Billy Ryan High SchoolStrutters Drill TeamConstitution2018-2019TABLE OF CONTENTSWELCOMEpage 3ARTICLE I – PURPOSEpage 4ARTICLE II - PARENT RESPONISBILITIESpage 4ARTICLE III – LINE MEMBERSpage 4-6ARTICLE IV – DANCE OFFICERSpage 6-8ARTICLE V – TEAM REPSpage 8ARTICLE VI – MANAGERpage 8-9ARTICLE VII – PRACTICE SESSIONSpage 9ARTICLE VIII – PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTSpage 9ARTICLE IX – FOOTBALL/BASKETBALL GAMESpage 10ARTICLE X – COMPETITION/SPRING SHOWpage 10-11ARTICLE XI – UNIFORMSpage 11ARTICLE XII – PARENTAL PERMISSIONpage 11ARTICLE XIII – GRADING POLICYpage 11-12ARTICLE XIV – DEMERITSpage 12-13ARTICLE XV – MERITSpage 13ARTICLE XVI – PROBATION, SUSPENSION & RESIGNATIONpage 13-14ARTICLE XVII – TRANSPORTATIONpage 14-15ARTICLE XVIII – TRIPS AND SPECIAL ENGAGEMENTSpage 15ARTICLE XIX – FINANCESpage 15ARTICLE XX – VOLUNTEER WORKpage 15ARTICLE XXI – VETO CLAUSEpage 15ARTICLE XXII – INTERPRETATIONpage 15ARTICLE XXIII – CONSTITUTION CHANGESpage 15PARTICIPATION CONTRACTpage 16WELCOME TO THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF DRILL TEAM!!The Strutter Constitution is designed to be used as a guideline toward being the best you can be. Good judgment and common sense will be used when events are not covered in the Constitution.Being a Strutter provides many students theirs first opportunity to share a common bond and a close relationship with others. Learning what it means to work very closely with other students and share in accomplishments and frustrations are all part of being a Strutter. Being a Strutter must mean being a member of a team; a team that WORKS together, IS together. Leadership of a team is important, and members often have the opportunity to cultivate and demonstrate leadership abilities. Performing before an audience helps each young dancer develop self-assurance and poise. The opportunity to grow, learn, and lead are received through membership in the Strutter organization that can ease the transition from adolescence to adulthood.When a student becomes a member of the RHS Strutter Drill Team, their entire family becomes involved as supporters, spectators and helpers. Being an RHS Strutter Drill Team member makes many demands upon the family in terms of time, money and emotional involvement, but we hope you will find it a rewarding and enriching experience for all of you.TIME. Strutters is a FULL year commitment. All members, including seniors, are required to participate the entire school year. Family schedules will sometimes have to be adjusted to accommodate the Strutters commitments to the organization. This is a team activity, so each member must be present for rehearsal or a performance, etc. (i.e., to begin our work – if one member is late, the rest of the team is often left waiting). Parents are asked to give their time to work on fund-raisers, the building of props or sewing of costumes, to cook for events, and perhaps most importantly, to attend as many of your child’s performances as possible.MONEY. Every effort is made to keep expenses reasonable, but there are considerable costs associated with the drill team. In an effort to ease the financial burden, the RHS Strutter Drill Team Booster Club will be involved in fundraising to help defray the team expenses. Each member and their family must support these events by giving of their time and talents, and encouraging friends to attend because each team member benefits directly from the raised funds.EMOTIONAL INVOLVEMENT. Each member will have their triumphs and disappointments as a Strutter, and the love and support of their family will be important to them. Console their triumphs…they have worked hard to earn them. Console them when there are disappointments, but remember that learning to deal with frustration and pressures are part of the maturing process. Your positive attitude will influence your child’s reaction to their experiences. You and your child should always address your concerns and suggestions to the director. Many problems arise from simple misunderstandings, and there are always improvements to be made, so communication is the only way to affect a solution.As each of you is a part of the RHS Strutter Drill Team family, drill team is also a member of your family. Cherish it and protect it – your words and actions should reflect our family’s positive image. We are a large family and we must respect each person’s individuality while recognizing that we must consider what is best for the whole organization. What might not be a problem for one person could be a nightmare if everyone did it, so we must be willing to “give and take” for the sake of the team. By working together, we will have a wonderful RHS Strutter Drill Team family!! Never one thing and seldom one person can make for success.It takes a number of them merging into one perfect whole. -Marie DresslerTHE CONSTITUTION OF THE BILLY RYAN HIGH SCHOOLSTRUTTER DRILL TEAM2018-2019All Ryan High School Strutter Drill Team members must adhere to the following articles. It must be understood that as a member of this organization, the student becomes a representative of Ryan High School and each member must maintain high moral and ethical standards. Membership may be dismissed at any time for unacceptable standards of conduct.ARTICLE I – PURPOSESection A – PurposeThe purpose of the Drill Team shall be to perform and entertain audiences through precision drill dances; to promote loyal school spirit; to boost the morale of the Ryan High School Athletic Programs; to encourage high academic standards; to develop dance technique, cooperation, self-discipline, sportsmanship, character, leadership and individual responsibility while maintaining high moral standards; and to represent Ryan High School, the community, and the Denton Independent School District in a manner which will reflect credit upon the school and the organization itself.ARTICLE II – PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITIESSection A – Parental ResponsibilitiesParents must give their permission for their student to fulfill all the responsibilities of being a member of the drill team.Parents must be willing to meet all financial obligations involved in having their student as a drill team member. All payments are final. Following tryouts payments for camp, practice, and performance wear will be due on scheduled dates. Failure to pay on time could result in your Strutter not performing.Parents are responsible for arranging transportation to and from activities, except when transportation is provided by the school district and the director.Parents are encouraged to participate in various Strutter Booster Club activities and fundraisers. These fundraisers help defray the cost for each member of the drill team.Parents must be willing to cooperate with the director and keep her informed of dates that might conflict with drill team activities.It is encouraged that at least one parent of each Strutter should attend the Strutters Booster Club meetings.Parents should be supportive of their child and of the Strutters Organization.ARTICLE III – LINE MEMBERSSection A – Membership EligibilityAnyone who meets the set qualifications will not be discriminated against because of race, creed, or education handicap.All forms must be turned in prior to or on the designated date.a.Photograph of the candidateb.Audition Applicationc.Parent Permission Formd.Copy of six weeks report card prior to the audition3. To be eligible for auditions, students must have passed all classes the preceding six weeks. If a student failed one or more classes, then the student will not be allowed to participate in the audition workshops as set by UIL.Each candidate must be cleared through the assistant principal’s office and the attendance office before being cleared to audition. No candidate shall have a chronic display of misconduct or absences.All candidates and their parent/guardian(s) must attend an audition orientation meeting or contact the director for an appointment prior to the audition workshops. Failure to attend or meet with the director will result in the candidate’s inability to audition. Prospective members and their parent/guardian(s) must be fully aware of the time and expense in becoming a drill team member.A prospective member must reside with their parent/guardian(s) within the Denton Independent School District or show proof of future DISD residency and must also reside within the Ryan High School attendance zone, unless they are cleared with the DISD and an approval transfer request is on file with the RHS principal.Any student new to the district may audition only on the scheduled date of drill team auditions and must meet all set requirements before the audition.Candidates will be expected to perform a specific required routine at auditions. The performance of the candidates for line membership shall be evaluated by a panel of three (3) qualified judges. Selection of line members will be based on the sum of the average score of all three judges during a closed audition session.All former RHS Strutters will be required to participate in the audition process and workshops for a total of two years for automatic renewal of membership for their third and fourth years.Section B – Membership RequirementsTeam members must register for the designated Drill Team class for the fall and spring semesters of their membership year.Members, pending eligibility status, will participate in all activities in which the organization is involved, whether it is performance, fundraising, or school and community eventsAll members are highly required to attend drill team camp and other required dance/choreography workshops throughout the year.Before school, after school and summer practice sessions are required. Time specifications for these will be established as camp dates and spring/fall school practice schedules become available to the director.Every member must be present for all practice sessions, camp, pep rallies, competitions, etc.Members audition for every performance unless ill or injured.Members will purchase their camp clothing and other necessary clothing as required. All personal financial obligations for uniform orders must be met.The term of membership shall be recognized as the time immediately following the drill team auditions through auditions of the following school year.Candidates who have been dismissed or who have resigned from the drill team will not be eligible to re-audition for membership unless given permission from the director.Members must exhibit and maintain satisfactory attitudes toward school policies and regulations.Members may not leave any function for any reason other than illness, injury or death in the family. The member may leave with a family member or relative ONLY, and the director must be contacted prior to departure. If the student leaves, a written note must be submitted to the director which states that the student is leaving with a parent/guardian, what the reason is for departure and that the director and DISD are released of all responsibility for that student.Section C – Grade RequirementsDrill Team members who fail a class in the last six weeks period will be cut from the home routine performance during summer camp.The state requires any member who has not earned the correct number of credits to be placed on academic probation for the first six weeks of the following school year unless the deficiency can be remedied by summer school.Drill team members who fail a class during any six weeks grading period will be excluded from participation in all extra-curricular activities for the following three weeks. They must continue to attend class, all after school practices, and performances. The state policy does not apply to social activities. After three weeks, a grade check will be completed. If the student is passing all classes, they may resume participation. If the student is failing, they will be placed on academic suspension.Section D – AttendanceAbsence from any Strutter activity or event will be unexcused except for circumstances listed below:Personal illness or accidentDeath in the familySpecial school activity with advance approval from the directorDirector’s decisionReligious HolidaysStrutters must limit their number of excused absences as performance privileges may be revoked for excessive absences.In the event of an absence, the Strutter or parent must inform the director of the absences and the reason for the absence prior to practice. The director must receive a phone call, e-mail, or written note from the parent about the absence. The Strutter is responsible for obtaining any information that was given on the day of the absence.Work, dance class, outside activities, doctor or dental appointments must not interfere with class, practices, or performances and will be considered unexcused, unless approved through the director in advance. An unexcused absence will result in the receipt of demerits. The director will determine the status of an absence.Work will not be an excusable reason for missing, being late, or leaving early from either practice or performance, unless approved by the director at least 24 hours in advance and know that this will be on a rare occasion.Failure to comply with absence policies, falsifying reasons for absences or truancies/unexcused absences will result in forfeiture of a performance, probation, suspension or dismissal.All Strutters must be in regular full day attendance at school to participate in practice or a scheduled activity. Full day attendance is defined as being in school from the first hour and remaining until the close of the last hour.If a Strutter misses ONE practice during the week of a performance for the football game or pep rally (due to illness, doctor’s appointment, court, excused absence or NOT), then they are removed from the field routine and pep rally routine that Strutters perform that week. Section D – Audition WorkshopEach candidate will learn warm-up techniques and an audition jazz routine with a kick series included. The workshop will be held after school for a three-day period.All candidates should wear comfortable attire. If leotards are worn, a cover-up is required when in hallways or the school. Leotards/practice attire shall also conform to school dress code regulations (i.e., no bare mid-drift style allowed). Hair should be secured back away from the face, worn preferably in a ponytail.Gum, jewelry, canned beverages or food are not allowed in the audition workshop. Candidates should bring a water jug and towel.If absent from the workshop, the director must be contacted prior to the absence.All candidates must attend school l/2 day on the workshop and tryout days in order to be eligible to participate.Section E – AuditionAfter clearing registration, grade, conduct and attendance requirements, orientation meeting and audition forms, a candidate may participate in the audition workshop and audition.Candidates will be expected to perform the splits; the audition jazz routine and the audition kick series in groups of 3-5 members at auditions. Judging will be based on:General appearance – posture, carriage, body proportionDance technique – technique, precision, style, grace, spatial awareness, rhythm and coordinationShowmanship – projection, smile, enthusiasm, poise and confidenceKnowledge and memory of the routineRhythm and TimingPrecision and unisonKick technique – form, technique, endurance, height, flexibility, extension and strength Splits – form, technique, flexibilityOverall impressionTeacher Evaluation – based on leadership, character, responsibility, respect and attitudeThe performance of the candidates for membership will be scored on a 100 point scale by a panel of three (3) qualified dance/drill team judges. Each candidate will be scored on a 100 point scale. Selection of line members will be based on the average of the scores of teacher evaluation, all three judge’s scores and recommendation of yes, maybe or no.THE JUDGES’ DECISION IS FINAL.Auditions are closed to spectators. Those eligible for attendance include the director, judges and RHS administrators.The maximum number of drill team members shall be 60. There shall be no minimum set numbers of drill team members.Each candidate must wear a black leotard, black tights, black jazz shoes, hair pulled away from the face (preferably in a ponytail). No ribbon or bows. No color on or under leotards.Each candidate will be known by an identification number which they shall wear during the audition.ARTICLE IV – DANCE OFFICERSSection A The Dance Officers of this organization shall consist of 3-7 head dance officers. The top ranking officer shall be called the CAPTAIN, the 2nd ranking officer shall be called LIEUTENANT CAPTAIN and the remaining shall be called LIEUTENANTS.Section B – Responsibilities of the Dance OfficersA dance officer must be able to maintain a 75 average in all current classes. They must have mature leadership skills, maintain good organizational skills, demonstrate a strong sense of responsibility and be willing to set a good example at ALL times. The director may remove a dance officer from their position if they do not uphold the responsibility of their position.Section C – Duties of Dance OfficersWork with the director to decide on all performances.Meet with the director weekly to discuss the development and progress of the team. If all Officers have 5th block dismiss meetings and practices will be held during this time daily. Maintain a good working relationship with the director and other officers.Set an example for other team members by maintaining a positive and cooperative attitude, for promotion school spirit and team unity and by remaining calm and flexible in times of crisis.Attend team officer camp.Represent the organization in any function of the school or community.Shall hold inspections, checking for attendance and tardies for their squad.Responsible for teaching under the supervision of the director.Responsible for warm-up each day.Responsible for keeping an up to date record of each squad member’s demerits and reporting the total on each to their squad and director.Provide individual help to each member in their squad in learning and perfecting dances.Will arrive 15 minutes prior to and stay 15 minutes after any function or until the director dismisses the officers.Responsible for keeping a notebook containing telephone numbers, schedules, rules, etc.Responsible for maintaining discipline and seeing that their squad is in order at all times.Section D – CaptainThe Captain is the first officer of the drill team.The Captain is selected according to the highest ranking officer candidate.The Captain is in charge at all times and reports directly to the director.The Captain will schedule any necessary officer meetings approved by the director.The Captain is responsible, along with the director, for the choreography and teaching of the material.The Captain must work closely with the other officers, line members and director. It is their responsibility to set a good example for the team members to follow.The director may remove the Captain from their position if they do not uphold the responsibilities of their position.Section E – Lieutenant CaptainThe Lieutenant Captain is next in command after the Captain. The Lieutenant Captain is selected according to the second highest ranking officer candidate.The Lieutenant Captain is next in charge behind the Captain.The Lieutenant Captain is responsible for their squad, as well as taking attendance of the entire team prior to every practice and performance. On every Thursday, they must report the tardies and absences of each squad member to their squad officer and director.The Lieutenant Captain may also be in charge of choreography or teaching of material with approval of the director.The Lieutenant Captain must work closely with the other officers, line members and director. It is their responsibility, along with all the other officers, to set a good example for the team members to follow.The director may remove the Lieutenant Captain from their position if they do not uphold the responsibilities of their position.Section F – LieutenantsThe Lieutenants are next in command behind the Captain and Lieutenant Captain.The Lieutenants are chosen according to the 3-5 highest ranking officer candidates.They are responsible to the director and the captain for the performance of their squad members.They must work closely with the other officers, line members and director. It is the Lieutenant’s responsibility to set a good example for the team members to follow.The Lieutenants will be in charge of a specific duty of Demerits/Kicks, Entrances/Exits or Music as given by the director.The director may remove a Lieutenant from their position if they do not uphold the responsibilities of their position.Section G – Dance Officer QualificationsAny member of the RHS Strutter Drill Team organization, who has a 75% average of all previous grading periods, is of the sophomore or junior classification at the time of auditions, and who has been a line member for a minimum of one year is eligible to audition for a dance officer position.Must never have been on probation for demerits or conduct during the year in which they audition.Must never have been on suspension for demerits or conduct during the year in which they audition.Must not hold a job that might interfere with duties of the office.Section H – Manner of Selection for Dance OfficersDance officers will be selected by a panel of three (3) qualified dance/drill team judges. Each candidate will be scored according to the following categories.InterviewSolo RoutineJazz/Kick RoutineStrutTeaching/Choreography SkillsMerits/DemeritsNotebookTeam VoteDirector’s evaluationTeachers shall evaluate each candidate in the following areas:LeadershipCharacterRespectAttitudeResponsibilityThe Director shall evaluate each candidate in the following areas:Organizational Skills – Officer notebookLeadership Qualities – Officer notebookTeam Member Vote – each team member of the current performance year has a single vote in the selection of the dance officers. These votes will be tallied and each member ranked according to the votes received. The final tally will be added to the total score from the judges and director.The candidates that score the top 3-7 scores (consisting of judges, teachers, director and team vote) will be named the dance officers. The Captain and Lieutenant Captain will then be recommended by the judges from the top 3-7 scores. The other remaining dance officers will be named Lieutenants.Section I – Disciplinary Action for Dance OfficersSince Dance Officers are leaders of the team they are held to a higher standard than the Line Members. If an Officer receives a demerit it will be double the amount of a Line Members. Example: If an Line Member forgets a piece of practice wear it is 1 demerit; however if a Dance Officer forgets a piece of practice wear it is 2 demerits, etc.ARTICLE V – TEAM REPSSection A – Team RepsThis organization may have 2-3 Team Reps selected by the directors. The Team Reps will meet with the directors on a weekly basis to discuss upcoming activities/events/motivational quotes/cards to be sent, etc…Section B – Qualifications for Team RepsMust act as a leader of the drill team, both in and out of school.Must conduct themselves with dedication, determination, and devotion to this organization.Must not be on probation at time of selection.Must not hold a job which would interfere with the duties of the position.Must have a 75 grade average for all previous grading periods.Must have been a line member for a minimum of one year.Must not have been on probation or suspension for demerits or conduct during the previous year in which they are selected.Section C – Duties of Team RepsReps are in charge of outside activities, team spirit/moral, and service projects.Reps will serve as role models for the team members. Are responsible to the director for team morale of the team through activities, team building, member recognition and parties.Must work closely with the director, dance officers, and line members.A team rep will be in charge of the bulletin board in the locker room and studio.A team rep will be in charge of motivation, including circle up to performances, inspirational speeches, monthly quotes for bulletin board, and birthdays.A team rep will be in charge of taking photos at all team activities and creates the scrapbook to record Strutter History throughout the year.Section D – Selection of Team RepsThe selection of Team Reps will be based on the judges’ interview scores. The top 3-4 candidate scores will receive a Team Rep position.ARTICLE VI – MANAGERSSection A – ManagerManagers are non-performing team members. Since they are team members, they must uphold all duties just as the RHS Strutter Drill Team members must.Section B – Duties of ManagerMust attend all performances in uniform.Shall assist the director in checking roll.Responsible for all music, stereos, etc.Must attend all team practices in their dance attire.Shall wear uniforms, which are approved by the director.Responsible for all props; available when needed; stored correctlyResponsible for all items checked in and out of the storage room and for its orderliness and cleanliness.Video tape performances.Makes first aid supplies available at all times.Assisting officers and director during practice, performances, competitions, etc.Shall keep a note pad and calendar for reminders and keeping up to date.In charge of the distribution and collection of props and costumes.Most importantly, help keep director organized.Section C – Grade Requirements and RegulationsShall uphold same grade requirements as line members.Shall follow all rules and regulations as would any member.ARTICLE VII – PRACTICE SESSIONSSection A - Practice will be required during a specified class period.Section B -Before school, after school, competition, Spring Show, and summer practice sessions are required.Section C -Members will arrive on time to practice and stay until dismissed by the director.Section D -Members must attend school one-half day as set forth by UIL guidelines in order to be eligible to participate in that day’s practice or performance.Section E -During the season, there will be extra practices before and/or after school if needed. Special practices may be called on Saturdays with prior notice.Section F - The director may call additional practices as deemed necessary.Section G -Beginning with the first line camp practice, if a member is absent from 3 summer practices, she will forfeit performing at the first performance, 5 absences will mean she will forfeit performing at the first and second performance, etc.ARTICLE VIII – PERFORMING REQUIREMENTSSection A -A routine evaluation may take place before each performance. No member will perform until they have demonstrated their ability to do a given routine. If a member fails to meet the stated criteria, they will be “cut” from the routine. Routine evaluation shall be judged by the director and critiqued by the dance officers based on:Knowledge of the routineTechniqueOverall impressionSection B -All members are required to attend games in uniform whether they perform or not.Section C -Members MUST audition for every routine unless ill or injured. Any member who has missed routine evaluations will be eliminated from that particular performance.Section D -After subsequent warning, any member not performing satisfactory at Thursday’s practice or anyone who is late or misses the last practice before the performance will be eliminated from that week’s performance, provided an alternate is available for that position.Section E -Inability to Perform – Any member suffering from illness or injury will be excused from workout and performance ONLY by a written note from the parent and/or physician, but must still be in attendance if at all possible. Grade probation – any member failing to meet the grade requirements as set forth by UIL guidelines are expected to dress out and be present for all practices. The member MUST learn all routines as usual.Any member “cut” from a particular performance must remain dressed out and be present at all subsequent workouts and/or performances. She must continue to practice and uphold all responsibilities as an “alternate” for that particular routine.ARTICLE IX – FOOTBALL/BASKETBALL PERFORMANCESSection A – Performance RequirementsStrutters are required to attend all practices and performances designated on their fall/spring calendars for required athletic events.A member must never leave the stands or the group without permission from the director.A member must never speak to spectators, including family, without permission from the director.A member must not talk while filing into and out of the stands.A member must not talk at all while warming up for a performance. They must concentrate on their upcoming routine.A member must always pay attention to their dance officers and follow their commands.There will be absolutely no eating or chewing gum in the stands.A member is only allowed to use the restroom when dismissed by the director. A member must stay in their lines at all times.A member may not talk to anybody sitting around them in the stands.A member must complete stand routines regardless of what is happening on the field, except if a player gets injured.No part of the uniform should be taken off at anytime. This includes a member’s hat.A member needs to sit with their feet together at all times in the stands.All members are required to be dressed out and sitting with the team at all times, regardless of injuries, probation or being cut from the performance.All members will go to the game together on the bus. No socializing at all in the parking lot or in the stands during the entire game, before and after.Seniors will have the privilege of being “off” during the 3rd quarter. After halftime, the Director will dismiss the Seniors. All parts of the uniform, with the exception of gloves, must remain on. They are not allowed to visit the concession stand or leave the stadium for any reason. NO EATING OR DRINKING! Seniors must be back in their seats when there is 1:00 minute left in the 3rd quarter. If you are late, all seniors will be punished.ARTICLE X – COMPETITION/SPRING SHOW PROCEDURESSection A – Competition ProceduresThe Strutters may compete in 1-3 competitions per year determined by the director.Some contests are out of town and require travel to and from the event.Attendance is required, even if a member is not dancing.Tryouts will be held for contest routines.Participation and performance in the Competition are a major part of the Strutter’s grade for that six weeks.If a member does not participate in the Competition, then they will not be able to participate in the Spring Show.Any unexcused absence from a competition piece practice will cut the member from that performance at competition.If any member is cut from a competition piece at a basketball game prior to the competition, the member will also be cut from that piece at competition.Section B – Spring Show ProceduresThe Strutters will host any annual spring show every year that requires the participation of every member.Spring show requires a lot of work and cooperation from every member.There will be several Saturday practices scheduled ahead of time that are mandatory.Participation and performance in the Spring Show are a major part of the Strutter’s grade for those six weeks.There will be a tryout for each of the routines in the Spring Show.Every practice, every Saturday rehearsal, dress rehearsals and performance nights are mandatory and will reflect each members overall grade. ARTICLE XI – UNIFORMS, POMS, HANGING BAGS, SEAT CUSHIONSSection A – Practice UniformsMembers must purchase assigned practice clothing.Members must wear a designated uniform to practice.Each part of the practice uniform must have the member’s name on it.Section B – Performance UniformsPerformance uniforms are supplied by the Denton Independent School District.Each uniform piece contains a number. Members must turn in the exact uniform that was distributed to them at the beginning of the year or pay a replacement fee equal to the current price of the uniform.It is the responsibility of each member to ensure their uniform is in good, clean condition and fits properly before each performance.Field uniforms must be returned cleaned and in good condition in order for the member to avoid paying a replacement fee equal to the current price of a new uniform. If any piece is damaged or missing, that member will pay to replace it.Spring Show and Competition costumes are distributed in the same manner. Each member receives a numbered costume and is expected to return that particular number when the show is completed.No part of the uniform will be worn except with instruction by the director.Non-members are prohibited from wearing any uniform or costume.Members may not wear any jewelry while in uniforms or performing.Care must be taken when cleaning uniforms and costumes. Please follow the director’s instructions when washing uniforms or costumes prior to returning them. DO NOT DRYCLEAN.Section C – Poms, Hanging Bags, Seat CushionsPoms, hanging bags and seat cushions are supplied by the Strutter Booster Club.Each member is responsible for taking a seat cushion to and from the football games.It is the responsibility of each member to ensure that their seat cushion contains a blanket, a poncho and a set of poms (one blue and one red).Upon returning to the school, each member must put their seat cushion back in the designated area for their squad.If any part of the seat cushion gets wet at a game, the members must take care to lay their poncho, blanket and poms out in the dance room to dry.The seat cushion should, under no circumstance, ever be taken home.If a member must leave a game early, their seat cushion should be left with an officer or the director.All designated items should be used by members ONLY.Section D - School Provided Uniforms/EquipmentThe member assumes 100% liability for the care and return of any school property.Each member must sign out school items from a officer and return them to the same officer.ARTICLE XII – PARENTAL PERMISSIONSection A – Parents must give their written permission for a member to participate in all activities of the organization before the candidate is officially accepted as a member.In or out of town athletic eventsDances, banquets, parties, lock-insMeetings, poster parties, etc.Practices before and after school and summer practicesParadesSummer camps and special clinics during the yearCompetitionsSection B – The parents/guardians must be willing to meet all financial obligations involved in having their child as a member of the drill team (purchase or rental parts of the necessary costumes and provide money for other costs involved in being a member).ARTICLE XIII – GRADING POLICYSection A - Grades are given to the RHS Strutter Drill Team members based upon effort, attitude, performance, sense of responsibility and achievement. The demerit scale will also be used for this decision.Section B – Grading ScaleMerits will count as 20% of the six weeks grade. Each Strutter will start the six weeks period with an 80.Each merit adds 2 points to the six week grade. (10 merits would give a grade of 100 for the six weeks).Strutters will receive 1 written test per six weeks that will count as 20% of their grade. Strutters will be tested on specific sections from the Strutter Constitution.Each Strutter will keep a journal with weekly entries to count as 20% of their six weeks grade.Participation/Attendance at Competition/Spring Show will count as a major grade (60%) for that six weeks grading period.Turning in CLEAN uniforms will also be counted as a major grade. A smell test will be administered! If the uniform does not smell clean or appears not to have been washed, that Strutter will receive a grade of 50.ARTICLE XIV – DEMERITSSection A -The Demerit system is designed to provide a management system for a unique activity. The system provides demerits and penalties for rules and violations, and shall operate on a yearly basis. Demerit system is in effect for all members from team try-outs to the next team try-outs.Section B -Demerits may be given to all members by the director or officers at any practice, performance, or function. All demerits are permanent if not worked off by the end of the week received.Section C -A total of 10 demerits will terminate membership.Section D –For every 3 demerits accumulated during one-week period, you will be required to sit out of a performance. The Strutter will still be required to attend all practices for that performance and the Strutter must attend the performance as well.Section E -A Strutter that accumulates 7 permanent demerits will be required to try-out again for the next year’s team.Section F -It is the member’s responsibility to keep track of their demerits, and to keep parents informed of total demerits. You should have some idea of where you stand at all times. The director will keep a master copy of demerits.Section G -Any member receiving 10 permanent demerits will receive a failing grade in Strutters and will be dropped from the team.Section H – Demerit Offenses*Unexcused absence to performances or mandatory activities3Tardy (late) to inspection/performance 1 Tardy (late) to practice 1 Unexcused absence at practice (out for next performance)2Leaving practice early without permission of the director2Leaving game early without permission of the director3Turning in costumes, props, etc. (1 per day, unless prior arrangements)1Failure to inform dance officer ahead of time before an absencePractice1Performance2Incorrect practice uniform1Incorrect uniform or clothing for performance1*Not dressing out for practice2Wearing any kind of jewelry in uniform at game, performance or practice1Talking while at attention (i.e. entrance, routine, exit)1Use of cell phone at practice/performance (w/o permission)1*Disrespect (disobeying) to the director, dance officers, faculty, etc,(Insubordination)5Disrespect to fellow members2Failure to cooperate with director, dance officers, or fellow members3*Public display of affection in public, at school, or in uniform (Other than holding hands)2Chewing gum in uniform or at practice1Lack of participation in team activities. (pep rallies, practice, etc)1Dance officers not giving demerits when they should1Talking to outsiders while in ranks1Eating or drinking in the stands without permission1Eating or drinking in uniform without permission1Failure to come to attention upon command1Displaying poor conduct (i.e. bad language)2*Inappropriate behavior anytime/anywhere3*Minor disciplinary procedures in school (detention, office referrals, etc.)3*Major disciplinary procedures in school (ISSC, suspension, etc.)5*Demerits with a (*) are NOT allowed to be worked off, and are permanent.*The director may require conditioning drills with any demerit defense. Conditioning drills may take place of demerits in some cases when director announces to the team.*Major disciplinary procedures can lead to dismissal from the squad as determined by the director and school administration pending the severity of the action.Section I - In order to work off a demerit you must complete this conditioning drill: 25 - 8 counts of kicks. You must tell your officer you’re working off a demerit and show them the task. This is not to be done during practice time.Section J -If you receive 3 demerits in one week you will not be allowed to perform the following week (even if you work them off).Section K -If Dance Officers are given a demerit it is double what the offense is for a Line Member.ARTICLE XV – MERITSSection A -Merits are means by which members may be rewarded for extra service to the organization.Section B -Merits may not be used to work off demerits.Section C -Each merit adds 2 points to the six weeks grade.Section D -Each Strutter will be required to fill out a merit record sheet and turn it in to the director. If the merit record sheet is not signed and turned in, then the merits will be considered null and void. It is the responsibility of each Strutter to keep up with their merits.Section G - Criteria for Acquiring Merits1.Service projects (school or community)12.Props or uniform assistance13.90% or above in all classes for six weeks grading period14.Perfect attendance record in all classes for six weeks grading period45. Straight A’s46.Attending optional athletic events (must have a signed paper from officer, teacher, coach, administrator or director)27.Selling t-shirts or other fundraiser products during school18.Assisting with advertising needs for various activities19.Setting up or taking down sound system110.Any other activity approved by the director111.Attending dance classes (one class=one merit)112. Serving as an officer of a school club or organization (other than Strutters)313.Parent attending Booster Club meetings114.Attending any live dance/drama performances – must show proof (stub)215. Working extra hours at a required activity (one hour=one merit)116.Volunteer hours (one hour=one merit)1ARTICLE XVI – PROBATION, SUSPENSION, DISMISSAL & RESIGNATIONSection A – ProbationProbation is a period designated in which the member continues to uphold all responsibilities of being a drill team member, but may not participate in performances for 3 weeks. Must still attend all events.Probation Procedure:A conference must take place between the director and the member.A probation contract will be written for the member. The probation contract must be signed by the member, parent and director.The member must write a 500 word essay, addressing the following items:Why you were put on probation,How being on probation affects you,How being on probation affects the team, andHow you can improve your actions to avoid this predicament in the future.If the reason for the probation is not corrected within the timeframe established, the member is subject to suspension or dismissal.Reasons for ProbationReceiving 5 or more demerits in one weeks’ time.Insubordination to the director, officers or other teachers.Inappropriate behavior.Failure to follow the Strutter Constitution and Guidelines.Receiving unsatisfactory conduct reports.The first “N” would be considered a warning; the second “N” would be grounds for probation.The first “U” would be probation; the second “U” would be automatic dismissal.Failure to comply with absence/tardy policies.Conduct/attitude – contract may vary.Failing one or more classes for six weeks grading period – three weeks probation.Any of the following inappropriate behaviors: smoking, use of alcohol and/or illegal drugs, improper language or obscenities, poor sportsmanship, failure to follow school rules and policies, improper conduct/attitude, lack of respect toward director, other team members, faculty, school personnel or school property, stealing, chronic absences, misconduct, and hazing as set by the district policy and Texas State Law.MIPs, DUIs, DWIs.Section B – DismissalDismissal involves a loss of membership from the organization.All school equipment and uniforms must be returned and all financial obligations must be cleared within one week of dismissal.Once a member has been dismissed, they lose all privileges of the organization.In all cases of dismissal, the director will confer with the principal of the school.Reasons for dismissalFailure to meet necessary requirements to be removed from probation.Failure to comply with absence policies/tardies.Receiving 10 or more demerits.Any of the following inappropriate behaviors; smoking, use of alcohol and/or illegal drugs, improper language or obscenities, poor sportsmanship, failure to follow school rules and policies, improper conduct/attitude, lack of respect toward director, other team members, faculty, school personnel or school property, stealing, chronic absences, misconduct and hazing as set by the district policy and Texas State Law.MIPs, DUIs, DWIs.DrugsFailing one or more classes any two 6-week marking periods. (For example: Failing math and English the lst 6 week period and then failing geography the 3rd 6 week period).Section C – DrugsAny member who has possession or is in use of any illegal drug during any time period while on Strutters, including summers, will automatically be dismissed from the squad. This does not include drugs prescribed by a doctor or non-prescriptive drugs such as aspirin, cold tablets, etc.Section D – ResignationResignation shall be defined as “a choice made by the individual member that they no longer desire to participate in the organization”.Resignation procedures involve a conference with the director(s) and an administrator and a letter or resignation from the resigning member, signed and dated. All equipment must be turned in and financial obligations cleared at the time of resignation.Section E –In the event of dismissal or resignation during mid-semester, the student will be assigned to a P.E. class or other class that the administration deems appropriate.ARTICLE XVII – TRANSPORTATIONSection A -Transportation will be provided by the school district and the director. All drill team members are required to ride to and from activities and/or functions in the provided transportation.Section B -Only in case of emergency will a member be allowed to ride home from the game or activity by another means of transportation.Section C -RHS Strutter Drill Team members will conduct themselves appropriately on all trips. School policies and regulations are extended to all school sponsored trips.Section D -Members will abide by all bus transportation regulations.Section E -Members will meet at the bus or designated place at a designated time. (Members will always walk in and out as a group).ARTICLE XVIII – TRIPS AND SPECIAL ENGAGEMENTSSection A -All organizational related projects, trips and activities must be under the direction of, and approved by, the director.Section B -All scheduled overnight trips must be approved by the principal. Following approval, the team will have the opportunity to recommend the overnight travel trip they desire.Section C -All members are required to participate in all special engagements such as programs, performances by invitation and any activity designated by the director.ARTICLE XIX – FINANCESSection A - General Activity FundThis is a fund that is operated by Ryan High School. The money available to the Ryan High School Strutter Drill Team from this account will be used to help purchase such items as used for costumes, equipment, transportation, supplies, awards, food, and for travel purposes. All other money and expenses are raised and paid for from the Parent Booster Club account.Section B – Parent Booster Club AccountThis is a fund that is operated by the Ryan High School Strutter Drill Team Booster Club. The money available to the RHS Strutter Drill Team organization comes from money earned from parent and member fundraising activities. This money is used to purchase items and services for the organization, as well as handle any general operating expenses not covered by the general activity fund. This account operates on a point system. Each Strutter and Parent will be required to read the fundraiser point system details and agreement and sign the adjoining contract. See RHS Strutter Booster Club By-Laws for more details.ARTICLE XX – VOLUNTEER WORKAll members are required to participate in up to 3 mandatory volunteer events to be established at the beginning of the school year, chosen by the director, to promote community service and good citizenship. Projects may include but are not limited to:a. Visit/performance at Denton Arts & Jazz FestivalParticipation/attendance in the Denton Lighting Festival and Toy DriveProjects with non-profit groups such as Habitat for Humanity, United Way, etc.Additional volunteer work may be submitted for approval as merits.ARTICLE XXI - VETO CLAUSESince the director is responsible to the principal and DISD administration for the welfare of this organization, it is expressly understood that all student powers herein set forth are delegated by the director and may be revoked as necessary.ARTICLE XXII – INTERPRETATIONThe interpretation of this constitution is the sole right of the director and the principal. They have the right to add or change those things they feel must be changed for the benefit of the organization. This constitution is meant to be a basic operating instrument and is NOT intended to cover EVERY operating policy.ARTICLE XXIII – CONSTITUTION CHANGESThe constitution is subject to change at any time due to Texas Education Agency rule changes, or with approval from the principal.BILLY RYAN HIGH SCHOOLSTRUTTER DRILL TEAMPARTICIPATION CONTRACT2018-2019Participation in the RHS Strutters Drill Team organization is a privilege, not a right. In order for the drill team member to retain this privilege, the policies and procedures contained in the constitution must be adhered to in the spirit of discipline, education, and overall goals and objectives of the Denton Independent School District and the Ryan High School Strutter Drill Team.The policies and enforcement procedures are relative to the RHS Strutter Drill Team program and will be administered accordingly. The rules, regulations, and policies are all outlined in the RHS Strutter Drill Team Constitution.I will do my best as a Strutter to always set a positive example for the Billy Ryan High School student body. I plan to follow the rules set forth in the Strutter Constitution and understand the consequences if I fail to adhere to the rules and regulations. I will commit myself to attending all practices, fund-raisers, and performances and will always strive to have a positive attitude. I will respect my director, officers, and fellow team members at all times.________________________________________________________________Student SignatureDate__________________________________Student Printed NameI have read the RHS Strutter Drill Team Constitution and am fully aware of the time, expense, and discipline that membership will require of my child. I understand and agree to abide by all provisions of the RHS Strutter Drill Team Constitution. I further stipulate that I will assist the RHS Strutter Drill Team Director and Ryan High School in the monitoring and enforcement of the constitution policies and procedures. I support my child in this endeavor and understand the implications that will result in the event that the rules and regulations are not followed.________________________________________________________________Parent/Guardian SignatureDate__________________________________Parent/Guardian Printed Name ................

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