SWE UPPERCLASS & GRADUATE STUDENTS SCHOLARSHIP JUDGING(Revised 3/3/2015)Note for Judging ScholarshipsThe year listed on the application is the year they will be entering into next academic year. As appropriate may use scores up to one (1) decimal point (e.g., 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5) EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTSAcademic Preparation: Evidenced by courses taken, special projects, or by jobs in the engineering profession, and technical abilities observed by those writing letter of reference.SophomoreDescriptionPointsCalculus, a science (Chemistry or Physics), OR Entry level engineering courses (e.g., intro to their respective engineering major)1Calculus, a science (Chemistry or Physics), AND Entry level engineering courses (e.g., intro to their respective engineering major)3Any advanced courses in major, math (beyond Calculus I), or science (beyond Chemistry I, Biology I, and Physics I)5JuniorDescriptionPointsCalculus, a science (Chemistry or Physics), AND Entry level engineering courses (e.g., intro to their respective engineering major)12 – 5 advanced courses in major, math (beyond Calculus I), and science (beyond Chemistry I, Biology I, and Physics I)26 - 8 advanced courses in major, math (beyond Calculus I), and science (beyond Chemistry I, Biology I, and Physics I)39 advanced courses in major, math (beyond Calculus I), and science (beyond Chemistry I, Biology I, and Physics I)410+ advanced courses in major, math (beyond Calculus I), and science (beyond Chemistry I, Biology I, and Physics I)5Senior or Graduate StudentDescriptionPoints6 - 8 advanced courses in major, math (beyond Calculus I), and science (beyond Chemistry I, Biology I, and Physics I)19 - 12 advanced courses in major, math (beyond Calculus I), and science (beyond Chemistry I, Biology I, and Physics I)213 - 15 advanced courses in major, math (beyond Calculus I), and science (beyond Chemistry I, Biology I, and Physics I) 316+ advanced courses in major, math (beyond Calculus I), and science (beyond Chemistry I, Biology I, and Physics I) 416+ advanced courses in major, math (beyond Calculus I), and science (beyond Chemistry I, Biology I, and Physics I) & Senior Design Project or Research Project5Community Service: Commitment to community. Please note these activities are meant to be commitment to community (e.g., Habitat for humanity, outreach to K-12). Maximum number of points is munity Service ActivitiesDescriptionScoreActivity Events (e.g., one time activities only)1Seasonal activities (summer or during school breaks)2Continuous activities during School (e.g., weekly or monthly volunteer commitment)3If any STEM-related community service activity+2Activities: Breadth as well as depth of interest in extracurricular activities. Maximum number of points is 5. DescriptionScoreActive Member of Society/Club/Sports (1-2 organizations) 1Active Member of Society/Club/Sports (3-5 organizations)2Leadership Roles of Society/Club/Sports or Active Member at 5+ Organizations3Bonus Points: SWE member+1Bonus Points: SWE leadership role(s)+1Bonus Points: 3+ Leadership Roles or Founded new school activity; or Participated in an extracurricular activity for multiple years including a leadership+1Work Experience (or other efforts to finance education): Has the applicant done anything to finance her education other than apply for scholarships? Is the student working while attending school? How have summers been spent? Work experience adds to maturity and realistic attitudes toward the value of an engineering degree and subsequence career. Note, additional consideration for work that is Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) related. Maximum number of points is 5.DescriptionScorePart-time Work (occasional, seasonal, summer)1Working during School ( <10 hours a week)2Working during School (10- 20 hours a week)3Working during School (20+ hours a week)4BONUS POINTS: Sophomore: Is the work STEM-related?+1BONUS POINTS: Junior: Engineering Internship, Engineering COOP, or Engineering related research work+1BONUS POINTS: Senior or Graduate Student: 2 of any of the following: Engineering Internship, Engineering COOP, or Engineering related research work+1Probability of Success as an Engineer: Evaluate each applicant in considering all three items listed below.Interest in Engineering: Enthusiasm for engineering as evidenced by essay style and content, STEM related activities and work experience, and classes taken.Interest in EngineeringDescriptionScoreNo interest via essay or activities0Displays some interest (via (1) essay or (2) activities or (3) work experience or (4) classes)1Displays high interest but the compassion and desire is not fully comprehended – via (1) Essay and (2) activities or work experience or classes3Full of life, desire and passion for engineering and science and is portrayed thru essay5Communications Ability: Judge by the essay. Communication AbilityDescriptionScoreWriting has some grammatical mistakes but understandable1Almost no grammatical errors, communicates thoughts well3Almost no grammatical errors, brilliantly written5Drive and Determination: Care and completeness with which the applicant has established and is pursuing her goals as evidenced by essay style and content, including the opinions from the letters of reference, honors and awards. Drive and DeterminationDescriptionScoreAt least one letter of reference illustrates candidate has passion or drive for engineering1Both letters of reference and essay illustrate candidate has passion or drive for engineering3Both letters of reference, essay, and honors and awards illustrate candidate has demonstrated passion or drive for engineering5HIGHEST TOTAL SCORE IS MOST FAVORABLE ................

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