First Name Last Name Subject Extension Room Email ...

First Name Elizabeth Nicole Brian Christopher Gregory Lindsay Jamie Gregory Edward Erica Jesse Denise Michael Meghan Benjamin Anthony Danielle Victor Marie William Mary Stephanie Robert Deborah James Bridget James Joshua Jillian Clifford Amy Katherine Janel

Last Name Adams Athey Berryman Beyer Bienkowski Blanford Blumenthal Brazill Buck Bucolo Bulicki Burt Carrafa Castagna Celebre Contipodero Solomon Cummings Dantonio Delaney DelVecchio DeTitta DiIonno Dobelle Donnelly Dowd (Murray) Dumont Dumont Dwyer Edgcumbe Farthing Filano Flanagan

High School Staff Directory - Dial (610)485-6881

Subject Mathematics Guidance Science Mathematics CAP Adminitrator Athletic Trainer Health/Phys.Ed Mathematics Social Studies English Mathematics English Special Education Cyber Coordinator Special Education Social Studies Special Education Music Fam.&Consumer Sci. Social Studies Testing Coordinator Mathematics Health/Phys.Ed Business Science Special Education Special Education English Art Special Education Language Arts Mathematics Science

Extension Ext: 1829 Ext: 1843 Ext: 1873 Ext: 1980 Ext: 1871 Ext: 1896 Ext: 1885 Ext: 1815 Ext: 1024 Ext: 1831 Ext: 1816 Ext: 1858 Ext: 1839 Ext: 1847 Ext: 1726 Ext: 1863 Ext: 1952 Ext: 1951 Ext: 1808 Ext: 1864 Ext: 1811 Ext: 1814 Ext: 1886 Ext: 1897 Ext: 1876 Ext: 1969 Ext: 1960 Ext: 1942 Ext: 1895 Ext: 1841 Ext: 1859 Ext: 1819 Ext: 1910

Room A 16 Guidance C 231 A 25 A 27 Gym Gym D 19 D 107 C 223 A 22 C 211 C 31 Lib 6 A 23 Float D 106 D 202 A 31 D 205 Testing Office A 25 Gym C 206 A 17 Float C 24 C 220 C 30 C 234 C 213 D 5 A 12

Jennifer Michael Angela James Rebecca Tim Joanna Marita Angela Amy Michael Joelle Shauna Elizabeth James Judith Jeffrey Kevin Terrence Kevin Jennifer Kathleen Brad Cheri Jennifer Kellie Christopher Gary Jacqueline Donald Ashley Stephanie Lisa

Ford Fortuna Georgis German Grayston Aikins Hawrylak Keidel Hedrick Hertz Howell Ingallinera Johnson Johnson Keegan Keenan Kennedy Hahn Lillicrapp Marsden McClure McLaughlin Messick Messick Michael Michel Milnes Molineux Mollick Morgan O'Connor Palladino Pantano

High School Staff Directory - Dial (610)485-6881

Special Education

Ext: 2992


Ext: 1972


Ext: 1911

Language Arts

Ext: 1857

Social Studies

Ext: 1870


Ext: 1962

Special Education

Ext: 1963

Secretary to Assistant Principals Ext: 1921


Ext: 7842


Ext: 1835


Ext: 1908


Ext: 1845

Language Arts

Ext: 1856

Autistic Support / Life Skills Ext:


Ext: 6416


Ext: 1947


Ext: 1894


Ext: 1825

Social Studies

Ext: 1868


Ext: 1820

Admin Assistant to Director of AcEtxivt:it1ie9s07


Ext: 1928


Ext: 1821

Language Arts

Ext: 1848

Foreign Language

Ext: 1890

Social Studies

Ext: 1959

Social Studies

Ext: 1865

Social Studies

Ext: 1867

Social Worker

Ext: 1916


Ext: 1802

Special Education

Ext: 1948


Ext: 1940

Emotional Support

Ext: 1965

C 230 C 227 C 221 D 108 C 232

Main Office Nurse's Office C 223 D201 Guidance C 210 C233 Delivery Room Main Office C 27 Gym C 216 A 26 Activities Office Nurse's Office D 104 C 215 C 225 C 219 C 224 C 222 Guidance Main Office C229 Guidance C 28

Andrew Patrick Sarah Roberta Kathryn Rachel Mary Alison Carla Patricia Amy Christian Kenneth Lawrence Martin Angela Daniel Eileen Michael Jennifer Erica Joe Breanna Edward Marta Dorothy Dominic Ashley Sarah Meagan Karen Keynard

Passyn Prendergast Preziuso Profitt Ramos Reeves Riberio Ricco Rotondo Rush-Zwiercan Ryan Saddler Salamone Scarpato Scarpato Shicatano Singley Spaniak Stankavage Sterling Sucher Thomas Tinney Tomassetti Torres Van Ess Venuti Wanniski Wiemer Pfleger Curley Edouard

High School Staff Directory - Dial (610)485-6881

Social Studies

Ext: 1866


Ext: 1920


Ext: 1818

Secretary to the Principal

Ext: 1801


Ext: 1931


Ext: 1846

Guidance Secretary

Ext: 1944


Ext: 1836

CAP Program

Ext: 1955

Reading Specialist

Ext: 1851

Special Education

Ext: 1939


Ext: 1874

Assistant Principal

Ext: 4837


Ext: 1823

Physical Education

Ext: 7831


Ext: 1937

Special Education

Ext: 1828


Ext: 1898

Director of Activities and AthleticEsxt: 1800

Guidance Counselor

Ext: 1936

Foreign Language

Ext: 1891

Assistant Principal

Ext: 1833


Ext: 1915


Ext: 1813

Cafeteria Manager

Ext: 6419

CAP / Cyber Special Education Ext: 2855

Resource Officer

Ext: 1925

Cyber Coordinator

Ext: 1861

Language Arts

Ext: 1943

Life Skills

Ext: 2810

Attendance Secretary

Ext: 1930

Dean of Students

Ext: 1805

C 217 Float A 21 Main Office Library A 10 Guidance Lib 5 A33 A 18 C 23 C 228 Main Office Custodial Office Gym C229 A 26 C 207 Activities Office Guidance D105 Main Office C 213 A 24 Caf? CAP Office Main Office Lib 5 C 212 D 203 Main Office Dean's Office

High School Staff Directory - Dial (610)485-6881


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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