Setting up your email account.

The following settings have been tried on a variety of devices including: PCs/Laptops/Cellphones/Tablets, using: Windows/Apple/Nokia Symbian/Android ......

The "secret" to setup is ... Take your time... slowly but surely.... If you make a mistake, it may be better to "delete" and start again.

Webmail User login at your site: "mail "You should be automatically redirected to your login page, if not, just click the link. Login with FULL email address + Password:

Setting up Your Email Client

Mail server is "POP"

Username is FULL email address

Incoming Server: webmail.va1.

POP3 = Port 995 - with SSL encryption.

POP3 connections must use SSL encryption.

Outgoing Server: smtp.va1.

SMTP = Port 465 for SSL encryption.

SMTP connections must use SSL encryption.

(Port 25 can NOT be used for outbound mail settings.)

SMTP Authentication is required to send any outbound mail.

Authentication: with username (FULL email address) and password is required for incoming and outgoing mail.


Your mailbox size is 1GB which should be large enough for normal use, just do a little housekeeping from time to time to delete unwanted attachments and mail.

You can set your email program to "leave a copy on the server" so to enable email to be downloaded to a variety of mail clients (PC/Mac/Phone/Tablet etc.)

Should you desire but not have, Outlook, then wait no longer..... Zimbra has a very "similar" desktop program and it is FREE for you to use on PC/Mac/Linux, find it at: When you setup your email account in this program, use the account type of "POP" NOT "Zimbra"(The reason is too long to explain!)

Please let us know if there is anything we can add to make these instructions better.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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