Monday - Scholastic

|**General Notes** |Monday |Tuesday |

| |8:45-9:00- Highlight HF words and rewrite misspelled|8:45-9:00- Morning Work- Adjectives Packet, Part 1 |

|ARRIVAL: |word in “Words to Study” section of Word Study | |

|Meet students at the back door in our classroom. |Folder | |

|Students know the routine. They need to turn in | |9:00- Reading Workshop |

|their homework to their table checker and then begin |9:05- Spelling Pre-Test-Unit 4 Week 1: Long a |Mini-Lesson: Talking Back to Books |

|Excel Math. Students are required to do half of the | |Introduce students to “talking Back to Books” prompt|

|guided practive and the entire lesson. Take |9:20-Word Study Lesson: Long a- Unit 4, Part 1 |sheet. After modeling for students how I talk back |

|attendance and lunch count, listen to the | |to books, students will talk back to a read-aloud |

|announcements, and say the pledge. |-Make the sound of each blend after reading poem |book with their reading partner. |

| |-Use beginning blend and chunk cards (with ending |Independent Reading Task: |

| |blend) as a class to make new words with each ending|Students use sticky notes to talk back to books that|

| |blend in the unit |they are reading from their book box. |

| |- Write 5 HF words on homework packet & explain |Conferring/Guided Reading: Color Code C0nferences: |

| |packet |John, Emma, Paula, Skylar |

| | | |

| |9:50- Sailor of the Week: John’s Sharing Sack | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |10:30- Writing Workshop |

| | |Mini-Lesson: Choosing a Seed Story |

| |11:00- Reading Workshop | |

| |Mini-Lesson: Finding Themes in Fiction |Independent Writing Task: Students reread all |

| | |stories in their notebooks and determine one story |

| |Independent Reading Task: |that they are ready to take to publishing. Students|

| |After working together during the mini-lesson to |practice telling the story orally to their writing |

| |determine themes in books that have been read aloud,|partner. |

| |students complete the “My Book Has a Theme” cards |Resources: My Writer’s Notebook, Qualities of Good |

| |and share them with their partner during the |Narrative Writing Chart |

| |closing. | |

| |Conferring/Guided Reading: Color Code Conferences:: |11:20- Word Study Centers |

| |Nicholas, Rija, Emily, Samantha, Jenny | |

| | |Dolphins: Long Vowel Dominoes |

| | |Sharks: Long Vowel Race Track |

| |11:50-Read Aloud: Thank You Mr. Falker (relates to |Lobsters: HF Word Roll |

| |RW mini-lesson) |Starfish: Tic-Tac-Toe |

| | |Goldfish: HF Stamping |

| | | |

| | |11:50 Sailor of the Week Read Aloud |

| | | |


|During reading workshop, students take part in a | | |

|mini-lesson, independent reading time, and a share | | |

|time at the end. During Independent Reading Time, | | |

|students read from their book boxes in their book | | |

|nooks or they are meeting with the teacher. During | | |

|share time, readers might meet as a whole class or | | |

|just with their reading partner. | | |


|During writing workshop, students take part in a | | |

|mini-lesson, independent reading time, and a share | | |

|time at the end. During Independent Writing Time, | | |

|students write in their Writer’s Notebooks at their | | |

|desks. During share time, they can share their work | | |

|with the class or with their writing partner. | | |

| |12:10-12:50 Lunch |12:10-12:50 Lunch |

| |12:50: Math on the Water- |12:50- Math on the Water |

|All MATH SUPPLIES are kept in labeled containers on | | |

|the shelf to the left of the computer station. |1:10- Math Lesson 2.6: Comparison Number Stories |1:10- Math Lesson 2.7: Partial Sums Algorithm |

| | | |

| |Ind. Work |Ind. Work |

| |Journal pg. 42, |Journal pg. 45 |

| |MB pg. 44 |MB pg. 46 |

| | | |

| |Game: Addition |Game: Addition |

| |Top-It |BINGO |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |2:30- Social Studies Unit 3: The Peopling of the |

| | |United States |

| | |Students will learn about the Latino Americans, the |

| | |second group of people to migrate to America |

| | | |

| | |3:25- Homework Folders |

|Homework Folders | | |

|Students should empty their cubbies and put any notes| | |

|and homework they need to take home in their homework| | |

|folder. Assignments are written on the board, and | | |

|students copy them into the log on the back of their |2:30- Social Studies Alive Unit 3: The Peopling of | |

|homework folder. |the United States | |

|3:40 DISMISSAL |Students will learn about the Native Americans, the | |

|All students line up at back door. Call students to |first group of people to migrate to America | |

|line up when they look ready. | | |

| |3:25- Payroll &Homework Folders | |

|Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|8:45-9:10- Grammar Packet: Finish Adjectives Part 1 |8:45-9:00- Check Grammar Packet: Adjectives Part 1 | |

| | |8:45-9:10- Spelling Test-Unit 4.1: Long a |

|9:10- Reading Workshop: | | |

|Mini-Lesson: Respecting Different Reading Abilities |9:05- Reading Workshop |9:10- Reading Workshop |

|of Classmates |Mini-Lesson: Recommending a Book |Mini-Lesson: About the Reading Conference |

| |Introduce book recommendation board. Using a book I|Explain to students that you will be meeting with |

|Since I will begin meeting individually with students|have read aloud, I will write a sample |them throughout the year to talk about their |

|during IDR to determine their “just right” level, it |recommendation for the class. Students evaluate and|reading. Tell them that the conversation that takes|

|is important to discuss the idea that all readers are|critique my recommendation. |place will help you learn ways to help them become |

|different. The level of the book is not as important|Independent Reading Task: |better readers. |

|as the reader’s understanding and enjoyment of the |Students choose a favorite book they have read this |Independent Reading Task: |

|book. |year and complete a book recommendation card for the|Students have no specific task but may need a |

|Independent Reading Task: |bulletin board. |reminder that they are not to interrupt you when you|

|“Talk Back to Books” on IDR task sheet (continued |Conferring/Guided Reading: |are conferencing with another reader |

|from yesterday) |Color Code Conferences: Tyler, Evan, Jenna, Elle |Conferring: Taylor, Alex, Nick, Rija, Ethan |

|Conferring/Guided Reading: Color Code Conferences: | | |

|Aaron, Jane, Anna, Ben, Tommy | | |

| | | |

| |10:40- Mini-Lesson: Leads- Snapshot & Action lead | |

| |Introduce leads and read examples from trade books. | |

|10:45- Writing Workshop |As a class, try writing one of each type. The whole | |

|Mini-Lesson: Leads in Narrative Writing: Talking Lead|lesson takes place on carpet. Students listen to | |

|& Sound Effect Lead |sample leads read aloud and rehearse lead orally |11:10- Writing Workshop |

|Introduce leads and read examples from trade books. |with writing partner before writing in their | |

|As a class, try writing one of each type. The whole |notebook. |Mini-Lesson: Taking Charge Of Your Writing |

|lesson takes place on carpet. Students listen to |Independent Writing Task: practice each lead for |Students learn how to truly evaluate and revise |

|sample leads read aloud and rehearse lead orally with|your personal small moment seed story you chose. |their own writing using the “Qualities of Good |

|writing partner before writing in their notebook. |Resources: Books for example leads |Personal Narrative Writing” checklist. |

|Independent Writing Task: Practice each lead for your| |Independent Writing Task: Evaluate first draft with |

|personal small moment seed story you chose. |11:45- Word Study Centers |checklist |

|Resources: Books with examples of leads, lead posters| |Sharing: Still see many watermelon stories- how do |

| |Dolphins: Long Vowel Dominoes |we make it a seed story? |

|11:30- Word Study Centers |Sharks: Long Vowel Race Track | |

|Dolphins: Long Vowel Dominoes |Lobsters: HF Word Roll |11:55- Read Aloud: Amazing Grace |

|Sharks: Long Vowel Race Track |Starfish: Tic-Tac-Toe | |

|Lobsters: HF Word Roll |Goldfish: HF Stamping | |

|Starfish: Tic-Tac-Toe | | |

|Goldfish: HF Stamping |11:55- Read Aloud: Thundercake | |

| | | |

|11:55- Read Aloud: How Many Days to America? | | |

|12:10-12:50 Lunch |12:10-12:50 Lunch |12:10-12:50 Lunch |

|12:50- Math on the Water- |12:50- Math on the Water- |12:50- Math on the Water |

| | | |

|1:10- Math Lesson 2.8: Subtraction Algorithms |1:10- Math Lesson 2.9: Addition with 3 or More |1:10- Math Lesson: Unit 2 Review |

| |Addends | |

|Ind. Work | |Ind. Work |

|Journal pg. 48 |Ind. Work |Unit Review |

|MB pg. 49 |Journal pgs. | |

| |51, 52 |Game: |

|Game: |MB pg. 53 |Addition & |

|Subtraction | |Subtraction |

|Top-It |Game: |Board Games |

| |Name That Number | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|2:15-Social Studies Unit 3: The Peopling of the | |2:30 - Science: Measurement Investigation 3, Part |

|United States | |3: Soda Can Capacity |

|Students will learn about the European Americans, the| |Students devise a plan as a group to measure the |

|third group of people to migrate to America |2:30 – Bucket-Filling Assembly |capacity of a soda can and compare it to the actual |

| | |volume listed on the can. |

|2:55- Payroll &Homework Folders |3:25- Homework Folders & Payroll | |

| | | |

| | |3:25- Homework Folders & Payroll |


Media 10:45-11:10

Recess 2:15-2:30

Phys Ed 10:10-10:40

Music 3:05-3:35

Recess DUTY 2:15-2:30

Music 10:00 -10:30

October 12th – October 16th

Spanish 10:05-10:30

Enrichment: Addition & Subtraction Puzzles (Math Masters pg. 58)

Readiness: Do journal pages together

Recess 2:15-2:30

Enrichment: Focus on items found on the challenge section of the test

Readiness: Do difficult parts of the unit 2 math review together

Art 10:00 -10:55

2:00-3:30 PACE

Recess 2:00-2:15

Recess 2:15-2:30

Enrichment: Teach & Assign a different algorithm to partners. They will create a poster to teach each other the different subtraction methods.

Readiness: Play base-10 trading game (Math Masters pg. 411)

Gym 10:10-10:40

Enrichment: Write a comparison # story in math binder and solve with partners

Readiness: Comparing #’s on a # line (Math Masters pg 50)

Enrichment: Writing & solving missing addend # stories

Readiness: Use base-10 blocks to model 2-digit numbers


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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