Ridgely Middle School Registration

Ridgely Middle School Registration

We are delighted to have you enroll your child at our school! The following items are required before a student can start school:

• Parent/Guardian picture ID.

• Withdrawal papers from the student’s previous school, including:

o Copy of student’s last report card.

o Copy of student’s standardized test information card.

o Copy of student’s birth certificate.

o Copy of immunizations (must have 2nd MMR).

o IEP/504 plan (if applicable).

• Custody papers (if applicable).

• Proof of residence.

o If you own your home, please bring a deed, Baltimore County tax bill, settlement papers, title, or mortgage statement (within 60 days of current school year).

o If you rent your home, please bring an incorporated lease with your name on it.

• Three pieces of mail (within 60 days of the current school year) from the following list:

o Federal or state income tax return for immediate previous year.

o W-2 form for current year.

o Notarized statement on company letterhead from employer

o Mailing to parent/guardian from government agency

o Charge account/credit card billing statement

o Bank account statement

o Utility bill, Cable bill, Phone bill, etc.

o Voter’s registration card.

o Motor Vehicle Administration vehicle registration.

o Notarized letter from landlord acknowledging shared domicile arrangement.

o Court documents.

o Government issued license and/or professional certificate.

o First class mail from a business or agency.

o Health center mailing of appointment verification.

o Receipt for immunizations from health center.

o Mailing from a Baltimore County public school or office.

o Paycheck/paystub stating name and address.

If you live with someone else, you must complete a Shared Domicile Disclosure Form.

• Make an appointment with Ms. Tamesha Peterson, Residency Officer, at 410-887-7794.

• Residency officer will verify new shared domicile living arrangements by making a home visit to explain and obtain a notarized Shared Domicile Disclosure Form. The residency officer will give the parent/guardian forms to return to the school.

Once you obtain all of the pertinent documents, please call Ms. Christine Brown (Counseling Secretary) for an appointment to complete the enrollment process. When enrollment is approved, it will take 1 -2 more days until a student can begin school.


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