Guro Ako - Teacher Talks

TEACHER’S GUIDEQuarter 2Week?10I.ObjectivesA.?Expressive?ObjectivesObserve politeness at all timesB.?Instructional?ObjectivesOral?LanguageMake a standOral?Reading?FluencyRead grade level text with accuracy., approriate rate and proper expressionWriting CompositionDistinguish amomnfg Forms (kinds and descriptions)Fill outforms accurately(school forms,deposit and witdrawal slips,etc.)ViewingDetermine images/ideas that are explicity used to influence viewersStereotypes -point of view- propagandeesAttitudesObserve politeness at all timesII.?Subject?MatterTopics1. Read grade level text with accuracy., approriate rate and proper expression2. Distinguish among Forms (kinds and descriptions) Fill outforms accurately(school forms,deposit and witdrawal slips,etc.)3. Determine images/ideas that are explicity used to influence viewersStereotypes -point of view- propagandees4. Observe politeness at all timesB.?Materials: Projector, pictures, chart References: English Textbook Expressway Language and Reading Teachers Guide Grade IV,Lesson guide in English V https/www , .ph, Day?1 – Oral LanguageObjectives:Make a stand ? Subject Matter:Making a stand References: EN5OL-IIj-4, HYPERLINK "" Materials: pictures, chart,flashcard, projectorIII. Learning ActivitiesSetting the Stage Take a stand game. Stand up if you are agree with the statement and sit down if you are disagree .– Tattoos are wrong for a young like me-I know how to handle life– I know what true love is- I am lucky to be a Filipino– Graduation from High School should be followed immediately by College– Everyone should experience to read good book, watch movie, and used Facebook anytime– Everyone should be more environmentally conscious– Not everyone has the right to go to school to learn– All children should not play outdoors.– Everyone should love and be loved.– Competition increases performance level of children.Explaining the student what to doAfter students have taken their stand, emphasize that in this matter there are no right or wrong positions, since everyone is entitled to stand in their own opinion....?Modeling for students Then play the role of interviewer and ask individuals from different groups to stand in this statement. “ A beautiful house and ugly car or an ugly house and beautiful car? Teacher will give her stand first.Guided Practice: WOULD YOU RATHER game. (Teacher will prepare two corner side of the classroom for the game)Leader or one member of the group go to one side of the room to take a stand for their beliefs and make a short reason why the choose it. Would you rather be rich and ugly, or poor and good looking?Would you rather be stranded on an island alone or with someone you hate?Would you rather be the most popular or the smartest person you know?Would you rather be the sand castle or the wave?Would you rather eat a bar of soap or drink a bottle of dishwashing liquid? Would you rather give bad advice or take bad advice?Would you rather eat a stick of butter or a gallon of ice cream?Would you rather eat a stick of margarine or five tablespoons of hot pepper sauce?Would you rather eat poison ivy or a handful of bumblebees?Would you rather end hunger or hatred?Would you rather find true love or 10 million dollars?Independent PracticeRead some controversial issues flash on the projector. Take a short Brainstorming by the group and make a stand on how you feel about the topic. Designated areas where assigned for the group to stand:Stand in front of the classroom -strongly agree, Back of the classroom – strongly disagreeRight part of the classroom- somewhat agreeLeft part of the classroom-no opinionIs cloning or copying good or badShould death penalty be stoppedShould cell phones be allowed in schoolsAre prisons the only way to eliminate crime?Can curfews help keep teenagers out of trouble?Is it justified not to allow a single male to adopt a child?Is global warming real? and Global warming, fact or fictionGay marriages and lesbian marriages; is a crime against nature?Closure Assessment:What have you learned for today? How to make a stand?To make a stand is to determined effort to defend something or to stop something from happening. The key is to completely believing in the topic yourself. Because if you don't believe in what you're telling or writing, how can you convince the listener or someone else.Evaluation:Make a stand based on the topic sentence below, “The School Uniform Question”.Write it on your notebook and read it with confident to the class.School uniforms should be required in public schools for three ic Sentence – Body 1 .First, wearing school uniforms would help make students ’lives ic Sentence – Body 2. Second, school uniforms influence students to act responsibly in groups and as ic Sentence – Body 3. Finally, students feel equal when they are all wearing the same school uniform Day 2- Oral?Reading?Fluency Read grade level text with accuracy., approriate rate anfd proper expressionObjectives:Observe politeness at all timesRead grade level text with accuracy, appropriate rate and proper expressionSubject Matter:Making a standReading grade level text with accuracy, appropriate rate and proper expressionStory: Princess PoliteReferences: EN5F-IIj-1.3, EN5F-IIj-1.6, EN5F-IIj-1.7, EN5A-IIj-16 : chart, flashcardLearning ActivitiesSetting the Stage: Practice reading silent W. silent T, Silent HSilent WSilent TSilent HwrotewitchwhatwrestlingcastlewhenwrinklefastenwherewholesoftenwhitetwooftenrhythmwraplistenhourwristChristmashonestExplaining the students what to do Refer to LM ( Find out and Learn)Give the most common words and phrases that anyone who cares about proper etiquette that incorporate into everyday language:?– This is one of those words that can show good manners or come across as sarcastic, based on your tone. Any time you ask for something, it's always a good idea to add this word to soften the request. ( please)– When someone says, "Thank you," your instant response should be, "You're welcome," "You're certainly welcome," or some variation that feels comfortable to you. Another way to express the same thought is, "I was happy to do it," or, "My pleasure." (You're welcome)Modeling for studentsTeacher will read the story “Princess Polite” with accuracy, appropriate rate and proper expression. Refer to LM Try and LearnGuided PracticeComprehension Checkup, Refer to LM Find Out and LearnRead the story, 1st group will read the first paragraph guided by the teacher and so on.Independent Practice: Role PlayingRefer to LM -Do and learnGroup story presentation; make a script or dialogue based in the story. Make it sure to recite the lines with accuracy and proper expression.Evaluation: Using Fish bowl, teacher call individual to read the story with.accuracy, appropriate rate and proper expression.Day 3- Oral Reading FluencyObjectivesDistinguish among Forms (kinds and descriptions)Fill out forms accurately (school forms, deposit and withdrawal, slips, etc.)Subject Matter:Distinguish among Forms (kinds and descriptions)Fill out forms accurately (school forms, deposit and withdrawal, slips, etc.) References: EN5WC-IIj-3.7, : Pictures, copy of song, Projector.Learning ActivitiesSetting the stageRead the following words with /f/ correctly.fillformfoundfindfoldfundfindfellAsk: Have you experienced filling out forms? When did you fill out forms? What forms have you already filled out? Today, we are going to study how to fill out forms.Explaining what the students what to doRefer to LM Find Out and LearnShow the enrolment form to the class. What kind of form is this?What information is asked for in the form? Let us fill up this form together.Modeling for studentsShow the different sample of form flash in the projector. (Refer to LM) Try and LearnGuided PracticeRefer to LM- Do and LearnSay: Let us fill out this form together. Post an enlarged photocopy of the National Achievement Test form.Independent Practice: Refer to LM- Learn Some MoreSmall Group DynamicsDivide the class into four groups. Provide each group a form to fill out.Closure AssessmentSay: Now that you are already familiar words, what should you remember to fill out forms, what should you do to make it clean and neat? What should you remember in giving out information? Refer to LM- RememberEvaluation: Provide the learners with a photocopy of the school admission form. Fill out the form accurately. Refer To LM ( Try and Learn)Day 4 - AttitudesObjectivesDetermine images/ideas that are explicity used to influence viewersStereotypes -point of view- propagandeesSubject Matter:Determine images/ideas that are explicity used to influence viewersStereotypes References: EN5VC-IIj-7, EN5VC-IIj-7.1 : story of the selection, illustration/pictures, lcd projector for Power Point Learning activitiesSetting the Stage: Let the pupils analyze the words or the ideas inside the box.676275127000.?Explaining the Students what to doWhat are the words that explain the word stereotype inside the box?Look at the different images of a girls, Do you think that describe with them is true?120967511747500Modeling for StudentsWatch the video,”Stereotype song”( )Guided Practice-Watch the Short Video: Types of Kid at School Do you think that the images and action of the kid in the short video will influence viewers?Independent PracticeDivide the class into four groups and supply each student in the class with a marker.Give each group one of the five sheets of paper. Ask them to list as many stereotypes that are commonly used to describe the category of people written at the top of paper. Give students three minutes to complete the exercise. Emphasize that students should list stereotypes that they have heard, not ones that they necessarily believe to be true.When they are finished, rotate the sheets of paper between groups so that each group works on a new sheet. Have them add any unlisted stereotype adjectives. Rotate every three minutes until every group has worked on every sheet.Closure Assessment.Discussion on the exercise, ask the students the following question:How do the stereotypes recorded by the class make you feel?What do you notice about the stereotypes listed? Be aware that the students may have listed good and bad adjectives, many stereotypes for different groups, or the same stereotypes for different groups.Where have you seen these stereotypes portrayed? television programs, movies, magazines, books?How do you think a stereotype might cause someone to act unfairly toward another person?A stereotype is a thought that can be adopted about specific types of individuals or certain ways of doing things. These thoughts or beliefs may or may not accurately reflect realityEvaluation:Think about a situation when someone made a biased judgment about you or acted unfairly toward you because of your age, skin color, clothes you were wearing, gender, the way you speak, where you live, how much money your family has, or some other reason.Ask students to consider the following questions before they begin to write:How did you know that you were being unfairly judged?What words or actions were directed at you because of assumptions or stereotypes?Why do you think those assumptions were made about you?How did the experience make you feel?How do you think you should have been treated in that situation?Day 5- AttitudesObjectivesDetermine images/ideas that are explicitly used to influence viewers -point of view- propagandeesSubject MatterDetermining images/ideas that are explicitly used to influence viewers -point of view- propagandeesReferences : EN5VC-IIj-7.3 ?, : pictures, meta card, projector, chart, Learning ActivitiesSetting the Stage: Four Picture one Word: 60007528194000324739028194000P__OPA__AND___3248025253365006477002222500Are you exposed to propaganda in your day-to-day life? If so, what kinds? What messages are you receiving? Tell something about the images using prior knowledge about the issue of 2016 presidential election?Explaining the students what to doTeacher will show images of propaganda advertisementsWhat words of praise for the product; nice words like goodness or patriotism.3733800121920001771650125730004762513589000Who is the target audience? What evidence suggests this?How does the layout of the advertisement emphasize the propaganda technique?How do the font styles, colors, subtext, background colors, props and photography techniques emphasize the propaganda technique?Is this advertisement effective /influence the audience like you? Why? Why not?Modeling for students.Viewing; "The Bully" - A Short Film with a LessonQuestions: What is your point of views or ideas in bullying? How does propaganda of bullying influence to a viewer like you?Guided Practice:Study the image.3429001587500The teacher will lead the students through the analysis of one image. By this point, students should be able to respond to the analysis questions with some prompting from the teacher. Propaganda analysis question? What is “happening” in the image?? What expectations are being made and about what/whom? Why do you think the authors of the image made these assumptions?? What is being left out entirely? (Ideas, facts, points of view, etc.)? What facts are being misrepresented? Do you spot any outright lies?? What do the producers of this image want you to believe? Why might they want you to believe that?? How does the poster use visual effects (i.e. color, lettering) in order to persuade?? Are there people in the poster? If so, what are they doing? Are there any aspects of their appearance that might be used to persuade? Independent Practice:Students will rotate through two or three more images, analyzing them in small groups. The teacher should set up the desks in groups and have groups of students move around the room (allowing students 8-10 minutes for each image using the same question in the guided practice)340042555245004286255524500166687522542500Closure Assessment:What have you learned today?Propaganda is a mode of communication used to manipulate or influence the opinion of groups to support a particular cause or belief. Over the centuries, propaganda has taken the form of artwork, films, speeches, and music, though it's not limited to these forms of communication. Propaganda involves the spreading of information and ideas to advance a cause or discredit an opposing cause. Evaluation:The teacher will provide students with a photocopied handout that contains two propaganda image and the analysis questions they have been answering (by now, these questions and the process should be quite familiar). If students can answer these questions with confidence, they have shown that they understand the process.304800036195006667503810000What expectations are being made, and about what/whom? Why do you think the authors of the image made these expectations? What is being left out completely? (Ideas, facts, points of view, etc.)What facts are being twisted or misrepresented? Do you spot any outright lies? ................

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