
Level Up Parenting Scholarship Essay ApplicationTamica Hughes is a 1995 graduate from Lucy Ragsdale. When she graduated, she was a single teen mom. She was determined to graduate high school. Through the help that she received from Youth Focus she was able to graduate and to attend cosmetology school. She’s been a licensed Cosmetologist since 1997. She knows the first hand struggles that teen moms often face with trying to parent and to finish school. The Nonprofit, Level Up Parenting, was started in order to transform the mindset of teen moms by instilling in them enrichment opportunities that teaches them how to excel at parenting and much more. The 2020 scholarship is a one-time non-renewal scholarship in the amount of $1000.00 to be awarded to a teen mom that resides in Guilford County to be used at a trade school, community college or 4-year college or university. Eligibility Criteria:*Teen Mom*Reside in Guilford County*GPA of 2.0 or higher*Has satisfactory attendance *Participated in a Level Up Parenting EventCompleted application packets should include:*Application*Official transcript*Application*EssayEssay topic: How will furthering my education be beneficial to me as a parent? Completed applications and essay must be postmarked by _________________________ and mailed to ___________________________(Please Print)Name _______________________________________________________________________________Address _________________________________ City ___________________ Zip Code _____________Home Phone ______________ Cell Phone ______________ Email Address _______________________Race _______________________________School ___________________________________________ Intended Post-Secondary Plans___________________________________________________________ ................

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