|Van Doren Scholarship |Van Doren Scholarship |$40,000 for |* Must be a resident of Somerset County | |

|Committee | |distribution |* Student plan to attend or currently be attending as a full-time | |

| | |between |student to an accredited 4-year college or university, 2-year | |

| | |multiple |college or post-high school trade or nursing school. | |

| | |winners |* Financial need is considered, but scholarships are awarded | |

| | | |primarily on the basis of achievement. | |

|PEARLS Inc. (Pursue |Maurice M. Williams |Not Specified |The Constance Pizzaro Scholarship is for graduating |Applications must be postmarked by Friday, February, 22, 2013 |

|Education and Really |Scholarship and Constance | |African-American or Hispanic female student with substantial |Hardcopy applications are available in Guidance Office. |

|Learn Something); |Pizzaro Community Service | |community service. | |

|sponsored by Nu Xi |Leadership Award | | | |

|Omega Chapter of Alpha| | |The Maurice Williams Scholarship is for minority male and female | |

|Kappa Alpha Sorority | | |students. | |

|and Kappa Alpha Psi | | | | |

|Fraternity | | | | |

|PEARLS Inc. (Pursue |Diamonds and Pearls |Not Specified |Graduating Minority male student with demonstrated financial need |Applications must be postmarked by Friday, February, 22, 2013 |

|Education and Really |Scholarship | |with leadership credentials |Hardcopy applications are available in Guidance Office. |

|Learn Something) ; | | | | |

|sponsored by Nu Xi | | | | |

|Omega Chapter of Alpha| | | | |

|Kappa Alpha Sorority | | | | |

|and Kappa Alpha Psi | | | | |

|Fraternity | | | | |

|NJACAC (New Jersey |NJACAC Scholarship Program|8-$1,500 |*Must be a high school senior. | |

|Assoc. of College | |scholarships |*Must submit an essay. | |

|Admissions Counselors)| | |*Must submit 2 letters of recommendation | |

|Scholarship | | |* Application is available on NJACAC website | |

| | | | |Deadline is March 1, 2013. |

|The Asian Pacific |APCA Scholarship Program |Fifteen $2,000 |* Must be a high school senior | |

|Islanders for | |awards and (2) |* Applicant must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 on 4.0 scale. | |

|Professional and | |$1,000 at the |* Must be a US citizen or a permanent resident of US. |Deadline is Friday, February 15, 2013 at 5:00 PM. |

|Community Advancement | |state level |* Student should be the child or legal dependent of a current APCA| |

|of AT& T (APCA) | | |member in good standing. | |

|The Janet Logan Daily |The Janet Logan Daily |$10,000 |* Must be a high school senior from New Jersey who enrolls |Please contact the Janet Logan Daily Foundation at |

|Foundation |Scholarship | |full-time in an accredited university or college within the United|application@ or 215-305-8794 |

| | | |States. | |

| | | |* This scholarship rewards students from varying academic |The deadline to submit is April 1st, 2013.   |

| | | |backgrounds who consistently demonstrate responsibility, | |

| | | |motivation and positive character within and beyond the classroom.| |

|Ronald McDonald House |RMHC® /Asia |Not Specified |Beginning October 1, 2012, students may apply online by clicking |For any questions about the Scholarship Program application process, |

|Charities (RMHC) |RMHC®/ African American | |here. Graduating high school seniors may only apply for one of the|please contact International Scholarship and Tuition Services, Inc. (ISTS)|

| |Future Achievers | |four scholarships. Applicants will be notified of scholarship |via email at RMHC@ (Subject Line: RMHC) or toll free |

| |RMHC®/HACER® (Hispanic | |award status in May – June, 2013. The deadline for the 2013 |855-670-4787. To search the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the |

| |American Commitment to | |academic year is December 20, 2012 and all mailed back-up |program and the application process, click here. Or apply now at: |

| |Educational Resources) | |documents must be postmarked by the same date. |. |

| |RMHC® Scholars | | | |

|NJ Vietnam Veterans’ |NJ Vietnam Veterans’ |Two $2,500 |*Must be a high school senior | |

|Memorial Foundation |Memorial Scholarship |awards |*Must be an NJ resident | |

| | | |* Must visit the NJ Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial |*Application deadline is April 19, 2013. |

| | | |*Must submit an essay out his/her visit | |

|Big Sun Athletic |Big Sun Scholarship |Individual |*Must be a high school senior or be attending a post secondary | |

|Organization | |award is $500. |institute. | |

| | |The number of |*All student athletes are eligible regardless of the sport they | |

| | |awards varies |are engaged in. |Deadline is June 13, 2013. |

| | | | | |

|University of |Alumni Leadership Award |Two $2,500 |This Merit based Alumni Leadership Award is offered by University | |

|California Berkeley |offered by University of |scholarships |of California Berkeley. This award is open to out of state | |

| |California Berkeley | |students. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |The College application deadline is NOVEMBER 30. Please remember | |

| | | |to go to the Scholarship section of the on-line application and | |

| | | |under the "outside scholarship resources" section, check off the | |

| | | |box that says "yes, I am interested in all scholarships. | |

|The Ralph Verde | | |Must be a High School senior | |

|Scholarship |The Ralph Verde |Over $18,000 in|Must complete the application (available in Guidance) | |

| |Foundation's mission is to|scholarships to| | |

| |1) award high achieving |NJ high school |*Application timeframe is Oct. 24, 2012 – Feb 1, 2013. |or |

| |high school seniors in |seniors | |ralphverdefund@ |

| |pursuance of a higher |pursuing a | | |

| |education degree with |degree of | | |

| |financial assistance, 2) |higher | | |

| |advance the educational |education | | |

| |development of the younger| | | |

| |generations that are | | | |

| |located in high-poverty | | | |

| |areas, and 3) share | | | |

| |Ralph’s story so his | | | |

| |impact and achievements | | | |

| |will inspire and live on | | | |

| |through others. | | | |

|AES Engineers |AES Engineers Scholarships|$500.00 |*Students must submit an essay in response to the question that is| |

| | | |posted on our site:    | |

| | | | |Deadline for entry: October 4, 2013 |

| | | | | |

| | | |* Must be a high school senior or college student (regardless of | |

| | | |courses being studied) | |

| | | |* You are not required to be taking Engineering courses to be | |

| | | |eligible. | |

|Buick Achievers |Buick Achievers |1,100 |We encourage the following to apply: | |

|Scholarship Foundation|Scholarship |scholarships, |High school seniors and current undergraduates |Visit for program details and the online application. |

| | |including 100 |Those who plan to enroll full time at a four-year college or | |

| | |renewable |university in 2013-2014 |Deadline: February 28, 2013 |

| | |scholarships of|Those who plan to major in a field of study that focuses on |5:00 p.m. EST |

| | |up to $25,000 |engineering, technology, design or business, with an interest in | |

| | |per year |the automotive industry. | |

|New Jersey |NJ Schoolwomen’s |2- $1,000 |*Graduating female planning to pursue a career in education |Application deadline is TBD |

|Schoolwomen’s Club |Scholarship |scholarships |*A minimum SAT combined score of at 1460 and /or a minimum ACT | |

| | |and 2-$500 |score of 24, and an academic average of C+ must be achieved. |Hardcopy applications are available in Guidance |

| | |educational | | |

| | |awards | | |

|Stony Brook Garden |Elly and Giorgio Petronio |$1,000 |Graduating senior who demonstrates a passion and commitment to our|Roxane Jones |

|Club |– Stony Brook Garden Club | |environment |roxanesjones@ |

| |Environmental Award | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |by April 15, 2012 |

|Saint Joseph ‘s |*The McNulty Scholars |Totals Varied |* The McNulty Scholars Program is designed as a dynamic, | |

|University |Program | |multi-faceted experience that supports young women’s academic and | |

| | | |professional development. | |

|Saint Louis University|*The Presidential |Totals Varied |* The priority deadline for merit-based scholarship consideration | |

| |Scholarship | |is Dec. 1. | |

| |• *Medical Scholars | |* For priority consideration, students must complete their | |

| |Program | |admission file - which includes an application for admission, | |

| |•* The Honors Program | |official ACT or SAT test scores and an official high school | |

| | | |transcript. | |

|Siena College, New |* Athletic Scholarships |Totals Varied |* Varied depending on type of award | |

|York |* Merit Scholarships | | | |

| |* Endowed Scholarships | | | |

|Dalhousie University, |The Dalhousie Alumni |Awards will |Criteria will vary based on scholarship | |

|Halifax, Nova Scotia |Leadership Scholarship |Vary | | |

| | | | | |

| |The Dalhousie Alumni | | | |

| |Association Scholarship | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Merit-based Scholarships | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Dalhousie Entrance | | | |

| |Scholarships | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Wofford College, South|Wofford College Scholars |From $2,000 per|Must be a high school senior |Students must notify their school counselor in September |

|Carolina |Program |year up to full|Must notify school counselor the student wants to attend Wofford | |

| | |scholarship |Must have minimum 1250 SAT score or 28 composite | |

| | |($40,000) | | |

|Monmouth University, |Monmouth University |Three (3) |*Must be a high school senior. |N/A |

|New Jersey |Leadership Grant |$1,000 grants |*Must be a student who plans to attend Monmouth University in the | |

| | | |fall of 2013. | |

| | | |*Must demonstrate leadership qualities that include citizenship, | |

| | | |civility, and responsibility to their community. | |

|St. John’s University,|Catholic Student |Varied based on|Student must be a senior and planning to attend St. John’s. |Contact office of Admissions |

|Queens, NY |Scholarship |scholarship |Most scholarships require that the candidate be Roman Catholic. |(888) 9STJOHNS |

| |Catholic Leader | | |OR |

| |Scholarship | | | |

| |Ozanam Scholars Program | | | |

|Denison University, |Academic Scholarships |Varied, based |*Students must apply and be accepted to Denison | |

|Ohio | |on scholarship | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Smith College |Amounts will vary |Varied based on|* Student must be a high school senior. | |

| | |scholarship |*All applicants for admission are considered; there are no special| |

| | | |application forms. | |

|HBCUCONNECT |HBCU SCHOLARSHIPS |Various |Various |scholarships |

|(HBCU = Historically | | | | |

|Colleges & | | | | |

|Universities) | | | | |

|Felician College and |The New Jersey Food |Full-Tuition, |* You or an immediate family member (spouse, parent or sibling) |fafsa. |

|The New Jersey Food |Council |renewable |must be an employee in the food industry. | |

|Council | |annually |* Must be a high school senior | |

| | | |* Must apply and be accepted to Felician College | |

| | | |* Must file FAFSA | |

| | | | | |

|Ryerson, University, |one of seven (7) |Not specified |All international students are encouraged to contact the education|

|Canada |International Secondary | |ministry of their country’s government to determine the |tml |

| |School Student Merit | |availability of other scholarships and loans. | |

| |Scholarships. | | | |

|University of Delaware|Not specified |Not specified |* All students that apply for freshman admission to the University| |

| | | |of Delaware by December 1 are automatically considered for | |

| | | |scholarships. | |

| | | |* To apply for need-based aid, file the Free Application for | |

| | | |Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible after January 1. | |

|Vassar College, |Scholarships vary |Awards will |Criteria will vary based on scholarship | |

|Poughkeepsie, NY | |Vary | | |

|The University of |Scholarships vary |Awards will |*Scholarships typically are awarded by considering three criteria:| |

|Texas, at Austin | |Vary |merit, need, and adversity. | |

| | | |*Some scholarship committees, which in the beginning of March | |

| | | |begin making award decisions for the following academic year, may | |

| | | |look at all three of these factors, while others may only consider| |

| | | |merit. | |

| | | |*All students are strongly encouraged to complete the FAFSA along | |

| | | |with their scholarship application. | |

|Jefferson Scholars |Jefferson Scholarship |Ranging from |* Seniors must notify their counselor of interest in early | |

|Foundation, University| |$10,000 to |October.. |Contact |

|of Virginia, | |$15,.000 |*Nominees must demonstrate excellence and exceptional potential in| |

|Charlottesville, VA | | |the areas of leadership, scholarship and citizenship. | |

|Washington College |Scholarships for National |$10,000 |*Student must apply and be accepted to Washington College | |

|Chestertown, MD. |Honor Society Members |annually for 4 | | |

| | |years | | |

|Norwich University, |Scholarships vary and |Awards will |Criteria will vary based on scholarship | |

|Vermont |include ROTC scholarships |Vary | | |

|Fashion Institute of |FIDM’s National |One Full year |*Must plan to attend FIDM | |

|Design & Merchandising|Scholarship |of Tuition | | |

|(FIDM), California | | | | |

|The University of |Levine Scholars Program |Four year |*Students must apply for admission . | |

|North Carolina at | |scholarship |*Students must request a teacher or counselor or principal to | |

|Chapel Hill | |valued up to |nominate them for award. | |

| | |137,000 per | | |

| | |out-of-state | | |

| | |student. | | |

|Duke University and |Robertson Scholars program|Unspecified |*Your application to the Robertson Scholars Program is |Follow college application deadline date |

|the University of | | |supplemental to your application to Duke University or the | |

|North Carolina at | | |University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. You must also submit | |

|Chapel Hill | | |an application for admission to your university of choice. | |

| | | | | |

|Drew University, |Community Service Award |$20,000 |Must apply to attend Drew University | |

|Madison, NJ | | |Must be a high school senior | |

| | | |Must demonstrate leadership in organizing and implementing | |

| | | |community service projects | |

| | | |Deadline is TBD | |

|Drew University, |Amounts will vary |Varied based on|97% of Drew students receive a grant or scholarship directly from | |

|Madison, NJ | |scholarship |Drew University each year. | |

| | | |The average financial aid package for a Drew student is almost | |

| | | |$25,000 a year. | |

|James Madison |Bluestone Scholarship |Varied based on|*Must submit undergraduate admission application | |

|University, |Program |Scholarship | | |

|Harrisonburg, VA. | | | | |

| |Madison Achievement | | | |

| |Scholarships | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Thomas and Karyn | | | |

| |Dingledine Scholarships | | | |

|College of the |COA’s Presidential |Awards will |Criteria will vary based on scholarship | |

|Atlantic, Maine |Scholarship |Vary | | |

| | | | | |

| |General Student | | | |

| |Scholarship Fund | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Alice Blum Yoakum | | | |

| |Scholarship Fund | | | |

|Ithaca College |Ithaca Merit-Based |Varied based on|Criteria will vary based on scholarship | |

| |Scholarships for New |Scholarship | | |

| |Students | | | |

| |ROTC Scholarships | | | |

| | | | | |

|New York University |Steinhardt School of |Unspecified |* Submit the FAFSA by February 1 for fall/summer enrollment or | |

|(NYU) |Education | |November 1 for spring enrollment.  Do not wait to be accepted for | |

| | | |admission. | |

| | | |*Supplemental Applications – Several scholarship programs require | |

| | | |a separate application. Please see the scholarship descriptions | |

| | | |listed below for details and deadlines. | |

|State University of |SUNY Oswego’s Merit |Over $2,500,00 |*Seniors must have a B+ average. | |

|New York (SUNY) – |Scholarships |in Presidential| | |

|Oswego | |and Merit |*Must have 100 SAT (combined critical reading and math score) or a| |

| | |scholarships |24 ACT score. | |

| | | |*Out-of-state students are also eligible for Residential | |

| | | |scholarships. | |

|The State University |Scholarships are based on |Varied |Seniors will be automatically considered when you apply for | |

|of New York (SUNY) |academic merit or other | |financial aid. | |

| |performance. | | | |

|Flagler College, St. |Annual |Varied |Criteria will vary based on scholarship | |

|Augustine, Fl. | | | | |

| |Athletic | | | |

| |Lewis-Wiley Scholar Awards| | | |

|New Jersey City |NJCU Scholarship |Varied |* Must be a high school senior who has applied to NJCU | |

|University (NJCU), |Opportunities | |*Must be US citizens and permanent residents of the US. | |

|Jersey City, NJ | | |*Must enroll as a full-time student. | |

|Franklin W. Olin |Need-Based |Varied |Admission to Olin is need-blind, meaning families' abilities to | |

|College of | | |pay the costs of attendance are not a consideration when | |

|Engineering, Needham. |Need-Blind | |evaluating students' applications. | |

|MA | | |Every student admitted to Olin receives a half-tuition merit | |

| | | |scholarship valued at more than $80,000 over eight semesters. | |

| | | |All additional aid is need-based. Families interested in applying | |

| | | |for additional assistance to meet costs in excess of the Olin | |

| | | |Scholarship should complete a Free Application for Federal Student| |

| | | |Aid (FAFSA) online at fafsa.. | |

|Hofstra University, |Scholarships are generally|Awards will |* Criteria will vary based on scholarship. |

|Hempstead, NY |awarded by Hofstra and |Vary – some are|* When you apply for admission, your academic credentials are |eligibility.html |

| |other organizations for |need-based. |evaluated for scholarships. | |

| |academic or other merit. | | | |

|Hood College, |Amounts will vary |Varied based on|*Students admitted to Hood are automatically considered for merit |

|Frederick, Maryland | |scholarship |scholarships, except the Honors Program Scholarship, the |ml |

| | | |Hodson-Gilliam Diversity Scholarship, and the Hood Heritage | |

| | | |Scholarship which require separate applications. | |

|Lafayette College, |Marquis |Varied based on|Criteria will vary based on scholarship | |

|Easton, PA |Athletic |scholarship | | |

| |Military | | | |

|Hamilton College, |Need-Based Scholarships |Unspecified |Hamilton Endowed Scholarships are need –based. | |

|Clinton, NY | | | | |

|Curry College, Milton,|Air Force ROTC |Includes |Scholarship winners also receive a $250-$400 stipend per month, a |

|Mass. |Scholarships |$9,000/year up |$600 book allowance and uniforms.  |nd-financial-aid/scholarships-and-grants/gi-and-private-scholarships.html |

| | |to |Applications for scholarships are due by December 1 of senior | |

| | |full-tuition. |year.  | |

|Marist College |NSF Scholarships |12 Full |*For seniors who choose to major in Computer Science or | |

|Poughkeepsie, NY | |tuition, room |Information Technology and Systems | |

| | |and board | | |

| | |scholarships | | |

|Rider University, |Varied |Varied based on| | |

|Lawrenceville, NJ | |scholarship | | |

|McGill University, |Entrance Scholarships |Varied based on|Criteria will vary based on scholarship | |

|Montreal, Quebec, |In-Course Scholarships & |scholarship | | |

|Canada |Awards | | | |

| |Activity Awards | | | |

| |Athletic Awards | | | |

|Emory University, |Emory Scholars Program & |Ranging from |*Students must be seniors. | |

|Atlanta, GA. |Emory Goizueta Business |two-thirds of |*Seniors must notify their counselor of their interest and plan to| |

| |School |tuition to full|apply to Emory. | |

| | |tuition and |*Students must apply to Emory using Common App. | |

| | |fees. Scholars | | |

| | |may use their | | |

| | |awards to study| | |

| | |abroad during | | |

| | |the school | | |

| | |year. | | |

|Green Mountain |Amounts will vary |Varied based on|*Scholarships and grants awarded based on merit and demonstrated | |

|College, VT. | |scholarship |financial need. | |

| | | |*All of GMC's grants and scholarships are awarded for up to 4 | |

| | | |years or 8 semesters. | |

| | | |* For scholarships and/or grants to be renewed each year, one must| |

| | | |always maintain full-time enrollment and continue to make | |

| | | |satisfactory academic progress. | |

|Seton Hill University,|Amounts will vary |Varied based on|Please explore the Financial Aid section of our website for | |

|Greensburg, PA | |scholarship |important information about grants, scholarships, loans and | |

| | | |work-study programs offered to undergraduate, graduate, adult | |

| | | |degree and international students at Seton Hill University. | |

|Seton Hall University,|Amounts will vary |Varied based on|The Free Application for Federal Student Aid determines your | |

|New Jersey | |scholarship |eligibility for many federal, state, institutional, and private | |

| | | |scholarships and grants. So even if you think your income is too | |

| | | |high, it's best to file.  Remember SHU priority deadline is March | |

| | | |1st. | |

|Boston University |Boston University |Awards will |Criteria varies based on scholarship (GPA) | |

| |Academic Scholarships |Vary | | |

| | | | | |

| |Athletic Scholarships | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Methodist Clergy | | | |

| |Scholarship | | | |

| | | | | |

| |ROTC Scholarships | | | |

| | | | | |

|Harvard University |Harvard University for |Discounted |Beginning with the class admitted this week, parents in families | |

| |Low-income families |Tuition |with incomes of less than $60,000 will normally no longer be | |

| | | |expected to contribute to the cost of their children attending | |

| | | |Harvard. In addition, Harvard will reduce the contributions of | |

| | | |families with incomes between $60,000 and $80,000. | |

|Guilford College, |Amounts will vary |Varied based on|*Incoming first-year students and transfers who have demonstrated |

|North Carolina | |scholarship |outstanding leadership, academic potential and achievement or |_financial_services/finaid/index.html |

| | | |talent during high school are eligible for renewable scholarships | |

| | | |at three different levels. |

| | | |*Leadership criteria include achievement in areas such as arts, |_financial_services/ |

| | | |civic affairs, student government, or student publications. | |

| | | |*Financial need is not a criterion. | |

|Daniel Webster |Scholarships vary |Awards will |Criteria will vary based on scholarship | |

|College, Nashua, New | |Vary | | |

|Hampshire | | | | |

|Iona College, NY |These scholarships |Awards will |Criteria will vary based on scholarship | |

| |include: Academic |Vary – some are| | |

| |Excellence, Iona |need-based. | | |

| |Scholarship, Deans | | | |

| |Scholarship, Iona | | | |

| |Incentive, Transfer | | | |

| |Scholarship, Pipers. | | | |

|Colby College, Maine | |Awards will |Criteria will vary based on scholarship | |

| |Oak Programs at Colby |Vary | | |

| | | | | |

| |Davis UWC Scholars | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Bunche Scholars | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Posse Scholars | | | |

|Colby-Sawyer College, |Scholarships vary: |Awards will |Criteria will vary based on scholarship | |

|New Hampshire |Wesson Honors Scholarship |Vary | | |

| |and Presidential | | | |

| |Scholarship | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Rising Scholars | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Merit Based Awards | | | |

|Davidson College, |The John Montgomery Belk |Ranging from |* Seniors must notify their counselor of interest by November 1st | |

|Davidson, North |Scholarship |$10,000 to |*Seniors must complete their application for admission by December|Contact Ms. Gardner Roller Ligo, Director of Merit Programs |

|Carolina | |$15,.000 |1st. | |

| | | |*Nominees must demonstrate they have engaged in life purposefully | |

| | | |and successfully in the classroom, civic and student organizations| |

| | | |on the athletic field or in the arts. | |

|Davidson College, |Merit-Based Scholarships |Varied |*Check website for details. | |

|Davidson, NC | | |Student must apply and be accepted to Davidson. | |

|University of |Merit-Based Scholarships |Varied |*Check website for details. | |

|Connecticut | | |Student must apply and be accepted to UCONN. | |

| | | | | |

|College of St. |Amounts will vary |Varied based on|More than 90 percent of full-time CSE undergraduates receive some | |

|Elizabeth, New Jersey | |scholarship |form of financial assistance. CSE provides not only need-based | |

| | | |funding but also merit awards for academic achievement, leadership| |

| | | |potential, and community service. | |

|Saint Louis |Martin Luther King Jr. |Unspecified |*Must be a high school senior. | |

|University, St. Louis,|Scholarship | |*Must submit freshman admission application by Feb. 1 including | |

|MO | | |test scores. | |

| | | |*Must have above average ACT or SAT scores | |

| | | |* Must have GPA of 3.23 or higher. | |

|University of |The Geisinger Scholarship |$20,000 |Recipients must be first-year students admitted to the College of | |

|Michigan-Ann Arbor, |Program | |Engineering at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. | |

|Michigan… College of | | | | |

|Engineering | | | | |

|University of Michigan|Balanced Man Scholarship |$1,000 and $750|*Must be male | |

|chapter of Sigma Phi | | |*Must be attending the University of Michigan in the fall | |

|Epsilon | | | | |

|Kent State University,|Scholarships vary: |Varied based on|* There are over 700 scholarships offered by various Kent State | |

|Kent, Ohio | |scholarship |University departments. | |

| | | |*Some scholarships are available only to a student enrolled in a | |

| | | |specific program or major. | |

|William Paterson |Institutional, Academic & |Varied based on|* Student must be a high school senior. * Student must | |

|University, Wayne, NJ |Foundation scholarships |scholarship |file a FAFSA by April1st. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Marine Trade |Half Tuition Scholarship |Full Tuition |Pursue degree in technical education at ATC | |

|Association (MTA) |to Automotive Training |($9,000) | |or |

| |Center – ATC (Warminster,| | |mdanko@ at (732) 292-1051 |

| |PA) | | | |

|Marine Trade |Marine Trade Association |$3,000 |Graduating senior pursuing a degree in the marine | |

|Association |Education Scholarship | |industry/technical program |or |

| |(MTA/NJ) | | |mdanko@ at (732) 292-1051 |

|University of Notre |The Hesburgh-Yusko |$25,000 per |*Applications are available online |hesburgh- |

|Dame, Notre Dame, IN |Scholars Program |year, merit |*Student must apply Early Action by November 1st. | |

| | |-based | | |

|Harvey Mudd College, |Robertson Scholars program|Unspecified |About 82 percent of HMC students receive some sort of financial | |

|Ca. | | |aid—with awards ranging from $225 to $47,350 | |

| | | |The average financial aid award is about $29,000, of which about | |

| | | |$21,000 comes in grant aid from HMC (not from government sources) | |

| | | |About 50 percent of HMC students receive need-based aid | |

| | | |Typically, 40 percent of incoming freshmen qualify for our | |

| | | |merit-based awards | |

|Raritan Valley |Amounts will vary |Varied based on|If a student is awarded one academic scholarship, that student is | |

|Community College | |scholarship |not eligible for additional scholarships in that same academic | |

| | | |year. | |

| | | |*If financial need is a criterion for a scholarship, the student | |

| | | |must file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as | |

| | | |part of the application process. | |

|Raritan Valley |Galileo Scholarship |Unspecified |* Designed for students majoring in Science, Math, Engineering, |If You Have Questions Call 908-526-1200, x8273 |

|Community College |Program | |Computer Science or Technology. | |

|Foundation and the | | | | |

|National Science | | | | |

|Foundation | | | | |

|Washington University |William H. and Elizabeth |Up to 4 |*Student must submit college application to Washington University | |

|in St. Louis |G. Danforth Scholars |full-tuition |*Check website for details, you must be nominated by your | |

| |Program |and several |counselor. | |

| | |partial tuition|*Notify your guidance counselor of your interest. | |

| | |scholarships. | | |

|Cal Alumni Club of |Alumni Leadership Award |$2500 renewable|*Must be a high school senior. |Contact |

|Philadelphia | |scholarship to |* Step 1: When applying to Berkeley, go to Scholarship |Wendy Peck |

| | |the University |opportunities of the application, click “Scholarships by |wrpcons@ |

| | |of California |Campus-Berkeley” | |

| | |at Berkeley |Step 2: When student receives the Alumni Leadership Scholarship | |

| | | |form, it must be returned by 2013 deadline. | |

|Wesleyan College |Varied scholarships |Varied |*Student must apply for admission and be accepted to Wesleyan | |

| | | | |

| | | | |s/tabid/1057/Default.aspx |

| | | | | |

|DeVry University |High School Scholar Awards|5 awards per |*Must be a high school senior |Applications may be downloaded from website: |

| | |high school in |*Must have a GPA of 2.7 or higher. | |

| | |New Jersey for |*Must demonstrate interest in technology, media arts, business | |

| | |$3,000 per year|administration or healthcare technology. | |

| | | |* Extracurricular involvement can also be considered in selection.| |

|Villanova University, |Need-based; |Varied based on|Varied based on scholarship |

|Villanova, PA |Academic; |scholarship | | |

| |ROTC scholarships | | | |

|Skidmore College, |Filene Music Scholarships |$10,000 per |* Must be a high school senior | |

|Saratoga Springs, NY | |year |*Should plan to pursue a liberal arts education at Skidmore. | |

| | | |* Must participate in performance competition. | |

|University of Illinois|Varied scholarships |Varied |*Student must apply for admission and be accepted to Illinois | |

| | | |University | |

| | | | | |

|Quinnipiac University,|Varied based on |Varied based on|All *NEW and RETURNING* students interested in applying for | |

|Hamden, Ct. |scholarship |scholarship |financial aid are required to complete the Free Application for | |

| | | |Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) which can be completed online at: | |

| | | |fafsa.. Quinnipiac University's FAFSA Code is: 001402. | |

| | | |All incoming students must have their FAFSA and Profile "date | |

| | | |stamped" by the appropriate processor by March 1. | |

|High Point University,|Presidential Scholarship |Unspecified |*Based on merit | |

|High Point, NC |Program | |*Must be a high school senior | |

| | | |*Must demonstrate superior academic achievement, good citizenship | |

| | | |and strong leadership | |

|Hobart and William |Varied based on |Varied based on|For first-year and transfer students are intended to recognize | |

|Smith Colleges, |scholarship |scholarship |students' outstanding academic accomplishments and significant | |

|Geneva, NY | | |contributions to their communities. | |

|New College of |New College of Florida, |Not Specified |*Must be a high school senior. | |

|Florida, Sarasota, Fl.|The Honors College | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|New College of Florida|Varied based on |Varied based on|Please complete your admission application file by February 15, | |

| |scholarship |scholarship |2013 for priority scholarship consideration. | |

| | | | | |

|University of Maine at| |Awards will |Criteria will vary based on scholarship | |

|Machias, Maine |Presidential Scholarship |Vary | | |

| |Program: | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Trustee Tuition | | | |

| |Scholarship | | | |

| | | | | |

| |UMM Leadership Award | | | |

| | | | | |

| |UMM Distinguished Scholars| | | |

| | | | | |

| |Many others…….. | | | |

|Bard College; |Scholarships vary: |Awards will |Criteria will vary based on scholarship | |

|Annandale-on-Hudson |Distinguished Scientist |Vary | | |

|New York |Scholars Program | | | |

| | | | | |

| |The Levy Economics | | | |

| |Institute Scholarships | | | |

| | | | | |

| |New Generations | | | |

| |Scholarships | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Bard College Conservatory | | | |

| |of Music Distinguished | | | |

| |Musician-Scholar Program | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Excellence and Equal Cost | | | |

| |Program | | | |

|Saint Peter’s |Scholarship & Grant |Varied based on|Varied based on award | |

|UNIVERSITY, New Jersey|Programs |award | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Franklin Pierce |Varied based on |Varied based on|Each form has specific information on eligibility as well as | |

|University , Rindge, |scholarship |award |instructions for filling out information and submitting the form | |

|New Hampshire | | |to the appropriate University department. | |

|Elmira College |*Valedictorian & |Varied |*Student must apply for admission and be accepted to Elmira | |

|Elmira, NY |Salutatorian Scholarships | |College | |

| |*Presidential Honor | |*Student must live on campus | |

| |Scholarship | | | |

| |*Trustee Honor Scholarship| | | |

| |*Founcler Honor | | | |

| |Scholarship | | | |

| |*Mark Twain Honor | | | |

| |Scholarship | | | |

| |Iris Leadership | | | |

| |Scholarship | | | |

|Manhattanville |-Castle Fellowship |Varied based on|Varied based on scholarship |

|College, Purchase, NY |-MAP |scholarship | |Default.aspx |

| |-Duchesne Center | | | |

| |Scholarship | | | |

| |-Dance & Theatre | | | |

| |Scholarship | | | |

| |-Music Scholarship | | | |

| |-Art Scholarship | | | |

| |-Alumni Award | | | |

| |-TSTT | | | |

| |-Invest in Success | | | |

| |-Academic Merit | | | |

|Chestnut Hill College,|-New Economy Technology |Varied based on|Varied based on scholarship | |

|Philadelphia, PA |Scholarships (NETS) |scholarship | | |

| |-Endowed Scholarships | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|University of Alabama |Refer to website |Refer to |*Must apply for admission and submit online application | |

| | |website | | |

|Marietta College, |Merit Scholarships |Awards will |Criteria varies based on type of scholarship | |

|Marietta, Ohio |John G. and Jeanne McCoy |Vary | | |

| |Scholarship | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Trustees' Scholarship | | | |

| | | | | |

| |President's Scholarship | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Dean's Scholarship | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Academic & Talent | | | |

| |Scholarships | | | |

| |Talent Scholarships in the| | | |

| |Fine Arts | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Academic Accomplishment | | | |

| |Scholarship for Minority | | | |

| |Students | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Hugh O'Brian Youth | | | |

| |Leadership Scholarship | | | |

| | | | | |

| |English Honors Scholarship| | | |

| | | | | |

| |Rickey Scholarships in | | | |

| |Physics | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Forensics Scholarship | | | |

|Monmouth University |Amounts will vary |Varied based on|* Student must apply and be accepted to attend Monmouth U. | |

| | |scholarship | | |

|Fairleigh Dickinson |Amounts will vary |Varied based on|Fairleigh Dickinson University offers a variety of academic |Call 800-FDU-8830 |

|University | |scholarship |achievement scholarships. | |

| | | |We recommend freshman applicants submit a complete admissions |fdu.admissions |

| | | |application (including the University Admissions Application, an | |

| | | |official high school transcript, and SAT or ACT scores) by January| |

| | | |15 for priority scholarship consideration. | |

|Georgian Court College|Amounts will vary |Varied based on|99.6% of our first-year students receive some type of financial | |

| | |scholarship |aid. To learn about YOUR financial aid award, apply for admission,| |

| | | |be accepted, and complete the FAFSA. | |

|Stockton College |Amounts will vary |Varied based on|Accepted freshmen are considered for merit scholarships based on | |

| | |scholarship |class rank/GPA and SAT scores. | |

| | | | |

| | | | |sb |

|TCNJ (The College of |Merit Scholarships |Minimum |*Combined SAT of 1300 CR and Math or ACT composite score of 30. | |

|New Jersey) | |one-time $1,000| | |

| | |award, maximum | | |

| | |$8,000 4 year | | |

| | |renewable award| | |

|Montclair University |Amounts will vary |Varied based on|Beginning in January, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid| |

| | |scholarship |(FAFSA) is available on the internet. Please note, if you file | |

| | | |your FAFSA electronically it will be submitted quicker to the | |

| | | |government and also to your schools. | |

|Kean University |Kean University Foundation|Varied |Criteria varies based on type of scholarship | |

| |Scholarship Awards | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |=1&pgid=1102 |

| | | | | |

|Rutgers University |First-Year Scholarships |Varied |*Student must submit application and all credentials by | |

| | | |December 1st. | |

| | | |*Student must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. | |

| | | |*Student must submit Free Application for Federal Student Aid | |

| | | |(FAFSA) by deadline TBD. | |

|The Vegetarian |Vegetarian Video |Minimum Award: |* Minimum 3.0 GPA; SAT score of 1700 or ACT score of 24. | |

|Resource Group |Scholarship |$250 |* Create and submit a video about what you want others to know | |

| | |Maximum Award: |about vegetarianism and/or veganism. | |

| | |$500 |* Use of humor and feelings encouraged. | |

|Scholarships & Grants |Minnie Pearl Scholarship |Awards will |Criteria will vary based on scholarship | |

|for students with | |Vary | | |

|disabilities (Site is |Smart Kids with Learning | | |

|a good resource, but |Disabilities Youth | | |ds.pdf |

|needs some updating) |Achievement Award | | | |

| | | | | |

| |And many more…… | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |ship-Program---Scholarships-for-Students-with-Disabilities/-s-d-37695 |

| | | | | |

|Coca-Cola Scholarship |Coca-Cola Scholars |Unspecified |CURRENT high school (or home-schooled) seniors attending school in| |

| |Foundation | |the United States (or select DoD schools); | |

| | | |U.S. Citizens; U.S. Nationals; U.S. Permanent Residents; Temporary| |

| | | |Residents (in a legalization program); Refugees; Asylees; | |

| | | |Cuban-Haitian Entrants; or Humanitarian Parolees; |Coca-Cola Scholars Program |

| | | |anticipating completion of high school diploma at the time of |Toll Free 800.306.2653 |

| | | |application; |scholars@na. |

| | | |planning to pursue a degree at an accredited U.S. post-secondary | |

| | | |institution; | |

| | | |carrying a minimum 3.00 GPA at the end of their junior year of | |

| | | |high school. | |

| | | |Applications are accepted through Oct 31 of the senior year | |

|Bill & Melinda Gates |2013 |Unspecified |In order to be eligible to be considered for the GMS scholarship, | |

|Foundation |Gates Millennium Scholars | |all three forms must be submitted online by Wednesday, January 16,| |

| |Program (GMS) | |2013 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST). |If you have questions, go to: info@ |

| | | | | |

| | | |* Must African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian | |

| | | |Pacific Islander American or Hispanic. | |

| | | |*Must be a citizen, national or legal permanent resident of the |

| | | |United States. |290e2708 |

| | | |*Must have a cumulative GPA 3.3 unweighted on a 4.0 scale. | |

| | | |*Must demonstrate leadership ability. |fafsa. |

| | | | | |

| | | |*Must meet Pell Grant eligibility. | |

| | | | | |

|6th Annual Create |6th Annual Create |$10,000 |All high school, college and university students enrolled at any | |

|–A-Greeting –Card |–A-Greeting –Card $10,000 | |time during the latter half of 2012 in an academic program | |

|Contest |Scholarship | |designed to conclude with the awarding of a diploma or a degree |Deadline is Jan. 16, 2013. |

| | | |are welcome to participate in our scholarship competition. | |

| | | |In addition, all members of the armed forces of the United States | |

| | | |during the latter half of 2012 are welcome to participate in our | |

| | | |scholarship | |

| | | |competition. | |

|Abbott & Fenner |A&F Scholarships |$1,000 |* To apply for this scholarship you will need to write an essay on| |

| | | |the topic below. The essay should be between 500 and 1000 words. | |

| | | |Your submissions must be sent to us by email at: |Your submissions must be sent to us by email at |

| | | |scholarships@ |scholarships@ |

| | | |Please include the name and location of the school you are | |

| | | |presently attending. |Deadline is June 14, 2013 |

| | | | | |

| | | |• What have you done outside the classroom that demonstrates | |

| | | |qualities sought after by the post secondary institution that you | |

| | | |are hoping to attend? Also, which of these qualities means the | |

| | | |most to you? | |

|Journalism |Varied |Varied |Criteria varies based on type of scholarship |

|Scholarships | | | |-major/journalism-scholarships/ |

|Scholarships for high |Varied |Varied |Criteria varies based on type of scholarship |

|school juniors | | | |-grade-level/high-school-scholarships/scholarships-for-high-school-juniors|

| | | | |/ |

|Scholarships for high |Varied |Varied |Criteria varies based on type of scholarship |

|school seniors | | | |-grade-level/high-school-scholarships/scholarships-for-high-school-seniors|

| | | | |/ |

|Scholarships for |Varied |Varied |Criteria varies based on type of scholarship |

|athletes | | | |hips/ |

| | | | | |

|Scholarships for |Varied |Varied |Criteria varies based on type of scholarship |

|specific student | | | |-type/ |

|interest | | | | |

|Kohl’s Kids Who Care |Kohl’s Kids Who Care |*Ten national |The 2013 nomination period will be Feb 1- Mar 15, 2013 | |

| |Scholarship |finalists will | | |

| | |receive $5,000 |* Student must be nominated | |

| | |awards and |* Nominees fall into 2 categories: ages 6-12 and 13-18. | |

| | |Kohl’s will |*Volunteer efforts should have made a positive impact on others | |

| | |donate $1,000 |and occurred in the last 12 months. | |

| | |to a nonprofit | | |

| | |organization on| | |

| | |their behalf. | | |

| | |*More than 190 | | |

| | |regional | | |

| | |winners will be| | |

| | |awarded $1,000 | | |

| | |toward their | | |

| | |post-secondary | | |

| | |education. | | |

| | |*More than | | |

| | |2,000 | | |

| | |store-level | | |

| | |winners will | | |

| | |receive a $50 | | |

| | |Kohl’s gift | | |

| | |card. | | |

|Nordstrom Scholarship |Nordstrom Scholarship |Eighty (80) |The Nordstrom Scholarship is open to high school juniors who | |

|Program | |$10,000 |Have at least a 2.7 GPA (based on a 4.0 scale) throughout high | |

| | |scholarships |school. |The scholarship application for 2013 will be available online in early |

| | | |Volunteer or participate in community services or extracurricular |2013 at scholarship. |

| | | |activities. | |

| | | |Plan on applying for financial assistance in order to attend | |

| | | |college | |

| | | |Plan on attending an accredited four-year college or university | |

| | | |during the four years over which the scholarship is distributed. | |

|The Culinary Institute|Our scholarship offerings |Amounts vary |*Refer to scholarship criteria |For inquiries, contact: |

|of America |vary by campus and | | | |

| |program. | | | |

| | | | |1-800-CULINARY (285-4627) |

|ScholarshipExperts |Various Scholarships for |Amounts vary |*Refer to scholarship criteria |apply.htx |

| |various age groups | | | |

|Do Something |Various Scholarships for |$500 |Amounts vary |*Refer to scholarship criteria |

| |various age groups | | | |



| | | | | |

|The Nicodemus |The Apprentice Ecologist |Three |Scholarships are available to any student (ages 13 to 21) who is a| |

|Wilderness Project |Initiative™ |scholarships |candidate for a degree/diploma at a primary (middle school), | |

| | |totaling $850 |secondary (high school), or accredited post-secondary | |

| | | |(undergraduate at college or university) educational institution | |

| | | |from any country around the world. | |

| | | |The deadline for uploading your Apprentice Ecologist project essay| |

| | | |is midnight GMT on December 31, 2012 . Winners of the Apprentice | |

| | | |Ecologist Awards for 2012 will be published online on Earth Day | |

| | | |(22 April 2013). | |

|New Jersey Higher |Dana Christmas Scholarship|$10,000 |*Candidate must be nominated | |

|Education Student |for Heroism | | | |

|Assistance Authority | | | | |

|(HESAA) | | | | |

|New Jersey Higher |New Jersey World Trade |Up to $6,500 |Established to aid the dependent children and surviving spouses of| |

|Education Student |Center Scholarship |per academic |New Jersey residents who were killed in the terrorist attacks |Applications are due on October 1 for Fall and Spring terms. |

|Assistance Authority | |year |against the United States on September 11, 2001, or who died as a | |

|(HESAA) | | |result of injuries received in the attacks, or who are missing and| |

| | | |officially presumed dead as a direct result of the attacks. | |

| |Scholarships, grants, |Varied |Varied | |

| |fellowships, etc | | | |

|AXA Foundation |AXA Achievement Community |Multiple |*Must be a high school senior. | |

| |Scholarship |scholarships |*Must demonstrate drive & ambition. |axa- |

| | |with a grand |*Determination to set and reach goals | |

| | |total of |*Respect for self, family and community | |

| | |$725,000 |*Ability to succeed in college | |

| | | | | |

| | | |DEADLINE is February 1, 2013. Apply early because only the first | |

| | | |12,000 applications will be considered. | |

|National Commission |National Co-Op Scholarship|170 renewable |* To be eligible for a merit scholarship, student must apply, be | |

|for Cooperative |Program |scholarships of|accepted and plan to attend one of the following 8 NCCE Partner | |

|Education | |$6,000 each |Colleges and Universities, all of which have a strong co-op | |

| | | |program: | |

| | | |*Drexel Univ. | |

| | | |Johnson & Wales Univ. | |

| | | |Kettering Univ. | |

| | | |Pace Univ. | |

| | | |Rochester Institute of Technology | |

| | | |Univ. of Cincinnati | |

| | | |University of Toledo | |

| | | |Wentworth Institute of Technology | |

|Healthy Lifestyles |Healthy Lifestyles |1 award of |*Write a 1000 word essay about why a healthy lifestyle is | |

| |Scholarship |$5000 per year |important, and a description of your goals. |Deadline September 13, 2012 |

|Elks National |Elks Scholars |500 Most |* Must be a high school senior | |

|Foundation |Princeton-Montgomery Elks |Valuable |* Must be a U.S. citizen. |DEADLINE – December 7, 2012 |

| |Lodge #2129 |Student awards|* Should be able to demonstrate leadership. | |

| | |range from | | |

| | |$1,000 to | | |

| | |$15,000 per | |enf/scholars |

| | |year. | | |

|Financial Resources |Financial Resources |Three (3) |Application must be submitted online |Application deadline is: TBD |

|Foundation |Foundation 2012 |$1,000 awards |Must be a high school senior | |

| |scholarship program | | | |

|Jon M. Pritsch |Jon M. Pritsch scholarship|Unspecified |*Apply for admission to professional golf management program or |Hardcopy application is available in guidance |

|Memorial Golf Fund | | |School of Agronomy to be a green superintendent. | |

| | | |*Have your golf coach write a letter of recommendation. |Application deadline is: TBD |

| | | |* Obtain a letter from the golf professional at the course where | |

| | | |you play most of your golf. | |

|Center for Student |2012 CSO Scholarship |$2,000 |Must be first-generation student |Download application from this site: |

|Opportunity (CSO) | | |Must be high school senior | |

| | | |Must be attending CSO parent college or university. (see viewable | |

| | | |list here: |Application deadline is: TBD |

| | | | | |

|PSEG Foundation |2012 PSEG Engineering |Scholarships |Must be graduating high school senior |Applications must be submitted and postmarked no later than |

| |Scholarship Program |will be granted|Resident of New Jersey |TBD |

| | |to up to 6 NJ |interested in pursuing a degree in engineering | |

| | |high school | | |

| | |seniors. | | |

| | |Each recipient | | |

| | |will be awarded| | |

| | |a $24,000 | | |

| | |scholarship | | |

| | |stipend. | | |

| | |The awards will| | |

| | |be distributed | | |

| | |to the winners | | |

| | |of the | | |

| | |competition | | |

| | |over a 4-year | | |

| | |period: $6,000 | | |

| | |per year, per | | |

| | |student. | | |

|Student Award Search |B. Davis Scholarship |$1,000 | |Your submissions must be sent by email to awards@ |

|Aid | | | | |

| | | |There is no age restriction |Deadline to apply is: TBD |

| | | |Be sure to include your name and the school you are attending this| |

| | | |year and next | |

| | | |available to all high school juniors and seniors | |

|The Thornton Sisters |The Thornton Sisters |Not Specified |Must be a high school senior |Applications are available in Guidance |

|Foundation, Inc. |Scholarship | |Must be a female of color (African American, Latino, Caribbean, |Deadline to apply is: TBD |

| | | |native american, etc. | |

| | | |Must have a C+ average | |

|Sino-American |SAPA Scholarship and | one-time fund |Must be a graduating high school senior planning to attend an |Application deadline is TBD |

|Pharmaceutical |Excellence in Education |of minimum of |accredited four-year college in the upcoming academic year. |Download the application: |

|Professionals |Program |$1,000 |Have a GPA above 3.3, a minimum SAT 2000 | |

|Association (SAPA) | | |Be a United States citizen, or a legal resident alien (please | |

| | | |submit a photocopy of the Alien Registration Card). | |

|Miss New Jersey |Miss New Jersey and Miss |Over $1 Million|Must be single |Applications will be available in the guidance office |

| |New Jersey Teen USA |in scholarships|Must be US citizen | |

| |pageants |and prizes |Never given birth to a child | |

| | | |Must be at least 14 years of age. | |

|Shimon and Sara |Larry Cubas Scholarship |Two $1,000 |* Must be a high school senior | |

|Birnbam Jewish |Endowment Fun |awards |* Applicant must have been either: | |

|Community Center | | |a member of their high school basketball team at some point in |Deadline is TBD |

|(SSBJCC) | | |their high school career or must be affiliated with the SSBJCC. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Call Ken Kaus 908-725-6994, x227 or Laura Friedman x213. |

|ETS Employees’ |ETS ECAF Scholarship |Up to $5,000 |*Must be a high school senior |Application Deadline is TBD. |

|Community Action Fund | |each |*Must be able to verify hardship affecting ability to attend | |

| | | |college | |

| | | |*Need will be based on Student Aid Report (SAR) from the FAFSA | |

|New Jersey School |2012 Scholarship Program |Four Awards of |* Must be a high school senior; | |

|Building & Grounds | |$1,000 |* Complete the hardcopy application available in Guidance | |

|Association | | | |Deadline TBD |

|National School Plant |2012 Scholarship Program |Awards range |* Must be a high school senior; |Deadline TBD |

|Management Association| |from $500 - |* Complete the hardcopy application available in Guidance | |

| | |$1500 | | |

|2012 Student-View |2012 Student-View |One $4,000 |* Must be a high school senior; |Deadline TBD |

|Scholarship Program |Scholarship |award; |* Log onto student-; | |

| | |Two $1,000 | | |

| | |award; | | |

| | |Eight $500 | | |

| | |awards | | |

|Career Development |Career Development Awards |Awards on |* Student must be a senior or high school graduate. |DEADLINE is TBD |

|Awards Program |Scholarships |average are for|* Student must intend to enroll in an accredited two-year training| |

|(CDA) | |$1,000. |program in the technical and vocational professions of their | |

| | | |choice. | |

|Mid-New Jersey Youth |Liesel Krehan Memorial |Two - $1,000 |*Must be a high school senior; |Hardcopy is available in Guidance. |

|Soccer Association |Scholarship award |scholarships |* Needs to be or have been associated with a MNJYSA affiliate | |

| | | |club/team as an athlete, volunteer trainer or referee while in | |

| | | |high school; | |

| | | |*Need to have association verified by resolution/letter of an | |

| | | |affiliated Club’s Board of Directors; | |

| | | |* Application must be postmarked by May 15, 2012, | |

|NJUA (New Jersey |NJUA Excellence in |Three (3). |*Must be a high school senior. |Applications are accessible on website |

|Utilities Assoc.) |Diversity Scholarship |Four-year, | | |

| |Awards |$1,500 per year| | |

| | |scholarships | |DEADLINE is TBD |

|The 200 Club of |The 200 Club of Somerset |$2,500 |Graduating seniors who are serving or whose parent is actively |(908) 526-2565, Attention - Denise |

|Somerset County |County Scholarship Program| |serving as a police, fire, ambulance or state police personnel | |

| | | | |DEADLINE is TBD |

|Somerset County School|Future Nurse Scholarship |3-$1,000 |*Graduates who intend to pursue a career in nursing |DEADLINE is TBD |

|Nurse’s Association | |scholarships | |Hardcopy applications are available in guidance. |

|Notable Singers, Inc.|2012 Student Vocal Music |Two - $500 |All applications must submit an application; |Hardcopy applications are available in guidance |

| |Scholarships |scholarships |Only semi-finalists will be given an “in-person” audition. |Deadline is TBD |

|National Hispanic |National Hispanic Caucus |Not specified |student must provide proof of acceptance to an accredited |For more information and to download the application, click: |

|Caucus of School Board|(NHC) Scholarship | |post-secondary institution of higher learning with the intention | |

|Members | | |to complete a four-year degree; | |

| | | |student must have a grade point average of 2.5 or higher on a | |

| | | |four-point scale. | |

|Epilepsy Foundation of|NJCFSA Scholarship |(3) $1,000 |*Must be a high school senior. | |

|New Jersey | | |*Must have been diagnosed with epilepsy by a physician. | |

| | | |* Financial need is considered | |

|New Jersey Relocation |New Jersey Relocation |three (3) one |Must be high school senior |Hardcopy of application is available in guidance office |

|Council |Council |thousand dollar|Must have relocated more than 50 miles and changed schools due to | |

| |2012 Scholarship |($1,000) |a relocation, and |scholarship@ |

| |Application | |A current cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a scale of 4.0 | |

| | | |(or equivalent achievement on a different scale) | |

| | | |Student must write an essay of at least 1,000 words about her/his | |

| | | |relocation experience. | |

|Protect Your Home |America's Best Blogging |$1,000 |*Available to incoming college freshmen. |

| |Scholarship | |* Must write a 500 - 600 word blog post that addresses the |ip |

| | | |following topic: Define the single most important political issue | |

| | | |of the approaching presidential election. Explain not only what | |

| | | |that issue is, but also why and how you propose we come to a |Deadline: TBD |

| | | |solution that benefits the majority. In order to be eligible for | |

| | | |this scholarship, you must enter the embed code provided either at| |

| | | |the beginning or end of your entry post. Entries will be judged on| |

| | | |content and social validation. | |

| | | |* A minimum 2.5 GPA is also required. | |

|Burger King |Burger King Scholars |$1,000 |*Must maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher. | |

| |Program |* Three (3) |*Must be a high school senior | |

| | |$50,000 |* Must be active in community service | |

| | |James W. |*Must demonstrate substantial work experience |Deadline – TBD |

| | |McLamore | | |

| | |WHOPPER™ | | |

| | |Scholarship | | |

| | |Awards | | |

| | |* One (10 | | |

| | |$25,000 “King” | | |

| | |Award | | |

| | |* Up to 4 | | |

| | |$5,000 Regional| | |

| | |Scholarships | | |

|Abbott and Fenner |A & F Scholarship |$1,000 |* Student must be a high school junior or senior between the ages |scholarships.htm |

|Business Solutions | | |of 16 – 30. |Deadline - TBD |

| | | |To apply for this scholarship you will need to write an essay on | |

| | | |the topic below. The essay should be between 500 and 1000 words. | |

| | | |Your submissions must be sent to us by email at: | |

| | | |scholarships@ | |

| | | |Please include the name and location of the school you are | |

| | | |presently attending. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |  What was the most difficult time in your life, and why? How did | |

| | | |your perspective on life change as a result of this difficulty? | |

|Stay Fit Ltd. |Healthy Lifestyles |$5,000 |*Open to high school seniors and first-year college students. | |

| |Scholarship | |* Must be a citizen of the U.S. or Canada and be under 25 years of| |

| | | |age to be eligible for this award. |Deadline: TBD |

| | | |* Must also submit a maximum 1000-word essay on the following | |

| | | |topic: "Why is a healthy lifestyle important in school?"; and in | |

| | | |under 500 words, describe your career plans, goals, and personal | |

| | | |ambitions. | |

|Antique Trade |The Big Dig Scholarship |$3,000 |*Available to high school seniors, and college freshmen and | |

| | | |sophomores. | |

| | | |*To be considered, you must submit an essay between 500 and 1000 |Deadline: TBD |

| | | |words that addresses the following issue: "In 200 years, one of | |

| | | |your relatives is going to be digging in what is now your | |

| | | |backyard. They are going to find something that you buried in | |

| | | |2012, and it is going to put any financial worries they have to | |

| | | |rest. Your job today is to decide what to bury. Your goal is to | |

| | | |find something that will have immense value in the future." | |

|Bill of Rights |Being an American Essay |Fifteen awards | * Open to high school students between the ages of 13 and 19. | |

|Institute |Contest |of $1000 |* You must compose a maximum 1000 - word essay on the following | |

| | | |topic: "How does the Constitution establish and maintain a culture| |

| | | |of liberty?" |Deadline: TBD |

| | | |* The essay must be submitted by your teacher to be considered. | |

|The National |10th Annual National Co-Op|$6,000 |* Seniors must have a GPA of 3.5 or better on a 4.0 scale | |

|Commission (NCCE) and |Scholarship | |* Students must be admitted to one of the following institutions: | |

|the World Association | | |Drexel University | |

| | | |Johnson & Wales University |Deadline: TBD |

| | | |Kettering University | |

| | | |Rochester Institute of Technology | |

| | | |University of Cincinnati | |

| | | |University of Toledo | |

| | | |Wentworth Institute of Technology | |

|Elks National |Scholarships for Elks |250 Legacy |* Must be a high school senior | |

|Foundation |Families |awards are |* Must be a U.S. citizen. |DEADLINE – TBD |

| | |$4,000 ($1,000 |* Should be able to demonstrate leadership. | |

| | |per year). |Legacy applicants are the children or grandchildren of active Elk | |

| | | |members. | |

| | | | |enf/scholars |

| | | | | |

|New Jersey Society of |NJSCPA College Scholarship|$4500 |*Must be a high school junior or senior |scholarships |

|Certified Public | | |*Must plan to purse a career in accounting | |

|Accountants (NJCPA) | | |*Students do not have to be currently enrolled in an accounting | |

| | | |class. | |

|Alzheimer’s Foundation|AFA Teens Video |AFA will award |For teens ages 13-19. | |

|of America (AFA) |Competition |$500 to the |The deadline for applications is December 1 | |

| | |grand-prize |This competition provides an excellent opportunity for teenagers | |

| | |winner and $250|to reflect on why Alzheimer’s disease is becoming an issue that is| |

| | |to the first |increasingly important to their own lives and those around them. | |

| | |runner-up. |Students are required to submit an autobiography and create an | |

| | | |artistic or documentary (non-fiction) video of two minutes or less| |

| | | |that conveys the following: | |

| | | |- A moment in relation to Alzheimer’s disease when you learned | |

| | | |something about your understanding of the disease, learned | |

| | | |something about caregiving, or decided to become a community | |

| | | |volunteer/activist. | |

| |Discus Scholarship |$2,000 |Must be in 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade in high school or a | |

| | | |comparable home school program to be eligible for a Discus Award. | |

| | | |The Discus Awards is a national high school awards and scholarship| |

| | | |program that recognizes well-rounded students who demonstrate | |

| | | |significant achievements in three of ten “Discus attributes” | |

| | | |representing various areas of interest and importance in a high | |

| | | |school student’s life. | |

| | | |Once each month during the academic year, a Scholarship judging | |

| | | |panel reviews Discus Award winners to date and selects one $2,000 | |

| | | |Discus Scholarship winner. Our program awards $20,000 in | |

| | | |scholarships to all-around high school students annually. | |

|The Sodexo Foundation |STOP Hunger Scholarships |$5,000 |Must be enrolled in an accredited education institution | |

| | | |Must have demonstrated on-going commitment to their community by | |

| | | |performing unpaid volunteer services impacting hunger in the | |

| | | |United States at least within the last 12 months. | |

| | | |Volunteer services must be helping non-family members. | |

| | | |All applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the | |

| | | |United States. | |

|The Caring Institute |The Caring Award |$2,000 |Recipients must be between the ages of 9 and 99, and they must be | |

| | | |nominated. | |

| | | |The nomination should be at least 500 words describing how the | |

| | | |nominee best personifies caring, and would be a worthy role model | |

| | | |to be emulated by others. | |

| | | |The nomination must be accompanied by two letters of | |

| | | |recommendation, one from an educator, and one from a sponsor in | |

| | | |the community (for the youth applications). | |

| | | |Application Deadline: TBD | |

|Breylan Communications|BBG Communications |$1,000 |The BBG Communications Scholarship is available to students |

| |Scholarship | |between the ages of 16 and 21 in the U.S. and Canada who are |ons_scholarship.php |

| | | |currently in or will be attending an institution of higher | |

| | | |education in the Fall of 2013. | |

| | | |Must have a minimum 2.5 GPA to be eligible for this award. | |

| | | |Two essays are also required. | |

| | | |Deadline: TBD | |

|American Lawyer |ALA Viral Video |First Prize: |The guidelines are VERY specific. Click on the website. | |

|Academy, LLC |Scholarship Contest |$10,000 | |t |

| | |scholarship | | |

| | |Second Place: | | |

| | |$3,000 | | |

| | |scholarship | | |

| | |Regional | | |

| | |Winners: $1,500| | |

| | |scholarship | | |

|New Brunswick Area |Annual New Brunswick Area|Unspecified |*Must be of African decent; |newbrunswickareanaacp@ |

|NAACP |NAACP Scholarship | |* Must be a graduating senior with a minimum GPA of 2.5; | |

| | | |*Application must be postmarked by _______TBD |732-828-5363 |

|Vietnam Veterans of |A. Michael Franco Memorial|1-$500 |Graduating senior who is a relative (alive or deceased) of someone|(908) 526-6246 |

|America |Scholarship |Scholarship |in the armed forces who was honorably discharged | |

| | | | |Jack Impellizeri, Scholarship Chairman |

| | | | | |

| | | | |vva- |

|National Kitchen and |NKBA Scholarship |3-$1,500 |Junior or Senior interested in being a designer (kitchens, |Nancy Tipaldi (973) 835-4007 |

|Bath Association | |Scholarships |bathrooms, interior or architecture) | |

|(NKBA) | | | | |

|The Thornton Sisters |The Thornton Sisters |Not Specified |Graduating female student of color (African American, Latino, |(732) 872-1353 |

|Foundation Inc. |Foundation Scholarship | |Caribbean American or Native American) | |

|CollegeWeekLive |CollegeWeekLive |Varied |Follow criteria of scholarship | |

| |scholarship | | | |

|Somerset County |SCFRW Scholarship |$2,000 |*Graduating senior female |For questions contact Renee Giangrasso (201-615-7852) or |

|Federation of | | |*750 word essay |reneerg@ |

|Republican Women | | | | |

|WiseChoice |WiseChoice |$2,500 |Must be a high school senior |sid=gcfx |

| | | |Deadline is _____________TBD | |

| | | |Go to website for details | |

|Will to Win |Will to Win Scholarship |Two $5k |Graduating senior with minimum 3.0 GPA and an award related to the| |

|Scholarship for Asthma|for Asthma Sufferers |scholarships |category applying. | |

|Sufferers | |each for | | |

| | |Performing | | |

| | |Arts, Visual | | |

| | |Arts, Community| | |

| | |Service, | | |

| | |Athletics, | | |

| | |Science | | |

|Visiting Nurse |VNACJ scholarship |$500 |*Must be a NJ resident |Hardcopy application is available in guidance |

|Association of Central| | |*Can be full or part-time student | |

|Jersey | | |*Must demonstrate acceptance into nursing program of a National | |

| | | |League for Nursing (NLN) accredited institution, BSN Program | |

|Delta Sigma Theta |Legacy of Excellence | |*Must have 2.75 average |Hardcopy application is available in guidance |

|Sorority, Inc., |Scholar | |* Can be male or female | |

|Central Jersey Alumnae| | |* Must participate in co-curricular activities | |

|Chapter | | |*Must be involved in community and/or church | |

| | | |Must submit an essay | |

|The Lep Foundation for|John Lepping Memorial |(3) $5,000 |* For disabled youth who demonstrate academic success and are | |

|Youth Education |Scholarship |scholarships |motivated despite their disabilities. | |

|Community Builders & |Community Builders & |Amount not |* Student must attend college full-time in the fall |Hardcopy application is available in guidance |

|Remodelers Association|Remodelers Association |specified |* Student must live in Somerset county | |

|of New Jersey |Scholarship | | | |

|National Association |NAWC Scholarship |(one) $2,500 |*Must be a NJ resident for 5 years |njschol.pdf |

|of Water Companies, | |scholarship |*Must maintain 3.0 GPA | |

|New Jersey Chapter | | |*Must be interested in water utility industry or related field | |

|(NAWC) | | |such as: natural resource management, environmental science, | |

| | | |biology, chemistry, engineering, communication, computer science, | |

| | | |business administration, human resources, consumer affairs, law, | |

| | | |accounting, finance, etc. | |

|The Notables |Student Vocal Music |(2) $400 |*Must submit CD with application | |

| |Scholarships |scholarships |*Must intend to pursue vocal musical career in college | |

|New Jersey School |NJSCA High School |(3) $1,000 |* Must be a NJ resident | |

|Counselor Association |Scholarship |scholarships |* Must be accepted to a post secondary school | |

|(NJSCA) | | |*Must submit an essay describing how a school counselor has |sbrewer@ |

| | | |influenced his/her life in a positive way | |

| | | | | |

| | | |DEADLINE is March | |

|Somerset County Asian |SCAAHMCC Scholarship |$500 |*Must be a high school student in Somerset County who demonstrates| |

|American Heritage | | |high scholastic standing, strong leadership skills and a | |

|Month Celebration | | |dedication to community service. |732-319-6483 |

|Committee (SCAAHMCC) | | | | |

|New Jersey Center for |NJCTS Children’s |Not specified |* Must be a high school senior | |

|Tourette Syndrome |Scholarship | |* Must have a diagnosis of Tourette Syndrome | |

| | | |*Must submit an essay | |

|Manville Area Credit |Manville Area Credit Union|Unspecified |Unspecified |908-526-8844 |

|Union |Scholarship | | | |

|Foster and Adoptive |Varied based on |Varied based on|*Must be a foster/adopted high school senior who is or has been | |

|Services (FAFS) |Scholarship |Scholarship |under the care of DYFS (Division of Youth and Family Services). | |

|Association for Women |AWIS-CJC Scholarship |Two $250 |Graduating senior attending college in the fall |awis_cjc@ |

|in Science (AWIS) | |awards and one | | |

|Central Jersey Chapter| |$500 | | |

| | |scholarship | | |

|Americas’s Milk |13th Annual Scholar |25 awards of |* Academic performance (35%) | |

|Processors and USA |Athlete Milk Mustache of |$7,5000 |* Athletic excellence (35%) | |

|Today |the Year (SAMMY) 2011 | |Leadership (15%), *community service (10%) and *milk experience | |

| |Award Program | |(5%) | |

|Central Jersey Chapter|2010 Hampton University |Unspecified |*Must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 on 4.0 scale |Direct any inquiries to: |

|of the National |Scholarship Award | |*Must intend to attend Hampton University. |cjc_nhaa@ |

|Hampton Alumni | | |*Must submit SAT/ACT score (officially or through guidance | |

|Association | | |counselor) | |

| | | |*Must submit 2 letters of recommendation. | |

|American Farm |Delmarva Farmer |Varied based on|* Applicants must be members of farm families; to those employed | |

|Publications |Scholarship |scholarship |in an agriculture-related field; and/or to those who are studying | |

| | | |for a career in agriculture. | |

|American Chemistry |ACS Scholars Program |Renewable |* Must be African-American, Hispanic/Latino and or American | |

|Society (ACS) | |awards of up to|Indian. |scholars |

| | |$5,000 |* Must plan to pursue a degree in chemistry, biochemistry, | |

| | | |chemical engineering, chemical technology or related majors. |or |

| | | | | |

| | | | |1800-227-5558 |

| | | | | |

|Writers of the Future |L. Ron Hubbard |$4,000 Grand |* For students gifted in art and interested in fantasy or science |17/rules/ilofrules.html |

| |Illustrators of the Future|Prize, $500 |fiction. | |

| |Contest |Prize |* First submit 3 original science fiction or fantasy illustrations| |

| | | |in a black & white medium. | |

| | | |* Finalists will receive a story from L. Ron Hubbard Writers of | |

| | | |the Future Contest and will need to create an illustration to | |

| | | |complement the story. This entry will be considered fro the Grand | |

| | | |Prize. | |

|BMI Foundation |John Lennon Scholarship |$5,000 to |* For young songwriters (ages 15 – 24) who write music and lyrics | |

| | |$10,000 |in any genre. | |

|The Collegiate |Collegiate Inventors |$25,000 Grand |* Must invent something that is patentable and not currently |Collegiate |

| |Competition |Prize, $10,000 |available to the public. | |

| | |Undergraduate |* Submit your entry individually or in a team of up to four, but | |

| | |Prize |only one prize is awarded per entry. | |

|National Institutes of|NIH Undergraduate |15 awards of |* Must be a US citizen | |

|Health (NIH) |Scholarship Program for |$20,000 along |* Must be accepted as a full-time student to a 4-year institution | |

| |Individuals from |with mentoring,|*Must have a GPA of 3.5 or higher | |

| |Disadvantaged Backgrounds |career |*Must come from a disadvantaged background. | |

| | |guidance, and | | |

| | |paid research | | |

| | |training at the| | |

| | |NIH during the | | |

| | |simmer and | | |

| | |after | | |

| | |graduation | | |

|New Jersey Chronic |NJCFSA Scholarship |$1,000 |* Must be a high school senior |Download application |

|Fatigue Syndrome | | |* Applicant must have official diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue | |

|Association, Inc. | | |Syndrome (CFS) also known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME). | |

|New Jersey State Elks |Special Needs Scholarship |Two 4 –year |* Must be a high school senior |732-326-1300 or |

|Special Children’s |Awards |scholarships |* Applicant must provide verification of a physically disabling |njhcchq@ |

|Committee | |worth up to |condition, excellent scholastic standing, general worthiness and | |

| | |$2,500 per |financial need . | |

| | |year. Awardees | | |

| | |will be one | | |

| | |male and one | | |

| | |female student.| | |

|Tom Joyner Foundation |Full-Ride Scholarship |One scholarship|* Must be a high school senior |Send questions to fullridescholar@ |

| | |to cover all |* Applicant must attend an HBCU. | |

| | |expenses for |* Must be a US citizen or a permanent resident of US. | |

| | |student |*Must have a GPA of 3.5 and minimum SAT score of 1300 or ACT score| |

| | |planning to |of 28. | |

| | |attend a | | |

| | |Historically | | |

| | |Black | | |

| | |College/Univers| | |

| | |ity (HBCU) | | |

|Zeta Phi Beta |Marie B. Hubbard |Not Specified |*Must be a female and a high school senior. |n/a |

|Sorority, Inc., Eta |Scholarship | |*Must be a resident of Middlesex or Somerset county. | |

|Omicron Zeta Chapter | | | | |

|of Plainfield, NJ | | | | |

|Junior League of |JLGP Voluntarism |Two - $2,500 |*Graduating female seniors with outstanding community service/ | |

|Greater Princeton |Scholarship |scholarships |volunteerism |or |

| | | |* |contact Wanda Stansbury |

| | | | |at 609-921-8813 |

|Taiwan Buddhist Tzu |Tzu Chi Scholars |$1,000 |*Must be a high school senior |Applications may be downloaded from website: |

|Chi Foundation, USA | | |*Must complete the scholarship application. Scholars will be | |

|(Nationwide program) | | |selected based on financial need, academic achievement & community| |

| | | |service. | |

|Best Buy Children’s |2010 Best Buy @ 15 |1,000 awards of|*For students in grades 9-12. |scholarships |

|Foundation |Scholarship Program |$1,500 each |Must be involved in community service or work experience. | |

| | | |* Must have solid grades |or |

| | | |* Must plan to attend college full-time after graduation. | |

| | | | | |

|United States JCI |United States JCI Senate |$1,000 |*Must be High School senior | |

|Senate Foundation |Foundation Scholarship | |* Must be a US citizen | |

|American Fire |American Fire Sprinkler |Ten (10) - |*Graduating High School senior |Applications will only be accepted online through the AFSA scholarship web|

|Sprinkler Association |Association Scholarship |$2,000 awards |* Student will attend a college/university or trade school in the |site |

|(AFSA) |Program | |United States starting with the fall 2009 semester. | |

| | | |*The scholarship is not based on financial need. | |

| | | |*Relatives of AFSA staff or board members may not enter. | |

| | | |*An essay is required. | |

|Gordon A. Rich |Gordon Rich Scholarship |$50,000 over 4 |*Parents and/or legal guardians of the students applying must | |

|Memorial Foundation | |years in award |have, or had, a career in the financial services industry. | |

|(GAR) | |money. |*Students must be graduating high school seniors who will enroll | |

| | | |as full time first year students in pursuit of a four-year | |

| | |Five GAR |bachelor's degree at an accredited college/university in the US. | |

| | |scholars are |*Students must demonstrate financial need. | |

| | |eligible for a |*Students must have a minimum GPA of 3.5 (on a 4.0 scale) and rank| |

| | |special award –|in the top 20% of their class. | |

| | |the "Parkman | | |

| | |Prize” of | | |

| | |$5,000.00 | | |

|Washington Crossing | |Please refer to|* For students interested in History, Politics, Government or | |

|Foundation | |website |Military. | |

|Discover ® Financial |Discover Scholarship |Ten $30,000 |*This scholarship is for Juniors |munity |

|Services | |awards |*Selection of the recipients considers exemplary achievements in | |

| | | |Leadership. Community Service while overcoming an obstacle. | |

|America’s Milk |12th Annual Scholar |$7,5000 award |* Must be a high school senior | |

|Processors and USA |Athlete Milk Mustache of | |* Judging will be based on 5 criteria: academic performance (35%),| |

|Today |the Year (SAMMY) Award | |athletic excellence (35%), leadership (15%), community service | |

| |Program | |(10%) and milk experience (5%). | |

|Foster and Adoptive |NJFC Scholars Program (New|Awards Vary and|Foster and Adoptive Services is offering scholarships and grants | or e-mail for more information |

|Family Services (FAFS)|Jersey Foster Care |are funded by |to seniors for the 2010 -2011 academic year. These awards are |scholarships@ |

| |Scholars) |State and |available to foster/adopted high school seniors who are or have | |

| | |Federal dollars|been under the care of the Division of Youth and Family Services | |

| | | |(DYFS) | |

| | | | |Call Foster and Adoptive Family Services |

| | | | |800-22-0047. |

|Hospitality Guild |Scholarships vary |Awards will |Criteria will vary based on scholarship | |

|(Good resource – but | |Vary | | |

|not current with | | | | |

|updates) | | | | |

|KFC Colonel’s Kids |KFC Colonel’s Scholars |$5,000 per year|* Must be a high school senior. | |

| |Program | |* Must have a GPA of 2.75 or higher. | |

| | | |* Must enroll in a public, in-state college or university. | |

| | | |*Must be a US citizen | |

| | | |*Must pursue a bachelor’s degree. | |

| | | |*Must submit a FAFSA. | |

|Eden Institute |Eden Institute Foundation |$1,000 |* Must be a high school senior |If you have questions, please contact: |

|Foundation |Scholarship | |* Must intend to pursue a major in special education or a related |Aileen Kornblatt |

| | | |discipline. |609-987-0099 |

|The John F. Kennedy |2010 John F. Kennedy |1st Place |* Student must register online | |

|Library Foundation |Profile in Courage Essay |Winner: $5,000 |* All high school students grades 9-12 are eligible. | |

| |Contest |cash & $5,000 | | |

| | |to grow in a | | |

| | |John Hancock | | |

| | |Freedom 529 | | |

| | |College Savings| | |

| | |Plan. | | |

| | |2nd Place | | |

| | |Winner: $1,000 | | |

| | |cash. | | |

| | |Finalists: $500| | |

| | |cash. | | |

|15th Annual Prudential|National Association of |State-level |*Students must demonstrate that they have made a difference in |spirit |

|Spirit of Community |Secondary School |honorees |their community through volunteer activities. *Student must |or |

|Award |Principals and Prudential |receive $1,000 |register online at or |prudential |

| | |and National |prudential (access key: spirit) | |

| | |honorees |*Once form is submitted online, print out a copy to submit to your| |

| | |receive $5,000 |counselor to be logged by ______________TBD. | |

|Wendy’s Restaurants |Wendy’s High School |Gift cards |*Must meet eligibility criteria in website. | |

| |Heisman Award |ranging from |*Must have a ‘B’ average. | |

| | |$5.00 to $50.00|*Must be a high school senior. |for questions, send an email to: wendys@ |

| | |for first |*Must participate in at least one school-sponsored sport. | |

| | |41,000 students|* Must notify your school counselor when registration has been | |

| | |competing after|submitted and the name of your reviewer. | |

| | |submitting | | |

| | |application | | |

|Random House |Dr. Seuss’s Oh, the Places|First Place - |*Must be a high school senior | |

|Children’s Books |You’ll Go! College |$5,000 award |*Must complete the application form (available online) | |

| |Scholarship | | | |

|Staples |Staples Associates Annual |$750 - $2,000 |* Applicant or parent must be employed by Staples. |Contact your local Human Resources Department |

| |Scholarships Plan |renewable |* Must have worked at Staples for 90 days, averaging 18 hours per | |

| | | |week. |OR |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |OR |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Contact: |

| | | | |Staples |

| | | | |500 Staples Drive |

| | | | |Framingham, MA 01702 |

|Walmart |Walmart Foundation |Scholarships |Awards will Vary | |

| |Scholarship Programs |vary | | |

|New Brunswick Area |New Brunswick Area Branch |The amount and |* You do not need to be a member of NAACP. | |

|Branch of the NAACP |NAACP Scholarship |number of |* Must be a graduating senior. | |

| | |scholarships |*Must be African-American. |or |

| | |awarded are |*Must have 2 letters of reference | |

| | |subject to the |*Application must be typed. |newbrunswickareanaacp@ |

| | |proceeds of the|*Transcript must be mailed from school. | |

| | |Freedom Fund |* Must show college letter of acceptance or a printed schedule of | |

| | |Dinner |classes. | |

| | | |Non-returnable photo and biographical sketch must be included. | |

|Questbridge – National|College Match Scholarships|*10 students |* Must be a high school junior | |

|College Match | |will receive |* Must be a high-achieving student | |

| | |free counseling|* Family income must be less than $60,000. |or |

| | |to support | | |

| | |their | |questions@ |

| | |application to | | |

| | |summer programs| | |

| | |at Harvard, | | |

| | |Notre Dame, | | |

| | |Stanford, or | | |

| | |Yale. If | | |

| | |accepted, they | | |

| | |will receive a | | |

| | |scholarship | | |

| | |covering full | | |

| | |cost of travel,| | |

| | |tuition, and | | |

| | |room & board. | | |

|Central Jersey Chapter|2010 Hampton University |Unspecified |*Must be senior students who are enrolling at Hampton University |Direct questions to: cjc_nhaa@ (Subject: Scholarship Inquiries). |

|of the National |Scholarship | |in the fall of 2009. | |

|Hampton Alumni Assoc.,| | |*Must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher | |

|Inc. | | | | |

|Thurgood Marshall Fund|Thurgood Marshall |Refer to |Refer to Website |. |

| |Scholarship |Website | | |

|Holland + Knight |2010 Holocaust Remembrance|10 First-Place |* Open to all students who are currently enrolled as a high school| |

|Charitable Foundation,|Project Essay Topic & |Winners: |student in grades 9-12 (including home schooled students) or who | |

|Inc. |Writing Prompt |Scholarship |are high school seniors who may graduate high school at any time | |

| | |ranging from |in 2009, or are students who are enrolled in a high school | |

| | |$2,500 to |equivalency program; AND | |

| | |$10,000. |*Are residents of either the United States or Mexico or who are | |

| | | |United States Citizens living abroad. | |

|Tekmark Global |TGS Scholarship Fund |Six - $500 |* Must be a high school senior | |

|Solutions, LLC | |awards |* Must be an incoming, full-time freshman in good standing at | |

| | | |Rutgers University, Monmouth University or Rider University. | |

| | | |* Must be working toward a bachelor’s degree in: | |

| | | |Engineering/Engineering Technology; Computer Science/MIS; | |

| | | |Telecommunications/Information Technology | |

| | | |*Must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher | |

| | | |* Must have a combined SAT score in Critical Reading and Math of | |

| | | |1200. | |

|Power Engineering and |The Next Generation |$5,000 |* Must be a high school senior | |

|JETS (Junior |Scholarship | |* Application must be completed via the JETS online form | |

|Engineering Technical | | |(). Supporting documentation (i.e., essay and | |

|Society) | | |transcripts) must be uploaded with the application. | |

| | | |* Length of essay—750 word maximum. | |

|Vietnam Veterans of |A. Michael Franco Memorial|Four - $500 |* Must be a high school senior |vva- |

|America Central New |Scholarship |awards |* Must be a relative of a Veteran of the Armed Forces (living or | |

|Jersey Chapter 452 | | |deceased) who was honorably discharged. | |

| | | |*Student must complete an essay with the application. | |

| | | |*Student must have an interview with a veteran. | |

|Disability |Varied awards for : |Varied based on|Varied based on award |Varied based on award |

|Scholarships |General Disabilities, |award | | |

| |Hearing Loss/Deaf, | | | |

| |Visual Impairment; | | | |

| |Physical Impairment; | | | |

| |Health Impairment; | | | |

| |Learning Disabilities; | | | |

| |Other | | | |

| | | | | |

|Career Development and|Career Development Awards |Awards on |* Student must be a senior. |N/A |

|Mercer county |(CDA) Scholarships |average are for|* Student must intend to enroll in an accredited two-year training| |

|Technical Schools | |$1,000. |program in the technical and vocational professions of their | |

| | | |choice. | |

|McKelvey Foundation |Entrepreneurial |Each |*Must be a high school senior. | |

| |Scholarship |Entrepreneurial|*Must own and operate a business for at least one year | |

| | |scholar will be|(non-profits are OK) | |

| | |awarded up to |*Must have at least one paid employee | |

| | |$10,000 per |*Must have sales revenue (unless non-profit) | |

| | |year to attend |* Students are required to provide documentation of financial | |

| | |any four-year |status and business operation. | |

| | |college within | | |

| | |the US. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|NJ Burglar & Fire |NBFAA Scholarship |$1,500 first |*Students must be at least 15 years old and not older than 20. |(609) 695-4444 |

|Alarm Association | |prize |*Must be a high school senior *Student must have a parent or |chiggins@ |

|(NBFAA) | |$1,000 second |guardian who is a full-time, paid member of the police or | |

| | |prize |sheriff’s department or fire department. Parent/guardian may also | |

| | | |be a volunteer member of a fire department. | |

|The Point Foundation |A variety of scholarships |Deadlines vary |*Must be a high school senior & LGBT. | |

|(The National LGBT |are offered through this |based on |*Since its inception in 2001, Point has invested more than $3 | |

|Scholarship Fund) |foundation |scholarship |million in outstanding lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender | |

| | | |students (LGBT). | |

|Alzheimer’s Foundation|AFA Teens Alzheimer’s |One $5,000 |*Must be a high school senior | |

|of America (AFA) |Awareness College |award |* Must submit 200 word bio | |

| |Scholarship | |*Must submit 1200 to 1500 word essay | |

| | | |*Must be a US citizen or permanent resident | |

|The New Jersey Press |Issac Roth Newspaper |$2,000 each |* Must be a newspaper carrier or the child of a New Jersey |foundation/rothapplic.html |

|Foundation (NJPF) |Carrier Scholarship | |carrier. | |

| | | |* Must be a full-time high school student who plans to attend | |

| | | |college in the fall of 2009, 2010, 2011, or 2012. | |

| | | |* A Route Performance Questionnaire must be completed by a | |

| | | |District Manager or Circulation Director. | |

|The New Jersey Press |The Bernard Kilgore |One $5,000 |* Student must intend to major in journalism in college. |scholarships/kilgore.html |

|Foundation (NJPF) and |Memorial Scholarship |scholarship |* Student must contact their newspaper advisor. | |

|the Garden State | |renewable | | |

|Scholastic Press | |annually | | |

|Association (GSSPA) | | | | |

|the Garden State |The Bob Stevens Memorial |One $1,500 |*Student must be nominated by her/his faculty advisor. |scholarships/stevens.html |

|Scholastic Press |Scholarship |scholarship |*Must demonstrate dedication tot heir school newspaper or | |

|Association (GSSPA) | |will be |yearbook, but not necessarily planning to major in journalism in | |

|and The New Jersey | |provided after |college. | |

|Press Foundation NJPF)| |the winner | | |

| | |provides the | | |

| | |GSSPA with a | | |

| | |copy of the | | |

| | |first tuition | | |

| | |payment to the | | |

| | |college where | | |

| | |the student has| | |

| | |enrolled. | | |

|TDBank |American Dream |$1,000 awards |* Must be a high school senior. |AmericanDream |

| |Scholarships | |* Must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. |or call |

| | | |* Must enroll in accredited two- or four year college, university |507-931-1682 If you have questions. |

| | | |or vocational-technical school. | |

|New Jersey Youth |1) Paul Hausser |1) Two $1,000 |1) Must intend to go to college and pursue a career in education |awards/PaulHausser.pdf |

|Soccer |Scholarship and the |awards and |and must have played for an affiliated NJ Youth Soccer club | |

| |2) Jeanine Willis |2) Two $1,000 |2) Must intend to go to college or accredited technical school and|awards/JeanineWillis.pdf |

| |Scholarship Award |awards |must have played in NJ Youth Soccer State Cup program for two | |

| | | |seasons | |

|The American Legion |The High School Oratorical|Five (%) awards|*Open to all students in grades 9-12. |N/A |

| |Scholarship Program |from $1,000 - |*Contact your local American Legion Post #12 | |

| | |$4,000. An | | |

| | |additional | | |

| | |$1500 from | | |

| | |National to the| | |

| | |State winner | | |

|National Commission |National Co-op Scholarship|200 Awards of |*Students must apply and be accepted to one of the following | |

|for Cooperative | |$6,000 each for|schools: | |

|Education (NCCE) | |a renewable |-C.W. Post Campus of Long Island Univ. | |

| | |value of |-Northeastern Univ. | |

| | |$5,000,000. |-Rochester Institute of Technology | |

| | | |-University of Toledo | |

| | | |-Drexel University | |

| | | |-Kettering Univ. | |

| | | |-Pace University | |

| | | |-University of Cincinnati | |

| | | |-Wentworth Institute of Technology | |

| | | |-Johnson & Wales University | |

|Commerce Bank |American Dream |225 Awards of |* Student must be a high school senior |merceonine/americandream |

| |Scholarships |$1,000 each |* Must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 or its equivalent. | |

| | | |* Must demonstrate involvement in community service, volunteerism,| |

| | | |school activities and/or employment responsibilities. | |

|New Jersey Society of |NJSCPA High School |Five – year |*Must be a high school senior |scholarships |

|Public Accountant |Scholarship Program |awards range in| | |

|(NJSCPA) | |value from |* Must plan to pursue a career in accounting | |

| | |$6500 to $8500 |*Must complete essay requirement | |

| | | |*Must have a G.P.A. or 3.0 or above or a combined SAT score of | |

| | | |1500 or minimum ACT score of 23. | |

| | | |*Must be a NJ resident | |

|CAP Charitable |Ron Brown Scholarship |$10,000 |*Must be African American. | |

|Foundation |Program |annually for | | |

| | |four years, for|* Must be a high school senior. | |

| | |a total of |* Must be a US citizen or hold permanent resident visa. | |

| | |$40,000 |* Must plan to pursue full-time undergraduate program in the | |

| | | |United States | |

| | | |* Must be available for an interview | |

| | | |*Must provide letters of recommendation | |

| | | |*Must complete essay requirement | |

| | | | | |

|SAE International |SAE Engineering | |*Must be a high school senior |students/engschlr.htm |

| |Scholarships | | | |

|National Restaurant |Scholarships for high |A variable |Criteria will vary based on scholarship | |

|Association |school seniors and |number of | | |

|Educational Foundation|undergraduate students |scholarships | | |

|(NRAEF) |specializing in |are awarded | | |

| |foodservice, hospitality |each year. | | |

| |management, culinary arts,|Deadlines vary | | |

| |food technology, |by category. | | |

| |dietetics, and related | | | |

| |degrees. | | | |

|USTA Tennis & |USTA scholarship |$500 - $15,000 |*Must be a high school senior |usta.ocom |

|Education Foundation | |renewable award|* Must submit three recommendations (coach, teacher, personal). |Deadline in February |

| | | | | |

| | | |*Must intent to major or have a career in sports/sports | |

| | | |administration. | |

| | | |* Must demonstrate academic achievement, leadership and | |

| | | |seriousness of purpose | |

|American Academy of |AAAAI scholarship | |Check website for details | |

|Allergy, Asthma & | | | | |

|Immunology (AAAAI) | | | | |

|American Foundation |Scholarships vary by need.|Amount varies | | |

|for the Blind | | | | |

|Discover Card |Discover Card Tribute |There will be |*This scholarship is for Juniors |tribute.htm |

|Financial Services |Award Scholarship Program |10 $25,000 |*Selection of the recipients considers all-around accomplishments | |

| | |national |of juniors in their community as well as school. | |

| | |scholarships |*Must have a minimum GPA of 2.75 | |

| | |awarded and up |*Must have taken on leadership roles in school and community | |

| | |to 300 $2,500 |*Selection does not consider test scores or financial need | |

| | |scholarships | | |

| | |awarded | | |

|James D’heron Memorial|James D’heron Memorial |$1,000 |*Must be a New Jersey resident. |If you have any questions, please contact the scholarship committee at |

|Foundation, Inc. |Scholarship |renewable for | | |

| | |up to four |*Must plan to major full-time in Fire Sciences, Fire Engineering | |

| | |years |or Fire Safety. | |

| | | |*Must be accepted to an accredited 2 year or 4 year college or | |

| | | |university. | |

|The Gallery |Create-A-Greeting-Card |$10,000 |* Applicant will design a |For competition guidelines, go to: |

|Collection, Ridgefield|Scholarship Contest | |Christmas card, Holiday card, Birthday card or All Occasion |scholarship.htm |

|Park, NJ | | |greeting card. | |

| | | |* Student must be a legal resident of the US. | |

|American Farm |The Delmarva Farmer |$1,000 |Members of Farm families |Call 1-800-634-5021 |

|Publications |Scholarship | |Those studying for a career in agriculture | |

|Monsanto Company |Commitment to Agriculture |100-$1,500 |Graduating seniors pursuing a career in agriculture |scholarships@ application at: and |

| |Scholarship |scholarships | | |

|National Society of |Winston Scholarship |$10,000 |Graduating senior in vocal or visual arts |973-267-0952 |

|Arts and Letters | | | | |

|Young Epidemiology |Young Epidemiology |Up to $15,000 |Juniors and Seniors graduating by June 2009 | for rules and to upload your |

|Scholars |Scholars Competition | | |research project |

|Essay Jolt |Essay Contest |$500 |Juniors and seniors write a 500 or less essay | |

|Labs are Vital |Labs are Vital Facebook |$2,500 |Graduating seniors – must submit a video, advertisement or t-shirt| |

| |Scholarship | |design that causes others to consider careers in lab science. | |

|Disabled American |YANCEY/MANNERS |(3) $1,000 |Natural or adopted descendant of a member of the Disabled American| |

|Veterans Department of|Scholarship |awards |Veterans Department of New Jersey | |

|New Jersey | | | | |

|National Association |NAWC |$2,500 |5-year NJ resident pursuing a degree in water utility industry or|gbradygbconsult@ |

|of Water Company | |Scholarship |a related field | |

|NJ Municipal |NJMMA Scholarship |$1,000 |Graduating senior who intends to major in public |No info provided |

|Management Association| | |administration/public policy | |

|Somerset County Asian |Somerset County Asian |$500 |Current High School Student |(732) 469-7104 |

|American Heritage |American Heritage Month | | | |

|Month Celebration |Celebration Committee | | | |

|Committee |Scholarship | | | |

|Knights of Pythias |The 2011 Norman and |Not Specified |Graduating senior who demonstrates a high level of community |(732) 367-4328 |

| |Gertrude Wolf Community | |service | |

| |Service Award | | | |

|Knights of Pythias |Be a Friend When it Counts|$1,000 |A high school student who enters a poster contest with original |(732) 892-7010 |

| |Poster Contest | |art | |

|Devon Health Services |The Devon Scholars |Not specified |A graduating senior interested in pursuing a career in healthcare |Catherine Gifford (610) 757-4162 |

| |Scholarship | | | |

|Wiss Edward O’Connell |Wiss Edward O’Connell |28 scholarships|Graduating senior pursuing an accounting degree at a NJ college or|Applications can be downloaded at – contact Francine Henry at|

|Memorial Scholarship |Memorial Scholarship |from |University |(973) 994-9400 x 215 |

|Fund | |$2,000-$4,000 | | |

|Credit Union of New |2011 Youth Scholarship |$3,000 in funds|*Must be a high school senior |Eligible members must request a scholarship application packet in writing |

|Jersey | |are available |*Must be a member of the Credit Union of NJ in good standing |via email to memberservices@ or US mail to P.O. Box 7921, Ewing, |

| | | |*Employees of Credit Union of New Jersey, Directors, Volunteers |NJ 08628-3010 to the attention of the Scholarship Coordinator, or via fax |

| | | |and their immediate families are ineligible |to (609) 530-0437. |



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