California Treasures – Second Grade
California Treasures – Second Grade
Weekly Literature
Unit 1/Week 1 – Friends at School
| |Decodable |Oral |Student Book |Wonders Content |Read Aloud |Retelling Cards |
| |Readers |Vocabulary |(Anthology) | |Anthology | |
| | |Cards | | | | |
|Mon. |Pat and Tim |What Goat Learned |School is Starting | | | |
| | | |pg.8 | | | |
|Tues. |Pat and Tim |What Goat Learned |David’s New Friends | | |David’s New |
| |(reread) |(reread) |pg.10 | | |Friends |
|Wed. |Money | |David’s New Friends |All About | | |
| | | |pg. 10 |Location pg. 102 | | |
|Thurs. |Money (reread) | |Field Trip to an | |First Day of | |
| | | |Aquarium pg. 28 | |School and The Art| |
| | | |Reading and Writing | |Lesson | |
| | | |Connection pg. 32 | |pg. 9 | |
|Fri. |Pat and Tim/Money | |David’s New Friends | |Room for More | |
| |(reread) | |pg. 10 | |(play) pg. 158 | |
California Treasures – Second Grade
Weekly Literature
Unit 1/ Week 2 – Pet Friends
| |Decodable Readers |Oral Vocabulary |Student Book |Wonders Content |Read Aloud |Retelling Cards |
| | |Cards |(Anthology) | |Anthology | |
|Mon. |Len and Gus |The Three Friends |Making Muffins and a| | | |
| | | |Friend pg. 36 | | | |
|Tues. |Len and Gus |The Three Friends |Mr. Putter & Tabby | | |Mr. Putter & |
| |(reread) | |Pour the Tea pg. 38 | | |Tabby Pour the |
| | | | | | |Tea |
|Wed. |How Penguins and | |Mr. Putter & Tabby |Countries Work | | |
| |Butterflies Grow | |Pour the Tea pg. 38 |Together pg. 138 | | |
|Thurs. |How Penguins and | |Cat Kisses pg. 62 | |The Lion and the | |
| |Butterflies Grow | |Reading and Writing | |Mouse pg. 14 | |
| |(reread) | |Connection pg. 64 | | | |
|Fri. |Len and Gus/How | |Mr. Putter & Tabby | |Room for More | |
| |Penguins and | |Pour the Tea pg. 38 | |(play) pg. 158 | |
| |Butterflies Grow | | | | | |
| |(reread) | | | | | |
California Treasures – Second Grade
Weekly Literature
Unit 1/Week 3 – Family Friends
| |Decodable Readers |Oral Vocabulary |Student Book |Wonders Content |Read Aloud |Retelling Cards |
| | |Cards |(Anthology) | |Anthology | |
|Mon. |You Can Bake a |The Story of the |A Family that Digs | | | |
| |Cake |Donkey |Together pg. 68 | | | |
|Tues. |You Can Bake a |The Story of the |Their Native Tongue | | | |
| |Cake (reread) |Donkey |pg. 70 | | | |
|Wed. |Our Red, White, | |Their Native Tongue |Then and Now | | |
| |and Blue Holidays | |Pg. 70 |pg. 96 | | |
|Thurs. |Our Red, White, | |Memory Keepers pg. | |Lewis and Clark | |
| |and Blue Holidays | |74/Write on Demand | |pg. 112 | |
| |(reread) | |pg. 76 | | | |
|Fri. |You Can Bake a | |Their Native Tongue | |Room for More | |
| |Cake/Our Red, | |Pg. 70 | |(play) pg. 158 | |
| |White, and Blue | | | | | |
| |Holidays | | | | | |
| |(reread) | | | | | |
*No retelling cards
California Treasures – Second Grade
Weekly Literature
Unit 1/Week 4 – Special Friends
| |Decodable Readers |Oral Vocabulary |Student Book |Wonders Content |Read Aloud |Retelling Cards |
| | |Cards |(Anthology) | |Anthology | |
|Mon. |Mike’s Big Bike |The Nightingale |A Special Camp | | | |
| | | |pg. 80 | | | |
|Tues. |Mike’s Big Bike |The Nightingale |Meet Rosina | | |Meet Rosina |
| |(reread) | |Pg. 82 | | | |
|Wed. |Inside a Factory | |Meet Rosina |Governments of Other | | |
| | | |Pg. 82 |Countries | | |
| | | | |Pg. 132 | | |
|Thurs. |Inside a Factory | |You-Tu | |I Wish I Were a | |
| |(reread) | |Pg. 104/Reading and | |Butterfly pg. 22 | |
| | | |Writing Connection | | | |
| | | |pg. 106 | | | |
|Fri. |Mike’s Big | |Meet Rosina | |Room for More | |
| |Bike/Inside a | |Pg. 82 | |(play) | |
| |Factory (reread) | | | |pg. 158 | |
California Treasures – Second Grade
Weekly Literature
Unit 1/Week 5 – Friends from Faraway
| |Decodable Readers |Oral Vocabulary |Student Book |Wonders Content |Read Aloud |Retelling Cards |
| | |Cards |(Anthology) | |Anthology | |
|Mon. |At Home in Nome |The Statue of |My New Home pg. 110 | | | |
| | |Liberty | | | | |
|Tues. |At Home in Nome |The Statue of |My Name is Yoon pg. | | |My Name is Yoon |
| |(reread) |Liberty |112 | | | |
|Wed. |Keeping Fit | |My Name is Yoon |Our Ancestors in | | |
| | | |Pg. 112 |California pg. | | |
| | | | |114 | | |
|Thurs. |Keeping Fit | |New Americans in | |The American Wei | |
| | | |California pg. | |pg. 28 | |
| | | |140/Reading and | | | |
| | | |Writing Connection | | | |
| | | |pg. 144 | | | |
|Fri. |At Home in Nome/ | |My Name is Yoon pg. | |Room for More | |
| |Keeping Fit | |112 | |(play) | |
| |(reread) | | | |pg. 158 | |
California Treasures – Second Grade
Weekly Literature
Unit 1/Week 6 – Spiral Review
|Teacher’s Manual |Student Book (Anthology) |Writing Transparencies |Teacher’s Resource Book |
|Pg. 146B -151L |Puggles and Schnoodles |1 – 4 |Pg. 189 - 192 |
| |pg. 146 | | |
| |Watching Whales | | |
| |Pg. 148 | | |
| |Critical Thinking | | |
| |Pg. 150 | | |
*Technology: Using Computer Applications Teacher’s Manual pg. 151 I
*Home-School Connection: Teacher’s Manual pg. 151L
Friendship Day
California Treasures – Second Grade
Weekly Literature
Unit 2/Week 1 – Family Heroes
| |Decodable Readers |Oral Vocabulary |Student Book |Wonders Content |Read Aloud |Retelling Cards |
| | |Cards |(Anthology) | |Anthology | |
|Mon. |Watch the Birch |Two Brothers |E-mails from Other | | | |
| |Tree | |Places pg. 158 | | | |
|Tues. |Watch the Birch |Two Brothers |Babu’s Song | | |Babu’s Song |
| |Tree (reread) | |pg. 160 | | | |
|Wed. |A World of Animals| |Babu’s Song |North America | | |
| | | |Pg. 160 |pg. 108 | | |
|Thurs. |Keeping A World of| |Where in the World is| |Grandma’s Records | |
| |Animals (reread) | |Tanzania pg. | |pg. 153 | |
| | | |190/Reading and | | | |
| | | |Writing Connection | | | |
| | | |pg. 194 | | | |
|Fri. |Watch the Birch | |Babu’s Song | |The Search for the| |
| |Tree/A World of | |pg. 160 | |Magic Lake (play) | |
| |Animals (reread) | | | |pg. 192 | |
California Treasures – Second Grade
Weekly Literature
Unit 2/Week 2 – Local Heroes
| |Decodable Readers |Oral Vocabulary |Student Book |Wonders Content |Read Aloud |Retelling Cards |
| | |Cards |(Anthology) | |Anthology | |
|Mon. |It Won’t Be Easy |The Scent of Bread |Fun at the Library | | | |
| | | |Pg. 198 | | | |
|Tues. |It Won’t Be Easy |The Scent of Bread |Tomas and the Library| | |Tomas and the |
| |(reread) | |Lady | | |Library Lady |
| | | |pg. 200 | | | |
|Wed. |It’s All Matter | |Tomas and the Library|People Making | | |
| | | |Lady |Differences | | |
| | | |Pg. 200 |pg. 168 | | |
|Thurs. |It’s All Matter | |Local Hero | |Max | |
| |(reread) | |Pg. 228/Reading and | |pg. 51 | |
| | | |Writing Connection | | | |
| | | |pg. 230 | | | |
|Fri. |It Won’t Be | |Tomas and the Library| |The Search for the| |
| |Easy/It’s All | |Lady | |Magic Lake (play) | |
| |Matter (reread) | |pg. 200 | |pg. 192 | |
California Treasures – Second Grade
Weekly Literature
Unit 2/Week 3 – Community Worker Heroes
| |Decodable Readers |Oral Vocabulary |Student Book |Wonders Content |Read Aloud |Retelling Cards |
| | |Cards |(Anthology) | |Anthology | |
|Mon. |Franny’s Rain |How Coyote Stole |Firehouse | | | |
| |Forest |Fire |Friendships pg. 234 | | | |
|Tues. |Franny’s Rain |How Coyote Stole |Fighting the Fire | | | |
| |Forest (reread) |Fire |pg. 236 | | | |
|Wed. |The Sky at Night | |Fighting the Fire |How do Rocks | | |
| | | |pg. 236 |Change? | | |
| | | | |pg. 72 | | |
|Thurs. |The Sky at Night | |Different Ways to | |No Dragons for | |
| |(reread) | |Put Out a Fire | |Tea: Fire Safety | |
| | | |Pg. 240/Write on | |for Kids (and | |
| | | |Demand pg. 242 | |Dragons) | |
| | | | | |Pg. 18 | |
|Fri. |Franny’s | |Fighting the Fire | |The Search for the| |
| |Rain Forest/The | |Pg. 236 | |Magic Lake (play) | |
| |Sky at Night | | | |pg. 192 | |
| |(reread) | | | | | |
* No Retelling Cards
California Treasures – Second Grade
Weekly Literature
Unit 2/Week 4 – What Makes a Hero?
| |Decodable Readers |Oral Vocabulary |Student Book |Wonders Content |Read Aloud |Retelling Cards |
| | |Cards |(Anthology) | |Anthology | |
|Mon. |Three Goats and a |John Henry: An |One Slippery Fish | | | |
| |Troll |American Tall Tale |Pg. 246 | | | |
|Tues. |Three Goats and a |John Henry: An |One Grain of Rice | | |One Grain of Rice|
| |Troll (reread) |American Tall Tale |pg. 248 | | | |
|Wed. |From Coast to | |One Grain of Rice |Leaders for | | |
| |Coast | |Pg. 246 |Freedom | | |
| | | | |pg. 174 | | |
|Thurs. |From Coast to | |Same Story Different | |A Dress for the | |
| |Coast | |Culture | |Moon | |
| |(reread) | |Pg. 276/Reading and | |Pg. 124 | |
| | | |Writing Connection | | | |
| | | |pg. 280 | | | |
|Fri. |Three Goats and a | |One Grain of Rice | |The Search for the| |
| |Troll/From Coast | |Pg. 246 | |Magic Lake (play) | |
| |to Coast (reread) | | | |pg. 192 | |
California Treasures – Second Grade
Weekly Literature
Unit 2/Week 5 – Heroes from Long Ago
| |Decodable Readers |Oral Vocabulary |Student Book |Wonders Content |Read Aloud |Retelling Cards |
| | |Cards |(Anthology) | |Anthology | |
|Mon. |Luke’s Tune |Daedalus and Icarus|Kid Inventors Then | | | |
| | | |and Now | | | |
| | | |Pg. 284 | | | |
|Tues. |Luke’s Tune (reread)|Daedalus and Icarus|African-American | | |African-American|
| | | |Inventors | | |Inventors |
| | | |pg. 286 | | | |
|Wed. |Germs | |African-American |George Washington | | |
| | | |Inventors |Carver | | |
| | | |Pg. 286 |pg. 180 | | |
|Thurs. |Germs | |Inventors Time Line | |So You Want to Be | |
| |(reread) | |pg. 308/Reading and | |an Inventor? | |
| | | |Writing Connection | |Pg. 146 | |
| | | |Pg. 310 | | | |
|Fri. |Luke’s Tune/Germs | |African-American | |The Search for the| |
| |(reread) | |Inventors | |Magic Lake (play) | |
| | | |Pg. 286 | |pg. 192 | |
California Treasures – Second Grade
Weekly Literature
Unit 2/Week 6 – Spiral Review
|Teacher’s Manual |Student Book (Anthology) |Writing Transparencies |Teacher’s Resource Book |
|Pg. 312B -317L |The Story of the Umbrella |7 – 12 |Pg. 193 - 196 |
| |pg. 312 | | |
| |Rainiest Cities in the United | | |
| |States | | |
| |Pg. 314 | | |
| |Critical Thinking | | |
| |Pg. 316 | | |
*Technology: Using Computer Applications Teacher’s Manual pg. 317 I
*Home-School Connection: Teacher’s Manual pg. 317L
Community Hero Day
California Treasures – Second Grade
Weekly Literature
Unit 3/Week 1 – Dancing
| |Decodable Readers |Oral Vocabulary |Student Book |Wonders Content |Read Aloud |Retelling Cards |
| | |Cards |(Anthology) | |Anthology | |
|Mon. |Shirl and Her Tern |The Powwow: A |A Little Symphony | | | |
| | |Native American |Pg. 324 | | | |
| | |Celebration | | | | |
|Tues. |Shirl and Her Tern |The Powwow: A |The Alvin Ailey Kids | | |Dancing As a Team|
| |(reread) |Native American |Dancing As a Team | | | |
| | |Celebration |pg. 326 | | | |
|Wed. |Planets | |The Alvin Ailey Kids |*What is | | |
| | | |Dancing As a Team |Gravity? pg. 18 | | |
| | | |Pg. 326 | | | |
|Thurs. |Planets | |You’ll Sing a Song | |Boy, He Can Dance!| |
| |(reread) | |and I’ll Sing a Song | |Pg. 68 | |
| | | |Pg. 346/Reading and | | | |
| | | |Writing Connection | | | |
| | | |pg. 348 | | | |
|Fri. |Shirl and Her | |The Alvin Ailey Kids | |Mother Goose to | |
| |Tern/Planets | |Dancing As a Team | |the Rescue | |
| |(reread) | |Pg. 326 | |(play) | |
| | | | | |pg. 207 | |
*The TM refers to What is Gravity however the Wonders Reader has a selection titled Gravity.
California Treasures – Second Grade
Weekly Literature
Unit 3/Week 2 – Folktales
| |Decodable Readers |Oral Vocabulary |Student Book |Wonders Content |Read Aloud |Retelling Cards |
| | |Cards |(Anthology) | |Anthology | |
|Mon. |Hide and Seek |La Cucarachita |Goldilocks and the | | | |
| | |Martina Gets |Three Bears | | | |
| | |Married |Pg. 352 | | | |
|Tues. |Hide and Seek |La Cucarachita |Abuelo and the Three | | |Abuelo and the |
| |(reread) |Martina Gets |Bears | | |Three Bears |
| | |Married |pg. 354 | | | |
|Wed. |Fossils | |Abuelo and the Three |From Farm to | | |
| | | |Bears |Home | | |
| | | |Pg. 354 |pg. 150 | | |
|Thurs. |Fossils | |The Three Bears pg. | |Nail Soup | |
| |(reread) | |378/Reading and | |Pg. 84 | |
| | | |Writing Connection | | | |
| | | |pg. 382 | | | |
|Fri. |Hide and | |Abuelo and the Three | |Mother Goose to | |
| |Seek/Fossils | |Bears | |the Rescue (play) | |
| |(reread) | |Pg. 354 | |pg. 207 | |
California Treasures – Second Grade
Weekly Literature
Unit 3/Week 3 – Music and Art
| |Decodable Readers |Oral Vocabulary |Student Book |Wonders Content |Read Aloud |Retelling Cards |
| | |Cards |(Anthology) | |Anthology | |
|Mon. |Meg Cage in Space |Spider Woman |Frozen Art | | | |
| | |Teaches the Navajo |Pg. 386 | | | |
| | |How to Weave | | | | |
|Tues. |Meg Cage in Space |Spider Woman |Music of the Stone | | | |
| |(reread) |Teaches the Navajo |Age | | | |
| | |How to Weave |pg. 388 | | | |
|Wed. |Bananas: From Farm to | |Music of the Stone |What is Sound? | | |
| |Home | |Age |pg. 30 | | |
| | | |Pg. 388 | | | |
|Thurs. |Bananas: From Farm to | |The Art of Recycling| |The Bremen Town | |
| |Home | | | |Musicians | |
| |(reread) | |Pg. 392/Write on | |Pg. 140 | |
| | | |Demand pg. 394 | | | |
|Fri. |Meg Cage in | |Music of the Stone | |Mother Goose to | |
| |Space/Bananas: From Farm | |Age | |the Rescue | |
| |to Home (reread) | |Pg. 388 | |(play) | |
| | | | | |pg. 207 | |
• No Retelling Cards
• Why read The Bremen Town Musicians during the Smart Start weeks and here as well?
California Treasures – Second Grade
Weekly Literature
Unit 3/Week 4 – Writing
| |Decodable Readers |Oral Vocabulary |Student Book |Wonders Content |Read Aloud |Retelling Cards |
| | |Cards |(Anthology) | |Anthology | |
|Mon. |More Fun Than a Hat! |On the Farm |Iggy Pig Saves the | | | |
| | | |Day | | | |
| | | |Pg. 398 | | | |
|Tues. |More Fun Than a Hat! |One the Farm |Click, Clack, Moo | | |Click, Clack, |
| |(reread) | |Cows That Type | | |Moo Cows That |
| | | |pg. 400 | | |Type |
|Wed. |Famous U.S. Landmarks| |Click, Clack, Moo |Farming Yesterday| | |
| | | |Cows That Type |and Today | | |
| | | |Pg. 400 |pg. 144 | | |
|Thurs. |Famous U.S. Landmarks| |California Grows! Pg.| |Barnyard Lullaby | |
| |(reread) | |426/Reading and | |Pg. 73 | |
| | | |Writing Connection | | | |
| | | |pg. 430 | | | |
|Fri. |More Fun Than a | |Click, Clack, Moo | |Mother Goose to | |
| |Hat!/Famous U.S. | |Cows That Type | |the Rescue | |
| |Landmarks (reread) | |Pg. 400 | |(play) | |
| | | | | |pg. 207 | |
California Treasures – Second Grade
Weekly Literature
Unit 3/Week 5 – Our Stories
| |Decodable Readers |Oral Vocabulary |Student Book |Wonders Content |Read Aloud |Retelling Cards |
| | |Cards |(Anthology) | |Anthology | |
|Mon. |The Caring King’s |How Anansi Brought |Making Stories Happen| | | |
| |Fair Wish |Stories to Earth |Pg. 434 | | | |
|Tues. |The Caring King’s |How Anansi Brought |Stirring Up Memories | | |Stirring Up |
| |Fair Wish (reread)|Stories to Earth |pg. 436 | | |Memories |
|Wed. |One Land, Many | |Stirring Up Memories |From City to | | |
| |Cultures | |Pg. 436 |Country | | |
| | | | |pg. 120 | | |
|Thurs. |One Land, Many | |Brush Dance, Crayons | |If You Were a | |
| |Cultures | |pg. 454/Reading and | |Writer | |
| |(reread) | |Writing Connection | |Pg. 133 | |
| | | |pg. 456 | | | |
|Fri. |The Caring King’s | |Stirring Up Memories | |Mother Goose to | |
| |Fair Wish/One | |Pg. 436 | |the Rescue | |
| |Land, Many | | | |(play) | |
| |Cultures (reread) | | | |pg. 207 | |
California Treasures – Second Grade
Weekly Literature
Unit 3/Week 6 – Spiral Review
|Teacher’s Manual |Student Book (Anthology) |Writing Transparencies |Teacher’s Resource Book |
|Pg. 458B -463L |The Win |13– 18 |Pg. 197 - 200 |
| |pg. 458 | | |
| |Make A Pinata | | |
| | | | |
| |Pg. 460 | | |
| |Critical Thinking | | |
| |Pg. 462 | | |
*Technology: Using Computer Applications Teacher’s Manual pg. 463 I
*Home-School Connection: Teacher’s Manual pg. 463L
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