2015 – 2016

Student Family Handbook

Ingrid Dillehay, Principal

Sage Prutch, Assistant Principal

2002 25th Street, Greeley, CO 80631






Dear Families,

On behalf of our staff at Jackson School, I would like to welcome you to this school year. Our goal is to make Jackson School a welcoming, respectful, stimulating, and challenging place for each child.

This elementary Parent/Student Handbook provides information about the policies and procedures that govern our school. Please read this handbook and discuss the appropriate information with your child.

Many individuals are responsible for planning and delivering our educational program. They include: Teachers (Kindergarten-5th Grade), Title One/Literacy/Math staff, English-as-Second Language staff, special education teachers, specialists and support staff (PE, Music, Art, Library/Media, Gifted-Talented), secretaries, tutors, nurses, instructional assistants, psychologist, custodians, maintenance workers, bus drivers, therapists, cafeteria personnel, Board of Education members, and principals. Our success is dependent on the cooperation and active involvement of our families. Working together, Jackson students receive an outstanding start in their elementary years.

Jackson’s entire staff desires that each student experience success every day of the school year. We will dedicate ourselves to offering an environment that fosters the well being of each child. In every way we want to make our programs, our policies, our procedures, and ourselves inviting. We encourage you to join with us in developing and implementing sound educational programs that will continue the process of building a strong foundation for a lifetime of learning.

Please know that I am always available to answer questions and discuss your concerns.


Ingrid Dillehay

Jackson Principal


Safe, Achieving, Independent, Neighborly, Trustworthy

Mission Statement

Our mission is for all students to acquire a strong foundation for lifelong learning and reach their maximum potential within a safe, nurturing, accepting, and challenging environment. Our goal is for each student to become a responsible and productive citizen.

School Philosophy

As Students, Teachers, and Parents of Jackson School, we will do our best to:

❖ Share the responsibility to achieve learning

❖ Be good team or group members

❖ Develop creative talents and leadership skills

❖ Meet the special and individual needs of our students


Greeting and Welcome to Our School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Letter from the Principal

Mission and/or Vision Statements

Six For Six Commitments

Calendars and Important Dates

Staff List

Home / School Communication

School Contact Information

School Hours

Homework Guidelines

Birthday Parties

Field Trips

Extended Day Programs

Attendance and Safety. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

District Attendance Policy

District Dress Code

School Based PBIS



Weather Closure

Health and Medical



Personal Property

Nutrition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

District Letter

Breakfast / Lunch Costs

Serving Schedule

Free / Reduced Information

Paying / Charging

Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40


Drop off / Pick up

Walkers, Bicycles, Skateboards

Getting Involved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41



School Accountability Committee





Ingrid Dillehay

Assistant Principal

Sage Prutch


Amanda Rockwell

Melissa Moser

Keegan Kellogg

Cammaron Butcher

First Grade

Micah Evans

Rachelle Hergenreter

Jenna Miller

Tracy Thomas

Second Grade

David Frawley

Jennifer Jackson

Heather Severt

Third Grade

Vicki Miller

Donna Liebelt

Apricot Truitt

Fourth Grade

Maria Casillas

Vanessa Boyer

Christopher Farrell

Fifth Grade

Amanda Domenico

Maria Miller

Diane Eussen

Physical Education

Jioni Reliford


Hannah Webster


Jodi Moore


Tina Lewis

Gifted & Talented

Deanna Butherus

School Psychologist

Anne Richards

Special Education

Michelle May

Jacki Hernreich

Speech & Language

Angie Chase

English as a Second Language

Courtney Monroe

Gina Ahmad

Kitchen Manager

Anna Meza

Nurse/Health Clerk

Lori McCarty

Karen Hansen

School Secretary

Gina Stinar

Office Manager

Nicole Chambers

Building Manager

Eduardo Ramirez

ESS/Instructional Assistants

JoLynn Chacon

Jennifer Clark-Lutz

Stacey Schwartz

Home/School Communication

Parent/Teacher communication is encouraged and can be made through personal contact, phone calls, or notes. Parent-Teacher Conference days are designated in the school calendar. It is very important that parent(s) attend school conferences so the teacher may discuss your child's progress. Please note the conference dates on your calendar and make every effort to attend.

Your child is important to all of us. We want to spend our time together productively with the outcome being what is best for your child.

Please call the office (348-1500) to set up an appointment or leave a voice mail message for the teacher. The classroom teacher will contact parents/guardians and set up a mutual time to meet.

A monthly newsletter will be sent home with your child. Please take time to read this, as it will contain valuable information on important events happening at Jackson. Another way to keep up to date with the school is through our website at jackson..

Jackson School Hours

|Monday Schedule | |Tuesday - Friday Schedule |

|School Day 8:25 AM – 2:15 PM | |School Day 8:25 AM – 3:45 PM |


Homework is an on-going progressive process that develops necessary study skills and responsibility. Homework is not used as a form of punishment. Occasionally, a child may need extra practice in a particular subject or need to finish work started during the school day. At these times, homework may be assigned at the discretion of the teacher in consideration of the child's needs. In addition, students sometimes have special projects to do that may require work at home. Homework is given to extend and reinforce what is taught in the classroom. We suggest that you:

1. Take an interest in what your child is doing in school.

2. Provide a quiet atmosphere and suitable time in which your child can do the assignment.

3. Encourage your child to do the homework, but do not assume the responsibility of completing the assignment yourself.

4. Accept your child's own best work.

5. Supply necessary materials.

School Supplies

Please provide your child with the materials needed to do his/her work. Buy materials on the school supply list and refresh the materials as needed by your child. A rule of thumb: when no request is made by the teacher for a certain item, your child doesn't need it at school. In other words, “If it’s not on the supply list or requested in writing by the teacher it shouldn’t be brought to school.”

Birthday Treats

Birthday treats are enjoyed by Jackson students the first Friday of every month from 3:30-3:45. Children who have a birthday during that month will have the option to share a pre-packaged treat. Please make arrangements with your child’s teacher about the monthly birthday party and understand that no exceptions to the birthday treat time and day will be made.

We request that private birthday invitations not be passed out at school.


School parties are planned by room parents and teachers for Halloween, winter, and Valentine's Day. Teachers and parent helpers for parties should meet and set up clear expectations for individual classrooms for the amount of sweets and healthy foods to be served. Fifty percent of food served at parties must be healthy foods. Parties will not be standardized throughout the building. After teachers and parent helpers have set up clear expectations for parties, these expectations will be communicated to individual parents within the classroom. Classroom parties will be held from 3:15-3:45 the day of the parties. If a party happens to be on a Monday, the party will be held from 1:45-2:15.

Field Trip Policy

Classes may be involved in one or more field trips during the year. Students are able to walk to some locations. Often transportation is provided by school buses. Field trips provide valuable learning experiences for children.

Parent permission is required for student participation on field trips. We must have a signed permission slip on file before any trip (unless it is a school wide activity). It is extremely disappointing to the child and his/her classmates if he/she cannot join the group. Student misbehavior may be just cause to disallow children from attending field trips.


All fourth and fifth grade students are eligible to participate in Jackson’s Choir. Information and expectations/requirements will be sent home with students at the beginning of the school year.


All fourth and fifth grade students are eligible to participate in Jackson’s intramural program. Information and expectations/ requirements will be sent home with students at the beginning of the school year.

Art Club

Do you love making art? If you do, then Art Club is for YOU!!

We do a variety of fun and creative art projects! We meet on Thursday mornings from 7:30 to 8:15 AM in the Art Room. If you are interested, please talk to Mrs. Moore at school!

 Don't forget to check out our School's Artsonia Website at !

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|[pic] | |

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| |District 6 Attendance Philosophy |

| | |

|• Parents are still encouraged to |Significant learning for all students is provided each time class is held in Weld County School |

|notify the school for student |District 6. This educational opportunity is provided as a result of in‐class participation and |

|absences, but the absence will be |high‐quality instruction. |

|“excused” by the school according to | |

|the guidelines for excused absences. |The benefits of this experience cannot be fully replaced. Consequently, regular and punctual attendance|

| |is an important criterion for success in school, and absences are detrimental to effective learning. |

| | |

|• A student will be limited to four | |

|excused absences in a month or 10 |Excused absences include: |

|excused absences in a year. |• Temporary illness or injury. |

| | |

| | |

|• Pre‐arranged absences must be |• Prearranged absence approved by an administrator. |

|approved by the school administrator. | |

| | |

| |• Extended absences due to physical, mental, or emotional disability. |

| | |

| | |

| |• Work‐study program under the supervision of the school. |

| | |

| | |

| |• Attendance at any school‐sponsored school activity or activities of an educational nature with |

| |advance approval by the administration. |

| | |

| | |

| |• Expulsion or suspension. |

| |

|Questions? Please call your school principal |

Policy JH - Student Absences and Excuses

File: JH

Student Absences and Excuses

The Board believes that significant learning is provided daily for all students in every district classroom. This educational opportunity is the result of in-class participation and quality classroom instruction. The benefits of this experience cannot be fully replaced. Consequently, regular and punctual attendance is an important criterion for success in school and absences are detrimental to effective learning.

Each student in the district is required to attend school daily as established by the calendar determined annually by the Board and in compliance with state law. Unauthorized absences shall be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in accompanying procedures.

A cooperative effort between the student, parent, district and the community regarding attendance fosters a positive educational experience. Therefore, the following goals and guidelines have been developed to establish good attendance habits at an early age. These habits will positively transfer with the students and their parents/guardians as the student’s progress through the district’s educational program and beyond the scholastic setting.


The goals of this policy shall be as follows:

1. To improve the attendance of elementary and secondary students.

2. To improve student achievement through improved attendance.

3. To develop attitudes and habits in students, parents/guardians, and the community that reinforce the value of school and good attendance.

4. To address potential attendance problems through early intervention.

Excused absences

Excused absences are defined as any absence from school due to temporary illness or injury and any other reason deemed acceptable by the school administrator. In general, prior notice of absence from the student’s parent or guardian is required and the school administrator may require verification, such as a physician’s statement, when appropriate.

The following shall be considered excused absences:

1. A student who is temporarily ill or injured or whose absence is approved by the administrator of the school of attendance on a prearranged basis. Prearranged absences shall be approved for appointments or circumstances of serious nature only which cannot be taken care of outside of school hours. Approval for a pre-arranged absence(s) may necessitate a parent conference.

2. A student who is absent for an extended period due to physical, mental or emotional disability. Medical documentation may be required.

3. A student who is pursuing a work-study program under the supervision of the school.

4. A student who is attending any school-sponsored activity or activities of an educational nature with advance approval by the administration.

5. A student who is suspended or expelled.

When a student has reached four excused absences from school in any month or

ten excused absences during any school year, the school shall either require a

meeting or other form of communication between the student’s parent/guardian and appropriate school personnel to review and evaluate the reasons for the student being habitually absent from school. A plan may be developed for the student with the goal of assisting the student to remain in school. When practicable, the student’s parent/guardian may participate with school personnel in the development of the plan.

The district may require suitable proof regarding the above exceptions, including written statements from medical sources.

If a student is in out-of-home placement (as that term is as defined by C.R.S. 22-32-138(1)(e), absences due to court appearances and participation in court-ordered activities shall be excused. The student’s assigned social worker shall verify the student’s absence was for a court appearance or court-ordered activity.

Unexcused absences

An unexcused absence is defined as an absence that is not covered by one of the foregoing exceptions. Additionally, an unexcused absence shall be recorded if a student leaves a school or leaves a class without permission of the teacher or school administrator. Each unexcused absence shall be entered on the student’s record. The parents/guardians of the student receiving an unexcused absence shall be notified orally or in writing by the district of the unexcused absence.

When the district is aware that criteria exist to designate a student as habitually truant, the district shall refer the students and his or her parent/guardian to the Weld County Judicial System, Youth and Family Connections and/or the Weld County District Attorney’s Juvenile Diversion Unit.

In accordance with law, the district may impose academic penalties which relate directly to classes missed while unexcused. Penalties may include a warning, school detention or in-school suspension. Academic penalties, out-of-school suspensions or expulsion shall not be imposed for any unexcused absence. The administration shall develop regulations to implement appropriate penalties. The school administration shall consider the correlation between course failure, truancy and a student dropping out of school in developing these regulations and shall implement research-based strategies to re-engage students with a high number of unexcused absences. Students and parents/guardians may petition the Board of Education for exceptions to this policy or the accompanying regulations provided that no exception shall be sustained if the student fails to abide by all requirements imposed by the Board as conditions for granting any such exception.

The maximum number of unexcused absences a student may incur before judicial proceedings are initiated to enforce compulsory attendance is 10during any calendar year or school year.

Make-up work

Make-up work shall be provided for any class in which a student has an excused absence unless otherwise determined by the building administrator or unless the absence is due to the student’s expulsion from school. It is the responsibility of the student to pickup any make-up assignments permitted on the day returning to class. There shall be two days allowed for make-up work for each day of absence. Make-up work shall be allowed following an unexcused absence or following a student’s suspension from school with the goal of providing the student an opportunity to keep up with the class and an incentive to attend school. However, this work will receive only partial credit.

Unless otherwise permitted by the building administrator, make-up work shall not be provided during a student’s expulsion. Rather, the district shall offer alternative education services to the expelled student in accordance with state law. The district shall determine the amount of credit the expelled student will receive for work completed during any alternative education program.


Tardiness is defined as the appearance of a student without proper excuse after the scheduled time that a class begins. Because of the disruptive nature of tardiness and the detrimental effect upon the rights of the non-tardy student to uninterrupted learning, appropriate penalties shall be imposed for excessive tardiness. Parents/guardians shall be notified of all penalties regarding tardiness.

In an unavoidable situation, a student detained by another teacher or administrator shall not be considered tardy provided that the teacher or administrator gives the student a pass to enter the next class. Teachers shall honor passes presented in accordance with this policy. The provisions of this policy shall be applicable to all students in the district, including those above and below the age for compulsory attendance as required by law.

Adopted: August 19, 1987

Revised: May 2, 1989

Revised: August 26, 2006

Revised: August 13, 2007

Revised: September 8, 2008

Revised/recoded: June 22, 2009

Revised: February 14, 2011

LEGAL REFS: C.R.S. 22-14-101et seq.(dropout prevention and student re-engagement

C.R.S.22-32-109 (1) (n) (length of school year, instruction & contact time)

C.R.S. 22-32-109.1 (2) (a) (conduct and discipline code)

C.R.S.22-32-138 (6) (excused absence requirements for students in out-of-home placements)

C.R.S.22-33-101et seq. (School Attendance Law of 1963)

C.R.S. 22-33-105 (3) (d) (III) (opportunity to make up work during suspension)

C.R.S.22-33-203(educational alternatives for expelled students and determination of credit)

1 CCR301-67, Rule 2.01 (7) (definition of “dropout” student)

1 CCR301-78 Rules 1.00 et seq. (standardized calculation for counting student attendance and truancy)

CROSS REFS: IC/ICA School Year/School Calendar/Instruction Time

JEA, Compulsory Attendance Ages

JF-R, Admission and Denial of Admission (Procedures for Students in Out-of-Home Placements)

JFC, Student Withdrawal from School/Dropouts

JHB, Truancy

JK, Student Discipline

JKD/JKE, Suspension/Expulsion of Students

JLIB, Student Dismissal Precautions

Weld County School District 6, Greeley, Colorado

Attention! Please Read!

The official copy of the Board of Education Policy Manual is

Located in the office of the Superintendent at the Weld County

School District 6 Administration Building located at

1025 9th Avenue, Greeley, CO 80631

Who should I call if my child will be late or absent?

Please contact the school office at 348-1500 if your child will be late for school or absent. If you call before or after school hours, leave your name, your child's name, his/her teacher's name, and the reason your child cannot be at school. If your child will come to school late, include what time he or she will arrive. When your child returns to school after an absence, please send a note explaining the reason for the absence.

Jackson’s Office hours are from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Students in District Six are required to attend school daily as established by the school district calendar. Unauthorized absences will be subject to disciplinary action.

Jackson Attendance Procedures

1. Parents/Guardians are expected to call Jackson School (970-348-1500) if their child is going to be absent/late from school. If no call is received, the School Secretary will make a follow-up phone call.

2. After a child accrues four absences/tardies an attendance letter will be sent home. (Excused illness will be taken into consideration.) School District Six Attendance Liaisons will make home visits as needed to ensure consistent school attendance

3. After more than ten absences or tardies, Jackson’s School-Community Facilitator/ Administrative staff will pursue a specific plan to work with the child and the family. A second attendance letter will be sent to parents.

4. Jackson’s School Community Facilitator/ Administrative staff will work with families in the development of an action plan to address attendance issues.

5. To resolve attendance issues the court system will be utilized.

Excusing Students From School

Students will not be excused from school for any purpose before regular closing hours except upon request from the parents and upon the approval of the principal. The release of students from classes, during school hours, is not granted unless the parent/guardian comes to the school office for the child. Students may not be dismissed from the classroom. If you have a need to take your child out of school or a number of days, a prearranged absent form must be completed and approved by the teacher and principal. You can obtain the form in the office. Only adults whose names appear on the information sheet may take a child out of school.

Accidents at School

It is the policy of Greeley schools in case of a serious accident to a child to have the school nurse, health clerk or other qualified person administers any first-aid that is absolutely necessary. Then every possible effort is made to contact parents to find out what their wishes are in the matter. If there is no response, the child will be taken to the North Colorado Medical Center via ambulance. Therefore, it is important that school information sheets are completed and returned to school as soon as possible. If information changes during the year, we urge your cooperation in keeping our office informed.

Dress Code

All students are to wear white, yellow, black or gray collared shirts and navy blue, black or khaki pants. Female students can also wear skirts or jumpers but should not be more than one inch above the knee. Shoes should be white, brown or black dress shoes or tennis shoes. Sweatshirts or sweaters should be white, yellow, black or gray (no stripes, logos or emblems). The only logo that is permitted is the Jackson Elementary logo.

Be sure your child dresses warmly for winter playground activities. Please mark clothing so misplaced items can be returned to your child.

In an instance where unsuitable clothes are worn to school, the principal or her designee will inform the child that a change of clothes is necessary before he/she can return to class.

Weld County School District 6 has adopted the following

Dress code:

Enhanced Dress Code for Specific Schools


The following elementary schools use an enhanced dress code for students:

• Centennial Elementary • Maplewood Elementary

• Dos Rios Elementary • Martinez Elementary

• Bella Romero Academy • Jackson Elementary

• Madison Elementary

These eight elementary schools use the following enhanced dress code:

|Shirts |Pants, skirts, jumpers and shorts |

|All shirts must be gray, yellow, white, or black |Must be black, khaki, or dark blue |

|All shirts must have a collar |No denim jeans |

|All shirts must have sleeves, either short or long |No sweatpants, baggy pants or stretch |

|Shirts cannot display logos, designs, or brand names (except for school | |

|name/logo/mascot/etc) | |

| | |

| | |  |

| | | |

| |Policy JICA - Student Dress Code | |

| |File: JICA | |

| |Student Dress Code | |

| | | |

| |A safe and disciplined learning environment is essential to a quality educational program. District-wide standards on student attire | |

| |are intended to encourage school pride and unity, and thereby help students concentrate on schoolwork, reduce discipline problems, and| |

| |improve school order and safety. The Board recognizes that students have a right to express themselves through dress and personal | |

| |appearance; however, students shall not wear apparel that is deemed disruptive or potentially disruptive to the classroom, to the | |

| |educational process, to the environment or to the maintenance of a safe and orderly school, that presents health or safety concerns, | |

| |or that contains lettering or symbols that are obscene or profane. | |

| | | |

| |Any student deemed in violation of the student dress code shall be required to change into appropriate clothing or make arrangements | |

| |to have appropriate clothing brought to school immediately. In this case, there shall be no further penalty. | |

| | | |

| |Non-negotiable universal student dress code expectations | |

| | | |

| |1. Any clothing item or accessory that causes a disruption to school safety, personal safety and/or the learning environment may | |

| |result in discretionary intervention by school administrators. | |

| | | |

| |2. Tattoos, clothing or accessories that display drugs, sexual innuendos, inappropriate language, alcohol, tobacco products or gang | |

| |connotations are not permitted. Tattoos displaying any of these must be covered at all times. | |

| | | |

| |3. No hats are permitted inside of the school building during the school day. If “hoodies” are worn, the hood may not be worn inside | |

| |of the school (religious headwear exceptions). | |

| | | |

| |4. Sunglasses or dark glasses, absent a verified medical condition, are not to be worn or displayed inside of the school building. | |

| | | |

| |5. Trench coats are not permitted anywhere on school property. | |

| |6. Soled shoes or sandals must be worn at all times (no “bedroom” slippers or similar footwear). | |

| | | |

| |7. No exposed undergarments. | |

| | | |

| |8. Inappropriately sheer, tight or low-cut clothing that bares or exposes traditionally private parts of the body including, but not | |

| |limited to, the stomach, buttocks, back, breasts or cleavage is not permitted. | |

| | | |

| |9. No shaved or notched eyebrows (absent a verified medical condition). | |

| | | |

| |10. No red or blue belts or shoelaces. | |

| | | |

| |11. No team jerseys or belt buckles that display the numbers 13, 14, 18, 31, 41 or 81. | |

| | | |

| |12. No solid red or solid blue shirts (other than designated school uniforms). | |

| | | |

| |13. No red or blue “Dickies” or “Southpole” brand pants, shorts or shirts. | |

| | | |

| |14. No red or blue bandanas or any color bandana that is draped on clothing or hanging out of a pocket. | |

| | | |

| |Exceptions | |

| | | |

| |Appropriate athletic clothing may be worn in physical education classes. Clothing normally worn when participating in school-sponsored| |

| |extra curricular or sports activities (such as cheerleading uniforms and the like) may be worn to school when approved by the sponsor | |

| |or coach. | |

| |Adopted: March 28, 2001 | |

| |Revised: June 22, 2009 | |

| |Revised: August 8, 2011 | |

| | | |

| |LEGAL REF.: C.R.S. 22-32-109.1 (2)(a)(IX) (boards duty to adopt student dress code) | |

| |CROSS REFS.: IMDB, Flag Displays | |

| |JBB*, Sexual Harassment | |

| |JIC, Student Conduct | |

| |JICDA, Code of Conduct | |

| |JICF, Secret Societies/Gang Activity | |

| |JICH, Drug and Alcohol Use by Students | |

| |JICI, Weapons in School | |

| |JK, Student Discipline | |

| |JKD/JKE, Suspension/Expulsion of Students | |

| | | |

| |Weld County School District 6, Greeley, Colorado | |

| |Attention! Please Read! | |

| |The official copy of the Board of Education Policy Manual is | |

| |Located in the office of the Superintendent at the Weld County | |

| |School District 6 Administration Building located at | |

| |1025 9th Avenue, Greeley, CO 80631 | |

Playground Rules

Jackson's playground needs to be a safe place for children. In order for students to be able to enjoy the playground and play area, the following expectations need to be observed:

Students should not be on the playground before 8:00 AM. Walk on the sidewalks, or in sand and equipment areas. Stay off retaining walls and fences. Bicycle racks are off limits unless you are locking/unlocking your bicycle. Students are not to leave playground without permission, including ball retrieval. No "war/martial arts" type of games. For example: Pretend kickboxing. Only playground balls (soft) should be thrown on the grass field. If there is a question about which balls can be used on the grass field, please see the physical education teacher. Balls should be used away from the building, not bounced against it. Ropes are for jumping only. Students will not have or chew gum or candy on school grounds. iPods, radios, electronic equipment and remote control cars, etc. are to be left at home.


At Jackson, we take school safety very seriously. Visitors must be buzzed in the front doors in order to gain access to the building. The doors will be locked from 8:30 – 3:45 every day. As the end of the day is a very busy time for the front office, we will not be buzzing visitors in from 3:25 – 3:45 every day, unless it is a party day or emergency. Please make arrangements to pick your children up from their outside door, or pick them up after 3:45 every day. Thank you for your cooperation, and for supporting our efforts to keep the children safe at school. Together we make Jackson a safe place!

"SAINTLY" Behavior

Students at Jackson Elementary are expected to demonstrate these behaviors at school.

|Safe, | |

|Achieving, | |

|Independent, | |

|Neighborly, and | |

|Trustworthy | |

Teachers are working hard to model and teach "Saintly" behavior at school. In addition, families should be reinforcing "Saintly" behaviors outside of school.

Behavior at School

School is a special place for children. It is our wish to make every child feel self-worth, develop good relationships with peers and staff members, experience success, and be self-controlled. Our primary objective is to create an environment where students can learn and teachers can teach. We believe that it is up to parents to send their child(ren) safe for school. With this in mind, we feel that all students arrive at Jackson Elementary School with a "ticket" to good behavior and all of the benefits and rewards for behaving appropriately.

Jackson Elementary is a Positive Behavior Support school. We will enhance the capacity of our school to educate all students, especially students with challenging social behaviors by establishing clearly defined outcomes that relate to academic and social behavior, systems that support staff efforts practices that support student success and data utilization that guide decision making. We are the SAINTS. We believe in being Safe, Achieving, Independent, Neighborly, and Trustworthy.

If students are exhibiting these behaviors, they may receive a saint slip. When a student receives a saint slip, they will be sent to the office where they will put their slip on the 200 board and call their parents letting them know the good behavior they are showing at school. When we have a row of 10 filled, there will be a saint slip party. Those ten students will participate in the party and the board will be cleared and we will start over again.


□ Safe _____________________________

□ Achieving _________________________

□ Independent _______________________

□ Neighborly ________________________

□ Trustworthy ________________________

______________________________ ___________

Teacher Date

Presented to: __________________ Grade: _______



|A01 |Unauthorized presence on, or in the |School counseling, detention, and |School counseling, detention, and up |School counseling, detention, and |

| |vicinity of, another school campus. |up to 1 day ISS or OSS. |to 2 days ISS/OSS. |up to 3 days ISS/OSS. |

|A02 |Public nuisance - any act that is a |School counseling, detention, and |School counseling, detention, and up |School counseling, detention, and |

| |source of |up to 1 |to 2 |up to 3 |

| |inconvenience, annoyance, and/or |day ISS or OSS. |days ISS/OSS. |days ISS/OSS. |

| |bothersome to the school community. | | | |

| |Examples: a) | | | |

| |excessive profanity; b) | | | |

| |unsafe driving on or around school | | | |

| |property; | | | |

| |c) others as interpreted by | | | |

| |the Administration which cause | | | |

| |unnecessary inconvenience to others or to| | | |

| |normal routine; | | | |

| |d) distasteful display of affection. | | | |

|A03 |Verbal abuse or obscenities toward staff.|School counseling, detention, and |School counseling, detention, and up |School counseling, detention, and |

| | |up to 2 |to 3 |up to 5 |

| | |days ISS/OSS. |days ISS/OSS. |days ISS/OSS. |

|A04 |Any act which disrupts the normal |School counseling, detention, and |School counseling and up to 5 days |School counseling and up to 10 |

| |educational process. Examples: |up to 3 days ISS/OSS or |OSS or recommendation for expulsion, |days OSS and recommendation for |

| |a) setting off fire alarm, |recommendation for |depending |expulsion. |

| |b) calling in of a bomb threat, c) any |expulsion, depending on the |on the severity of the offense. | |

| |act that causes the unnecessary |severity of the offense. | | |

| |evacuation of the building. | | | |

|A05 |Trespassing (unauthorized presence on a |School counseling, detention, and |School counseling, detention, and up |School counseling, detention, and |

| |District 6 facility while under |up to 1 day ISS/OSS. |to 2 days ISS/OSS. |up to 3 days ISS/OSS. |

| |suspension) | | | |

|A06 |Disrespectful behavior. |School counseling, |School counseling, |School counseling, |

| | |detention, and up to 1 day ISS/OSS.|detention, and up to 2 days ISS/OSS. |detention, and up to 3 days |

| | | | |ISS/OSS. |

|A07 |Insubordination/refusal to follow a |School counseling, detention, and |School counseling, detention, and up |School counseling, detention, and |

| |reasonable request of a staff member. |up to 1 day ISS/OSS. |to 2 days ISS/OSS. |up to 3 days ISS/OSS. |

|A08 |Disruption of class. |School counseling, detention, and |School counseling, detention, and up |School counseling, detention, and |

| | |up to 1 day ISS/OSS. |to 2 days ISS/OSS. |up to 3 days ISS/OSS. |

|B01* |Possession /use of |School counseling, |School counseling and |School counseling and |

| |alcohol/consumption of alcohol or under |detention, and up to 3 days |up to 5 days OSS. |up to 10 days OSS and |

| |the influence of alcohol. |ISS/OSS. | |recommendation for expulsion. |

The following consequences apply to behavior on campus, in school vehicles and at school activities and events.


|B02* |Possession/use of drugs or other |School counseling, detention, and|School counseling and up to 5 days |School counseling and up to 10 |

| |controlled substances or possession/ use |up to |OSS. |days OSS and recommendation for |

| |of drug paraphernalia. |3 days ISS/OSS. | |expulsion. |

|B03* |Sale/distribution of alcohol. |School counseling, detention, and|School counseling and up to 5 days |School counseling and up to 10 |

| | |up to |OSS. |days OSS and recommendation for |

| | |3 days ISS/OSS. | |expulsion. |

|B04* |Sale/distribution of drugs or other |10 day OSS and recommendation for|10 day OSS and recommendation for |10 day OSS and recommendation |

| |controlled substances. |expulsion as per State Statute. |expulsion as per State Statute. |for expulsion as per State |

| | | | |Statute. |

|NOTE: Any violation of B01-B04 will result in at least a 30-calendar day exclusion from all school-sponsored activities. |

|B05 |Smoking/chewing or use of tobacco. |School counseling, detention, and|School counseling and up to 5 days |School counseling and up to 10 |

| | |up to |OSS. |days OSS and recommendation for |

| | |3 days ISS/OSS. | |expulsion. |

|C01 |Intimidation or threatening of a staff |School counseling, detention, and|School counseling and up to 5 days |School counseling and up to 10 |

| |member. |up to |OSS. |days OSS and recommendation for |

| | |3 days ISS/OSS. | |expulsion. |

|C02 |Verbal abuse/harassment/ sexual |School counseling, detention, and|School counseling, detention, and up|School counseling, detention, |

| |harassment of a student. |up to |to 3 days ISS/OSS. |and up to 5 days ISS/OSS. |

| | |2 days ISS/OSS. | | |

|C03 |Fighting (mutual combat - Including |School counseling, detention, and|School counseling, detention, and up|School counseling, detention, |

| |self-defense). |up to |to 3 days ISS/OSS. |and up to 5 days ISS/OSS. |

| | |2 days ISS/OSS. | | |

|C04 |Possession of or setting off fireworks or|School counseling, detention, and|School counseling, detention, and up|School counseling, detention, |

| |other incendiary devices. |up to |to 3 days ISS/OSS. |and up to 5 days ISS/OSS. |

| | |2 days ISS/OSS. | | |

|C05 |Theft. | |School counseling, detention, and|School counseling, detention, and up|School counseling, detention, |

| | | |up to |to 2 days ISS/OSS. |and up to 3 days ISS/OSS. |

| | | |1 day ISS/OSS. | | |

|C06 |Vandalism or defacing/ Destruction of |School counseling and/or 1-3 days|School counseling and/or 1-3 days |School counseling, 5-10 day OSS |

| |school property. |ISS or OSS suspension with |ISS or OSS suspension with |suspension, and recommendation |

| | |restitution or recommendation for|restitution or recommendation for |for expulsion with restitution. |

| | |expulsion depending on severity |expulsion depending on severity of | |

| | |of the offense. |the offense. | |

|C07 |Gang activity/apparel/ Paraphernalia. |School counseling, detention, and|School counseling, detention, and up|School counseling, detention, |

| | |up to |to 3 days ISS/OSS. |and up to 5 days ISS/OSS. |

| | |2 days ISS/OSS. | | |

|C08 |Threatening another student. |School counseling, detention, and|School counseling and up to 5 days |School counseling and up to 10 |

| | |up to |OSS. |days OSS and recommendation for |

| | |3 days ISS/OSS. | |expulsion. |

|C09 |Possession/use of a weapon or other |School counseling, detention, and|School counseling, detention, and up|School counseling, detention, |

| |article to cause bodily harm. |up to |to 3 days ISS/OSS. |and up to 5 days ISS/OSS. |

| | |2 days ISS/OSS. | | |

|C10 |Physical abuse/assault of a student. |School counseling, detention, and|School counseling and up to 5 days |School counseling and up to 10 |

| | |up to |OSS. |days OSS and |

| | |2 days ISS/OSS. | | |


|C11 |Physical abuse (assault) of a staff |School counseling, detention, and |School counseling and up to 5 days |School counseling and up to 10 |

| |member. |up to 3 days ISS/OSS. |OSS. |days OSS and recommendation for |

| | | | |expulsion. |

|C12 |Possession/use of a weapon as defined by |10 day OSS and recommendation for |10 day OSS and recommendation for |10 day OSS and recommendation for|

| |Colorado Revised Statutes. |expulsion as per State Statute. |expulsion as per State Statute. |expulsion as per State Statute. |

|C13 |Off campus crimes of violence where |10 day OSS and recommendation for |10 day OSS and recommendation for |10 day OSS and recommendation for|

| |charges or a petition has been filed in |expulsion as per State Statute. |expulsion as per State Statute. |expulsion as per State Statute. |

| |district court. | | | |

|C14 |Vandalism or defacing/ destruction of |School counseling and/or 1-3 day |School counseling and/or 1-3 day |School Counseling, 5-10 day OSS |

| |other’s personal property. |ISS or OSS suspension with |ISS or OSS suspension with |suspension, and recommendation |

| | |restitution or recommendation for |restitution or recommendation for |for expulsion, with restitution. |

| | |expulsion depending on severity of |expulsion depending on severity of | |

| | |the offense. |the offense. | |

|D01 |Continual tardies. |School counseling, detention, |School counseling, detention, |School counseling, detention, |

| | |and/or ISS suspension. |and/or ISS suspension. |and/or ISS suspension. |

|D02 |Unexcused tardy. |School counseling, detention, and |School counseling, detention, and |School counseling, detention, and|

| | |up to 1 day ISS/OSS. |up to 2 days ISS/OSS. |up to 3 days ISS/OSS. |

|D03 |Truancy from class. |School counseling, detention, and |School counseling, detention, and |School counseling, detention, and|

| | |up to 1 day ISS/OSS. |up to 2 days ISS/OSS. |up to 3 days ISS/OSS. |

|E01 |Failure to attend detention. |School counseling, detention, and |School counseling, detention, and |School counseling, detention, and|

| | |up to 1 day ISS/OSS. |up to 2 days ISS/OSS. |up to 3 days ISS/OSS. |

|E02 |Dishonest/deceitful behavior. |School counseling, detention, and |School counseling, detention, and |School counseling, detention, and|

| | |up to 1 day ISS/OSS. |up to 2 days ISS/OSS. |up to 3 days ISS/OSS. |

|E05 |Endangering health, welfare or safety of |School counseling, detention, and |School counseling, detention, and |School counseling and up to 10 |

| |others. |up to 3 days ISS/OSS or |up to 5 days OSS or recommendation |days OSS and recommendation for |

| | |recommendation for expulsion, |for expulsion, depending on the |expulsion. |

| | |depending on the severity of the |severity of the offense. | |

| | |offense. | | |

|E06 |Continual defiance / |School counseling, detention, and |School counseling and up to 5 days |School counseling and up to 10 |

| |habitually disruptive. |up to 3 days ISS/OSS or |OSS or recommendation for |days OSS and recommendation for |

| | |recommendation for expulsion, |expulsion, depending on the |expulsion. |

| | |depending on the severity of the |severity of the offense. | |

| | |offense. | | |

|F01* |Any action that affects the networking |3 day OSS suspension with computer |3-day OSS suspension time with |10 day OSS suspension and |

| |system that results in the disruption of |time limited to when the student is|total computer restrictions. |recommendation for expulsion. |

| |the educational process. |scheduled for a computer class. | | |


|F02 |Changing, deleting, or modifying the |Parents notified, a warning given, |Time limited to use of computers |Permanently restricted from |

| |operating systems of computers (Windows, |and restricted use of computers for|only when the student is scheduled |computer use - if enrolled in a |

| |Novell, DOS, Mac OS, WIN 95, WIN 98, WIN |3 days. |in a computer class. |computer class, may be withdrawn |

| |NT). | | |failing. |

|F03 |Loading or installing any unauthorized |Parents notified, a warning given, |Time limited to use of computers |Permanently restricted from |

| |software, including games. |and restricted use of computers for|only when the student is scheduled |computer use - if enrolled in a |

| | |3 days. |in a computer class. |computer class, may be withdrawn |

| | | | |failing. |

|F04 |E-mail chatting or mudding. |Parents notified, a warning given, |Time limited to use of computers |Permanently restricted from |

| | |and restricted use of computers for|only when the student is scheduled |computer use - if enrolled in a |

| | |3 days. |in a computer class. |computer class, may be withdrawn |

| | | | |failing. |

|F05 |Using E-mail for purposes that interfere |Parents notified, a warning given, |Time limited to use of computers |Permanently restricted from |

| |with the instructional process. E- mail |and restricted use of computers for|only when the student is scheduled |computer use - if enrolled in a |

| |is not private and may be monitored by |3 days. |in a computer class. |computer class, may be withdrawn |

| |technology supervisors. | | |failing. |

|F06* |Using E-mail for purposes of |E-mail privileges terminated. Time |Permanently restricted from |10 day OSS suspension and |

| |intimidation, threats or harassment. |limited to use of computers only |computer use - if enrolled in a |recommendation for expulsion. |

| | |when the student is scheduled in a |computer class, may be withdrawn | |

| | |computer class. |failing, and 3 - 10 day OSS | |

| | | |suspension based on | |

| | | |severity. | |

|F07 |Vandalism - malicious intent to harm and |Time limited to use of computers |Permanently restricted from |Recommendation for expulsion. |

| |destroy data. Uploading or creation of |only when the student is scheduled |computer use - if enrolled in a | |

| |viruses. |in a computer class. |computer class, may | |

| | | |be withdrawn failing. | |

|F08 |Using any person's log-in name or |Parents notified, a warning given, |Time limited to use of computers |Permanently restricted from |

| |password other than their own. |and restricted use of computers for|only when the student is scheduled |computer use - if enrolled in a |

| | |3 days. |in a computer class. |computer class, may be withdrawn |

| | | | |failing. |

|F09 |Downloading or accessing profane, |Parents notified, a warning given, |Time limited to use of computers |Permanently restricted from |

| |obscene, racially offensive, threatening,|and restricted use of computers for|only when the student is scheduled |computer use - if enrolled in a |

| |subversive, or illegal material. |3 days. |in a computer class. |computer class, may be withdrawn |

| | | | |failing. |

ISS - In-School Suspension

OSS - Out-of-School Suspension

Any OSS requires a behavioral plan.

• = Involvement of school police resource officer or local law enforcement agency. Any violation will include a parent contact and/or reparation.

Policy JK* - 2 – Discipline of Students with Disabilities

File: JK* - 2

Discipline of Students with Disabilities

Students with disabilities are neither immune from the district’s disciplinary process nor entitled to participate in programs when their behavior impairs the education of other students. Students with disabilities who engage in disruptive activities and/or actions dangerous to themselves or others will be disciplined in accordance with their Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), any behavioral intervention plan and this policy.

Nothing in this policy shall prohibit an IEP team from establishing consequences for disruptive or unacceptable behavior as part of the student’s IEP and/or behavioral plan.

Suspensions, expulsions and provision of services


Students with disabilities may be suspended for up to 10 school days in any given school year for violations of the student code of conduct. These 10 days need not be consecutive. During any such suspension, the student shall not receive educational services.

A disciplinary change of placement occurs when a student is removed for more than 10 consecutive school days or subjected to a series of removals that constitute a pattern of removal under governing law.

Upon the eleventh school day of suspension or removal when such suspension or removal does not result in a disciplinary change of placement, educational services shall be provided to enable the student to continue to participate in the general education curriculum, although in another setting, and to progress toward meeting the goals set out in the student’s IEP. School personnel, in consultation with at least one of the student’s teachers, shall determine the educational services to be provided to the student during this period of suspension or removal.

When a student is expelled or subject to a removal that results in a disciplinary change of placement, educational services shall be provided as determined by the student’s IEP team to enable the student to participate in the general education curriculum, although in another setting, and to progress toward meeting his or her IEP goals.

Prior to expulsion or other disciplinary change in placement, the student’s parents shall be notified of the decision to take such disciplinary action and of their procedural safeguards. This notification shall occur not later than the date on which such decision is made.

 Manifestation determination

Within 10 school days from the date of the decision to take disciplinary action that will result in a disciplinary change of placement, relevant members of the student’s IEP team, including the student’s parents, shall review all relevant information in the student’s file, including the student’s IEP, any teacher observations, and any relevant information provided by the parents, to determine whether the student’s behavior was a manifestation of the student’s disability.

The team shall determine: (1) whether the student’s conduct in question was caused by, or had a direct and substantial relationship to, the student’s disability; and (2) whether the student’s conduct in question was the direct result of the school’s failure to implement the student’s IEP. If the answer to either of these two questions is “yes,” the student’s behavior shall be deemed to be a manifestation of the student’s disability.

Disciplinary action for behavior that is not a manifestation

If the team determines that the student’s behavior was not a manifestation of the student’s disability, disciplinary procedures shall be applied to the student in the same manner as applied to nondisabled students. As stated above, the student shall receive educational services during the period of expulsion or other disciplinary change of placement.

Within a reasonable amount of time after determining that the student’s behavior is not a manifestation of the student’s disability, the student may receive, as appropriate, a functional behavioral assessment (“FBA”). In addition, a behavioral intervention plan (“BIP”) may be developed for the student, as appropriate. If a BIP has already been developed, the BIP may be reviewed and modified, as appropriate.

Disciplinary action and/or alternative placement for behavior that is a manifestation

If the team determines that the student’s behavior is a manifestation of the student’s disability, expulsion proceedings or other disciplinary change of placement will be discontinued. However, the student may be placed in an alternative setting for up to 45 school days as discussed below or the student’s placement may be changed for educational reasons as determined by the IEP team or as otherwise permitted by law.

Within a reasonable amount of time after determining that the student’s behavior is a manifestation of the student’s disability, the student’s IEP team shall: (1) conduct an FBA of the student, unless an FBA has already been conducted; and (2) implement a BIP for the student. If a BIP has already been developed, the IEP team shall review it and modify it as necessary to address the student’s behavior.

Placement in an alternative setting for 45 school days

School personnel may remove a student with disabilities to an interim alternative setting for not more than 45 school days without regard to the manifestation determination if:

1.    the student carried a weapon to school or a school function;

2.    the student possessed a weapon at school or a school function;

3.    the student possessed or used illegal drugs at school or a school function;

4.    the student sold or solicited the sale of a controlled substance at school or a school function;

5.    the student inflicted serious bodily injury on another person while at school or a school function; or

6.    a hearing officer or court of appropriate jurisdiction so orders.

Such removal to an alternative setting is permissible even if the student’s behavior is determined to be a manifestation of the student’s disability. The student’s IEP team shall determine the educational services to be provided to the student in the alternative setting.

Students not identified as disabled

Students who have not been identified as disabled shall be subjected to the same disciplinary measures applied to students with disabilities if the district had “knowledge” of the student’s disability before the behavior that precipitated the disciplinary action occurred.

The district is deemed to have knowledge of the student’s disability if:

1. the student’s parent has expressed concern in writing to district supervisory or administrative personnel, or the student’s teacher, that the student is in need of special education and related services;

2. the student’s parent has requested an evaluation; or

3. the student’s teacher or other district personnel have expressed specific concerns about the student’s pattern of behavior directly to the director of special education or other district supervisory personnel.

If a request for evaluation is made during the period the student is subject to disciplinary measures, the evaluation will be expedited. Until the evaluation is completed, the student shall remain in the district’s determined educational placement, which can include suspension or expulsion.

The district shall not be deemed to have knowledge that the student is a child with a disability if the parent has not allowed an evaluation of the student, or the student has been evaluated and it was determined that he or she is not a child with a disability, or the student was determined eligible for special education and related services, but the parent refused services.

Adopted: May 27, 1987Revised: May 2, 1989

Revised: February 27, 1991

Revised: October 13, 1993

Revised: May 11, 1994

Revised: August 17, 1994

Revised: November 13, 1996

Revised: July 8, 1998

Revised: February 28, 2001

Revised/recoded: June 22, 2009

LEGAL REFS.: 20 U.S.C. 1401 et seq. (Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004)

34 C.F.R 300.530-300.537 (IDEIA regulations)

C.R.S. 22-20-101 et seq. (Exceptional Children’s Educational Act)

C.R.S. 22-33-106 (1)(c)

CROSS REFS.: IHB, Special Needs Students

JIC, Student Conduct, and subcodes

JK, Student Discipline, and subcodes

JRA/JRC, Student Records/Release of Information on Students

Weld County School District 6, Greeley, Colorado

Attention! Please Read!

The official copy of the Board of Education Policy Manual is

Located in the office of the Superintendent at the Weld County

School District 6 Administration Building located at

1025 9th Avenue, Greeley, CO 80631

Policy JK - Student Discipline

File JK

Student Discipline

The Board believes that effective student discipline is a prerequisite for sound educational practice and productive learning. The objectives of disciplining any student must be to help the student develop a positive attitude toward self-discipline and socially acceptable behavior.

All policies and procedures for handling general and major student discipline problems shall be designed to achieve these broad objectives. Disorderly students shall be dealt with in a manner which allows other students to learn in an atmosphere which is safe, conducive to the learning process and free from unnecessary disruptions.

The Board in accordance with state law has adopted a written student conduct and discipline code based upon the principle that every student is expected to follow accepted rules of conduct and to show respect for and to obey persons in authority. The code also emphasizes that certain behavior, especially behavior that disrupts the classroom, is unacceptable and may result in disciplinary action.

All Board-adopted policies and Board-approved regulations containing the letters “JK” in the file name constitute the discipline section of the legally required code.

Immunity for enforcement of discipline code

An act of a teacher or other employee shall not be considered child abuse if the act was performed in good faith and in compliance with Board policy and procedures.

A teacher or any other person acting in good faith and in compliance with the discipline code adopted by the Board shall be immune from criminal prosecution or civil liability unless the person is acting willfully or wantonly.

Disciplinary information to school personnel

In accordance with state law, the principal or designee shall communicate disciplinary information concerning any student enrolled in the school to any teacher who has direct contact with the student in the classroom and to any counselor who has direct contact with the student. The purpose of this requirement is to keep school personnel apprised of situations that could pose a risk to the safety and welfare of others.

For purposes of this policy, "disciplinary information" means confidential student records maintained by or in the possession of the principal or designee on an individual student which indicate the student has committed an overt and willful act which constitutes a violation of the district’s code of student conduct and/or there is reasonable cause to believe, through information provided to the principal from another credible source, that the student could pose a threat to the health and safety of other students and school personnel based on prior misbehavior.

“Disciplinary information” is intended to include only that information of a serious nature that is not otherwise available to teachers and counselors as part of the education records maintained on students or other reports of disciplinary actions. It is appropriate for instructional staff members to request disciplinary information from the principal or designee on students in their classrooms if there is concern that the student poses a threat to the safety of other students or school officials.

Any teacher or counselor to whom disciplinary information is reported shall maintain the confidentiality of the information and shall not communicate it to any other person. The principal or designee shall inform the student and the student’s parent/guardian when such disciplinary information is communicated and provide a copy of the disciplinary information to the student and student’s parent/guardian if requested to do so. The student and/or the student’s parent/ guardian may challenge the accuracy of disciplinary information through the administrative regulations which accompany this policy.

Remedial discipline plans

The principal may develop a remedial discipline plan for any student who causes a material and substantial disruption in the classroom, on school grounds, in school vehicles or at school activities or events. The goal of the remedial discipline plan shall be to address the student’s disruptive behavior and educational needs while keeping the child in school.


Discipline of habitually disruptive students

Students who have been suspended three times for causing a material and substantial disruption in the classroom, on school grounds, in school vehicles or at school activities or events during the school year shall be declared habitually disruptive students. Any student enrolled in the district’s

schools may be subject to being declared an habitually disruptive student. Declaration as an habitually disruptive student may result in the student’s expulsion.

Discipline of students with disabilities

Appropriate discipline for students with disabilities shall be in accordance with the student's individual education plan (IEP), Section 504 plan or any behavior intervention plan and policy JK*-2, Discipline of Students with Disabilities. In order to comply with all state and federal laws, the special education director shall be contacted prior to the use of any disciplinary measure which is not authorized by the student’s IEP, Section 504 plan or behavior intervention plan.

Distribution of conduct and discipline code

The superintendent shall arrange to have the conduct and discipline code distributed once to each student in elementary, middle, junior high and high school and once to each new student in the district. Copies shall be posted in each school of the district. In addition, any significant change in the code shall be distributed to each student and posted in each school.

The Board shall consult with administrators, teachers, parents, students and other members of the community in the development of the conduct and discipline code.

Adopted: May 27, 1987

Revised: May 2, 1989

Revised: February 27, 1991

Revised: October 13, 1993

Revised: May 11, 1994

Revised: August 17, 1994

Revised: November 13, 1996

Revised: July 8, 1998

Revised: February 28, 2001

Revised/recoded: June 22, 2009

Revised: February 14, 2011

LEGAL REFS.: C.R.S. 18-6-401 (1) (definition of child abuse)

C.R.S. 22-32-109.1 (2)(a) (adoption and enforcement of conduct and discipline code)

C.R.S. 22-32-109.1 (2)(a)(III) (discipline of habitually disruptive students is required part of safe schools plan)

C.R.S. 22-32-109.1 (9) (immunity provisions in safe schools law)

C.R.S. 22-33-106 (1)(a-f) (grounds for suspension, expulsionand denial of admission)

C.R.S. 22-33-106 (1)(c.5) (habitually disruptive students)

CROSS REFS.: GBG, Liability of School Personnel/Staff Protection

JIC, Student Conduct, and subcodes

JK subcodes, (all relate to student discipline)

Weld County School District 6, Greeley, Colorado

Attention! Please Read!

The official copy of the Board of Education Policy Manual is

Located in the office of the Superintendent at the Weld County

School District 6 Administration Building located at

1025 9th Avenue, Greeley, CO 80631

Policy JK-R - Student Discipline File:


Student Discipline

Disciplinary information 

Open communication between principals and the professional staff is essential to accomplish the educational mission of the district. It is recognized that principals have access to information about individual students that may not be otherwise available to others because this information is not recorded as part of the student's education record. To assure that information is shared with the professional staff that may be important to understanding the particular needs of individual students and any potential risk that a student might pose to the safety or welfare of others, state law requires that the principal take steps to communicate this information to teachers and counselors who have direct contact with the student. In addition, to make sure that the information communicated is accurate, state law gives students and parents/guardians the right to challenge disciplinary information. Whenever the principal or designee determines that disciplinary information as defined in Board policy must be communicated to a teacher or counselor, the following steps will be followed:

1. The principal will prepare a brief written statement which sets forth the information to be communicated to a teacher or counselor pertaining to an individual student. If disciplinary information regarding a disabled student is transmitted, the current IEP must also be included. The statement will indicate if it is a confidential document. The source of the information will be noted, if applicable.

2. The principal will communicate the information in the statement to the teacher or counselor by providing a copy of the statement. Alternatively, the principal or designee may wait until the student or parent/guardian has had a chance to challenge the content of the statement before communicating the statement to any teachers or counselors. The teacher/counselor and principal or designee may discuss the information in the statement. The principal or designee will record the names of all individuals who are given a copy of the statement.

3. The principal or designee will take reasonable steps to see that the parent/guardian of a student under 18 years of age receives a copy of the written statement, by mailing it to the parent/guardian address provided on the student's registration records or by sending it home with the student. In either case, the principal or designee will take reasonable steps to reach the parent/guardian by telephone to alert them to the fact the statement has been mailed or sent with the student. If a student is 18 years old or older ("eligible student"), the written statement will be provided directly to the student and will not be provided to the parent/guardian unless the student gives consent.

 4. The written statement will indicate that the student and/or parent/guardian may challenge the accuracy of the disciplinary information on the basis that it is inaccurate, false or misleading unless the statement is solely a summary of an incident for which the student and parent/guardian has already been afforded a due process hearing prior to imposition of school discipline. In that case, the challenge procedures do not apply.


 The following procedures apply when an interested person challenges the statement of disciplinary information:

Step 1

A Step 1 review will be requested in writing within seven days after receipt by the parent/guardian of the written statement. If the interested persons fail to file an intent to challenge within seven days after receiving a copy of the statement, the statement will stand as written and there will be no further opportunity to challenge that particular statement. If the student or parent/guardian challenges any part of the statement, the principal should review the part of the statement being challenged and may, by mutual agreement with the person making the challenge, destroy, delete or add the information in question.

 Step 2

If the principal does not agree to change the written statement as requested during the Step 1 review, the student or parent/guardian may request an informal hearing with the superintendent or designee within 10 days after the principal's decision not to change the written statement. This request must be in writing and will state the reasons for the request. The principal may file a written response to the request for a Step 2 review to be considered by the superintendent.

The superintendent or designee will make a decision within 10 school days after receiving the request for Step 2 review. The superintendent or designee may take whatever steps necessary to make a determination about the content of the statement, including discussing the matter with the student and parent/guardian and/or principal and making independent inquiries to determine the veracity of the statement.The superintendent or designee may decide that the statement should be revised in accordance with the student or parent/guardian position or may decide to uphold the principal's statement as accurate. The superintendent's decision is final. Once an appeal has been held on the disciplinary information contained in a statement, that statement may be communicated to teachers/counselors during the school year without any further challenge. If the statement had been communicated prior to the conclusion of the challenge, and changes were made to the statement, the principal or designee will see that all those who received the original statement are provided a copy of the revised statement.

 Any teacher or counselor who receives a statement containing disciplinary information will maintain the confidentiality of the information and will not communicate the information to any other person. A violation of this provision will result in appropriate disciplinary action.

 Remedial discipline plans 

1. The principal may develop a plan for any student who causes a material and substantial disruption in the classroom, on school grounds, in school vehicles or at school activities or events. The goal of the remedial discipline plan shall be to address the student's disruptive behavior and educational needs while keeping the child in school.

2. To develop the plan, the principal will arrange for a meeting with the student, the student's parent/guardian and any members of the staff whom the principal believes should attend.

3. The purpose of the meeting will be to address the reasons for the student's disruptive behavior and cooperatively to establish goals, objectives and timelines to modify such behavior. A written plan will be prepared which addresses the student's disruptive behavior, educational needs and what steps are necessary to keep the child in school. The plan will include incentives for good behavior and consequences if the student is disruptive in violation of the plan. 

4. The plan may be written in the form of a contract which the student and the parent/guardian will sign and date.  

5. The parent/guardian will be provided a copy of the remedial discipline plan and it will be placed in the student's cumulative file.

Habitually disruptive students

A student will be declared “habitually disruptive” if suspended three times during the course of the school year for causing a material and substantial disruption in the classroom, on school grounds or at school activities or events because of student behavior that was initiated, willful and overt. The principal will inform the superintendent if a student is suspended for a second time for causing a material and substantial disruption. The student and the parent/guardian will be notified in writing of each suspension which counts toward declaring the student habitually disruptive. The student and parent/guardian will also be notified in writing and by telephone or other oral communication of the definition of “habitually disruptive student.”District procedures for expulsion may be initiated when the student is suspended for the third time. The period of suspension will be extended, if necessary, to conduct an expulsion proceeding.

Approved: May 27, 1987

Revised: May 2, 1989

Revised: February 27, 1991

Revised: October 13, 1993

Revised: May 11, 1994

Revised: August 17, 1994

Revised: November 13, 1996

Revised: July 8, 1998

Revised: February 28, 2001

Revised/recoded: June 22, 2009

Revised: February 14, 2011 Weld County School District 6, Greeley, Colorado

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| |Bully Prevention |

| |In Positive Behavior Support |

| | | |

| | | |

| |District 6 | |

| | | |

|⎫ Blending School- wide positive |The Board recognizes that bullying behavior can have a negative effect on the school climate and can | |

|behavior support, and explicit |lead to more serious behaviors affecting the health, safety, and welfare of students. The Board supports| |

|instruction to provide every student the |a secure school climate, conducive to teaching and learning that is free from threat, harassment and any| |

|tools to prevent bullying. |type of bullying behavior. The purpose of this policy is to promote consistency of approach and to help | |

| |create a climate in which all types of bullying are regarded as unacceptable. |e|

| | | |

|⎫ Positive Behavior Support has been | | |

|shown to have both short and long term | | |

|beneficial effects on academic | | |

|achievement, decreased discipline, | | |

|aggression, crime, school attachment and | | |

|drug use. | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|⎫ All students and staff are taught | | |

|about | | |

|how to behave in | | |

|safe, respectful, and responsible ways | | |

|across all school settings. | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|⎫ The emphasis is on prevention and | | |

|reduction of bullying problems and | | |

|behaviors. | | |

| | | |

| |Bully Prevention in Positive Behavior Support is a program that is used at all grade levels in all of | |

| |our elementary schools. The program is a series of explicitly taught lessons that are designed to give | |

| |children tools to help them reduce and prevent incidences of bullying. | |

| | | |

| |The student lessons teach a 3 step response to problem behavior: “Stop” | |

| |“Walk” “Talk” | |

| |

|Questions? Please call your school principal |

Policy JICDE* - Bullying Prevention and Education

File: JICDE*

Bullying Prevention and Education

The Board recognizes that bullying behavior can have a negative effect on the school climate and can lead to more serious behaviors affecting the health, safety, and welfare of students. The Board supports a secure school climate, conducive to teaching and learning that is free from threat, harassment and any type of bullying behavior. The purpose of this policy is to promote consistency of approach and to help create a climate in which all types of bullying are regarded as unacceptable.

Bullying is the use of coercion to obtain control over another person or to be habitually cruel to another person. Bullying can occur through written, verbal or electronically transmitted expression or by means of a physical act or gesture. Bullying is prohibited on district property, at district or school-sanctioned activities and events, when students are being transported in any vehicle dispatched by the district or one of its schools, or off school property when such conduct has a connection to school or any district curricular or non-curricular activity or event.

A student who engages in any act of bullying is subject to appropriate disciplinary action, including suspension, expulsion and/or referral to law enforcement authorities. The severity and pattern of the bullying behavior, if any, shall be considered when disciplinary decisions are made.

Teachers who observe or become aware of bullying shall take appropriate steps to intervene and/or report such behavior to the school principal. Parents and students who become aware of bullying are encouraged to report it to the school principal.

School principals shall take appropriate steps to educate students about ways to prevent bullying.

The superintendent shall develop a comprehensive program to address bullying at all school levels. The program shall be aimed toward accomplishing the following goals:

1.    To send a clear message to students, staff, parents and community members that bullying will not be tolerated.

2.    To train staff and students in taking pro-active steps to prevent bullying from occurring.

3.    To implement procedures for immediate intervention, investigation, and confrontation of students engaged in bullying behavior.

4.    To initiate efforts to change the behavior of students engaged in bullying behaviors through re-education on acceptable behavior, discussions, counseling, and appropriate negative consequences.

5.    To foster a productive partnership with parents and community members in order to help maintain a bully-free environment.

6.    To support victims of bullying by means of individual and peer counseling.

7.    To help develop peer support networks, social skills and confidence for all students.

8.    To recognize and praise positive, supportive behaviors of students toward one another on a regular basis.

Adopted: June 14, 2004

Revised: June 22, 2009

LEGAL REF.: C.R.S. 22-32-109.1 (2)(a)(X) (policy required as part of safe schools plan)

CROSS REFS.: JICDA, Code of Conduct

JICDD*, Violent and Aggressive Behavior

JICJ, Student Use of Electronic Communication Devices

JK, Student Discipline

Weld County School District 6, Greeley, Colorado

Attention! Please Read!

The official copy of the Board of Education Policy Manual is

Located in the office of the Superintendent at the Weld County

School District 6 Administration Building located at

1025 9th Avenue, Greeley, CO 80631

Nuisance Items

No nuisance items are to be in the possession of students on school premises. This includes any item that disrupts the educational environment. This may include but is not limited to the following examples: balloons, radios/electronic games, noisemakers, puzzle cubes, trucks or any other items unless authorized by the teacher. Items deemed a nuisance by the classroom teacher or staff member will be confiscated and returned to the parents only. Such items have a way of disappearing or getting lost and we do not have the time or resources to protect them. This rule is for the protection of your child’s personal property.

Lost and Found

A large box is kept outside the health office for lost clothing (smaller, or more valuable items, are kept in the office). Parents and students should label possessions, especially books, lunch boxes, coats, sweaters and backpacks. Any items left at the end of the school year will be donated to a local charity.

Inclement Weather

On extremely cold or wet mornings, at the direction of the teachers on duty, students may enter the gym at 8:00 AM. The signal for students to come in to the gym will be a large orange cone placed on the playground blacktop, and out front. Children will go outside for recess when the temperature is 15 degrees F or above (or at the discretion of the principal).

School Closing Announcements

Announcements of school closings, delayed opening or early closing of Weld County School District Six - Greeley/Evans Schools due to sleet, snow, or hazardous weather conditions are made on the following radio stations: KUAD 99.1 FM; KUNC 91.5 FM; KATR 1450 AM; KYOU 92.5 FM; KVVS 1170 AM; KISF 96.1 FM. Please check for school closures, as well.If snow or bad weather begins after school is in session, school may be closed early to permit riding students to be driven home before the roads become dangerous. Again please tune to local radio stations for closing announcements so that phones at the schools, the superintendent's office, and the bus supervisor's office can remain open to confer with the local police and the highway patrol.

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| |Weather Related Inside / Outside Temperature Guidelines |

| | |

| | |

| |District 6 Weather Guidelines – Inside or |

| |Outside? |

|⎫ Parents are encouraged to pay | |

|attention to the Colorado weather |Weather and temperature changes in Colorado can often be very difficult to predict. It can be very cold|

|forecasted for our area. |in the morning when your child leaves for school, but often by lunch time, the temperature will have |

| |completely changed. The higher elevation, clear skies, and wind can quickly effect our perception of |

| |how warm or cold it might feel outside. |

|⎫ Please monitor the type of | |

|outer-ware that your child wears to | |

|school. Make sure that it is | |

|appropriate for the weather forecasted| |

|for that day. | |

| | |

|⎫ It is helpful if you label your | |

|child’s clothing by writing their | |

|first and last name somewhere on the | |

|inside of the coat or jacket | |

| |***15 Degrees Fahrenheit*** |

| | |

| |When the temperature reading is 15 degrees, or above, the school will consider if it is appropriate for|

| |the children to play outside for recess. |

| | |

| |Other factors such as wind chill and precipitation will be considered by the building principal / |

| |assistant principal when making the decision on whether to go outside or remain inside. |

| | |

| |In the event of inclement weather, such as temperature below 15 degrees Fahrenheit, heavy snow, sleet, |

| |etc., children will come inside upon arrival at school and/or stay inside at lunch-recess. |

| |

|Questions? Please call your school principal |

Division of Academic Achievement

1 0 2 5 N I N T H A V E N U E

G R E E L E Y , C OL OR A D O 8 0 6 3 1

9 7 0 - 3 4 8 - 6 0 0 0

School Closures and Delayed Starts

Occasionally, winter weather in northern Colorado can cause severe enough conditions that we have to consider closing schools or delaying the start of schools. This decision could be made because of significant snowfall, dangerous road conditions, or extreme cold.

Deciding whether to close or delay the start of schools is always done with the safety of students, parents and staff in mind. District staff will do everything they can to make a decision as early as possible to allow parents to make alternative plans.

School Closure If schools are closed for the day because of weather, students will remain home. Generally, this also means that all other school activities, such as after-school clubs, sports, practices, etc. are also canceled for that day. The lost instructional time may need to be made up later in the year in order to meet the State of Colorado's minimum requirements for annual instructional time for students.

Two Hour Delayed Start If schools will open on a two-hour delayed start, then students should arrive at school two hours later than their normal start times. A delayed start could be used if weather or road conditions are severe overnight but expected to improve in the morning. On a delayed-start day, school buses will run their routes two hours later than normal. Parents who drive their children to school should drop their children off two hours later than the normal time.


If schools are to be closed or put on a two-hour delayed start because of poor weather and road conditions, then that decision will be announced by these means:

• A posting on the district's main website

• Postings to the district's social media sites: Twitter and Facebook

• A recorded message on the district's main telephone number: 970-348-6000

• Notification to local and metro-Denver area radio and television stations

• Notification to The Greeley Tribune newspaper

School District 6 provides a quality education for every learner within a system of high expectations and rigorous, focused instruction.

Policy EBCE - School Closings and Cancellations

File: EBCE

School Closings and Cancellations

The superintendent is empowered to close the schools, delay the start of schools or to dismiss them early in event of hazardous weather or other emergencies which threaten the safety, health or welfare of students or staff members. It is understood that the superintendent will take such action only after consultation with appropriate authorities. The Board shall ratify the closing at its next regular meeting.

Parents, students and staff members shall be informed early in each school year as to how they shall be notified in event of emergency closings or early dismissals.

In the event of a closure of all schools, 12-month employees are expected to report to their school or site unless otherwise notified. If the school time lost due to the closure needs to be made up, as determined by the superintendent, the makeup day(s) will be designated on the annual school calendar. In such an event, all employees will be expected to work on the rescheduled day. Any employees required to work on a day when the district is closed will be paid for the extra day(s) in accordance with their regular compensation.

Adopted: April 27, 1988

Revised: March 11, 2002

Revised: September 9, 2002

Revised: June 22, 2009

Revised: March 28, 2011

LEGAL REFS.: C.R.S. 22-1-112 (school year and national holidays)

C.R.S. 22-32-109 (1)(n) (Board’s duty to determine number of instructional/ contact hours/days)

C.R.S. 22-33-101 et seq. (school attendance law)

1 CCR 301-39, Rules 2254-R-2.06 (Board may reduce teacher-pupil instructional/contact time; closings deemed by Board necessary for health, safety or welfare of pupils)

CROSS REFS.: IC/ICA, School Year/School Calendar

JLIB, Student Dismissal Precautions

Weld County School District 6, Greeley, Colorado

Attention! Please Read!

The official copy of the Board of Education Policy Manual is

Located in the office of the Superintendent at the Weld County

School District 6 Administration Building located at

1025 9th Avenue, Greeley, CO 80631


Health Services information for


Health Services - Who are we?

• For Health Service forms and information please see the District 6 Health Services Website. > departments > health services

• District 6 has School Health Clerks who are the main care-givers in health offices in all district and charter schools. They perform first aid and care for ill children, administer medications, perform health screenings, manage immunization and health records. They are available to answer questions and are able to contact School Registered Nurse Consultant at all times. Health Clerks have taken a health clerk training course and have yearly CPR, First Aid, Medication Administration, and other trainings as needed for specific student health needs.

• District 6 has School Registered Nurse Consultants who work as a team with health clerks, school administration and staff to provide physical, mental, and social support to help children learn. School Registered Nurse Consultants are trained with an RN-BSN and have obtained School Nurse licensure through CDE. School Nurses are responsible for preparing health care plans, documenting health histories, collaborating with special education team on educational plans, delegating to unlicensed personnel who provide care for students, assisting with health education units, consulting with outside health providers and agencies.

Illness/Injury, Emergency Information

• Accidents/Illness/Injury –

o Health office staff or other qualified personnel will administer first aid for any ill or injured student. If needed, parent/guardians will be contacted and in extreme cases, 911 may be called.

• Emergency information – PLEASE KEEP EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION UPDATED WITH THE FRONT OFFICE STAFF. We need to be able to contact you if your child is ill or injured.


• If your child must have medication of any type during school, including prescription or over-the-counter medicine (pills, syrups, cough drops, eye drops, creams, ointments, inhalers, injectable), you have three choices:

o Parents/Guardians may come to school and give it to their child at the appropriate time.

o Parents/Guardians and health care providers may complete and sign a physician authorization form. The medication must be in a pharmacy-labeled bottle or original packaging with instructions.

o Parents/Guardians may discuss with their health care provider an alternative schedule so the medication can be given outside of school hours.

• Medications of any sort (over the counter or prescription) are not to be in the possession of students, except for those with written authorization from their health care provider, their family and school registered nurse consultant.

• If your child will need any medication or treatment at school, please obtain a copy of the physician authorization form from the health office or download from health services website

HS 000 05102013 Health Services addition for STUDENT PARENT handbook Page 1 of 3


Health Questionnaire / Students with Health Concerns

• Health questionnaires - It is extremely important that parents/guardians complete the annual health questionnaire and Emergency Information form.

• Students with known health concerns – School Registered Nurse Consultants write Health Care Plans (HCP) for students that require specific procedures at school.

• All students who have diabetes, seizures, severe allergies, severe asthma or who have any medication (prescription or over the counter) in school should have a HCP. Other disorders may also have specific precautions which would require a HCP. PLEASE contact the school Health Clerk or School Nurse if you have concerns about your child’s health.

▪ Students with Severe Asthma, Severe Allergies, Seizure Disorder or Diabetes – forms are available from health office or on health services website for physician completion


• Immunizations are an important part of our children’s health care and Colorado Law requires that children going to school be vaccinated to prevent vaccine-preventable disease. Students are not permitted to attend school without meeting immunization requirements or having a signed personal, medical, or religious exemption.

• If parents have concerns about immunizations and vaccine safety, visit . The Colorado Immunization Program’s website is located at .

• Schools work hard to ensure compliance with the immunization laws. Your help in providing updated immunization records at school registration and when your child receives additional vaccine(s) is greatly appreciated.


• Hearing and vision screenings are conducted annually by health services staff including District Audiologist. The following grades are screened: Pre-K, K, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, and 9, all new students, and students with special education needs – per the State of Colorado guidelines.

• Glasses when prescribed by an eye care professional are extremely crucial to student success. Please make sure students wear them daily at school.

• Students who do not pass vision screening will receive a “referral” for follow-up care. Students who do not pass hearing screening will continue to be monitored by school audiologist.

Loaned Clothing

• The health office has a limited supply of extra clothing for accidents. Please wash and return these clothes at your earliest convenience.

Parent Health Resources

• Health office staff are happy to assist parents in finding health information and access to health care.

School Wellness

• Research shows that children perform better in school when they eat healthy and are physically active.  To support academic achievement and healthy living, District 6 offers exciting wellness opportunities for both students and employees.  Please visit wellness.

When to keep your child home / Exclusion from school for health reasons

• Healthy Children Learn Better. The following Exclusion Guidelines will be utilized to determine if a student should be sent home because of illness.

HS 000 05102013 Health Services addition for STUDENT PARENT handbook Page 2 of 3


District 6 Health Exclusion Guidelines

|Symptom |Exclusion Guidelines |

|Cough |Recommended for students experiencing severe, uncontrolled coughing or wheezing, or difficulty breathing. |

|Diarrhea |Recommended for students with other symptoms in addition to diarrhea such as: vomiting, abdominal pain, fever, |

| |the diarrhea cannot be contained in a toilet, there is blood or mucus in the stool. Student should be diarrhea|

| |free for 24 hours without medication before returning to school. |

|Fever (defined as a temperature >100.5 F |Recommended if the student has symptoms in addition to the fever such as a rash, sore throat, vomiting, |

|orally) |diarrhea, etc. Student should be fever free for 24 hours without medication before returning to school. |

|Mouth Sores |Recommended if student is drooling uncontrollably. |

|Rash |Recommended if student has symptoms in addition to the rash such as behavioral change, fever, joint pain, |

| |bruising not associated with injury, or if the rash is open and oozing. |

|Stomach Ache |Recommended if the pain is severe, if the pain appears after an injury, or if the student had symptoms in |

|Abdominal Pain |addition to the stomach ache such as vomiting, fever, diarrhea, etc. |

|Swollen Glands |Recommended if the student has symptoms in addition to the swollen glands such as difficulty breathing or |

| |swallowing, fever, etc. |

|Vomiting |Generally recommended if the student has vomited more than 2 times in 24 hours, if the vomit is green or bloody,|

| |if the student had a recent head injury, or if the student has symptoms in addition to the vomiting such as |

| |fever, diarrhea, stomach ache, etc. Student should be vomit free for 24 hours without medication before |

| |returning to school. |

|Earache |No exclusion necessary |

|Headache |No exclusion necessary. Contact nurse if headache is persistent, severe, is accompanied by other symptoms or if|

| |the student has a health care plan. |

|Lice |Exclusion is for children found with live head lice only. Data does not support school exclusion for nits (lice|

| |eggs). |

|Contagious Illness |Students on antibiotics for contagious illnesses, such as strep throat, tonsillitis, bronchitis, pinkeye or |

| |pneumonia, must stay home until antibiotic has been taken for 24 hours. |

| |All skin lesions must be covered by a bandage or clothing during the school day. This may include impetigo, ring|

| |worm, scabies, and other fungal, bacterial or viral skin infections. |

|Other considerations |Consider exclusion if: |

| |The student is unable to participate comfortably in usual activities |

| |The student requires more medical care than the school personnel are able to provide |

| |The student has a high fever, behavioral changes, persistent crying, difficulty breathing, uncontrolled |

| |coughing, or other signs suggesting a severe illness. |

| |The student is ill with a potentially contagious disease and exclusion is recommended by a health care provider,|

| |the state or local public health agency. |

|Source: |*Adapted from CDPHE - Infectious Disease Guidelines in Public Schools, Revised Dec. 2004. |

|D6 Exclusion Guidelines 08022012 |Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. |

| | |

HS 000 05102013 Health Services addition for STUDENT PARENT handbook Page 3 of 3

Nutrition Services

Weld County School District 6 Nutrition Services Department is taking a proactive approach to offering healthier and fresher foods for the students in our community.  Our ‘home-cooked’ meals are prepared fresh daily utilizing whole, natural ingredients.  Eliminating processed foods and replacing them with items made ‘from scratch’ has allowed the department to significantly reduce the amount of sodium, preservatives and other artificial ingredients that are served to our students.  In addition, the Nutrition Services Department continues to expand its Farm to School Program by purchasing fresh produce from local growers. This provides our students with the freshest fruits and vegetables possible, while also supporting the local community.

Nutrition Services aims to “Fuel the Future of Our Students” with healthy, nourishing foods that provide their bodies with the nutrients they need to grow learn and succeed in the classroom! Thank you for allowing your student to dine with us. Here is some additional information about our program:

2014-2015 Meal Prices

|Meal Type |Elementary |Middle School |High School |Adults |

|Paid Breakfast |$1.50 |$1.60 |$1.60 |$1.80 |

|Reduced Breakfast |Free |Free |Free |N/A |

|Paid Lunch |$2.55 |$2.80 |$2.80 |$3.25 |

|Reduced Lunch K-2nd Grade |Free |N/A |N/A |N/A |

|Reduced Lunch 3rd-12th Grades|$0.40 |$0.40 |$0.40 |N/A |

Low Balance/Charging Policy

If your student(s) meal balance begins to run low, nutrition staff will provide verbal reminders to students and utilize auto-call and low-balance letters to communicate the need for additional funds to be placed on the meal account. However, from time to time a student’s meal account may have insufficient funds to cover the cost of a meal. Our policy in District 6 is to allow Elementary students to charge up to two (2) breakfast and two (2) lunch meals, Middle School students to charge one (1) breakfast and one (1) lunch and we extend no charging privileges for high school students. All meal charges are to be paid in full by the end of the school year.

Meal Payments

Payments to your student’s account may be made a number of ways:

• Cash can be sent with your student to pay for each meal and/or be placed on their meal account.

• Checks are accepted at all schools for meal accounts.

• Credit/Debit cards are accepted online at

Please allow 24 hours for payment to post to your students’ meal account.

Free & Reduced Meal Benefits

Your student(s) may qualify to receive their breakfast and lunch meals for free or at a reduced rate. Meal Benefit Applications are mailed to each district household approximately 30 days prior to the start of the new school year and are also available on the district’s website, in the school office and cafeteria. Only one application per household is necessary. Application processing can take up to 10 business days with families responsible for all meal costs until the application is approved. Once approved, meal applications are good for the entire school year and carry over for the first thirty (30) days into the next school year.

Wellness Policy

Research shows that children perform better in school when they eat healthy and are physically active.  To support academic achievement and healthy living, Weld County School District 6 offers exciting wellness opportunities for both students and employees.  With devotion to wellness programming for the entire district, healthy initiatives are changing behaviors for life.  District 6 has strategies in place to improve eating habits, increase physical activity, and provide a healthier school atmosphere.  For more information about the wellness program, please visit wellness.

Lunchroom Information

Breakfast and Lunch should be purchased on Mondays in the lunchroom before school. We encourage students and parents to check the menus published by District Six Nutrition Services to determine whether she or he wants to eat lunch on a particular day. Students who are allergic to particular food or milk products should have a statement on file in their records.

Lunchroom rules are few, very clear and enforced. They are posted in the cafeteria and reviewed with students. Inappropriate behavior may result in a student being removed to a separate area of the cafeteria or removed from the cafeteria.

Students should:

1. Talk quietly and use good manners at all times.

2. Be quiet - when the monitor's hand goes up.

3. Throw away trash in containers and stack trays neatly.

4. Stay seated until the monitor dismisses you.

5. Exit the lunchroom in an orderly manner.

Lunch Schedule

During the school year, students will have 20 minutes of recess and 20 minutes to eat their lunch.

| |Monday Schedule | |Tuesday through Friday |

|Grade |Lunch |Recess |Grade |Lunch |Recess |

|K |11:20 – 11:40 |11:40 – 12:00 |K |11:45 – 12:05 |12:05 – 12:25 |

|1 |11:00 – 11:20 |11:20 – 11:40 |1 |11:30 – 11:50 |11:10 – 11:30 |

|2 |11:00 – 11:20 |10:40 – 11:00 |2 |11:10 – 11:30 |11:30 – 11:50 |

|3 |11:40 – 12:00 |11:20 – 11:40 |3 |12:10 – 12:30 |11:50 – 12:10 |

|4 |12:20 – 12:40 |12:00 – 12:20 |4 |12:50 – 1:10 |12:30 – 12:50 |

|5 |12:00 – 12:20 |12:20 – 12:40 |5 |12:30 – 12:50 |12:50 – 1:10 |

Parking - Student Drop Off & Pickup

Traffic is heavy both before and after school. To ease crowding on 19th and 21st Avenues parents are asked to consider dropping off/ picking up children on 26th Street (directly south of Jackson School).

Reminder: Do not block our neighbor’s driveways. U-turns during high traffic times are not encouraged. Please park ONLY in designated areas. Walk your children across busy streets. Do not stop in the middle of the street to pick up/drop off passengers. Please do not park in the bus zone!


Riding the school bus is a privilege provided for our students who are in the bussing area. The expectation for riding the bus is that students are seated in their seats on their bottoms, no yelling or loud noises, and no eating on the bus. Students must be safe on the bus. If students cannot comply with these rules and regulations, their bus riding privilege may be taken away from them.


Jackson School strongly recommends that students in 3rd through 5th grade only ride their bicycles to school due to limited number of bicycle racks available at Jackson. All bicycles ridden to school should be locked in the bicycle racks. A tamper-proof lock is strongly encouraged and helmets should be worn. The school does not assume liability for bicycles. Bicycles must be parked in the designated bicycle racks promptly upon arrival at school. Each student should individually lock his/her bike. For safety, bicycles need to be walked on and off the school grounds.


Skateboards are not to be ridden on school grounds. Consequence: After a warning to remind students of this rule, students may be asked to leave their skateboard at home for a given length of time. Students who continue to violate this rule will have their skateboard confiscated. A parent/guardian will need to come to school to pick up the skateboard.

In-Line Skates/Roller skates

Students are asked to remove these items when on school property. Consequence: After a warning to remind students of this rule, students may be asked to leave the in-line skates/roller skates at home for a given length of time. Students who continue to violate this rule will have their in-line skates/roller skates confiscated. A parent/guardian will need to come to school to pick up these items.


Scooters are not to be ridden on school grounds. Scooters that fold up should be folded up and carried. Consequence: After a warning to remind students of this rule, students may be asked to leave their scooter at home for a given length of time. Students who continue to violate this rule will have their scooter confiscated. A parent/guardian will need to come to school to pick up the scooter.


Parents and guardians are encouraged to visit the building and observe classes. From time to time, however, it may be inappropriate for you to visit, for example, when students are involved in testing. On such occasions we would ask that you reschedule your visit. In order to avoid a disappointment we ask that you contact the school office and teacher to arrange your visit. 24 hour notice must be given prior to visiting the classroom. When you arrive at school for your visit we ask that you first stop in the office to say hello, sign in, and receive a Visitor's Badge.

As we continue to help insure all of our students are safe, all volunteers in the Greeley-Evans School District must register online and pass a criminal background check before volunteering in a school. Once you register, it usually takes about a week to be confirmed. So, if you want to

join in fun events like field trips and Field Day please register soon.

Go to:

Click on the top tab Get Involved

You will get a drop down menu.

Click on Volunteer

On the left side of the screen you will see Volunteer Sign In & New Registration

Click on New Volunteer and Register Now. Fill in all the information on the next frames and submit.

You will get an email letting you know when you are cleared to volunteer. If you sign up as a volunteer you will not have to do the whole sign in process at the front desk in the office. You will get a name badge with a barcode on it that you can scan when you come in and out of the building.

Non-Jackson Students - Visitation Policy

Children who are not enrolled at Jackson should not be sent to visit. Ordinarily it is the policy of the school to discourage child visitors due to liability reasons.

School Accountability Committee

This committee serves to assist in making decisions for the school. This committee looks at teacher and principal effectiveness, instructional decisions and school budget. We meet four times per year, once every quarter on Monday at 5:30 PM.

Jackson Parent Group (JPG)

JPG serves as a means to increase communication between school and community. Parents/guardians are elected as Board Members and work with parents/guardians, teachers, and building administration to discuss fundraising for the school. Parent group is one of our most vital communication systems for good public relations and support for our total program. Jackson Parent Group meets on the first Monday of every month at 5:30 PM.


Students are responsible for good behavior on school computer networks just as they are in a classroom or a school hallway. Communications on the network are often public in nature. General school rules for behavior and communication apply.

The network is provided for students to conduct research and communicate with others. Access to network services is given to students who agree to act in a considerate and responsible manner. Access is a privilege - not a right. Access entails responsibility.

Individual users of the district computer networks are responsible for their behavior and communications over those networks. It is presumed that users will comply with district standards. Network storage areas may be treated like school lockers. Network administrators may review files and communications to maintain system integrity and insure that users are using the system responsibly.

Telephone Policy

School telephones are to be used by students only in cases of emergencies, i.e., illness or accident. Other telephone use, such as calling a parent to obtain permission to visit a friend after school, should be taken care of prior to coming to school.

Personnel Complaints

Most problems and disagreements are the result of inadequate communication between the parties involved. For this reason, please address any concerns you may have directly with the person first. If a solution is not reached in the first meeting, please contact the principal for another meeting with all parties present, and bring a copy of the complaint in writing.



Some schools in District 6 have individually chosen to have a more detailed and proscriptive dress code, in addition to the district wide Universal Student Dress Code. These decisions have been based on requests by students, families and others in the school community. All stakeholders, including students, parents and staff, participated in the decision-making process at each school.


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