, anti-bias, and intergroup communication materials.

Gallaudet University Press -

➢ Stories for children told in signed English and resources for parents and educators related to individuals who are deaf.

Gryphon House -

➢ Early childhood multicultural books.

Harcourt School Publishers -

➢ Multicultural focus infused into reading, math, and social studies texts.

Heritage Books, Inc. -

➢ Materials on genealogy and understanding cultural heritage.

Incentive Publications, Inc. -

➢ Multicultural resource materials written by teachers for teachers.

Jewish Publication Society -

➢ Materials on Jewish American history and culture.

Juniper Learning, Inc. -

➢ Interdisciplinary programs and kits related to Native American and Southwest culture.

Latin American Literary Review Press -

➢ Latino resources.

Marsh Media -

➢ Multicultural books on self-development for young children.

Mid-Atlantic Equity Center -

➢ Materials on race, gender, and national origin educational equity topics.

Multicultural Media -

➢ Video, audio, CD-ROM and books; music and dance from around the world.

National Women’s Hall of Fame -

➢ Materials highlighting contributions of specific notable women who have been inducted into the Hall of Fame.

National Women’s History Project -

➢ Extensive multicultural women’s history print and non-print materials and commemorative items.

Native American Public Telecommunications -

➢ Videos on Native American issues.

Native Indian Books -

➢ Materials on indigenous peoples.

Network of Educators for Central America - Human Rights & Peace Store

➢ Materials on multicultural and anti-racist education; special emphasis on Latin America and the Caribbean.

New York Association for New Americans, Inc. -

➢ Pamphlets in English and several other languages related to the contemporary immigrant experience.

NICHY -is now Center for Parent Information and Resources (CPIR)

➢ Bibliographies about books related to children with disabilities.

Northern Sun Merchandising -

➢ Multicultural posters, cards, journals, buttons, and other merchandise.

Greenwood Publishing Group -

➢ Multicultural and historical books.

Oxford University Press –

Catalogues of multicultural books for children and young adults.

PBS Video -

➢ Catalog includes several multicultural videos.

A.W. Peller & Associates, Inc. -

➢ Books for K-12 classrooms on ethnic groups.

Redleaf Press -

➢ Adult resources for teachers, caregivers, and parents; picture books for children.

Research Press -

➢ Videos on cultural diversity/human relations.

Rethinking Schools -

➢ Resources on educational equity and social justice.

The Rosen Publishing Group -

➢ Books for secondary students on tolerance, cooperation, racism, coping with discrimination, the refugee experience, and human rights.

Sage Publications -

➢ Materials on intercultural understanding and communication.

Shen’s Books and Supplies purchased by Lee & Low Books

➢ Range of culturally diverse children’s literature; emphasis on Asian studies.

Social Studies School Service -

➢ Wide range of books and videos on multicultural studies, prejudice reduction, and conflict resolution.

Stanford Program on International and Cross-Cultural Education (SPICE) -

➢ Kits and lesson plans to build intercultural understanding, grades 6-12.

Sunburst Technology -

➢ Videos on human relations and intergroup understanding.

Sundance Publishing -

➢ Literature on the immigrant experience and diverse cultural groups, grades 4-8.

Syracuse Cultural Workers -

➢ Multicultural calendars, posters, and other commemorative materials.

Third Woman Press -

➢ Publishes works by and about Hispanic women.

Third World Press -

➢ The oldest, continuously running Black-owned publishing company in the nation; publishes progressive African American fiction/and non-fiction titles for children and adults.

United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) -

➢ Multicultural greeting cards and commemorative items; proceeds go to UNICEF for worldwide emergency relief for children.

U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum -

➢ Materials on Holocaust education and racism.

Video Journal of Education -

Videos on topics such as multiple intelligences, school climate, diversity in the classroom, and self-esteem.

Wested -

➢ A variety of materials on education research, including multicultural student assessment.

Women Make Movies -

➢ Multicultural women’s history and gender equity videos.

World Music Press -

➢ Selection of books and recordings with study guides on diverse cultures as reflected in musical traditions.


These sites provide lists and guides for identifying exemplary multicultural books for students.

American Library Association (ALA) -

National Council for Social Studies (NCSS)

National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) –


The following newspapers, magazines, guides, and newsletters provide information on multicultural and equity issues.

Cobblestone Publishing Co. -

➢ Publishes cultural and history magazines that highlight diversity; Apple Seeds (gr. 2-4); Calliope (gr. 4-9)-world history; Faces (gr. 4-9)-world cultures; Cobblestone (gr. 4-9)-U.S. history; also distributes teacher materials.

Ebony -

➢ Feature articles about Black Americans in history, politics, fashion, sports.

Gender and Diversities and Technologies Institute (GDI) On-Line News-

Journal of Black Studies -

➢ Contains analytical discussions of issues pertaining to persons of African decent.

New Moon: The Magazine for Girls and Their Dreams -

➢ Subscription magazine edited by and for girls (ages 10-15); features multicultural role models and high-interest stories about girls as risk-takers and leaders.

Rethinking Schools -

➢ Subscription newspaper-format periodical published monthly with articles and practical classroom strategies related to multicultural education; single-issue copies on specific topics are also available for purchase.

Skipping Stones: A Multicultural Magazine

➢ A bi-monthly subscription multicultural magazine for children with contributions by students and a teacher/parent guide.

Traditions -

➢ Radio program that focuses on diverse cultures.



The following resources provide materials, advocacy, or training specifically related to teaching tolerance and appreciation of diversity, as well as reducing bias and prejudice.

American Friends Service Committee -

➢ Advocates for social justice and racial harmony.

Anti-Defamation League of B’Nai B’Rith -

➢ Educational resources and training on tolerance, including “A World of Difference” program and curricular materials for schools.

Children’s Defense Fund -

➢ Advocacy on behalf of children; publishes a monthly newsletter and reports on the status of children.

National Coalition Building Institute -

➢ Provides training for educators and students on prejudice reduction.

National Conference for Community and Justice (NCCJ) -

➢ Works on issues of intergroup understanding; publishes annual calendar of ethnic and religious holidays.

National Education Association (NEA) -

➢ Produces resource guide with organizations and websites that address issues of tolerance; produces action sheets on multicultural issues; conducts workshops on diversity issues.

Operation Understanding -

➢ Provides cooperative training and experiential learning experiences for groups of African American and Jewish students.

Southern Poverty Law Center -

➢ Addresses issues of teaching tolerance, hate-violence, prejudice reduction.

Students Against Violence Everywhere (SAVE) -

➢ A comprehensive program for students to explore issues of prejudice and learn how to solve conflicts peacefully; high school students are trained to work with middle school students.

Students Talk About Race (STAR) -

➢ Enlists college students as mentors to lead class discussions in middle and high schools about racial and ethnic tensions and discrimination.

Study Circles -

➢ Discussion program with guides for adults and students to discuss social issues, such as race relations in a dialogue format.

Simon Wiesenthal Center -

➢ Sponsors the Museum of Tolerance and offers Holocaust resources.

U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum -

➢ Presents educational programs on the Holocaust and issues of prejudice; sponsors “Bringing the Lessons Home” project that connects the Holocaust experience with contemporary racism.


Race Relations And Race Issues

A Class Divided (PBS, 60 min., adult)

➢ A documentary showing the impact of a 3rd-grade teachers’ experiment with a class that she divided by “brown eyes and blue eyes,” the documentary includes adults looking back at that school experience.

Holocaust Education

Courage to Care (Anti-Defamation League, 28 min., high school; adult)

➢ Stories of “rescuers” during the Holocaust; teachers guide.

Daniel’s Story (U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, 14 min., middle school; adult) -

➢ Based on an exhibit at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum; traces the story of Daniel, a young Jewish boy in Germany caught in the escalating anti-Semitism leading to the Holocaust; includes discussion guide.


Multi-Ethnic And Women’s History

Africans in America: America’s Journey Through Slavery -

➢ Depicts the history of slavery in America from 1607-1861.

Americans Before the Europeans 300-1500

(Landmark Films, 26 min., high school; adult)

➢ Overview of the Maya, Aztec, and Inca civilizations.

Chief Oren Lyons -

➢ Reflective interview with Chief Oren Lyons of the Onodoga Nation; Journalist Bill Moyers highlights historical and contemporary issues facing Native Americans.

One Fine Day -

➢ A celebratory montage of historical and contemporary images of women, both famous and “unsung” set to the song “One Fine Day;” teacher’s guide.

We Were Arrested, of Course: Alice Paul and the Suffrage Movement -

➢ Portrays the struggle for women’s suffrage.

Gender Equity

Making Schools Safe for Gay and Lesbian Youth -

➢ Comments from educators, administrators, and students on the need for equity programs for gay and lesbian youth.

Sexual Harassment in Schools -

➢ Research, links, and planning information for creating a zero tolerance for sexual harassment environment for schools.

Tough Guise: Violence, Media, and the Crisis in Masculinity -

➢ Explores how boys and men are portrayed in the media, with a focus on males and violence.

Disability Issues

Disabled Women: Visions and Voices -

➢ A discussion of disability issues by individuals attending the world conference on women in Beijing, China.


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