Middle School Bible Trivia

[Pages:2]Middle School Bible Trivia Miscellaneous

1. What are the first two words of every Beatitude recorded in Mathews? Answer: Blessed are (Matthew 5)

2. What did Mary use to wipe the feet of Jesus after anointing them with perfume? Answer: Her hair (John 12:3)

3. Who took the body of Jesus to be entombed? Answer: Joseph of Arimathea (Matthew 27:57-58)

4. Who prevented his jailer from killing himself? Answer: Paul (Acts 16:28)

5. What did Herod do as a result of Peter being freed from jail by an angel? Answer: He executed the guards (Acts 12:19)

6. What was the occupation of the man who asked Paul and Silas: "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?"? Answer: Jailer (Acts 16:30)

7. Who did Jesus say would remind the disciples of everything He said after He had gone? Answer: Holy Ghost (John 14:26)

8. What was the occupation of Cornelius? Answer: Centurion (Acts 10:1)

9. What physical injury was done to Jesus when they saw he was already dead on the crosss? Answer: His side was pierced (John 19:34)

10. Which book records the parable of the Good Samaritan? Answer: Luke (Luke 10:25-35)

11. Who was the agent of God's healing of Paul's blindness? Answer: Ananias (Acts 9:17-18)

12. What did God say at the baptism of Jesus? Answer: "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleases." (Matthew 3:17)

13. What had Jacob been doing all night just before God changed his name to Israel? Answer: Wrestling with God (Genesis 32:2)

14. God is described as physically writing three times in the bible. Upon what did He write the third time? Answer: A wall (Daniel 5:5-12)

15. What did the Israelite put on their door to prevent them from having their first-born sons killed? Answer: Blood of a lamb (Exodus 11:5-7)

16. What did the subjects of Nebucadnezzar have to do when they heard music? Answer: Fall down and worship him (Daniel 3:15)

17. Who was taken up to Heaven in a Chariot of fire? Answer: Elijah (II King 2:11)

18. What prominent individual was the first cremated in the Bible? Answer: Saul (I Samuel 8:6)

19. Whose spirit did Saul ask to consult through a medium? Answer: Samuel's (I Samuel 28:7-8)

20. At what did Ishmael become adept while living in the desert? Answer: Archery (Genesis 21:20)

21. What did Samson bet thirty men that they could not do? Answer: Solve his riddle (Judges 14:12-14)

22. What motivated Moses to break the tables of the Ten Commandments? Answer: Seeing the golden calf (Exodus 32)

23. Name the twelve Apostles. Answer: Peter, Andrew, James, John, Phillip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James (Son of Apphaeus), Simon, Judas, Judas Iscariot

24. How many times does the word Immanuel occur it the Bible? Answer: 3 times (Isaiah 7:14;8:8 and Matthew 1:23)

25. What is the relationship between Andrew and Peter? Answer: Brothers


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