Board Members Present (in alphabetical order): Laura Guest ...

Call to Order

President Betty Comoford called the meeting to order at 1 p.m. at the Atlanta Branch of the Montmorency County Public Library.

Board Members Present (in alphabetical order): Betty Comoford, Donna Robillard, and Robin Smiley

Board Members Absent (in alphabetical order): Patt Hopkins

County Commissioner: Don Edwards

Staff Members Present: Lori Haas —Director,

Others present: Pat West

Approval of Agenda

Donna Robillard made the motion accept the agenda as written, Robin Smiley seconded. All in favor, motion carried.

Election of Officers

President Betty Comoford made the motion to open the nominations for elections of board officers, Robin Smiley seconded. All in favor, motion carried.

Donna Robillard nominated Betty Comoford for President, Betty accepted, Betty Comoford nominated Robin Smiley for secretary, Robin accepted. Robin Smiley nominated Donna Robillard for treasurer, Donna accepted. Robin Smiley made the motion to close the nominations, Betty Comoford seconded. All in favor, motion carried.

Donna Robillard made to motion to accept the officers as nominated, Robin Smiley seconded. All in favor, motion carried.

Approval of Bills

Donna Robillard made the motion to accept the bills as presented, Robin Smiley seconded. All in favor, motion carried.

Minutes to Meeting

Donna Robillard made the motion to accept the minutes from December 12, 2017, Betty Comoford seconded. All in favor motion carried.

Public Comment

The new liaison for 2018 from the County Commissioners is Commissioner Don Edwards.

Old Business

The siding is installed on the Hillman Branch, looks good. Tina, Hillman Librarian, said the contractor, G. Current, was wonderful, very polite, kept the work area safe and clean, only worked on the front of the Library when it was closed so as not to get in anyone's way.

New Business

There is an opening on the Board for Hillman or Lewiston, the current board member Brenda South has retired, after 16-17 years, due to health problems. A retirement plaque has been ordered. Pat West, from Hillman, has expressed interest in the opening on the Library Board. Donna Robillard made the motion to recommend Pat West to the County Commissioners for the Board opening in Hillman. Robin Smiley seconded. All in favor, motion carried.

Employee pay raises were discussed. Donna Robillard made the motion to give 1% raise to the head librarian, 2% raises to the branch librarians, 3% to the assistant librarians. Betty Comoford seconded. All in favor, motion carried.

Directors Report

The Brush Creek Mill has sent us the information to apply for the grant they give for children's programming every year. They suggest we apply for all three branches, $500 each, for Summer Reading Program. The art in Atlanta school art program is finished, I am still working on scheduling this in Hillman. I am starting to work on the annual State Aid Report. I was approached by Atlanta schools to do science camp again this year.

Another thing we have decided to try here at this branch is a basket of emergency food, it sits on the table and anyone may help themselves either to warm in our microwave or take home. It is the kind of food that just takes a minute to heat and eat or juice boxes, or granola bars, etc. The Library hasn't spent any money on this everything is donated, anything that doesn't fit the basket gets donated to local food pantry. We have many people who we are not even aware of are homeless or living in less than desirable conditions and this is way to help. No questions asked just help yourself. It has been very popular.

The Librarians reports:

Andrea from Atlanta reports: Our annual Library Christmas party was very nice and the food was delicious as always. Cindy from MI. State Housing met with 4 people at a table in the back on Dec 19. We have been having missed deliveries with melrides. Some patrons have been stopping in or calling about their holds. The holidays and weather had something to do with it, but not for all the missed deliveries. We fill out forms online with melrides and Lori has also called them. Hopefully things will get better. Lori put out a Lego craft last Friday because of school being closed and everyone was welcome to have a hot cup of tea, coffee or hot cocoa. She also put it on facebook. We had 6 kids stop in and make a Lego fidget spinner.

Wendy from Lewiston reports: Good Afternoon Ladies and Happy New Good Afternoon Ladies and Happy New Year. Hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday. Christmas is put away and a new wonderful year to begin. Things have been quiet here in Lewiston, to cold for people to get out and about. Our card class is staring back up this month as we skipped December. We are looking forward to making Valentine's Day cards. I am going to try again for new chairs in the front and new chairs for the table near the computers. Wish me luck lol.(FoLL)

I also wanted to plan a day during our Libraries Rock adult reading program where my patrons could come in for a free cup of coffee and pastry/donut, check out materials and recommend books to each other. I am going to ask Friends for the funds. Being it has been so cold we have had to let the water run so the pipes do not freeze.

Tina from Hillman reports: Brrrrr! Happy New Year to everyone! We are very thankful for all the upgrades we have received this past year. Everyday when we shovel we are happy for the new concrete, the new heating unit at the west end is working great, the north side of the building is warmer and the siding is beautiful. We have received many positive comments. Our adult Christmas craft was once again a huge hit. The class was full and they are excited for what Lori comes up with next! We have had a college student doing community service over break so we had a little extra cleaning done. We now have a group of high school guys reserving a room weekly for 1 hour to play Dungeons and Dragons. During the month of December we have had 23 puzzles borrowed from our puzzle collection! Patrons love these and are continually donating more. I have met with AARP and they will be doing taxes in our building again this year. They will be here Tuesdays and Fridays from 2/13-3/30. I will be starting the story and craft hour programming at the elementary school for K-2 on 1/9. Have a great day!

Next Meeting Scheduled

The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 13, 2018, at Atlanta Branch, 1pm


Motion made by Robin Smiley to adjourn, at 2pm. Donna Robillard seconded. All in favor, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Robin Smiley

accepted 2-13-2018


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