Brooklyn Technical High School

Brooklyn Technical High School

Prefect Announcements

Tues., March 9, 2010


Good morning Brooklyn Tech.  Today is Tuesday, March 9th and day 2 of the 10-day cycle.   And now, I would like to ask everyone to please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance:


I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.  And to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty, and Justice for All.


You may be seated.  And now for today’s announcements:

1. Sometime ago, Ms. Delahanty nominated Kudzai Tunduwani for a program called NYLC, a leadership conference in Washington D.C. During the final three days, all students selected someone from their group to be a candidate for speaker of the house and from there they went through three sets of interviews. Kudzai was selected as the speaker out of 204 students and got to run a model congress session at the department of the interior in D.C. Congratulations to Kudzai.

2. Credit Recovery Programs will be distributed during prefect on Wednesday. Speak to your guidance counselor if you have any questions.

3. There will be a general meeting for the National Beta Club in 2C3 immediately after period 9. Please arrive on time.

4. The LADY DRAGONS AND ORGANIZED CHAOS are performing at STOMP-FEST 2010 in Brooklyn on MARCH 13,2010 at 3pm. Tickets are $11 for the show and after party. For more detail see the Step Team Members at Practice in the cafeteria!

5. Every Tuesday of this month, the school cafeteria will be using biodegradable lunch trays instead of those bulky foam trays. We'd love to hear your feedback on these trays so please contact your respective class president voicing your concerns about the new trays.

6. Would you like a place where you can share your writing and discuss your ideas with fellow writers? Then come to Writer's Club, Tuesdays in room 4C1 after 9th period.

7. Attention all students in the International Arts & Science Major, there will be a meeting today at 3:00PM in room 8N8

8. TODAY'S WORD-A-DAY IS SALLY.  SALLY IS A VERB. IT MEANS to set out on a trip or excursion. TODAY'S WORD-A-DAY SENTENCE IS: On a ship called “The Argo,” Jason and his heroic crew sallied forth in search of the Golden Fleece.

9. All students from all class years interested in learning about Engineering schools, Institutes of Technology, and careers in the Engineering and Technology fields are URGED to attend our Panel Discussion on THURSDAY, MARCH 11 at 3:00PM in the Teachers’ Cafeteria.  See the event notice on the school calendar and e-mailed home to students for details about the colleges that are attending.

10. All students now have access to your own respective Daedulus accounts. Complete your registration.   Don’t choose to ignore your personal information. Choose to be informed. And to all of the sophomores, Majors will be selected using the Daedalus system, so it is especially important for sophomores to sign up NOW!!!!!!

11. This is a reminder to all staff and students who are in Majors. The time is coming for you to promote and publicize your Major. The Annual Major Conference is scheduled for March 10th and 11th. To all sophomores, that means that is time for you to start thinking about your Major of choice. There will be two conferences.

12. Did you know? Did you know that the English and Science Departments at Brooklyn Tech create their own periodic assessments to evaluate student skills in an attempt to help modify student academic goals and expectations. Academic Expectations. That’s one of the categories that NYC uses to evaluate your school. This is Your School, so use Your Voice. The NYC School Survey gives all NYC parents, teachers, and students in grades 6-12 the opportunity to provide feedback about the learning environment of their schools. The Learning Environment Survey is coming soon.

13. The Annual Blood Drive is scheduled for March 16th. Students and staff who are eligible and willing to save a life are encouraged to register. Registration and appointment forms are available in Room 7C1.

14. Juniors, we've been waiting two and a half years for an event of our own - something totally awesome for just the Class of 2011. Well Juniors, I'm glad to say that the wait is over. The Annual Junior Semi Formal will be held at The Cathedral NYC, a HOT party spot in Manhattan that's SO hot, the 2007 Fashion Show was there! Wanna go? Payments of $70 will be collected online at starting TODAY, Monday March 8th, and will be collected until Friday, March 26th . A late fee of $5 will be added after Friday, March 19th. Permission slips will be available online at or in your BTHS email. And you MAY bring a date 18 or younger. Space is limited, so secure your spot today!

15. How many of you want to pay $5 a day to get to school and back? Well, as of now that's what we'll have to do for the 2010/2011 school year. That would add up to almost $1000 a year! Join the March on the MTA to tell the MTA that if they can afford to pay their Executives multi million dollar bonuses, they can pay for the student metrocard program. Meet us at the MTA headquarters at 2 Broadway at 4 PM Next Friday, March 19th, 2010.

16. If you are interested in being an editor for the photography or art section in Horizons, e-mail horizonspeople@ or fill out the sign up sheet in room 4E20. The deadline for it is March 15. 

17. The Documentary Club will be showing V for Vendetta this Wednesday March 10th in room 6E6.  V for Vendetta is set in a fictional fascist state of England where the freedom fighter known as V fights the oppressive society.

18. Attention seniors: The Blast from the Past Dance is this Friday! RSVP for the dance on the school's website in order to reserve YOUR spot free of charge. This is only a senior exclusive dance, so underclassmen, we are sorry.


20. Attention seniors: Nerd Day is now scheduled for Monday, March 8th. All other senior pride days remain unchanged. Please check your BTHS Emails for the full schedule.

21. The Annual Basketball Tournament is back!! Any teams interested in playing must have a team of 8 people. There is a $16 entrance fee to participate ($2 per person on a team). For more information see Miss O'Neal in room BW22. MORE INFORMATION WILL BE ANNOUNCED AT A LATER DATE!!

22. If you wish to have the morning announcements emailed to you daily, then go to the school website to find out how you can do that.

23. To have your announcement read during the morning announcements, you must email your message to Mr. Williams at no later than the evening prior to the morning announcements.

Remember, for the latest, up-to-date news, please go to BTHS.EDU or .  These announcements will also be read during the lunch periods.

Thank you, and those have been our announcements for today.  

Have a safe, pleasant, and positive day!


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