WKU BSW Program – Scholarship Information

Each year the BSW Program has a limited amount of scholarship funds available for supporting BSW students in completing their undergraduate education. Financial need is the primary criteria for awarding scholarships. The amount of scholarship monies available for distribution varies semester by semester. Recent scholarship grants have ranged from $50 - $200. Priority is given to students who are nearing completion of the BSW degree.

The application form for this scholarship is attached to this document.

Current social work majors are eligible to apply at any time (according to the application deadlines listed below). Students who are not currently SW majors, but who are applying during the current semester for admission to the major the following semester are also eligible to apply, e.g., applying in fall semester for admission in spring semester.

All scholarship applications, when submitted, should be accompanied by a one-two page essay (double-spaced) discussing your specific career goals post-BSW graduation and why you are requesting scholarship funds. Without this essay, your application will not be processed.

BSW faculty members review all scholarship applications. Applications are generally reviewed in August for fall semester, in January for spring semester, and in May for summer semester. Students who are awarded scholarship funds are contacted via email or letter to notify them of their award.

Scholarship awards are automatically applied to the student’s tuition unless it has already been paid in full. In such a case, a residual check for the amount of the scholarship grant will be mailed to the student; it is expected that students receiving a residual check will provide documentation to the Program that the funds were used for the purposes intended.

Scholarship Application Submission Dates

August 1 – for fall semester

December 15 – for spring semester

April 1 – for summer semester

Mail or fax (270 745 6841) completed forms to the following address:

Western Kentucky University

Department of Social Work

Academic Complex 211

1906 College Heights Blvd. #11039

Bowling Green, KY 42101-1039

Attention: BSW Scholarship Application

BSW Scholarship Application Form

1. Name ________________________________ WKU Email Address ___________________________

2. Mailing_Address_______________________________________________________________


3. Term/Year began program: __________ Credits Completed: _____ GPA (iCAP) _______

Anticipated Graduation Date: _______

4. Resident classification, for tuition purposes:

_____ Kentucky resident or waiver _____ non-resident (domestic) ___non-resident (international)

5. Financial Information

Loans and Grants

Total loan debt to this point in your education (Not how much you receive per semester, but the total amount of money you have borrowed thus far to pursue your education): _____________________________________

Pell Grant or other grants (amount per semester):________________________________________________

Scholarships (including current or previous awards of the BSW Scholarship)

Are you presently receiving a scholarship to attend WKU? Yes ____________ No ______________

If yes, what is the name of the scholarship and the yearly amount?

Name: _____________________________________________________ Amount: $___________________

In the past, have you received a scholarship to attend WKU but no longer receive it?

Yes___________ No__________

If yes, what is the name of the scholarship and the yearly amount?

Name: _____________________________________________________ Amount: $___________________

How many years did you receive this scholarship? _______________________

Current Employment

How many hours per week do you currently work? ______________________

When you begin your practicum, how many hours per week do you plan to work? ______________

Other Financial Information

Have you applied for financial aid at WKU? Yes _______________ No _______________

Do you use any of the following to help pay for your education?

Type: Semester Amount:

_____ VA Benefits _______________

_____ PAC (pre-paid college plan) _______________

_____ Vocational Rehabilitation _______________

_____ Parents _______________

_____Spouse (or child support/alimony) _______________

Besides the information requested in this application, is there anything else you wish us to consider when determining need for a scholarship? Please explain below:


6. One – two page essay outlining career goals post-BSW and any special circumstances you consider important when faculty consider your application for funds. ATTACH TO THIS APPLICATION.

I certify that to the best of my knowledge the information contained in this document and accompanying statement is accurate and complete. If applying for, or receiving, financial aid from the BSW Program, I will notify the Program of any changes in my financial status. False information may result in loss of financial aid.

_________________________________________ ____________________________________________

Signature Date

Social Work Program Use Only

Scholarship offered: yes no

Amount: ______________________


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