Fauquier County Public Schools

Dear Parents and Guardians, Listed below are the website addresses so that your child can log in to any of our Scholastic Magazine subscriptions from home. The password for the student log in is readHMPpandas and it is the same password for all of our magazine subscriptions. There are related movies, vocabulary words, and activities for each magazine on the website. Additionally, you may use the search bar to find topics of interest in the archived magazines.Your child may select text at an easier level for independent practice or they may select on level text for reading practice with support if needed. There is an option to have the magazines read aloud so your child can listed to the text first and then read it again on their own. Reading the content multiple times will help build fluency and improve your child’s comprehension of the material. If you have any questions about using Scholastic magazines at home, please contact me at dowens@Thank you for your support!Darcy OwensReading SpecialistH.M. Pearson Elementary SchoolWebsites for the Scholastic Magazines we have subscriptions to:Kindergarten: lfoFirst Grade:sn1Kindergarten and First Grade Science: sciencespink-1Second Grade: sn2Second Grade Science: sciencespin2Third Grade:sn3Third Grade Science: sciencespin3-6Log in password: readHMPpandas ................

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