Bloomsburg Area School District

Bloomsburg Area School District

Board of School Directors

Special Meeting

Monday, 23 February 2009

5:00 p.m.

Bloomsburg High School Library



A special meeting of the Bloomsburg Area School District Board of School Directors was called to order at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, 23 February 2009, in the Bloomsburg High School library, followed by the pledge to the flag. Directors in attendance were: Mrs. Bonnie Fiedler, Mr. David Klingerman, Dr. Francis Peters, Dr. John Riley, Mrs. Sandra Rupp, and Mr. Richard Vanderpool. Mr. Dennis Kuczynski, Rev. Thomas Light, and Mr. Thomas Tobin were absent.

Bloomsburg Area School District administrators in attendance were: Mr. Daniel Bonomo, Mr. Stephen Bressi, and Mr. Cosmas Curry.

Others present were: Student A & parents, Student B & parents, Student C & mother, and Student D & mother.


No one wished to address the board at this time.


After Mrs. Fiedler made the motion to go into executive session, Mr. Vanderpool seconded the motion and it then passed by a unanimous voice vote. The board went into executive session for the expulsion hearing for Students A, B, C, and D. The executive session lasted from 5:01 – 7:28 p.m. At 7:28 p.m., Mr. Vanderpool moved to go back into a public meeting, Mrs. Fiedler seconded the motion, and the motion passed by a unanimous voice vote. Dr. Peters checked to see if anyone would like to return for the public meeting.


After returning to a public meeting, Dr. Peters moved to expel Student A through the last day of the first marking period of the 2009-2010 school year (3 November 2009), effective 3 March 2009, to contract the student to the Bloomsburg-Central Columbia Alternative Education program for any Level IV offense effective through the end of the 2009-2010 school year, and to not allow the student to participate in any extracurricular activities throughout the expulsion period. Mrs. Fiedler seconded this motion, which then passed by a unanimous roll call vote.


Mrs. Fiedler moved to expel Student B through the end of the 2008-2009 school year, effective 3 March 2009, contract the student to the Bloomsburg-Central Columbia Alternative Education program for any Level IV offense effective through the end of the 2009-2010 school year, and to not allow the student to participate in any extracurricular activities for the remainder of the 2008-2009 school year. After Mr. Klingerman seconded this motion, it passed by a unanimous roll call vote.


Mrs. Rupp moved to expel Student C for a period of 30 school days, effective 3 March 2009, and to not allow the student to participate in any extracurricular activities through the end of the 2008-2009 school year. Mrs. Fiedler seconded this motion and it then passed by a unanimous roll call vote.


Mrs. Fiedler moved to expel Student D for a period of 5 school days, effective 3 March 2009, and to not allow the student to participate in any extracurricular activities through the end of the 2008-2009 school year. Mr. Klingerman seconded this motion and it then passed by a unanimous roll call vote.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:28 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Stephanie Kessler

Recording Secretary

Bloomsburg Area School District

Board of School Directors

Regular Monthly Meeting

Monday, 23 February 2009

7:00 p.m.

Bloomsburg High School Cafeteria



The regular monthly meeting of the Bloomsburg Area School District Board of School Directors was called to order at 7:40 p.m. on Monday, 23 February 2009, in the Bloomsburg High School library, followed by the pledge to the flag. Directors in attendance were: Mrs. Bonnie Fiedler, Mr. David Klingerman, Dr. Francis Peters, Dr. John Riley, Mrs. Sandra Rupp, and Mr. Richard Vanderpool. Mr. Dennis Kuczynski, Rev. Thomas Light, and Mr. Thomas Tobin were not in attendance.

Bloomsburg Area School District administrators in attendance were: Mr. Cosmas Curry and Mr. Michael Upton.

Others present included: Mr. Alex Karpinski, Ms. Stephanie Kessler, Mr. Michael Lester, and Mrs. Pam Szilagyi. A total eight individuals were in the audience.


Mrs. Fiedler moved to approve the minutes of the 19 January 2009 regular monthly board meeting and the 2 February 2009 special board meeting and work session as presented. Mr. Vanderpool seconded the motion and it then passed by a unanimous voice vote.


At this time, Mrs. Pam Szilagyi addressed the board on the topic of the school resource officer. She commended the board for their decision to have a school resource officer for the past several years, and said the board is ahead of the curve because of this.


Approval of Financial Reports

Mr. Vanderpool made the motion to approve the financial reports for January 2009, and Mr. Klingerman seconded this motion. The motion then passed by a unanimous voice vote.

Approval of Bills Payable

Dr. Peters made the motion to approve the bills payable for 20 January 2009 – 23 February 2009, ranging from check #00024559 - #00024748, including wire transfers amounting to $297,588.67, in the amount of $1,411,408.80. After Mrs. Fielder seconded this motion, it passed by a unanimous roll call vote.

Approval of Bills Payable for the Capital Reserve Fund

Mrs. Fiedler moved to approve the bills payable for the Capital Reserve Fund from 20 January 2009 – 23 February 2009, ranging from check #00001597 - #00001598, totaling $6,926.65. Dr. Peters seconded this motion and it then passed by a unanimous roll call vote.

Approval of Bills Payable for the Capital Project Fund

Dr. Peters moved to approve the bills payable for the Capital Project Fund from 20 January 2009 – 23 February 2009, ranging from check #00001501 - #00001502, in the amount of $6,507.17. Mrs. Fiedler seconded this motion and it then passed by a unanimous roll call vote.


Superintendent’s Report

Mr. Curry referred directors to the 2005-2006 audit report summary from the Auditor General’s office. He then reported that as things currently stand, in 2012-2013, the PSERS contribution will see a 16% increase, which is cause for concern. He also reported that presently, it looks like there will be a $2.3 billion shortfall in the 2009-2010 budget, and that the state is looking at consolidating the 501 school district into 100 school districts.

At this point, Mr. Vanderpool asked if the board could be provided with details on how much the district is spending on special education per year, as well as the number of students in special education. He also said the BASD school board needs to be pro-active in sharing its concerns about the PSERS increase with legislators. Mr. Klingerman agreed, adding that he would like to see a group of school directors from districts in the region set up a meeting with David Millard and John Gordner. Mr. Curry said he did meet with Rep. Millard and discussed this issue, and that he plans to meet with Sen. Gordner in March.

Student Representative’s Report

Mr. Karpinski reported that the high school Student Council did a blood drive in the fall, and that they are planning to also do one in May. Secondly, he said that Student Council wants to do some fund raising to help a Columbia-Montour AVTS student who has been diagnosed with adrenal cancer.


There was no old business to come before the board at this time.


Approval of Amended 2008-2009 Calendar

Dr. Peters made the motion to approve the amended 2008-2009 Bloomsburg Area School district calendar, and Mrs. Rupp seconded the motion. It then passed by a unanimous voice vote.

Approval to Enter into an Agreement with The Architectural Studio

Mrs. Fiedler moved to approve authorizing the superintendent, subject to the approval of the solicitor, to enter into an agreement with The Architectural Studio to provide professional services for the replacement of the visitors’ bleachers at Bloomsburg High School. Dr. Peters seconded this motion and it then passed by a unanimous voice vote.

Authorization of Administration to Solicit Bids for Bloomsburg Middle School Entrance Project

Dr. Peters made the motion to authorize the administration to solicit bids for the Bloomsburg Middle School entrance project, and Mrs. Fiedler seconded this motion. The motion then passed by a unanimous voice vote.

Approval of Homebound Instruction Requests

Dr. Peters made the motion, which was seconded by Mrs. Rupp, to approve a homebound instruction request for a Bloomsburg High School student, for at least 20 school days, effective 29 January 2009, and for a Bloomsburg High School student, for at least 20 school days, effective 4 February 2009. After the motion was seconded by Mrs. Rupp, it passed by a unanimous voice vote.

Approval of Out-of-State/Overnight Field Trip Requests

Mr. Vanderpool made the motion, which was seconded by Mr. Klingerman, to approve the following out-of-state/overnight field trip requests: A request made by Phil Burrell for five members of the forensics team to attend a state forensics tournament from 27-28 March 2009, at Susquehanna University, at an approximate cost to the school district of not more than $434.30; a request made by Bill Perkins for the softball team to go to Cortland, New York on 27-28 February 2009, at no cost to the district; and a request made by Bill Perkins for the baseball team to go to Catoctin, Maryland on 13 March 2009, at an approximate cost to the district of $105.

At this point, Mrs. Fiedler asked that approval of the field trips be separated into three separate motions. Dr. Peters seconded this motion and it then passed by a unanimous voice vote of five yes votes to one no vote (being Mr. Klingerman).

Dr. Peters made the motion, which Mrs. Fiedler seconded, to approve the request of Phil Burrell for five members of the forensics team to attend a state forensics tournament from 27-28 March 2009, at Susquehanna University, at an approximate cost to the school district of not more than $434.30. This motion passed by a unanimous voice vote.

Next, Mrs. Fiedler moved to approve the request of Bill Perkins for the softball team to go to Cortland, New York on 27-28 February 2009, at no cost to the district. The motion passed by a unanimous voice vote, after being seconded by Mrs. Rupp.

Lastly, Dr. Peters moved to approve the request of Bill Perkins for the baseball team to go to Catoctin, Maryland on 13 March 2009, at an approximate cost to the district of $105, and Mr. Klingerman seconded this motion. The motion passed by a voice vote of five yes votes to one no vote (being Mrs. Fiedler).

Authorization of Administration to Solicit Bids for Lawn Mowing

Mr. Vanderpool moved to authorize the board to solicit bids for mowing the lawns at Beaver-Main, W.W. Evans, and Bloomsburg Memorial elementary schools for the spring and summer of 2009. The motion passed after having been seconded by Mrs. Rupp.

Authorization of Administration to Apply for School Improvement Grant

Mr. Vanderpool made the motion, which was seconded by Mrs. Rupp, to authorize the administration to apply for a school improvement grant for the 2009-2010 school year, in the amount of $9,000. The motion passed by a unanimous voice vote.


Approval of New Spring Athletic Coaches

Dr. Peters made the motion to approve hiring the following individuals as new spring athletic coaches for the Spring 2009 season, and Mr. Klingerman seconded this motion:

Coach’s Name Position Step Salary

Cara Holman Volunteer Girls’ Track Coach

Michael McGarry Head Boys’ Varsity Soccer Coach 1 $2,486

Bing Pursel Assistant Boys’ Track Coach 1 $1,237

Kyle Ream Assistant Girls’ Track Coach 1 $1,237

The motion passed by a unanimous voice vote.

Approval of Professional Staff Leave of Absence

Mrs. Fiedler moved to approve a leave of absence for Elementary Speech-Language Pathologist Heidi Mintzer, from on or about 4 June 2009 through the end of the 2008-2009 school year. Mr. Vanderpool seconded this motion and it then passed by a unanimous voice vote.

Approval to Extend Professional Staff Leave of Absence

Mrs. Fiedler made the motion, which Mrs. Rupp seconded, to approve extending the leave of absence of Seventh-Grade Science Teacher Marisa Hess, through 28 May 2009. The motion passed by a unanimous voice vote.

Approval of Professional Substitutes

Mrs. Rupp made the motion to approve the following individuals as professional substitutes for the 2008-2009 school year:

Name Address Certification Area Degree/University Certificate


Kathleen DeLucca 500 Riverview Ave. Music K-12 BS, Susquehanna U. In hand

Bloomsburg, PA

Randi Dickinson 505 East Fifth St. Special Ed, Elem Ed BS, Elem Ed/ Verified

Bloomsburg, PA Special Ed, Bloom U by BU

Adam Ruane 481 West Main St. Citizenship 7-12 BS, Ed/

Bloomsburg, PA BA, History, Bloom U In hand

After Mrs. Fiedler seconded this motion, it passed by a unanimous voice vote.

Appointment of Dawn Lentini-Brookhart as Homeless Liaison for BASD

Mr. Vanderpool moved to appoint Dawn Lentini-Brookhart to serve as Bloomsburg Area School District’s Homeless Liaison as per the McKinney-Vento Homeless Act, now reauthorized and part of the No Child Left Behind Act. Mrs. Fiedler seconded the motion and it then passed by a unanimous voice vote.

Approval of Change of Status of Patricia Magda

Mrs. Fiedler made the motion, which Mrs. Rupp seconded, to approve changing the status of Patricia Magda from a classified substitute to a two-hour-per-day cafeteria aide position at Bloomsburg High School, effective 24 February 2009, at a rate of $7.15/hour. The motion passed by a unanimous voice vote.

Acceptance of Classified Staff Resignation

Mr. Vanderpool moved to accept the resignation of Bloomsburg High School Aide Shanna Martz, effective 27 February 2009, and Mrs. Fiedler seconded this motion. The motion went on to pass by a unanimous voice vote.


It was reported the following items would appear on the next work session agenda: 2009-2010 Budget; Plan for Panther Stadium – Fall 2010; Policy Updates; Evaluations; Job Descriptions; Columbia-Montour AVTS Budget ; and Act 32.


The next work session of the Bloomsburg Area School District Board of Directors is scheduled for Monday, 2 March 2009 in the Bloomsburg High School cafeteria, beginning at 7:00 p.m.

The next regular monthly meeting of the Bloomsburg Area School District Board of Directors is

scheduled for Monday, 16 March 2009 in the Bloomsburg High School cafeteria, beginning at 7:00 p.m.


Mr. Vanderpool moved to adjourn the meeting, which was followed by a second from Mr. Klingerman. After a unanimous voice vote, the meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m.


An executive session was held after the regular monthly meeting, for the purpose of discussing negotiations and personnel matters. The executive session ended at 9:45 p.m., following a motion by Mr. Vanderpool, a second by Dr. Peters, and then a unanimous voice vote.

Respectfully Submitted,

Stephanie Kessler

Recording Secretary


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