Ohio School Boards Association

Ohio School Boards Association


Superintendent’s Performance Appraisal System

This superintendent’s performance appraisal system will serve several purposes. Most importantly, it will link the superintendent assessment to the district’s long-range plan by establishing a set of annual performance objectives for the superintendent. This performance appraisal system should facilitate communication and understanding between the board and superintendent, commend the superintendent for accomplishments and point out weaknesses, suggest ways for the superintendent to improve, and facilitate and document decisions made regarding the superintendent’s employment.

A well-designed performance appraisal system requires the board and superintendent to cooperatively establish each year’s performance objectives at the beginning of the annual evaluation cycle (see Table 1). The performance objectives should be as specific and measurable as is practical. They will vary from year to year, depending on the district’s needs. The evaluation will consistently emphasize performance by placing the weight of the evaluation on how successfully the superintendent has met the pre-established performance objectives. Essential job functions, other responsibilities and professional characteristics are also evaluated, often by using a checklist approach. However, the performance objectives, themselves, and the board’s evaluation of the superintendent’s performance in meeting those objectives will largely appear in an essay format.

The board and superintendent should meet at least once around mid-year to evaluate the superintendent’s progress. This evaluation will also afford the board an opportunity to amend the superintendent’s performance objectives. The final evaluation will be preceded by a pre-appraisal meeting at which the superintendent presents a detailed self-evaluation and responds to board members’ questions and concerns. Afterwards, each board member completes an individual evaluation, which are compiled by the board president or his/her designee. The board’s collective evaluation is then reviewed by the board prior to presenting it to the superintendent in executive session.

The final evaluation meeting should occur at the end of the annual evaluation cycle. This meeting will be given over entirely to the evaluation, and all board members must attend. At this time the board will present its final evaluation to the superintendent. That evaluation should focus on how successfully the superintendent met the pre-established performance objectives. The evaluation should note both successes and failures, be moderate in tone, and offer suggestions for improvement. The board should invite the superintendent’s participation during this evaluation, and the superintendent will provide a written response within three weeks. That response will become part of the final evaluation.

The board and superintendent will begin formulating performance objectives for the coming year within one month of the final evaluation.

Table 1

Superintendent Evaluation Cycle

Month Activity

Immediately (one time only) Adopt a board policy statement of superintendent


1-2 (not necessary if already established) Develop superintendent’s job description,

policy on board/superintendent responsibilities, at least tentative district plans.

1-2 Board and superintendent develop performance objectives.

4 Progress report and feedback.

6-7 Midyear review.

8-9 Progress report and feedback.

10-11 Superintendent prepares self-evaluation.

11 Superintendent presents self-evaluation to board at pre-appraisal meeting.

11-12 Board prepares final evaluation in executive session.

12 Board presents final evaluation to superintendent at appraisal meeting.

12 Superintendent writes reply to evaluation.

12-13 Board and superintendent begin developing performance objectives for the following year.

Ohio School Boards Association

__________________________________School District

Superintendent Performance Evaluation

from ___________ to ___________

Name of Superintendent: __________________________________________________________________

I. Professional Characteristics:

Needs Improvement Meets or exceeds

(see comments below) expectations

Leadership Creates a feeling of unity and enthusiasm in district [ ] [ ]

decisions and ideas are respected— encourages

people to want to do their best.

Honesty Can be relied upon to be straightforward and honest [ ] [ ]

even under difficult circumstances.

Trust Fair dealings with people create feelings of trust and [ ] [ ]


Responsible Follows through on all commitments, accepts [ ] [ ]

responsibility for successes and failures--doesn’t

blame others.

Steadiness Quick thinking and reliable under stress or in an [ ] [ ]


Respect Demonstrates consideration for and sincerity toward all [ ] [ ]

district patrons, students, staff, and board members—is

respected and regarded as a role model.

Confidence Has confidence in his/her abilities, but is open to the [ ] [ ]

thoughts and ideas of others. Gains confidence of public,

staff, and students.

Flexibility Adjusts to new situations and responds effectively to sudden [ ] [ ]

changes in conditions.

Cooperation Is able to work well with people who represent opposing [ ] [ ]

views—is tolerant. Can mediate disputes.

Innovation Finds creative ways to resolve difficult problems and is [ ] [ ]

aware of new developments in the field of education.

Decisive Assumes responsibility for taking a stand when [ ] [ ]

necessary—uses a decision-making process that is

thorough and open to input.

Needs Improvement Meets or exceeds

(see comments below) expectations

Responsive Thinks quickly, but avoids over reaction, responds to [ ] [ ]

peoples’ concerns even when the answer is “no.”

Judgment Uses common sense and good judgment in the course [ ] [ ]

of routine and more serious matters. Can be relied

upon for wise and thoughtful advice.

Insightful Is alert and sensitive to issues and concerns before [ ] [ ]

they become major problems. Sees the “big

picture” while understanding the details.

Anticipates outcome of decisions.

Openness Willing to accept criticism and new ideas without [ ] [ ]


Supportive Endorses and openly supports the policies, [ ] [ ]

procedures, and philosophy of the Board and

supports staff and students.

Knowledge- Understands school district management as well as [ ] [ ]

able educational programs.

Enthusiastic Shows interest and enthusiasm in work and in [ ] [ ]

people—demonstrates initiative and persistence in

spite of set backs.










II. Essential Job Functions:

Needs Improvement Meets or exceeds

(see comments below) expectations

Communications/Community Relations [ ] [ ]

• demonstrates excellent writing skills

• has facilitated group activities

• has conflict resolution experience and/or training

• has excellent speaking skills with large and small groups—articulate

• has demonstrated experience with parents and staff “one on one”—excellent listener

• has positively influenced and involved community groups

• has experience in bringing diverse/special interest groups together

Leadership Skills [ ] [ ]

• uses effective process for achieving cooperation and consensus where these has been disagreement

• uses effective ways to regain authority or control where management has lost influence

• has experience motivating staff and students, bolstering morale and generating enthusiasm

• has experience rebuilding and/or maintaining good will and confidence in the administration

• has used innovative ways to solve problems without new resources—very creative

• has experience reorganizing staff, revising procedures, and implementing policy changes

Decision Making Skills [ ] [ ]

• has involved staff and community in decision making—experienced in participatory decision making

• has established an effective management team, able to coordinate decision making with other administrators

• recognizes situations that call for independent judgment and quick thinking

• can describe decisions in which the board should participate

• knows from experience how authority and responsibility can be effectively delegated

• can integrate research data into the decision making and policy development process

Board/Superintendent Relations [ ] [ ]

• experience in working directly with and for a board

• knows the difference between policy and administration in specific areas

• has a variety of ways to keep the board informed

• can outline a program for board development

• has effective ways to cut back on length of board meetings and board involvement on routine matters

• can outline a program of board goal setting and long-range planning

• demonstrates willingness to assume the lead in decision making while keeping the board informed

• provides options and recommendations, but accepts board directives

• can motivate the board to maintain its leadership role as body responsible for education in the community

Operations, Support Services And Facilities [ ] [ ]

• knows the steps involved in planning and/or dealing with school construction

• has managed an effective program for supervision of buildings and grounds maintenance

• knows how to plan for energy conservation, asbestos removal and other facility programs

• knows how to organize and operate an effective and efficient transportation program

• knows the components of efficient food service programs

• has managed the operation of a school plant

• knows procedures for assessing and improving district operations in all support service areas

• can identify ways to establish cooperative programs for some support services

Needs Improvement Meets or exceeds

(see comments below) expectations

Personnel Management [ ] [ ]

• has demonstrated skills in supervising employees at all levels

• has used a process for recruiting and selecting effective staff

• has developed a program for staff evaluation and corrective action

• has experience handling grievances and administering a bargaining agreement

• can coordinate contract negotiations for the district

• knows the components of effective personnel policies, procedures, and practices

• has experience developing and coordinating staff in-service programs

Budget and Finance [ ] [ ]

• can explain Ohio’s school funding process, levy laws, and other laws and regulations related to budgeting

• can explain how to develop and implement budgeting and accounting control procedures

• can describe ways to restore financial stability to a district with financial problems

• can review a budget printout and note irregularities and areas of potential future concern

• can describe how to supervise purchasing, payroll, and other fiscal matters

• can forecast revenue shortfalls and enrollment changes

• knows where to go for advice and assistance on various aspects of school funding

• can explain how to successfully campaign for levy or bond issues

Educational Programs [ ] [ ]

• can describe a process for identifying district curriculum needs

• knows how to develop a plan to revamp and update instructional programs over time

• can outline an effective curriculum adoption process

• has experience resolving community issues related to curriculum

• can outline a process for providing curriculum guidance and leadership to building administrators

• can describe effective student testing programs and explain ways to evaluate and remedy low-test scores

• can explain sequencing and pacing of instruction, brain development theories and variance in learning styles

Political Awareness [ ] [ ]

• experienced in working with legislative bodies, special interest groups, and political organizations

• can describe arguments for and against issues such as:

• school choice

• mainstreaming

• proficiency tests

• charter schools

• Goals 2000

• outcome based education

• parental rights

• unfunded mandates

• other issues?





















III. Other Specific Duties and Responsibilities:

Needs Improvement Meets or exceeds

(see comments below) expectations

______________________________________________________ [ ] [ ]

______________________________________________________ [ ] [ ]

______________________________________________________ [ ] [ ]

______________________________________________________ [ ] [ ]

______________________________________________________ [ ] [ ]

Needs Improvement Meets or exceeds

(see comments below) expectations

______________________________________________________ [ ] [ ]

______________________________________________________ [ ] [ ]

______________________________________________________ [ ] [ ]

______________________________________________________ [ ] [ ]

______________________________________________________ [ ] [ ]

______________________________________________________ [ ] [ ]

______________________________________________________ [ ] [ ]










IV. Evaluation of Superintendent in Attaining Established Performance Objectives

As Set at the Last Evaluation





















V. Establishment of Performance Objectives For The Coming Year:

District Goal 1: ____________________________________________________________________________


Superintendent Performance Objectives:







District Goal 2: ____________________________________________________________________________


Superintendent Performance Objectives:







District Goal 3: ____________________________________________________________________________


Superintendent Performance Objectives:







District Goal 4: ____________________________________________________________________________


Superintendent Performance Objectives:







District Goal 5: ____________________________________________________________________________


Superintendent Performance Objectives:







District Goal 6: ____________________________________________________________________________


Superintendent Performance Objectives:



6.2 _______________________________________________________________________________________




District Goal 7: ____________________________________________________________________________


Superintendent Performance Objectives:







District Goal 8: ____________________________________________________________________________








District Goal 9:_____________________________________________________________________________


Superintendent Performance Objectives:







VI. Comments by Employee:










Date:_____________________________ Board Member_______________________________________

Date:_____________________________ Superintendent_______________________________________

(Signature of employee does not indicate approval or disapproval)


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