Mr West's Resource Site

|Our Australian Heritage Virtual Project | Stage 2 | Geography, History |

|Summary |Duration |

|Students​ use​ an​ inquiry​ process​ as​ they​ navigate​ through​ a​ virtual​ quest​ to​ identify​ changes​ that​ |Sample term |

|have​ occured​ as​ a​ result​ of​ British​ colonisation.​​ They​ identify​,​ research and investigate, to |9 weeks 4 days |

|recreate a simulation of a real life historical artefact incorporating proportion,​ perspective and | |

|composition​ using virtual technology.​ | |

|Integrated​ outomes:​ Maths​ and​ English | |

|Outcomes |Unit overview |Resources overview |

|History K-10 |Student​ pairs undertake​ a​ study​ of​ the​ British​ colonisation​ of​ |Aboriginal Languages Map in​ virtual​ sim |

|HT2-3 describes people, events and actions related to world |Australia​ and​ its​ effects​ on​ the​ British​ settlers,​ convicts​ and​ |Aboriginal Languages wallchart (Australian Institute of ATSI |

|exploration and its effects |Aboriginal​ people.​ Students​ use​ an​ inquiry​ process​ as​ they​ navigate​|Studies, Canberra) |

|HT2-4 describes and explains effects of British colonisation in |through​ a​ virtual​ quest​ to​ identify​ changes​ that​ have​ occured​ as​ a​ |Selection of Dreaming stories​​ |

|Australia |result​ of​ British​ colonisation.​​ They​ identify​,​ research and |Selection​​ Australian​ history library​ books |

|HT2-5 applies skills of historical inquiry and communication |investigate, to recreate a simulation of a real life historical |Crossmaglen​ school​ blog​ page​ with​ relevant​ links​ for​ research |

|English K-10 |artefact incorporating proportion,​ perspective and |Sim-on-a-Stick​​ (GOGs​ G​ Build)​ (soas) |

|EN2-2A plans, composes and reviews a range of texts that are more |composition​ using virtual technology.​ Students​ also​ create​ an​ |Minecraft​ |

|demanding in terms of topic, audience and language |online​ e-book​ information​ report​​ related​ to​ their​ |iPads​ |

|EN2-3A uses effective handwriting and publishes texts using digital|historical​ artefact for​ publication​ on​ the​ school​ blog. |HSIE​ Journals​ |

|technologies |Sim-on-a-Stick​​ or​ Minecraft​.​ ​ |Save​ the​ Pacific​ Northwest​ Tree​ Octopus​​ |

|EN2-5A uses a range of strategies, including knowledge of |All​ students​ complete​ a​ peer​​ and​ self assessment​ rubric​.​ |All​ about​ explorers |

|letter–sound correspondences and common letter patterns, to spell | |  |

|familiar and some unfamiliar words | | |

|EN2-7B identifies and uses language forms and features in their own| | |

|writing appropriate to a range of purposes, audiences and contexts | | |

|EN2-9B uses effective and accurate sentence structure, grammatical | | |

|features, punctuation conventions and vocabulary relevant to the | | |

|type of text when responding to and composing texts | | |

|EN2-12E recognises and uses an increasing range of strategies to | | |

|reflect on their own and others’ learning | | |

|Mathematics K-10 | | |

|MA2-17MG uses simple maps and grids to represent position and | | |

|follow routes, including using compass directions | | |

|Content |Teaching, learning and assessment |Registration |

|Stage 2 - First Contacts |Week​ 1:​ Introduce​ students​ to​ topic​ and​ research​ skills.​ What​ makes​ a​ reliable​ source?​ Take​ students​ | |

|Key inquiry questions: |to​ fake​ websites​ and​ explain​ importance​ of​ accurate​ sources​ for​ historical​ enquiry.​ Introduce​ | |

|What was the nature and consequence of contact between Aboriginal |students​ to​ referencing​ and​ hyperlinking​ sources.​​ Explain​ virtual​ project​ and​ pair​ students.​ Have​ | |

|and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples and early traders, explorers |soas​ running​ and​ introduce​ students​ if​ time​ otherwise​ leave​ to​ week​ 2. | |

|and settlers? |Week​ 2:​ Introduce​ soas​ and​ virtual​ world​ quest​project.​ Show​ students​ Crossmaglen​ examples.​ ​ Allow​ | |

|What was life like for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander |student​ pairs​ to​ have​ 15​ minutes​ to​ 'play'​ with​ soas​ and​ develop​ movement​ skills​ etc.​ Students​ | |

|peoples before the arrival of the Europeans? |complete​ 1st​ virtual​ quest​ activity​​ (20​ min)​ and​ write​ answers​ in​ their​ HSIE​ journal. ​Students​ must​ | |

|The historical concepts and skills to be taught throughout Stage 2 |have​ their​ research​ topic​ selected​ by​ week​ 3! | |

|are listed in the Overview of Teaching and Learning. |Week​ 3:​ Students​ complete​ 2nd​ activty​ (20​ min)​ then​ begin​ researching​ for​ their​ virtual​ projects.​​  | |

|The diversity and longevity of Australia's first peoples and the |Week​ 4:​ Virtual​ activity​ 3​ (20​ min)​ then​ | |

|ways Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples are connected|students​ continue​ researching​ and​ collating​ information​ and​ images​ either​ in​ Word​ or​ PPT.​ | |

|to Country and Place (land, sea, waterways and skies) and the |Week​ 5:​ Virtual​ activity​ 4​ (20​ min)​ then​ work​ | |

|implications for their daily lives (ACHHK077) |on​ information​ reports​​ which​ must​ be​ finalised​ by​ week​ 6​ and​ converted​ to​ e-books​ (Youblisher) | |

|Stage 2 - Writing and representing 1 |Week​ 6-8​ :​ Convert​ e-books,​ Virtual​ activities​ (20​ | |

|Develop and apply contextual knowledge |min)​ then​ commence​ building​ artefact​ either​ using​ soas​ ​ or​ minecraft.​ | |

|Students: |Week​ 9:​ Finish​ virtual​ project​ and​ student​ peer​ and​ self​ assessment​ rubrics.​ Discuss​ with​ students​ | |

|identify key elements of planning, composing, reviewing and |the​ unit​ and​ learning​ process.​ Was​ it​ challenging,​ too​ easy?​ What​ woul​d​ they​ change​/why?​ ​​ | |

|publishing in order to meet the demands of composing texts on a |Assessment: | |

|particular topic for a range of purposes and audiences [pic] |Ongoing assessment – student understanding may be assessed through the use of observational | |

|experiment and share aspects of composing that enhance learning and|checklists, anecdotal records,​​ completion​ of​ quest​ tasks​ in​ HSIE​ journals, photographs, and analysis | |

|enjoyment |of contributions to class discussions.​​ | |

|discuss issues related to the responsible use of digital |​Assessment​ 1​​ | |

|communication [pic] [pic] |Students​ complete​ virtual​ quest​ activities​ in​ HSIE​ journals​ | |

|Stage 2 - Writing and representing 2 |Assessment​ 2 | |

|Students: |Students​ create​ virtual​ artefact​ and​ write​ information​ report​ ​via​ | |

|use images in imaginative, informative and persuasive texts to |PPT on​ particular​ subject.​ This​ will​ then​ be​ transformed​ into​ a​ Youblisher​ e-book​ for​ publication​ on​ | |

|enhance meaning |the​ school​ blog​ | |

|Stage 2 - Handwriting and using digital technologies |Key​ Questions:​ | |

|use a range of software including word processing programs to |What is the name of your artefact? | |

|construct, edit and publish written text, and select, edit and |What time period does it originate from? | |

|place visual, print and audio elements (ACELY1685, ACELY1697) [pic]|Where is it? State and town/city? | |

|Stage 2 - Spelling |What was it made from? | |

|Students: |Who built it? | |

|Respond to and compose texts |Where did the building resources come from? | |

|use a variety of spelling strategies to spell high-frequency words |How long would it have taken to build? | |

|correctly when composing imaginative and other texts |What was it used for, by whom, and why? | |

|experiment with spell check applications and develop an awareness |Is it still standing or being used today and if not what happened to it? | |

|of the limitations of their features in digital technology |You must provide a map with the location of your artefact. If you have chosen a ship this map must | |

|Stage 2 - Grammar, punctuation and vocabulary |show the route taken from its departure country to the arrival place in Australia. | |

|Students: |You must reference your information report from at least two sources​ including​ ALL​ images!​ | |

|Understand and apply knowledge of language forms and features | | |

|incorporate new vocabulary from a range of sources into students' | | |

|own texts including vocabulary encountered in research (ACELA1498) | | |

|compose a range of effective imaginative, informative and | | |

|persuasive texts using language appropriate to purpose and audience| | |

|Respond to and compose texts | | |

|identify and use grammatical features, eg pronouns, conjunctions | | |

|and connectives, to accurately link ideas and information | | |

|Stage 2 - Position 1 | | |

|Create and interpret simple grid maps to show position and pathways| | |

|(ACMMG065) | | |

|Students: | | |

|use given directions to follow routes on simple maps [pic] | | |

|use and follow positional and directional language (Communicating) | | |

|[pic] | | |

|use digital technologies involving maps, position and paths | | |

|(Communicating) [pic] | | |

|interpret and use simple maps found in factual texts and in the | | |

|media [pic] | | |

|Evaluation |

| |


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