Brownie Money Manager Badge Activity Plan

[Pages:3]Brownie Money Manager Badge Activity Plan

Badge Purpose: When girls have earned this badge, they'll know how to manage money wisely.

Planning Guides Link: Financial Literacy and Cookie Business

Fun Patch Link: Money Manager

Activity Plan Length: 1.5 hours

Resources ? This activity plan has been adapted from the Brownie Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting Money Manager Badge, which can be used for additional information and activities. ? Prior to the meeting, ask girls to bring a stuffed animal or doll to "shop" with while they do activities for the Money Manager badge. This fulfills Step 1 of the Money Manager badge.

Activity #1: Grocery Shopping Badge Connection: Step 1 ? Shop for items with your elf doll; Step 2 ? Go grocery shopping Time allotment: 25 minutes Materials Needed:

? Assorted boxes/groceries you have on hand ? Stickers or post-it's (to label items) ? Paper/pencils for each team ? Calculator (optional) ? Play money ? Doll or stuffed animal (ask girls to bring from home)

Steps: 1. Price your boxes/groceries and set-up on a table or around a room to create your grocery store. 2. Begin by asking the girls for their definition of a budget and savings. 3. Ask girls to pair up and explain they will be going grocery shopping in the mini-store you set-up. They are going to go shopping for grocery items for the stuffed friends from home. 4. Give them a couple minutes to put anything into their shopping bags they would like and return to the group. 5. Ask them to calculate their total purchase and return all their items to the "store." 6. Explain to the girls for the next round they will each need to make a budget. Give each team $25 in ELF money (or other play money) and ask them to write down how they will spend their proceeds. 7. Once everyone is done with their budgets have them visit the store again and pick out their items. Make sure no one exceeds the $25.00 limit. Have the girls add up their purchases again and share with the group.

8. Next, inform the girls you will be taking them to the movies. Only those groups with $6 left over from grocery shopping are able to go. Have those groups stand up and sit in a separate area.

9. Discuss why some teams had money leftover and others did not. Ask the girls if anyone budgeted for fun activities or savings? Are there other ways to save money while grocery shopping?

Activity #2: Back to School Shopping! Badge Connection: Step 3 ? Go clothes shopping; Step 4--Get ready for school Time Allotment: 15 minutes Prep Needed:

? Visit a local store or browse online to determine the cost of school supplies and clothing or uniforms. ? Create a price list for each back to school item. This should only list the prices and not the items. ? Create an answer key that lists each back to school item and its price.

Materials Needed: ? Assorted school supplies: markers, pencils, glue, scissors, notebook, folders, school clothes or uniforms, shoes, etc. ? Bag to contain supplies so girls cannot see them ? Price list of back to school items and answer key

Steps: 1. Have girls play a guessing game to learn about the costs of back to school items. 2. Display a large price list for the whole group to see or individual price lists for each girl to see. 3. One at a time, hold up each back to school items and ask the girls to pick the price on their list that they think matches the item. 4. Once they have decided which price matches each object, discuss the items as a group. ? Were you correct? ? Were you surprised at the cost of any of the items?

Activity #3: Cost of Fun and Snack Chat Badge Connection: Step 5--Have some fun Time Allotment: 15 minutes Materials Needed:

? Snack items of your choice ? Large paper or whiteboard ? Markers

Steps: 1. While girls enjoy their snack, have them brainstorm different fun activities they like to do that cost money, such as going to the movies or the zoo. List the activities on paper for girls to see.

2. Now have the girls brainstorm fun activities they like to do that are free, such as playing outside, sleeping over at a friend's house, etc.

3. Optional: Have the girls select one fun activity that costs money and one activity that is free that they would like to do as a troop.

More to Explore ? Field Trip Ideas: o Visit a local bank and learn about savings accounts.

o Visit a store to look at the prices of everyday items. ? Speaker Ideas:

o Invite a banker/financial professional to the meeting. o Invite older Girl Scouts who currently have a paying job and have them speak with the

girls about how they budget their money and savings.

Customize It!: If your group wants to expand work on this badge, or simply try different activities, go for it! There are many ways to earn this award, including: Completing the activities as listed in the Brownie Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting, completing two of these activity plans, attending a council-sponsored event or customizing activities. Pick the one(s) that work best for your group. Girls will know they have earned the award if:

? They understand the cost of fun ? They discover how much it costs to buy things like groceries and school supplies ? They have fun learning how to manage money

Family Follow-Up Email Use the email below as a template to let families know what girls did at the meeting today. Feel free to add additional information, including:

? When and where you will be meeting next ? What activities you will do at the next meeting ? Family help or assistance that is needed ? Supplies or materials that girls will need to bring to the next meeting ? Reminders about important dates and upcoming activities

Hello Girl Scout Families:

We had a wonderful time today learning about managing money and have earned the Money Manager

Badge. We had fun: ? Learning about the cost of food items and school supplies and managing a budget ? Discovering ways to have fun without spending money ? Learning about how to manage money wisely

Continue the fun at home: ? Ask your Girl Scout to help you grocery shop. Look at the prices of the items on your list together. Help her exchange money with the clerk. ? Take a trip to a clothing store to chat about the costs of clothing for your Brownie Girl Scout. Now take a trip to a local thrift store and discuss the differences in cost. ? Look through the Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting with your Brownie to find other activities you can try at home.

Thank you for bringing your Brownie to Girl Scouts!

This activity plan was adapted from Girl Scouts River Valleys.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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