Read “A baby changes everything: The true cost of teen ...

Name:A Baby Changes EverythingRead “A baby changes everything: The true cost of teen pregnancy’s uptick” and answer the questions below. Then, write a letter to a teen who is thinking of having a child on why they should wait. Use at least 10 facts from this article.Nate’s current job:What Nate thought he’d be doing now:4 things that research shows teen parents are less likely to do:Fill in the blanks: "Some girls as young as _______ grade who are so in love with their boyfriends and just think they'll be together forever, they just say '________________.'"Did Samantha and Nate use birth control?What percentage of teen moms who gave birth at 17 finished high school?In the 15 years after giving birth, how much less money do teen mothers make than women who waited until their 20s to give birth?Fill in the blank: Daughters of teen mothers are ______ times more likely to become teen parents themselves than girls born to older moms.Fill in the blank: Sons born to young teens are significantly more likely to be ______________In what 2 main ways do children born to teens struggle compared to their peers who did not give birth to them as teens?What is Samantha doing at school now to prepare her to be the best mother she can?List 3 ways in which Nate is owning up to his responsibility:Working full-time and sometimes more, how much money does Nate bring home each month?List out his following expenses:Rent:Cell phone:Groceries:Car accident payments:What does Nate know about his own father?What percentage of teen fathers don’t marry the mother of their first children?How much do these absent fathers pay each year in child support?Explain how Nate and Samantha had to lower their expectations.How many pregnant mothers did Hannah’s, the Indiana maternity residence for teens, have to turn away last year?How much money did teen pregnancy cost US taxpayers in 2004? ................

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