Colorado Springs School District 11

Ferguson-Florissant School District~ REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL ~BID PROPOSAL DUE: ?(06-09-2017/4:00 p.m.)Please send signed copy of proposal to: Ferguson-Florissant School DistrictAttn: (Kevin Hampton)1005 Waterford DriveFlorissant, MO ?63033Or electronically to:khampton@Questions should be sent to:khampton@Notification, Mobile App, Social MediaSpecific GoalsSchool District is requesting solicitations from qualified companies who can provide the expertise, capabilities, and experience to competently and competitively provide a comprehensive communication platform that will enable the district to effectively provide information to faculty and staff, students, parents, and members of the community.The Respondent’s proposal shall demonstrate that the Respondent has the capability, experience and expertise necessary to provide a solution that will support traditional mass notification services via telephone, email, text, social media, etc. The service should also provide for the development of a district branded app that is a fully native app for iOS and Android devices and not a hybrid app. In addition to a fully native app, the respondent should also provide an HTML 5 app for devices other than iOS and Android.The District recognizes the tremendous growth in the use of social media. Respondents should also demonstrate that they have experience and expertise necessary to provide a solution that will support the ability for the district to manage the interactions and activities taking place across all the authorized district and schools social media sites. Respondents should provide plan for how they can help the district continue to expand its presence in social media.In addition to the minimum and technical requirements listed in this RFP, respondents should also provide ideas for how Schools can realize greater value from the use of your system and should identify other school districts that are currently using those additional capabilities.Proposals shall include a rollout plan for services requested, a description of a robust reporting system to include how reports may be run on all communication campaigns to include when a call/email/text was sent and if/when it was received, a staff training plan and communication plan for parents/families, staff and community.Minimum Technical and Functional Requirements for mass notification systemMust use a fully hosted Application Service Provider (ASP) system with no on-premise equipment/specialized software (other than Internet browser) and no additional phone lines required. This ASP system will be used to deliver all message types including emergency notifications, absence notifications, grade notifications, general information notifications (Back to School nights, upcoming events, bus delivery issues, etc.). Respondents must show proof of consistent ability to deliver thousands of messages within minutes. System must be configurable to provide granular user rights and roles, restricting data access and administrative oversight to appropriate personnel.1. Respondents shall have experience in providing its system in a K-12 environment.2. Respondent’s solution should provide archiving capabilities for all notifications.3. System shall be able to support a population of 60,000 or more. (Please provide three references from districts with 10,000+ students).4. Describe your data integration process with district’s student information system, and other district data systems (Tyler SIS, Tyler Munis, PCS Now, etc.). Provide a sample implementation schedule.5. Describe the measures your system offers to provide security to private information. Include your system’s ability to log user activity.6. System must include the ability for parents/guardians to choose their preferred method of communication for each communication type individually (e.g. Attendance=text, school events=email, lockdown=phone call, etc.).7. System must provide for automated daily attendance messages via multiple channels that include detailed information, including the name of the student, attendance violation, class period, school and date. System should be able to play entire message in true human voice without requiring anyone to record the message and without using text to speech interruptions.8. Message must be multilingual.9. System must provide for automated daily attendance history messages for students who have met defined attendance thresholds. System must support ability to import data from attendance history file. System should be able to send messages for an unlimited number of attendance codes. Attendance messages must automatically support multi-modal intelligence wherein the automated attendance message is more detailed, including attendance policy information when sent via email and/or as a mobile message, less detailed when sent via telephone, able to fit in the 144 character specification for text/SMS and as a push notification, without requiring the district to have to create messages for each modality.10. System should support ability to automatically generate messages to parents about class grades and assignments based on parent-selected thresholds, based on direct data integration and not uploading separate files. System must provide parents with ability to set thresholds via district branded app, without having to log into the Student Information System.11. System should support unique Caller-ID or call origination number for attendance calls, which will enable parents with the ability to simply call back the number to speak directly to the attendance secretary as opposed to reaching the school’s main number.12. System must provide ability to create an unlimited number of custom calling groups.13. System must automatically create query-based groups based on grade level, class, and language preference, etc.14. System should also be able to provide the ability to create additional query-based groups to include Community Members, Students, Parents, Staff, Teachers, and Principals.15. System should also be able to provide the ability to create query-based groups based on bus IDs, gender, graduation year, class grade, class score, assignment type, assignment score, assignment percentage, etc. without having to upload files.16. System must provide a separate user-friendly interface for teachers whereby they can send targeted messages to multiple students from multiple classes. Provide examples of interface.17. System should provide ability to create a message and save message as a draft without requiring the user to manually save the message as a draft.18. System must provide ability to send messages to recipients based on their geographic location.19. System should also support ability to send messages to multiple geographic locations from a single interface.20. System must provide a separate school status feature that will enable the district to easily change the school status and have that status be sent to recipients through multiple modalities including the app, district web site, social media sites, etc. Required school status options include: Open, Closed, Lockdown, Shelter in Place, Early Release. System must provide ability to change school status via a separate app for district and school administrators. Provide screen shots showing the interface to accomplish this requirement.Reporting1. System must include robust reporting capabilities throughout the different modules.2. System must run reports on all communication campaigns to include when a call/email/text was sent and if/when it was received. For phone calls, was it answered; did it go to answering machine, etc.Minimum Technical and Functional Requirements for Mobile Web Access and for District Branded App1. Must use a fully hosted Application Service Provider (ASP) system with no on-premise equipment/specialized software (other than Internet browser) required. Both the district branded app and the district mobile web access will be used to provide access to district and school news, access to district’s social media sites, district and school calendars, directory of district and schools and faculty/staff. Both the app and mobile web access should also provide access to all notifications being sent from the district and schools. System must be configurable to provide granular user rights and roles, restricting permissions and administrative oversight to appropriate personnel/ app General Requirements1. Respondent shall have experience in providing a fully native district branded app for Android and iOS devices in the K-12 education environment. Respondent’s app must not be a hybrid app solution.2. The Respondent must be able to facilitate unattended, automated and secured data imports from the District’s existing HR, student, Food and Nutrition Services, library, transportation, and/or other database system(s) and must provide parents, students, and authorized district and school personnel the ability to access information from all these systems with a single login. Respondent must provide ability to log directly into respondent’s system without requiring logging into the above disparate systems. (Provide names of three districts where you are already providing this capability.)3. System must support ability for parents to have “On-Demand” access to district news, calendars, notifications, etc. from a district branded app. System must provide ability to consolidate all news into a single view. System must provide ability to access multiple calendars from both a single calendar as well as from a list of calendar events.4. Provide screen shots to demonstrate the login screen from your app.5. System must provide parents and students the ability to set threshold push notifications to be alerted about grades, low scores, class grade drop, meal balances, assignment updates, fees due etc. from directly within your system, not by setting thresholds from within the Student Information system or the other district systems. (Provide screen shots showing how the user sets these thresholds within your app.) 6. System should provide direct links to student fee and meal payment portals.7. The system must be configurable to provide granular user rights and roles, restricting permissions and administrative oversight to appropriate personnel.8. The system must provide ability for users to view district and school social media sites without exiting from district branded app.9. System must provide ability to view social media feeds, calendar events, and school/district news all from a continuous stream, without requiring the user to have to click on multiple icons or requiring them to have to log into any of these services. Provide screen shots from your app demonstrating this requirement.10. System should provide a directory of staff with contact information.11. System must be branded to the district’s name, colors, logo, etc. Users should be able to find district branded app by searching for the District’s name.12. System must provide parents and students with 24x7 access to all attendance notifications via both mobile web interface and also via native app. Provide screen shots from both the web interface and also from the app.13. The system must provide a map-based school finder feature that uses the built-in GPS technology of the device, so that users can identify the schools they will attend based on their current GPS location. In addition, the user should also be able to identify what schools they will attend by entering an address and having the system identify the schools based on that address. This must be a specific capability of your app and not just a link to a website. Provide screen shots showing this feature in your app.14. Regular updates to the system will be included in the contract at no additional fee.15. System must not require advertisements including banner ads. Website design must include design space (top, side and bottom of page) for existing advertising.16. System must provide reporting capabilities to identify number of downloads and also to identify how people are using the app. System must provide ability for authorized district personnel to modify the icons, change the position of the icons based on user access, etc. Provide screen shots of the interface that the District will use to manage these requirements.17. System must provide ability to combine district and selected school calendars into a single calendar for viewing. Must also provide ability for users to add events into their personal calendar, without being taken out of the app.18. System must be able to combine news from district and selected schools into a single view so that users don’t have to jump from one school to another.19. System must provide ability to create and send surveys. Surveys must be automatically formatted to display clearly in the app so recipients can take the survey directly within the district branded app. System must also provide parents with the ability to fill out and submit surveys via the telephone, email, district branded app and mobile site.20. System should support multi language needs by providing the ability to automatically translate the icons as well as all content, excluding .pdf documents, into multiple languages in the app. Provide screen shots showing how this is done within your app.21. System must include feedback functionality to allow users to report school safety issues, maintenance issues, suggestions and other types of feedback. Provide screen shots of how this is done in the District app.22. System must support the ability to host files, documents, media and links to web resources.23. In addition to the above listed requirements for the District branded app, the system must also provide a stream feature, which will take all the news stories, calendars, notifications, alerts, etc., and put them all into a continuous stream, enabling parents, students and community members the ability to access all this information without having to click on multiple icons. This feature also requires the ability to access specific stories, calendars, etc. without being taken out of the stream. Provide screen shots showing how this feature works within your district branded app. (Provide three district references that are using your streaming feature as outlined in this requirement.)Minimum Technical and Functional Requirements for Social Media Management1. Must use a fully hosted Application Service Provider (ASP) system with no on-premise equipment/specialized software (other than Internet browser) required. Should provide ability to monitor and manage interactions and activities taking place on official district and schools social media sites via both the web and via an app for administrators. System must provide ability to easily post messages to all official district and schools social media sites or to selected district and schools social media sites. (Provide screen shots showing how this is accomplished via the web and also via the smartphone.) Provide three district references that are using your social media management system.2. System must be configurable to provide granular user rights and roles, restricting access and administrative permissions to appropriate personnel/users.3. The Respondent must be able facilitate the creation of social media sites for Facebook and Twitter for the District and for each of the schools within the District.Social media General Requirements1. The system must provide the ability to view and manage all the postings that are made on the district and school social media sites via both a web interface and also via an app for smart devices including iOS and Android devices.2. Respondent’s solution must provide the ability to delete inappropriate postings from the district and school social sites and must provide archiving capabilities for all social media postings for the entire district, etc. for a period of five years. (Provide screen shots showing how this is done via web interface and via administrator app.)3. Respondent’s solution must provide ability to separately view and manage all questions that are being posted on official district and schools social media sites via web interface and via an administrator app. System should also provide ability to immediately respond to questions.4. System should provide ability to monitor postings that are being made about district and schools within the District, even if the postings are not made on official district and school social media sites via both a web interface and also via an app for administrators. (Provide screen shots showing how this is accomplished for both web interface and app.)5. Ability to identify number of followers individuals have that are posting things about or are posting on official district and schools social media sites 6. System should have automated content monitoring and should automatically remove postings that contain offensive language from district and school official social media sites. System should also provide authorized administrators the ability to remove postings manually. (Provide screen shots showing how this is managed.)7. System should provide ability to monitor the number of people that are following the district and schools social media sites via both a web interface and via app. (Provide screen shots showing both interfaces.)8. System should provide ability to monitor the social media activity of the District and each of the schools via fully native app.9. System should provide ability to have tutorials to help authorized district and school personnel understand social media policies via app for administrators. (Provide screen shots of this feature from your app.)10. System should provide authorized district users to post to the district social media sites and to each of the schools social media sites simultaneously or individually, without requiring them to login to each of the different sites.TERMS AND CONDITIONSRequest for quotations are to be mailed to the “Return To” address or sent electronically if allowed on or before the date specified. ?No quotation will be considered if received after the date specified.Purchase Orders for items on which quotations are accepted will be issued to the lowest responsible bidder complying with all of the Terms and Conditions. ?However, the Board of Education reserves the right to make such selections that, in its judgment, are best suited and most acceptable for the purpose intended.The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all quotations or any part thereof.Quotations must be deemed final, conclusive, and irrevocable, and no quotation shall be subject to correction or amendment. ?In case of apparent error, if the supplier asks to be released, the award shall be made to the next low bidder meeting specifications.The quality of goods, products, materials, equipment, workmanship and services shall be as described and must be to the satisfaction of the district representative. ?He shall have full power and authority to reject any materials furnished that, in his opinion, are not in strict conformity with the specifications, or equal in every respect to the exact item described therein. ?All goods, products, materials, and equipment furnished shall be factory new and any deviation therefrom will constitute just cause for rejection unless otherwise specified.The School District reserves the right to increase or decrease by ten percent (10%) the quantity of any item in the specifications on which quotations are accepted.Prices shall be net. ?It shall be agreed and understood that the bidder will deliver all items on the specifications on which quotations are accepted to the site indicated free of freight, drayage, express or other excess charges. ?Bidders are instructed not to include Missouri State Sales Tax, Federal Excise Tax or transportation tax when submitting quotations for such taxes are not applicable to purchases made by the Board of Education. ?A state tax exemption letter will be furnished upon request by the bidder.No increase in price shall be permitted during the term of a contract.The Terms and Conditions are applicable to, incorporated in, and made a part of all Request for Quotations issued by the School District and applicable to, incorporated in, and made a part of all purchase orders. ................

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