Special Education Snapshot Template - New Mexico Public ...

Special Education Snapshot TemplateTarget Table(s): SPECIAL_ED_SNAPData Submission Schedule: 40D, 80D, 120D, EOYGrain: One record per district / location / school year / student / snapshot date Load Sequences/DependenciesLoad Sequence/DependenciesOptionalLookup1. STUDENTNN2. STAFFYNTemplate DescriptionThis template tracks general information on Special Education students. This template describes the details of students’ participation in special education at a given point in time designated by the Snapshot Date. Submit only for active students including; EOY graduating seniors, returning 12th graders with a Non-Graduate Continuing (C), Non-Graduate Transition (T), Graduate Continuing (GC), or Graduate Transition (GT) DO NOT SUBMIT newly exited students (students who have exited special education since the last reporting period) in the Special Education Snapshot Template. Report these students in the Special Education Events Template. ChangesField 2 – LOCATION CODE – New Business Rule - For Residential Treatment Centers (RTC) – Use the location code of the RTC. If it is unavailable contact PED-STARSAdmin@state.nm.us so we may create a location code, thanks.Field 23 – New field ALTERNATE ASSESSMENT - Provide a Y or N indication of whether the Special Education Student is entitled to take an alternate assessment rather than the regular state assessment, as documented in their Service Plan (IEP).Field 28 – EXTENDED SCHOOL YEAR – No longer collected. Field 38 – DISABILITY PRIMARY CAUSE CODE – No longer collected.Field 39 – LIVING SETTING CODE – No longer collected.Field 40 – HEARING IMPAIRMENT LEVEL CODE – No longer collected.Field 41 – VISION IMPAIRMENT LEVEL CODE – No longer collected.Field 42 – TERTIARY DISABILITY CODE – No longer collected.Field 43 – QUATERNARY DISABILITY CODE – No longer collected.Field 44 – PRIMARY SETTING CODES – All codes are NEW to align to federal reporting valid values.Field 45 – TRANSITION IEP STATUS CODE – No longer collected here but captured in Special Education Events.Field 61 - ENROLLED AT SCHOOL YEAR START INDICATOR – No longer collected.Special Education Snapshot TemplateField #StartEndLengthData Type Field NameR/O/CRCodeDefinitionBusiness RulesValid Values/Example Data1188CDISTRICT CODERK,MPED defined three character district code.?Example: 04629146CLOCATION CODERU,MPED defined three character location codes. PED defined three character location codes. Use the following Location Codes for students that are enrolled and served in these special locations:992 = Off-Site Early Childhood Program993 = Students who are hospitalized997 = Students who are enrolled in a private school 998 = Students who are homeboundNew - For Residential Treatment Centers (RTC) – Use the location code of the RTC.Example: 0083152410DSCHOOL YEAR DATERK,MProvide the school year in the ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD. The PED standard school year runs from July 1 through June 30. All dates must be entered in ISO formatExample:YYYY-06-304253612Not Collected5374812CSTUDENT IDRK,MState issued student identification number. ?Example: 1234567896-10497325Not Collected1112215130CPRIMARY DISABILITYCRU,RProvide the code for the primary disability as determined in the IEP or MDT.Required if the SPECIAL EDUCATION FIELD (#38) in the Student / Student Snapshot Template = Y. Leave blank if SPECIAL EDUCATION = N.A communication consideration form is required (event 4 in the SPECIAL ED EVENTS template) if the student is: VI, VIB, or otherwise blind or visually impaired, DB, HI or otherwise deaf or hard of hearingValid Values:See the Disability Code Set at the end of this document for a list of the valid values.1215218130CSECONDARY DISABILITYCRPlease see Business Rules for requirementsUProvide the code for the secondary disability condition, if one exists, as determined in the IEP or MDT.Required if a Secondary Disability exists.Valid Values:See the Disability Code Set at the end of this document for a list of the valid values.1318219110DLAST IEP DATERUProvide the date on which the student last received an Individual Education Plan (IEP).All dates must be entered in ISO formatIs the date on which any of the following occurred:an Individualized Education Plan (IEP),Review of Existing Evaluation Data (REED)PRIVATE Service PlanValid Values: YYYY-MM-DD1419220110DLAST EVALUATION DATERUProvide the date on which the student last received a formal special education evaluation.All dates must be entered in ISO formatValid Values: YYYY-MM-DD15-1720223130Not Collected1829230312CSPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHER IDRUStaff ID of caseload teacher. Must also be reported in Staff template.Students who qualify as Speech Articulation Only must be assigned to a Speech-Language Pathologist (Staff Assignment Code 95 or 95S). If student is in parentally placed private school use the district’s staff liaison.Example: 12345678519-2030431310Not Collected2132435330CEXPECTED DIPLOMA TYPECRUEXPECTED GRADUATION OPTIONThe option determined and indicated in the student's IEP.Required for students in grades 9 - 12. Change in graduation option is made through the IEP. Valid Values:The value used should be the code (e.g. 3, 4) only. The descriptions are for reference only.3 = Career Readiness Option4 = Ability Option5 = Standard Option22354356Not Collected233573593CALTERNATE ASSESSMENTRUALTERNATE ASSESSMENTProvide a Y or N indication of whether the Special Education Student is entitled to take an alternate assessment rather than the regular state assessment, as documented in their Service Plan (IEP).Y = Student will take the Alternate AssessmentN = Student will take the Regular Assessment with or without accommodations24-25360395Not Collected26396398CBRAILLE INSTRUCTIONCRUAn indication of yes or no regarding the need for Braille InstructionValid Values:Y = Student requires BrailleN = Student does not require Braille27-32399452Not Collected3345346210DSPECIAL ED ENTRY DATERUDate of student’s entry into special education. All dates must be entered in ISO formatEnter the date the student began receiving special education services in the current school year at the district. If student is twice exceptional (i.e., Special ED = ‘Y’ AND Gifted Participation=’Y”), enter the date when the student began receiving IDEA special education and related services, not the date the student began receiving gifted services.Use actual dateExample: 2017-09-163446347210Not Collected3547348210DSNAPSHOT DATERK,MField indicating the report date. See valid values.All dates must be entered in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD).Valid values:YYYY-10-01 = 40D YYYY-12-15 = 80DYYYY-03-01 = 120DYYYY-06-01 = EOY36-43483607Not Collected446086158CPRIMARY SETTING CODERUSpecial Education setting.See the Primary Setting Code Set at the end of this document for a complete list of the valid values.45-58616783Not collected5978479310CPRIMARY AREA OF EXCEPTION-ALITYRUField to identify student’s Primary Exceptionality. The value used should be the code (e.g. G, SE) only. Valid values are case sensitive.Valid Values:G = Gifted Only or Gifted as primary and disability as secondary as indicated in the IEP.SE = Disability Only or Disability as primary and Gifted as secondary as indicated in the IEP.60 61 794806Not collectedDisability Codes for Fields – Field 11 (Primary) and Field 12 (Secondary)CodeDescriptionAU AutismDB Deaf-BlindnessDD Developmental DelayED Emotional DisturbanceHI Hearing ImpairmentID Intellectual Disability (previously referred to as MR – Mental Retardation)MD Multiple DisabilitiesOHI Other Health ImpairmentOI Orthopedic ImpairmentSL Speech or Language ImpairmentSLD Specific Learning DisabilityTBI Traumatic Brain InjuryVI Visual Impairment Primary Setting Codes field 44CodePrimary Setting Code DescriptionFor students (Ages 6 – 21)RC80Inside Regular Class 80% or more of day RC79TO40Inside Regular Class 40% - 79% of dayRC39Inside Regular Class less than 40% of dayPPPSPrivate School – Parentally Placed These are children who are enrolled by their parents or guardians in regular parochial or other private schools and whose basic education is paid through private resources and who received special education and related services at public expense from a local educational agency or intermediate educational unit under a services plan. For students (Ages 3-5) Include Kindergarten Students that are age 5 in this area.REC10YSVChildren attending a regular early childhood program at least 10 hours per week and receiving the majority of hours of special education and related services in the regular early childhood program.REC10YOTChildren attending a regular early childhood program at least 10 hours per week and receiving the majority of hours of special education and related services in some other location.REC09YSVChildren attending a regular early childhood program less than 10 hours per week and receiving the majority of hours of special education and related services in the regular early childhood program.REC09YOTChildren attending a regular early childhood program less than 10 hours per week and receiving the majority of hours of special education and related services in other location.SCChildren attending a special education program in a separate special education class.SPLService Provider Location - Children attending neither a regular early childhood program nor a special education program and receiving the majority of hours of special education and related services at the service provider’s location or some other location not in any other category.For either School age students (Ages 6 – 21) or Early Childhood students (Ages 3-5)SSSeparate School - These are children who received education programs in public or private separate day school facilities. This includes children with disabilities receiving special education and related services, at public expense, for greater than 50% of the school day in public or private separate schools. This may include children placed in:public and private day schools for students with disabilitiespublic and private day schools for students with disabilities for a portion of the school day (greater than 50%) and in regular school buildings for the remainder of the school daypublic and private residential facilities if the student does not live at the facilityHHHomebound/Hospital (HH) – These are children who received programs in homebound/hospital environments. This includes children receiving special education and related services in hospital programs or homebound programs. Note: This value can only be used for students that have the location code of 993 (Hospitalized) or 998 (Homebound). CFCorrectional Facilities (CF) – These are children who received special education in correctional facilities. These data are intended to be an unduplicated count of all children receiving special education in short-term detention facilities (community-based or residential) or correctional facilitiesRFResidential Facility (RF) – These are children who received education programs and lived in public or private residential facilities during the school week. This includes children with disabilities receiving special education and related services, at public expense, for greater than 50% of the school day in public or private residential facilities. This may include children placed in:public and private residential schools for students with disabilitiespublic and private residential schools for students with disabilities for a portion of the school day (greater than 50%) and in separate day schools or regular school buildings for the remainder of the school dayDo not include students who received education programs at the facility, but do not live there.AQsFAQsIn field #33 SPECIAL ED ENTRY DATE do we enter the exact date the student began receiving services in the current school year?Yes. If the student was receiving services (IDEA or Gifted)?since the end of last year the date would be either be the first day of school or the first day in the school year. Either date is acceptable.??Example ................

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