Christ The King Primary School and Nursery Unit

Christ the King Primary School and Nursery

Newsletter-March 2020

St Patrick’s Day: The school will be closed on Monday 16th & Tuesday 17th March for the St. Patrick’s Day Holiday. The school will re-open on Wednesday 18th March.

Easter Holidays:-

School will close at 12 noon on Thursday 9th April and will reopen again on Monday 20th April.

|Paired Reading |

|Year 3 children and their parents are invited to attend the launch of our Paired Reading Project on Thursday 5th March at |

|2.30pm. This will be a 4 week programme where parents and children enjoy reading together. |

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Book Fair

A total of £940.60 was spent at the Book Fair which means that we now have £564 to spend on novels for the school. A huge thank you for your support.


It is important that homework is completed and signed by a parent each night.

Indoor Girls Gaelic Football Blitz

Good luck to the girl’s football team who play in the Station Centre on Thursday 5th March.

World Book Day

We will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 5th March.

• Pupils in Nursery, Year 1, 2, 3 & 4 can come to school dressed as a character from their favourite book.

• Years 1 – 7 will take part in a ‘Book Swap’ where they can bring in a book to swap with a friend.

• Key Stage 2 pupils will be a ‘Book Buddy’ and will read to the younger children.

There will be a Literacy Homework Activity to promote World Book Day.

School Uniform

It is essential that all children wear their full school uniform. Track suit bottoms and other t-shirts are not part of the school uniform. We would remind all parents to ensure that items of school uniform are re-marked with your child’s name as during the warmer weather children take off jumpers. We thank you for your co-operation.

Green Day

Friday 15th March – Pupils wear something green and are asked to donate £1 per child.

Young Enterprise

As part of Young Enterprise the year 7 pupils are making Mothers’ Day crafts which will be on sale on Thursday 12th March from 10.00am – 12.00pm in the market at Main Street. Please come along and show your support for the pupils.

Hometime Arrangements

All pupils should be collected from the playground. Teachers will bring the pupils outside to the playground where they will line up in their class. For the safety of your child pupils are to be collected from their line. Parents are asked not to gather around the main entrance or foyer as this causes great congestion. We thank you for your co-operation in this matter.


There is much congestion at the front of the school with parking particularly at home time. This is a Health and Safety issue and we would ask that cars are not abandoned blocking others and the footpath is kept clear. Please park appropriately and be mindful of others


Year 6 Assembly - Friday 13th March at 10.30am.

After School Activities

• Nursery, Years 1 & 2 – CoreNI - Thursday from 2.00pm – 3.00pm starting Friday 6th and will run for 5 weeks. We would ask that £15 be paid at the beginning of the programme.

• Yr 6 & 7 Gaelic Coaching Gaelic Coaching at Healy Park Monday 3.00pm – 4.00pm


The Sacrament of Confirmation takes place on Saturday 7th March at 3.00pm in Christ the King Church. Children are asked to be in the church no later than 2.30pm. A practice for children and sponsors takes place on Thursday 5th March at 7.00pm in Christ the King Church. We pray that the Holy Spirit will guide them in the decisions they make in the years ahead. Enjoy your special day.

Sacramental Preparation

• First Confession will take place on Thursday 12th March in Christ the King Church at 6.30pm.

Dates for the Diary

• Monday 2nd March – Yr 7 Confirmation Retreat

• Thursday 5th March – Girls Indoor Gaelic Tournament

• Thursday 5th March - Paired Reading Meeting Yr 3 at 2.30pm

• Thursday 5th March – Confirmation Practice at 7.00pm in Christ the King Church

• Thursday 5th March – World Book Day

• Saturday 7th March – Yr 7 Confirmation at 3.00pm in Christ the King Church

• Monday 9th March – Birds of Prey

• Tuesday 10th March – Parent Art Workshop

• Thursday 12th March – First Confession at 6.30pm in Christ the King Church

• Thursday 12th March – Young Enterprise Fair in Mainstreet

• Friday 13th March – Green Day

• Friday 13th March – Yr 6 Assembly

• Monday 30th March – Yr 3 Young Enterprise


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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