The B.E.S.T. Academy

At Benjamin Carson


Accepting No Excuses in Our Journey to Be the B.E.S.T.


Student and Parent Handbook



LaPaul E. Shelton


1890 Donald Lee Hollowell, SW

Atlanta, Georgia 30318

Phone: (404) 802-4944


|Period |Subject |Room |Teacher / Email Address |

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Contact Information


|Mr. LaPaul Shelton |Principal | |

|Mr. Hajj Womack |Dean of Academics | |

|Mr. Daymon Arnold |Instructional Specialist | |

|TBA |Counselor | |

|Mr. Vernon Worthy |Literacy Coach | |

|Ms. Stacey Johnson |Math Coach | |

|Ms. Angel Young |Graduation Coach | |

|TBA |PEC Program Assistant | |

|Dr. Bruce E. Williams |Media Specialist | |

|Stephen King |Community In Schools | |

|TBA |Social Worker | |

|Ms. Tammika Fortney |Secretary | |

|Tanya Culbreth |Parent Liaison | |

|Linda Young |School Nurse | |

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We ask that you review the Student Handbook with your child. Please complete the information below when completing your review.

My Child, _________________________, and I have reviewed

and understand the Student Handbook for the 2010-2011 school year.


Student Signature


Parent/Guardian Signature


Date Signed


Dear B.E.S.T. Students:

Welcome to the 2010-11 school year at The B.E.S.T. Academy at Benjamin Carson. The faculty and staff know you have what it takes to have your most successful year ever and we all stand ready to help you in any way possible as you grow and mature during the school year.

Much will be asked of you as a B.E.S.T. Academy student. You are expected to know and follow rules, policies, and procedures in order to create a safe and respectful learning environment for every student who attends B.E.S.T. We expect all students to respect themselves, other students, adults, and school property each and every day. It is critical that you, as a vital community member, demonstrate this respect on a continual basis.

Read this handbook, discuss it with your parents, classmates, and teachers, and ask questions if there are parts you don’t understand or need to clarify.

Academy School is a time of exploration and beginnings, and I encourage you to take advantage of the many extracurricular activities that are available at B.E.S.T. Take risks, be open to new experiences, and discover talents and skills you never knew you had before. You have the power to make this your best year ever.

LaPaul Shelton,


The National Academy School Association has identified 14 characteristics of successful Academy schools. The B.E.S.T. Academy at Benjamin Carson continually strives to create a culture of learning which includes these characteristics:

• Educators who value working with this age group and are prepared to do so.

• Courageous, collaborative leadership.

• A shared vision that guides decisions.

• An inviting, supportive, and safe environment.

• High expectations for every member of the learning community.

• Students and teachers engaged in active learning.

• An adult advocate for every student.

• School-initiated family and community partnerships.

• Curriculum that is relevant, challenging, integrative, and exploratory.

• Multiple learning and teaching approaches that respond to their diversity.

• Assessment and evaluation programs that promote quality learning.

• Organizational structures that support meaningful relationships and learning.

• School-wide efforts and policies that foster health, wellness and safety.

• Multifaceted guidance and support services.


The vision of B.E.S.T. Academy is to develop young men who are global citizens and productive leaders. In our constant pursuit of excellence, we strive to provide an innovative and well-rounded education experience utilizing gender based strategies in a supportive and challenging learning environment.



We thrive in a culture of academic excellence that provides a learning environment in which every young man obtains the skills and encouragement needed to transform himself, the community and the world.


1. We believe in providing a safe and nurturing environment .

2. We believe in optimal teaching and learning, by incorporating various learning styles.

3. We believe data drives our instruction and practices.

4. We believe in an engaging and novel learning environment.

5. We believe all students are capable of learning.

6. We believe the learning experience is a life- long process that extends outside of the classroom.

7. We believe the family, school, and community working together, are critical to the development and well being of the B.E.S.T. man.

Qualities of the BEST Man

I am… Well Read

I am… Well Spoken

I am… Well Dressed

I am… Well Mannered

I am… My Brother’s Keeper…

The 4 R’s of B.E.S.T. Pride

Behavior Expectations for Students

Respect for learning, yours and others

• We represent many different races, religions, ideas, interests, learning styles, abilities and experiences, be respectful of all persons, students, faculty, staff, parents and visitors to B.E.S.T.

• Do your best, always try.

• Use a work-place voice, refrain from yelling and loud talking.

• Report to school and class on time, bring materials to class, all students need an Agenda, pencils, pens, notebooks and paper. Be ready to work.

• Store Book bags, purses, and coats/heavy jackets in the locker.

Respect for others (every student and adult in the building)

• Refrain from using profanity, hurtful or inappropriate language, insults, playful put-downs, and gestures. These actions are a form of bullying.

• Do not engage in playful/ hurtful hitting, spiting, or kicking, (bully type behavior) most fights start from playful contact. These actions can be viewed as bullying.

• Walk to the right in the corridors and stairwells, don’t run. Line up single file outside of the classroom until admitted by the teacher.

• Sit with your class in assigned areas in the cafeteria and assemblies, unless directed otherwise

Respect for Self (Integrity, honesty, effort)

• Be a peaceful problem solver, it is not necessary to retaliate for every wrongful action, and two wrongs do not make a right.

• Report to a teacher, counselor or administrator if you or one of your friends is having a repeated or serious problem with a student or adult. A teacher, counselor or administrator will address your issue.

• Report to an adult if you know someone is engaging in dangerous behavior or has brought a dangerous item to school (weapon, drugs, alcohol). There is a fundamental difference between snitching and being responsible for helping to keep B.E.S.T. a safe place to learn.

• Review and adhere to the school dress code (See Dress Code in Agenda)

• Cell phones, electronic devices, cd players, toys and handheld games should not be brought to school; such items will be confiscated and can only be retrieved by a parent/guardian.

Respect for Property (taking care of your school building and grounds)

• Gum and candy are prohibited in all areas of the school during school hours. No food, drink may be taken from the cafeteria or consumed in the hallway or classrooms.

• Students should leave the building or report to their scheduled supervised after-school activity immediately after dismissal.

• Don’t give anyone your locker combination, lockers may not be shared, and may be used only during locker breaks.

• Show B.E.S.T. pride, don’t write/mark on walls, desks or any school property.

• Don’t litter, pick up litter that you see, throw away your own trash in the cafeteria

• It is everyone’s responsibility to help keep B.E.S.T. clean and safe.


As with paper, pencils, pens, and notebooks, the B.E.S.T. student agenda is a mandatory school supply for all students. The student agenda’s purpose is threefold:

• It serves as a place to record class work and homework assignments in academic and connections classes each day.

• It provides for effective and consistent communication between home and school.

• It serves as the student hall pass.

It is the student’s responsibility to bring this agenda to each class and enter relevant information. Parents should review the student agenda daily to stay informed about student progress and class content.

The cooperation between home, school, and the community is directly related to the effectiveness of B.E.S.T.’s educational program. Working together will result in the best possible education for each student.


Arrival/First Bell

Students will be allowed to enter the building at 8:00 a.m. Between 8:25 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. students are to report to their first class. It is expected that all students will leave the campus by 4:05 p.m. unless they have permission to remain for an activity or tutorial session. Arrangements for transportation home must be made prior to staying after school. Only in emergency situations will students be allowed to use the telephone.

Late Arrival

Students who arrive after 9 a.m. must be accompanied by a parent or bring a note from home stating the reason for tardiness. Students arriving after 8:30 a.m. must obtain a pass in the office before reporting to first period or the class in session. A tardy student is responsible for giving one copy of the late pass to his first period teacher. Please be advised that six tardies equals a whole day absent. After six tardies during a semester, a student will no longer receive perfect attendance for that semester.

Excused Absence

Regular attendance is one of the keys to student success. Students are expected to attend school every day unless excused due to illness, death in the immediate family, recognized religious holidays, court summons, or weather conditions that render school attendance hazardous to the health and safety of the student. Parents must send in a written excuse for absences when the child returns to school; otherwise it will be considered an unexcused absence.

It is the student’s responsibility to make up all work missed within three (3) days of the excused absence. A student must contact the teacher to obtain missed assignments upon return to school. Additional time may be allowed at the discretion of individual teachers. Students absent three (3) or more days consecutively may contact the office to make arrangements for getting missed assignments.

Unexcused Absence

When a student misses school without parent permission or without an appropriate excuse, it is considered truancy. APS complies with the Georgia Compulsory Attendance Law. Therefore, students who are truant will be referred to the school social worker for follow-up and possible court action. Teachers will not provide make-up work for unexcused absences unless the principal determines that circumstances warrant the granting of such make-up work.

Early Dismissal

Please help us serve you better and minimize interruptions to instructional time when early dismissals are necessary. Parents are required to submit a written request for early dismissal stating the date, reason, phone number, and time of early dismissal. This notice is to be taken to the main office for verification and approval during first period. The student’s name and approved early dismissal time will be printed on the absence list and circulated to the teachers. This is to ensure that the teachers know the student’s reason for missing class. The student should report to the office at the scheduled time of dismissal. No early dismissals are allowed after 3:15 p.m. Students will not be called to the office.

After-School Dismissal

Students must leave the school building and grounds immediately after school and are to be picked up no later than 4:05 p.m. or immediately after their extra-curricular activities are over. No student is to remain after school unless involved in the following:

1. Tutorial session – prior arrangements must be made with teacher

2. After school detention – teacher or administrator assigns detention for misbehavior, etc.

3. Media Center – prior arrangements must be made with media center staff or administration

4. Extra-curricular activities – team sports, music rehearsals, etc.

5. B.E.S.T. After School Program.

Withdrawal From School

All parents of students who withdraw from school for any reason should contact the main office for forms and procedures. Students must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian to withdraw from school.

Telephone Usage, Messages, and Forgotten Items

Only in the case of an emergency and with a pass from a teacher may a student receive permission to use an office phone. Transportation arrangements must be made before a student comes to school.

In order to minimize the interruption of instructional time, only emergency telephone messages will be taken to students. Classes will not be interrupted to deliver lunches, homework, or other left-at-home items.

Dress and Grooming Guidelines

Students are expected to come to school dressed in a mode that will not interfere with the academic process. The following rules are to be observed:

1. B.E.S.T. Academy uniforms are to worn at all times. All students must wear a shirt, tie, dress pants, and dress shoes on Thursdays.

2. Hats, caps, visors, scarves, bandannas, or other headgear may only be worn outside the building. No headgear or sunglasses are to be worn inside the building. They will be confiscated until the end of the day.

3. Cut-up clothing will not be allowed.

4. Sleepwear, nightshirts, and swimwear shall not be worn.

5. No articles of clothing shall contain obscene or degrading language or pictures. Clothing promoting tobacco, drugs, alcohol, weapons or messages of a sexual nature are prohibited.

6. All belts are to be buckled or fastened, and all shirts should be buttoned.

7. Pants are to be worn at the waistline. Shirts must be tucked into pants. Sagging pants are not permitted.

8. Metal hair picks and long combs with pointed ends are prohibited.

9. Grooming and the combing or braiding of hair is prohibited in all areas except the restroom.

The Principal and Dean of Academics will have final say in determining the appropriateness of student attire. Parent support in the issue of appropriate school attire is essential and appreciated.

Book Bags, Coats, and Jackets

Book bags will not be allowed in the classroom. They may be brought to school and stored in a locker during the school day. Coats, jackets, and purses must also remain in a student’s locker.


No electronic devices, such as cell phones, pagers, iPods, video game players or CD players, are permitted on APS property. Academy School students cannot have cell phones (APS policy) This includes school buses and school grounds. All electronic devices will be confiscated, turned in to the administration, and can only be retrieved by the parent/guardian. There are monetary fines for possessing phones and other electronic devices.

Gum, Candy, Food, and Drinks

The consumption of gum and candy is prohibited in all areas of the building. Eating and drinking is limited to the cafeteria.

School Buses

APS provides bus service for students living at least a mile and a half from their schools. Students and parents should review bus guidelines in the student handbook and keep in mind that riding the bus to and from school is a privilege.

Students must obey the school system’s discipline guidelines when waiting for, boarding, riding, and leaving the school bus. Students must always obey the driver. The driver will report violations to the principal who will review the bus video and determine appropriate disciplinary action. Misconduct on the bus could result in the loss of bus privileges.


Buses have the right away. PLEASE STAY IN SINGLE FILE LINE. Drop your child off in the designated car area which is closest to the cafeteria. Monitors will direct traffic. PLEASE FOLLOW THEIR DIRECTIONS.

Student Lockers

Lockers with combination locks are issued by a student’s first period teacher. Lockers are to be used to hold school-related supplies and materials only – books, notebooks, P.E. clothing, athletic gear, coats/jackets, etc. Lockers are not to be shared, and a student is not to give other students his or her locker combination. Students may access lockers at times designated by teachers.

Locker organization is a key skill and talent best learned and practiced early in a student’s B.E.S.T. career – locker breaks are short and disorganization of lockers is not an excused reason to be late to class.

Administrators, teachers, and/or designees may search student lockers at any time without notice to students.


Report Cards

Report cards are issued at the end of each nine week quarter. Progress reports are sent home at the mid-quarter mark. Grades for each class are given in academics and conduct. The grades for each semester are cumulative from the beginning of the current semester.

Academic Grades

A 90-100 Excellent

B 80-89 Above Average

C 70-79 Average

F Below 70 Failure to Achieve

Academic Honors

Academic honors are recognized at the end of each grading quarter.

□ Principal’s List – All A’s

□ Honor Roll – 3.0 average and passing all classes

Conduct Grades

A Excellent – Sets an example for others to follow in demonstrating desired behaviors.

B Above Average – Consistently demonstrates satisfactory conduct.

C Average – Demonstrates conduct that needs improvement in some areas.

D Unsatisfactory – Seldom demonstrates desired behaviors.

F Unacceptable – Disrupts instructional program.

Deficiencies/Mid-Quarter Progress Reports

Although deficiency notices may be issued at any time, the Atlanta Public School System requires that they be sent four and a half weeks before mid-semester and semester grades are given. The B.E.S.T. Academy mid-quarter progress report serves this purpose. Deficiencies must be signed by a parent/guardian and returned to the teacher. A deficiency on the mid-quarter progress report must be given before a student receives an F on a mid-semester or semester report card.

Parent Portal on Infinite Campus

Allows parents to view student grades as they are put in the system by teachers on a regular basis. Access credentials will be given to parents with appropriate identification. Parents are encouraged to access the Parent Portal on a regular basis.


All The B.E.S.T. Academy teachers provide each student with syllabi outlining their courses of study. Included in the syllabi are unit titles, objectives, and activities. Additionally, weight (percentage) assigned to each task for which students are graded will be explained.

Eagle’s Nest

The B.E.S.T. School Store is open daily. It sells pencils, paper, school paraphernalia, agendas, poster boards and many of your school supply needs. The store is sponsored by the P.T.S.A. and is located just inside the main lobby. Open from 8:15 – 8:30 a.m.

Standardized Tests

The Georgia CRCT tests will be given to all B.E.S.T. students April, 2011. 8th grade students take additional assessments throughout the 2nd semester. It is of the utmost importance that all students are in school to take the exams. Please do not schedule any doctor/dentist appointments, trips or any other activities that would take your student out of the classroom on those days.


Student Responsibility

State law maintains the school’s authority for the conduct and well being of students from the time they leave home in the morning until the time they return home in the evening. If a student brings discredit upon the school, staff, or other students, the school administration reserves the right to take action involving the student’s conduct, regardless of where or when said conduct takes place.

Misbehavior, including dress code violations, will necessitate disciplinary action from the teacher, administrator, and/or designee. Disciplinary actions may include silent lunch detention, after school detention, Saturday detention, in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, referral to Tribunal, and arrest and criminal charges.

The Atlanta Board of Education recognizes that there are instances where the use of physical force is necessary to prevent a breach of discipline or to stop the continuance thereof, authorizes the use of reasonable and appropriate action, including physical force, by its employees.

In-School Suspension

This program allows a student, in some cases, an alternative to being suspended from school. In this program, a student is suspended from classes and placed in the ISS room under the supervision of an ISS teacher. While in ISS, a student will be allowed to remain current with class assignments and receive a grade for work completed.

The environment is intended to be strict. Before a student is allowed to return to a regular class schedule, he must complete the assigned days in ISS.


To schedule a conference, parents/guardians should contact the school secretary. A conference with the Principal or the Dean of Academics is required before a student can return to class following an out of school suspension.

Atlanta Public Schools Student Calendar

2010 – 2011


08/09/10 First Day of School

Begin 1st Semester

08/25/10 Early Release Day


09/06/10 Labor Day Holiday


10/08/10 Midpoint 1st Semester

10/11/10 – 10/12/10 Teacher Planning Days

10/15/10 Report Card


11/02/10 Teacher Learning Day

11/24/10 – 11/26/10 Thanksgiving Holiday


12/17/10 End of 1st Semester

12/20/10 – 01/04/11 Winter Holiday


01/01/11 Return to School

01/14/11 1st Semester Report Card

01/17/11 Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday


02/18/11 – 02/21/11 Winter Break


03/11/11 Early Release Day

03/18/11 Report Card


04/04/11 – 04/08/11 Spring Break

04/20/11 – 04/26/11 CRCT Testing


05/24/11 Last Day of School


06/02/11 Final Report Card

Discipline Categories & Consequences

Category 1: Teacher handles with student / no further action necessary for these incidents

• Cheating

• Off task/ minor disruption

• Lack of supplies

Gum chewing/eating in class

• Unauthorized item in class (confiscate item)

• Dress code violation

• Littering

• Tardy – up to 3 times

Teacher may:

▪ conference with student, accept apology

▪ assign silent lunch or after school detention

▪ inform parent

Category 2: Teacher may generate disciplinary referral to administrator. Incident may be noted in student’s discipline record

• Late to class/school – 4 times tardy referral may warrant ISS

• Plagiarism

• Running/chasing

• Horseplay/hitting/kicking

• Disrespect to adult/peer, inappropriate tone, words or attitude

• Petty theft

• Profanity/inappropriate/derogatory language

• Disruptive classroom behavior

• Defacing/damaging classroom/personal property

• Transition behavior, running, yelling, throwing objects

13 Teasing/put downs

Teachers (will / ( may

▪ Conference with student(

▪ Inform parents of the behavior(

▪ Involve team and/or counselor as needed (will)

▪ Assign own consequence (

Extreme cases may warrant immediate administrative referral and ISS or OSS consequences.

Category 3: Administrator addresses referral or report. Infraction & disciplinary action noted in student’s discipline record. Administrator informs parent/guardian of incident & consequences.


• 3rd incident of any Category 1 or 2 infraction

• Failure to respond to a teacher/staff member’s direction

• Physical/verbal aggression

• Verbal abuse of teacher/staff

• School vandalism

• Inappropriate touching/physical contact

• Cafeteria /assembly misbehavior

• Class cutting/truancy

• Theft by taking

• Matches/lighters/tobacco

• Bullying(

• Fighting(

• Weapon/fireworks(

• Alcohol/controlled substance(

• Chronic Problem Student(

(These infractions may result in long-term suspension or a Tribunal Hearing.


The student’s team and grade level will offer a schedule of after-school tutorials to allow more time and extra help with concepts and assignments. Afternoon All Stars are tutorials from 4:20-6:00. Students must leave the building and premises immediately after afternoon tutorials at 5:00. There are no tutorials on Tuesdays.

Homework Guidelines

Students are expected to spend on average 1-1 ½ hours on homework Monday- Friday. Expect homework every night in Language Arts/reading and Mathematics as well as assignments in other subjects 2-3 times per week. In Academy School students are learning to pace assignments, and projects. It is important to do some work on the project/ assignment each day until the due date. If homework is taking a lot longer or shorter than the guidelines suggest, please consult the team of teachers.

Technology Guidelines

We have certain guidelines and responsibilities that are requirements for all students who use technology resources at The B.E.S.T. Academy. Technology usage is a privilege and responsibility on the part of the user must be shown in order to earn this privilege. These rules and expectations are a part of our Technology Use Policy here at B.E.S.T. and any violation of these rules can result in a loss of a student’s usage privileges indefinitely. Along with the customary school expectations of decency and privacy, these additional rules apply to computer/technology use at The B.E.S.T. Academy at Benjamin Carson:

• All parents MUST sign the technology use agreement waiver at the beginning of the school year in order for their student to make use of any and all technology resources at B.E.S.T. Academy.

• There should be no downloading, viewing or emailing of ANY material that may be considered inappropriate or indecent. For example, this includes any content that references drugs or drug use, all pornography, any documents (such as song lyrics) containing profanity, anything gang related., or anything that could be considered a poor representation of any student at The B.E.S.T. Academy at Benjamin Carson.

• Any “hacking” or unauthorized access of others’ accounts (faculty and student) is strictly forbidden.

• Any vandalism, theft of or “horseplay” near the computers is inappropriate.

• Proper computer etiquette must be demonstrated at all times – the computers must not become distractions from instruction and instructional activities.


Floppy drives are quickly becoming obsolete!

All students should purchase a USB drive or “data stick” for use with the computers in order to transport projects, school work and other assignments between home and school. The server-based “ThinClient” environment we have implemented does not use individual hard-drives nor disk drives, but they are equipped with enough USB jacks to accept student’s USB storage media. Personal email accounts for all students can also provide this storage for those unable to purchase or use USB drives.

Guidelines to meet the Georgia Performance Standard

for reading 25 books annually

Atlanta Public Schools GPS Reading Log


Each student is required to read at least twenty-five books or book equivalents (approximately 1,000,000 words) each year. The materials should include traditional and contemporary literature (both fiction and non-fiction) as well as magazines, newspapers, textbooks, and electronic material. Such reading should represent a diverse collection of material from at least three different literary forms and from at least five different writers.

[pic]Keep a record of what you have read.

|Title |Author |Pages Read |Date(s) |Signature |

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Students should reflect on their readings in their journal.

|Title |Author |Genre |Pages/Chapters Read |Date(s) |

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Students should reflect on their readings in their journal.

APS Student Conduct Policy

The Atlanta Board of Education provides for and expects student conduct to be consistent with the following:

1. Parents and guardians are expected to permit and require a student to obey the rules for the government of the schools. Failure of a student to obey the rules of the school shall render him/her liable to disciplinary action up to and including suspension and/or expulsion.

2. Every student is required to attend school punctually and regularly; to conform to all rules of the school; to obey all directions and to observe good order and deportment; to be diligent in study and respectful in manners; and kind and obliging to schoolmates; and to refrain entirely from the use of profane and obscene language.

3. Every student is required to be neat and clean in person and attire. A student coming to school unclean in person and attire may be sent home to properly prepare for school.

4. Each student may be assigned a seat for study in his classroom(s), and it shall be his duty to keep it, together with his books and everything pertaining to his desk neat and in order. Each student shall also be responsible for keeping the floor in the vicinity of his desk as well as locker that the student may be assigned free of litter.

5. Students shall not be permitted to loiter about school premises or in the school buildings grounds after the dismissal of school. Students shall not be permitted to use or enter the school buildings or grounds except under proper supervision.

6. Students who deface or damage any school property shall pay in full for the damages or satisfactory repairs. Failure to make such payments within a reasonable period of time shall render them liable to further disciplinary measures.

7. Students who absent themselves from any examination or public exercise of the schools without satisfactory reasons or permission, in effect thereby terminating their connections with school, shall not be allowed to return or enter any APS schools or programs, except by the permission of the Office of Student Placement and Appeals.

8. Students shall abstain from disorderly conduct on the way to and from school. They shall conduct themselves in an orderly manner on school busses and observe rules of safety as defined in Board Policy on Bus Conduct.

9. Students are prohibited from acts of physical violence as defined by Board Policy, Behavior Code, and the Official Code of Georgia Annotated code on bullying as defined by Board Policy, physical assault or battery of other persons on the school bus, verbal assault of other persons on the school bus, disrespectful conduct toward the school bus driver or other persons on the school bus, and other unruly behavior.

10. Students are prohibited from committing assaults, including threats of bodily harm and/or sexual assault of teachers, administrators, and other school personnel, other students or persons at school or attending school related functions as defined by Board Policy.

Procedure for Addressing Parent/Guardian Concerns

We are responsive to your concerns and want to answer questions you may have about your child’s education in a timely manner. Please follow the procedures outlined below. This will ensure a prompt response and support a good home/school relationship.

• Contact teacher to schedule a teacher conference first to address classroom concerns and issues.

• Schedule all student conferences or classroom observations prior to visiting the school.

• It is best to submit your concerns in writing to ensure all issues are addressed.

• Allow time for teacher/counselor or principal to investigate your concern before giving you a reply.

• Exhibit a courteous, problem solving manner at all times.

• When you arrive on campus report immediately to the main office to sign-in and receive the visitors badge what must be worn during your visit.

• Expect a reply from a call within 24-48 hours. If you do not receive a reply please make another contact.

Discipline Path of Action

B.E.S.T Academy @ Ben Carson

Behavior Matrix


Atlanta Public School District


We will work to help each student achieve high standards

of learning because we believe all students can learn.


Achievement and Performance

…for every child

…in every classroom

…in every school


Our mission is to provide a high quality education for all B.E.S.T students in a safe and comfortable environment and to make use of all human and technological resources in preparing graduates for post high school objectives.

B.E.S.T Academy Vision

Our challenge is for every child to exceed expectations—

B.E.S.T Academy @ Ben Carson

B.E.S.T Man’s Pledge

I am a young man, growing strong. Using my mind to………..

Today, I will be a STAR. I will:

Stop, Think, and Act Responsibly

Stop and listen attentively

Think and make wise choices

Act Responsibly

Respect self and others

“Accepting No Excuses in Our Journey to be the B.E.S.T”

|[pic] |Stop and listen attentively |Think and make wise choices |Act Responsibly |Respect self and others |

|Classroom; Computer, Math, and |Listen immediately to teacher or adult |Participate and respond in class |Be punctual to all classes |Respond kindly and appropriately with |

|Science Labs |in charge |Refrain from blurting out; raise hand |Have all necessary materials for each |peers |

| |Respond immediately to “Give Me Five” |and wait to be acknowledged before |class |Follow school and classroom rules |

| |or “Hands Up” school-wide hand signal |speaking |Complete assigned homework for each class |Keep hands and feet to self |

| |Follow all instructions promptly |Always do your best |Remain on task in the classroom |Clean up after yourself |

| | |Display good character |Return important and folders forms quickly|Be patient and wait your turn |

|Lunchroom |Wash hands wash day before eating |Get utensils and condiments while being|Keep food and drink in cafeteria |Use good manners while eating |

| |Follow directions given by staff |served |Make sure lunch debts are paid |Eat only your food and refrain from |

| |members |Remain in assigned area at table |Refrain from talking for the first 10 |sharing |

| |Choose entrée quickly and progress |Refrain from playing with food and |minutes; then, use quiet, inside voices |Respect others and their space at the |

| |through line |other items |Stay single file when walking in lunchroom|table |

| | |Clean around your sitting area and on | | |

| | |the floor | | |

|Restroom |Enter restroom quietly |Keep restroom clean |Wash hands after using restroom |Respect privacy of others in the |

| |Use restroom time wisely |Follow restroom rules |Place paper in trash |restroom |

| |Be considerate of others in the |Report any inappropriate behavior |Flush the toilet after each use |Exercise good personal hygiene |

| |restroom | |Check bathroom to make sure it is clean |Wait patiently for you turn |

| | | |before exiting | |

|Hallway |Listen to adults |Walk quietly from one location to |Go directly to destination |Refrain from touching bulletin boards |

| |Be aware of surroundings |another |Remain with your teacher at all times |Keep hands and feet to self while in |

| |Walk on the right side of the hallway |Pat attention and keep the line moving |Report any problems or misbehavior to an |line |

| |Stay single file | |adult or your teacher |Refrain from talking in the hall at all|

| | | | |times |

|Buses, Car-riders, Walk-ups |Listen for carpool names and bus |Sit quietly |Before school in cafeteria: use quiet |Keep hands and feet to self |

| |numbers |Display appropriate behavior |inside voices |Obey staff requests promptly |

| |Listen and obey staff members on duty |Quietly board and ride your assigned |Dismissal in all areas: refrain from |Walk appropriately to cars, vans, and |

| | |bus |talking for 10 minutes; then, use quiet |bus areas |

| | | |voices | |

| | | |Be prepared; know how you are getting home| |

| | | |Have book bag packed and ready to go | |

| | | |Obey B.E.S.T patrol students (New Idea) | |

|Assembly & Field Trips |Respond immediately to “Give Me Five” |Be on time with all items needed |Follow school and classroom rules |Respect bus drivers, teachers, and |

| |or “Hands Up” school-wide quiet signal |Enter and exit quietly |Be considerate of speaker by not talking |chaperones |

| |Listen attentively to speakers |Remain with your teacher and class or |Obey staff members in bus and at |Respect other’s on the bus; hands and |

| |Ask appropriate questions if prompted |groups |destination |feet to self |

| | |Attend to the speaker and on the | |Be polite at all times |

| | |presentation | |Be patient and wait your turn |

|Recess ?? |Listen attentively |Use recess equipment properly |Use appropriate voices in recess area |Be patient and wait your turn for |

| |Remain in recess area |Report any malfunctioning equipment to |Report any inappropriate behavior to an |equipment use |

| | |staff |adult |Keep hands and feet to self |

| | |Listen and obey when time to line up |Use caution when playing games; refrain |Play appropriately and kindly with |

| | | |from playing kickball in middle of recess |others |

| | | |area | |

|Media Center |Listen attentively |Use quiet voice |Check out material you wish to borrow |Take care of materials in the media |

| |Know your purpose for visiting |Follow Mrs. Carter’s rules and |Take media card with you |center |

| |Use time wisely |procedures of Media Center |Sign in before using computers |Patiently wait you turn |

| | |Return materials by due date | | |

B.E.S.T Academy @ Ben Carson

|Setting [pic] |Classroom; Computer, Math, and Science Labs |

|Expectations [pic] | |

|Stop and listen attentively |Listen immediately to teacher or adult in charge |

| |Respond immediately to “Give Me Five” or “Hands Up” school-wide quiet signal |

| |Follow all instructions promptly |

|Think and make wise choices |Participate and respond in class |

| |Refrain from blurting out; raise hand and wait to be acknowledged before speaking |

| |Always do your best |

| |Display good character |

|Act Responsibly |Be punctual to all classes |

| |Have all necessary materials for each class |

| |Complete assigned homework for each class |

| |Remain on task in the classroom |

| |Return important forms and folders quickly |

|Respect self and others |Respond kindly and appropriately with peers |

| |Follow school and classroom rules |

| |Keep hands and feet to self |

| |Clean up after yourself and around your space |

| |Be patient and wait your turn |

B.E.S.T Academy @ Ben Carson

|Setting [pic] |Lunchroom |

|Expectations | |

|[pic] | |

|Stop and listen attentively |Wash hands each day before eating |

| |Follow directions given by staff members |

| |Choose entrée quickly and progress through line |

|Think and make wise choices |Get utensils and condiments while being served |

| |Remain in assigned area at table |

| |Refrain from playing with food and other items |

| |Clean around your sitting area and on the floor |

|Act Responsibly |Keep food and drink in cafeteria |

| |Make sure lunch debts are paid |

| |Refrain from talking for the first 10 minutes red cups are on tables); then, use quiet, inside voices (blue cups on table) |

| |Stay single file when walking in the lunchroom |

|Respect self and others |Use good manners while eating |

| |Eat only your food and refrain from sharing |

| |Respect others and their space at the table |

B.E.S.T Academy @ Ben Carson

|Setting [pic] |Restroom |

|Expectations | |

|[pic] | |

|Stop and listen attentively |Enter restroom quietly |

| |Sue restroom time wisely |

| |Be considerate of others in the restroom |

|Think and make wise choices |Keep restroom clean |

| |Follow restroom rules |

| |Report any inappropriate behavior to an adult |

|Act Responsibly |Wash hands after using restroom |

| |Place paper in trash |

| |Flush the toilet after each use |

| |Check bathroom to make sure it is clean before exiting |

|Respect self and others |Respect the privacy of others in the restroom |

| |Exercise good personal hygiene |

| |Wait patiently for your turn |

B.E.S.T Academy @ Ben Carson

|Setting [pic] |Hallway |

|Expectations | |

|[pic] | |

|Stop and listen attentively |Listen to adults |

| |Be aware of surroundings |

| |Walk on the right side of the hallway |

| |Stay single file |

|Think and make wise choices |Walk quietly from one location to another |

| |Pay attention and keep the line moving |

|Act Responsibly |Proceed directly to destination |

| |Remain with your teacher at all times |

| |Report any problems or inappropriate behavior to an adult or your teacher |

|Respect self and others |Refrain from touching bulletin boards |

| |Keep hands and feet to self while in line |

| |Refrain from talking in the hall at all times |

B.E.S.T Academy @ Ben Carson

|Setting [pic] |Buses, Car-riders, Walk-ups |

|Expectations | |

|[pic] | |

|Stop and listen attentively |Listen for carpool names and bus numbers |

| |Listen and obey staff members on duty |

|Think and make wise choices |Sit quietly |

| |Display appropriate behavior |

| |Quietly board and ride you assigned bus |

|Act Responsibly |Before school in cafeteria: use quiet, inside voices |

| |Dismissal in all areas: refrain from talking for 10 minutes; then, use quiet voices |

| |Be prepared; know how you are getting home |

| |Have book bag packed and ready to go |

| |Obey “Best Patrol” students (New Idea) |

|Respect self and others |Keep hands and feet to self |

| |Obey staff requests promptly |

| |Walk appropriately to cars, vans, and bus areas |

B.E.S.T Academy @ Ben Carson

|Setting [pic] |Assembly & Field Trips |

|Expectations | |

|[pic] | |

|Stop and listen attentively |Respond immediately to “Give Me Five” or “Hands Up” school-wide quiet signal |

| |Listen attentively to speakers |

| |Ask appropriate questions if prompted |

|Think and make wise choices |Be on time with all items needed |

| |Enter and exit quietly |

| |Remain with your teacher and class or groups |

| |Attend to the speaker and on the presentation |

|Act Responsibly |Follow school and classroom rules |

| |Be considerate of speaker by refraining from talking |

| |Obey staff members on bus and at destination |

|Respect self and others |Respect bus driver, teachers, and chaperones |

| |Respect others on the bus; hands and feet to self |

| |Be polite at all times |

| |Be patient and wait your turn |

B.E.S.T Academy @ Ben Carson

|Setting [pic] |Recess |

|Expectations | |

|[pic] | |

|Stop and listen attentively |Listen when adults are speaking |

| |Remain in recess area |

|Think and make wise choices |Use recess equipment properly |

| |Report any malfunctioning equipment to staff |

| |Listen and obey when time to line up |

|Act Responsibly |Use appropriate voices in the recess area |

| |Report any inappropriate behavior to an adult |

| |Use caution when playing games; refrain from playing kick-ball in the middle of the recess area |

|Respect self and others |Be patient and wait your turn for equipment use |

| |Keep hands and feet to self |

| |Play appropriately and kindly others |

B.E.S.T Academy @ Ben Carson

|Setting [pic] |Media Center |

|Expectations | |

|[pic] | |

|Stop and listen attentively |Listen attentively |

| |Know your purpose for visiting |

| |Use time wisely |

|Think and make wise choices |Use a quiet voice |

| |Follow Mrs. Carter’s?? rules and procedures of Media Center |

| |Return all materials by due date |

|Act Responsibly |Check out materials you wish to borrow |

| |Take media card with you each visit |

| |Sign in before using computers |

|Respect self and others |Take care of all materials in the media center |

| |Patiently wait your turn |


The B.E.S.T. Academy at Benjamin S. Carson


Teacher handles with student and may:

▪ Call Parent

▪ Accept Apology

▪ Assign Lunch or After School Detention

▪ Other

Incident posted on Student Report

Teacher generates referral to: Principal or Dean of Academics

Parent informed of incident and consequences

Counselor/ Social Worker Intervention

Student Behavior

Consequences determined by Principal or Dean of Academics

Will Include:

▪ ISS, OSS, EDD, or Detention

May Also Include:

▪ Long-term suspension tribunal

Conference with Student and Administrator

Parent informed of incident and consequences

Consequences May Include:



▪ Detention/EDD

▪ *Based on severity and discipline history

No further action necessary on this incident

Teacher contacts parent regarding issue

Conference with Student, Administrator, Counselor, or Social Worker

Teacher may generate referral to: Principal, Dean of Academics, counselor, or Social Worker based on student behavior

Teacher contacts parent regarding issue

Incident may be posted on Student Report


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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