How Good is our School?

pilrig park school____________________Standards and Quality Report Session 2019-2020189547522542500 How Good is our School?Context of the School VisionAt Pilrig Park School we promote…Learning together…Being Determined to succeed…Being the best we can be. Our vision is to engage learners through working in partnership with parents, carers and other professionals in a positive learning environment and that every child will leave Pilrig Park with a positive and sustainable destination. ValuesTo communicate.To work hard.To support and challenge.To develop our school community. To respect each other and build friendships. AimsConfident Individuals: To present a caring school where pupils and staff feel valued and learn to value others, sharing and celebrating successes and achievements.Successful Learners: To provide a high quality education combining learning and teaching strategies specific to the complex and individual needs of our pupils.To ensure a broad and balanced curriculum appropriate to the complex and individual needs of our pupils.To support an environment where staff needs can be met through an ongoing process of Professional Development and Review.Effective Contributors: To communicate and work in partnership with parents, carers and other professionals ensuring the needs of the whole young person are recognised and developed consistently.Responsible Citizens: To enable pupils to learn through a range of real experiences, taking part in activities in the local community and beyond.Pilrig Park is a special school providing education for secondary age pupils and is located in central Edinburgh. The school is surrounded by parkland. Pilrig Park meets the complex long term additional support needs of young people where the presumption of mainstream cannot be met. The needs of learners are primarily associated with the learning disability and Autism Spectrum Disorder. The school serves a wide area with pupils travelling from throughout the City of Edinburgh, Midlothian and East Lothian. A secondary model with a broad and challenging curriculum based on Curriculum for Excellence is offered. Admission to the school is via the CMRG.The school has a role of 76. The total complement of teaching staff is 19.6 FTE and 8.95 FTE Support staff. The school has a Head Boy and a Head Girl and a depute Head Boy and depute Head Girl.The senior management team consists of the Head teacher, Depute Head teacher and a Business manager. We also have 3 PT’s: Literacy &Total Communication, Numeracy & Transitions, and Health & Well-Being. The school has a multi-agency approach working with the young people and includes an Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapist, and other Allied Health Professionals. There are currently 10 classes.Capacity for Continuous ImprovementPilrig Park School has continued this session on its journey to improvement. The pace of change on our journey has been slower than anticipated because the Head teacher was absent due to ill health. An Acting Head teacher was in place for two terms and we are very grateful for the work that he has started on the priorities from last year’s Improvement Plan. We will continue with the current Improvement Plan next year and focus on: Making Pilrig Park a totally inclusive environment by further developing nurture approaches. Continuing to develop a skills- based curriculum which offers sustainability and enterprise. To continue to develop Partnerships with specific focus on those who can support the curriculum. To encourage partners to be involved in school improvementOur Pupil Equity Funding has supported us to open a nurture room in school. This has supported our most vulnerable learners and on a daily basis is used extremely well bridging the gap between home and school offering breakfast, hot drinks and generally helping young people to engage and achieve in their learning. This links well with the nurturing approaches we are developing across the whole school introducing a more nurtured start and finish to the school day. We are proud of the partners we have built in the school to support nurture particularly the very strong link with CHAI. Once again we have achieved 100% positive and sustainable destinations for all of our leavers. It is hoped that the JETT FLEX programme continues to develops in session (2019-2020) to support our young people to access and sustain employment and to embed work around the CES. TLeadership of Change QI 1.3 ThemesDeveloping a shared vision, values & aims relevant to the school and its communityStrategic planning for continuous improvementImplementing improvement and changeOur Illustration Developing a shared vision, values & aims relevant to the school and its communityThe Senior Leadership Team promotes whole school engagement with our vision, values and aims.The HT has a vision for the school and the SLT are helping to promote this visionThe staff team have a good understanding of the unique context of the school228600112395Strategic planning for continuous improvementThere were difficulties this session taking forward the strategic plan due to the Head teacher’s absence through ill health. This slowed down the pace of change and the focus on improvements on the Improvement Plan priorities will continue from this sessionThe priorities in the school’s improvement plan are linked to the Quality Improvement Indicators and are closely aligned with the NIF.Some self-evaluation activities lead to identifying strengths as well as clear areas for improvement which are focused on learning, teaching and achievement.There are opportunities for staff to lead learning and improvement strategiesSLT are well informed about DYW and making steady progress with Career Education Standard and Work Placement StandardA self- evaluation calendar in place and is beginning to drive improvement with a more robust system to monitor and evaluate the quality of the learning provision. All staff understand that the focus is on improving the quality of the learning provision. The school will work hard to stay on track in terms of completing self-evaluation activities on timeThe school continues to focus on improving learning and teachingSenior Phase learners are well prepared for life beyond school. During session 2018-2019 100% of school leavers achieved a positive destination.228600112395Implementing Improvement and Change Some self-evaluation underpins school improvement. The school will work next session to make sure that we measure what we value using a range of approaches228600112395Next Steps The school will focus on keeping on track with planned self-evaluation activities and taking a more collegiate approach to writing the SQIP. We will measure what we valueLearners will be included in school improvement and will have opportunities to share their views.Learning, Teaching and Assessment QI 2.3ThemesLearning and Engagement, including use of digital technologies Quality of Teaching Effective use of AssessmentPlanning, Tracking & MonitoringOur Illustration Learning and EngagementThere are very positive relationships between staff and young people. The school values the nurturing of everyone in an inclusive environment promoting respect, compassion, trust and fairness. Young people are listened to, and contribute ideas to their ongoing learning. Many children enjoy their learning achievements (in and out of school) being recognised and celebrated at assemblies Most relevant learning activities are planned and built on prior learning. The school will research a new planning system next session to tackle bureaucracy and plan for more individualisation linked to learners’ needsAll staff promote young peoples’ independence and encourage where appropriate that they take responsibility for their learning. An appropriate range of supports is in place for the majority of young people. 2279654660900Young people are supported and encouraged to contribute to the wider life of the school.Quality of Teaching There is a strong focus on skills development across the school that encompasses skills for life, learning and work. Staff aim to make learning relevant to young people and appropriate links to real life experiences are made. Staff use the local community very well to support planned learning experiences. Young people use public transport from Leith Walk and local shops etc to develop skills for learning, life and work. All learners have the opportunity to use skills across different contexts where staff use creative teaching approaches. For example a group of learners go weekly to the Botanic Gardens where they learn new skills and transfer skills they already have and use them in a different context. All learners are beginning to access a wider range of digital technologies to enhance learning and communication. We will continue to focus on this next session to make Pilrig a more inclusive learning environment2279655715000All learners are achieving personalised targets through the learning conversations. These are being evaluated and adapted / extended to ensure appropriate teaching input. Targets set for all will make a difference as we further develop the learning conversationsEffective use of Assessment Assessment at Pilrig Park is a dynamic process. We will continue to develop teachers’ professionalism around assessment so that they can make sound professional judgements on progressAIFL strategies have been used by most of the teachers for many years and we will revisit some of the AiFL strategies in the next session ensuring relevance for our current pupil population.Most staff have engaged in SCERTS. training. Next session we plan to find a robust SCERTS model for a secondary school in order to study how it can be effectively used at Pilrig Park.Planning, Tracking and Monitoring 787402330450The majority of staff plan learning effectively using planning documents that are manageable and appropriate to both the class and individual learners. However we are now researching a new planning system to tackle bureaucracy and where planning is built on accurate evaluations of prior learning Some differentiation is evident in teacher’s plans identifying the needs of learners.Going forward a new planning system should show more accurate and consistent levels of achievement and progress through accurate evaluations. SLT will feedback to staff on evaluations of learning completed Appropriate strategies are in place to offer identified learners appropriate support in a nurturing environmentSQA coursework from S4 is tracked. We will focus on developing an effective tracking system across the school next session2279653321050Next StepsDevelop and implement EDICT as a tracking tool for Pilrig Park. Ensure skills are tracked across the school in addition to tracking with EDICT. Implement a new planning system where learning is planned on prior learningFurther develop the Learning Conversations, setting realistic and relevant targets that will make a difference for every learner.Ensuring Wellbeing, Equality and Inclusion QI 3.1ThemesWellbeingFulfilment of Statutory Duties, including presumption of ASN for Looked After, unless assessed to the contrary, and specific arrangements for support to improve outcomes Inclusion and Equality Our Illustration WellbeingThe majority of staff consider all our learners as individuals with their own needs. Staff know the children and young people very well and know the challenges some of them face on a daily basisThe school is working hard to develop an inclusive, positive and nurturing learning environment. For example we work with Chai and with many of our Allied Health Professionals both of which have supported our learners and their families in terms of wellbeing. Partnerships around wellbeing are a strength of the school Learners have opportunities to improve physical wellbeing and all receive PE weekly alongside a well planned options programme on a Friday. The Options programme is planned to enhance young people’s HWB and the impact is measurable with learners developing skills for learning, life and work alongside the JASS Award and other SQA awards and achievements. Young people are valued and are included in the life of the school. We try to keep young people are at the centre of everything we doThe school has introduced a nurturing approach at the start and finish to the school day supporting young people to get ready to engage in learning leading to improved outcomes. Learners are ready to learn on a daily basis and are less anxious about the day ahead because the daily routine has been explained in detail. For those who need a visual timetable; this is issued with explanations at the beginning of the day.A number of learners are supported through individual Behaviour Support Plans and Risk Assessments. All staff have access to these plans and risk assessments to support appropriatelyA number of learners are supported through Risk Assessments prepared in conjunction with Allied Health Professionals. Staff have access to these and updates are shared when written. This helps staff to support learners effectivelyLearners are well supported by partners to improve wellbeing. NHS, Educational Psychologists and SDS are actively involved with learners to support them in their wellbeing. Partnerships are a key strength of Pilrig Park and some of our partnerships supporting our curriculum also help to improve young people’s wellbeing. For example the partnership with the Lyceum and the Edinburgh samba band help young people to relax and build self-esteem which in turn helps to improve their wellbeing. This now needs to be captured as part of a formal tracking system.2279653213100Fulfillment of Statutory Duties (with specific reference to Looked After children)All staff understand their responsibilities related to child protection and keeping children safe and have all taken part in the appropriate level of training. Professional learning is timetabled into CAT time and in set days throughout the year. Signs are displayed throughout the school; showing names / posts of Designated Child Protection Co-ordinators. Volunteers, students and new staff are made aware of their child protection duties, as part of their induction.SLT monitor attendance falling below 85%; along with LAC attendance 2279652578100.In summary staff have engaged in regular professional learning, are confident in the key principles and their responsibilities in relation to:Child protectionGIRFECAdditional support for learning actEducation act 2016Equality act 2010Local guidance/policyStaff take account of current legislation and policy in their planning, pedagogy and practiceInclusion and Equality A range of strategies and resources are implemented to extend the range of opportunities for achievement for learners facing a range of additional challenges. Disability is not a barrier to participation and achievement. Learners are well supported to do their best.Learners’ wider achievements are celebrated collectively through our weekly assembliesPEF funding is supporting opportunities and resources to support targeted work around nurture and inclusion.We communicate with, and involve parents and families in the life of our school. Data gathered showing the impact the school is having on inclusion, wellbeing and equity e.g. Exclusion records data Attendance data YPPMsLearning conversationsEnd of session reports2286002547510Achievements are celebrated through assembliesNext StepsTo introduce a new planning system in the school.Continue to use PEF to support vulnerable learners. Increase staff awareness in the context of ways in which PEF is directed in our school.To develop a robust self-evaluation system in school that will underpin improvement. Gather data routinely and analyse to inform next steps Raising Attainment and Achievement QI 3.2 QI 3.2ThemesAttainment in Literacy and NumeracyAttainment over timeOverall Quality of learners achievement Equity for all learners, including specific reference to Looked After children and other Equity cohortsOur Illustration Attainment in Literacy and NumeracyWe will look at EDICT as a tracking tool across the schoolLiteracy and numeracy is embedded across the school. Attainment over timeThe school celebrates success of all learners’ attainment and achievement through school assemblies, reports home and end of year celebration assembly.The school submits C for E levels to CEC annually. At present almost all young people are working within early and first level in all curricular areas. We have achieved 100% relevant and positive destinations for all school leavers for the past three years and worked alongside SDS and many other partners to achieve this227965-59931300Overall quality of learners’ achievementLearners’ wider achievements are celebrated collectively through weekly assembliesLearners have increased opportunities for wider achievement through partnership working e.g Fruitmarket Gallery, Botanic Gardens, Pipes and Drums Trust and through our own Options Programme on a FridayYoung people are developing skills for learning, life and work and being given the opportunity to use them in different contexts. For example:JASSJohn Muir AwardWork experience.Learners consistently achieve a post school destination and are also supported beyond school.227965-37312600 Equity for all learners, including specific reference to Looked After & Equity As part of ensuring staff have a strong understanding of the barriers children and families face in addition to their ASN, Class staff are aware of information regarding SIMD and LAC learners in their class groups.Attendance levels are high – but individual attendance falling below 85% is monitored and discussed during SLT meetingsAll stakeholders are invited to Child Planning Meetings.We work closely with the Transition Team, families, and young people and partner agencies to ensure that all our young people move into a positive and sustained post school destination. In our Senior Phase, learners benefit from a Leavers’ Programme which facilitates opportunities including work experience placements, college experiences and visits to adult service providers. 1123953721100100% school leavers moved into a Positive Destination (2018 / 19). Next Steps To develop EDICT as a tracking toolTo build robust data around attainment and achievement and give responsibility for this to the DHT. Trends and comparisons to be written around the data annually to build up a comprehensive story on attainment and achievement over time for Pilrig ParkChoice Quality Indicator QI 2.4 QI 2.4 Personalised support Themes Universal support Targeted support Removal of potential barriers to learning. Our IllustrationUniversal supportAs a school we focus on making sure that all learners are at the centre of all planning and are encouraged to be active participants in their learningStaff know the children well and respond well to the individual needs of learners and promote and support their wellbeingAll staff respond very well to the individual needs of young people and promote and support their wellbeing. All learners are engaged in their Learning conversations. Targets are set and progress reflected upon routinely. We will continue to develop the learning conversations next session and link them to teachers planning and reportingTargeted support All learners at Pilrig Park receive support from appropriate specialist services for example: educational psychologist, allied health professionals as well as from social work. This targeted support allows all of our learners to have fuller access to LearningAll staff understand why the learners need targeted support creating an inclusive and positive learning environment. e.g. Family circumstances. disability and health needs.Staff plan for individual learners where appropriate to help them access learning at the appropriate level. We will continue to develop planning for individualisation through the new planning system we hope to implement next sessionWe have developed many effective partnerships to support learners to achieve. In the next session we will start to collect data to show how effective these partnerships are to our learners. Removal of potential barriers to learning.We have used PEF to support our most vulnerable young people alongside effective partnershipsWe praise and reward our learners and celebrate success. This has built confidence and self-esteem in our learners and helped break down barriers. It has also improved outcomes for all and raised attainment and achievementThe majority of staff understand why the learners need targeted support creating a more inclusive and positive learning environment. E.g. Family circumstances.Disability and health needs.We will continue to focus on developing the positive learning environment further next session The school has introduced a nurturing approach at the start and finish to the school day supporting young people to get ready to engage in learning. We will continue to develop our nurturing approaches further and partnerships to enhance nurture across the school supporting our most vulnerable young people to engage and fulfil their potentialStaff plan for individual learners where appropriate to help them access learning at the appropriate level. We will continue to develop planning for individualisation through the new planning system being implement next sessionNext Steps Continue to use PEF to support vulnerable learners. Increase staff awareness in the context of ways in which PEF is directed in our school.Continue to develop nurture approaches and further develop the inclusive and positive learning environmentTo introduce a new planning system to enhance the quality of learning and teaching for all learnersEquity and Best Value Pupil Equity Fund Best Value Overview of Pupil Equity Funding in Pilrig Park School 2018 - 19Pupil Equity FundingPilrig Park School received additional funding of ? 10500 from the Scottish Government for Session 2018/19. We identified a gap in terms of consistent engagement and participation in learning for our children with complex additional support needs. We identified this through analysis of tracking data, planning meeting minutes and observations. We worked to consider where we could close our gap and add greatest value with subsequent impact on attainment and equity in opportunity to succeed, in line with key priorities from the National Improvement Framework and School Improvement Plan.-273685237758In removing barriers to engagement in learning, and working towards delivering equity for all we:Opened a nurture room to support learners to engage and achieve in their learningDeveloped nurturing approaches across the curriculum Impact: The nurture room is a welcoming and warm environment that provides a bridge between home and school and work towards getting it right for every child. We can plan activities and learning experiences best suited to learners’ needsLearners feel more emotionally safe and secureLearners’ self-esteem has improved and so face daily challenges with more confidenceWe are reducing the impact of poverty through nurture, breakfast club and partnership working with CHAILearners feel safer and more supportedNext Steps:To further develop the work we do using PEFTo further develop parental engagementTo collect data to support the work around Nurture and its impact upon learning & teaching. 00In removing barriers to engagement in learning, and working towards delivering equity for all we:Opened a nurture room to support learners to engage and achieve in their learningDeveloped nurturing approaches across the curriculum Impact: The nurture room is a welcoming and warm environment that provides a bridge between home and school and work towards getting it right for every child. We can plan activities and learning experiences best suited to learners’ needsLearners feel more emotionally safe and secureLearners’ self-esteem has improved and so face daily challenges with more confidenceWe are reducing the impact of poverty through nurture, breakfast club and partnership working with CHAILearners feel safer and more supportedNext Steps:To further develop the work we do using PEFTo further develop parental engagementTo collect data to support the work around Nurture and its impact upon learning & teaching. What are we planning to do?Going forward, we will:Monitor and analyse our attendance and exclusions data as a measure of impact of interventionsMonitor and analyse the impact of nurturing approaches on engagement and attainment across the schoolAnalyse data collated and share with the school communityOffer more support to targeted learnersContinue to develop nurturing approaches across the schoolGather feedback from learners, families, staff, partnersMeasure Increased participation / engagement evidence (staff to collate data)PEF spend is deemed exceptional, and plans for this spend are included in the School Improvement Plan for 2019 / 20 and coded in green.Quality Indicator GradesSchool NurseryHMI/Care InspectorateLeadership of Change 3 Learning, Teaching & Assessment 3 Wellbeing, Equality & Inclusion 3 Raising Attainment & Achievement 3 School Choice 3 Self-Evaluation Schedule17/1818/1919/2020/211.1 Self-Evaluation for Self-Improvement1.2 Leadership of Learning1.3Leadership of Change????1.4Leadership and Management of Staff1.5Management of Resources To Promote Equity **Leadership And Management Overall 2.1Safeguarding and Child Protection***2.2Curriculum**2.3Learning, Teaching and Assessment ????2.4Personalised Support2.5Family Learning**2.6Transitions 2.7Partnerships ***Learning Provision Overall 3.1Ensuring Wellbeing, Equality and Inclusion ????3.2Raising Attainment and Achievement????3.3Increasing Creativity and Employability Successes and Achievements Overall 692467545910500pilrig park school_____ School Improvement Plan 2019-2020 NIF Priority – Improvement in attainment, particularly in HWB and employability skills QIs/ThemesQI 1.1 Self-evaluation for self-improvement QI 2.2 Curriculum QI 2.3 Learning, teaching and assessmentQi 2.6 PartnershipsQI 3.2 Raising attainment and achievement QI 3.3 Increase creativity and employabilityPriority 1 To further develop a skills based curriculum which offers Learning for Sustainability / Enterprise. This will improve outcomes for all of our learners and raised attainment and achievement.To continue to develop partnership with specific focus on those who can support the curriculumTo encourage partners to become involved in school improvementOverall ResponsibilityHT R Chad Measurable OutcomesBy the end of session there will beAt least three new partners supporting curriculum development will be in placeA revised skills based curriculum will be developed to meet the needs of our current learnersOutcomesBy the end of session there will beThe overall quality of teaching and learning will have improvedLearner engagement will have improvedTasksBy WhomResources(inc ref to PEF)Time(in line with WTA)Impact/ ProgressTo form a partnership/ sustainability and Nurture working partyTo form a specific curriculum development groupHT via PRD system and through discussion at staff meetingsStaff Meetings PRD meetings1 hour1 hour To measure the value of existing partnersTo audit the existing curriculumFeedback results to school communityWorking partyR Chad with support from E MuirThurs amTime on in-set dayHT support time weekly out of school1 hour1 hour1 day weeklyTo plan areas of the curriculum needing partner supportTo measure entitlement of all through blocking out the new curriculumWorking partyPartnership coordinator C. Ferguson /R McLarty/ A. KirkwoodR Chad. E MuirDevelopment group time Thursday morningCPD Time Staff meetings x2HT support time weekly out of school30 mins set out YC2 hours1 hour1day weeklyCES development with JETT and Edinburgh DYW groupPT of Numeracy/TransitionsOngoing Thurs/Fri amBy May 2020To write formal roles and responsibilities for all partners.Share with partners at formal meetingHave a termly partners meeting in school so that they meet each other and discuss impactTo build the new curriculum and create a new timetable for BGE and Senior PhaseShare new curriculum and new timetable with the whole school communityWorking partyPartnership coordinatorR Chad R Chad Development group timeTime on in-set daysCAT timeOpen morning for partners on a FridayHT support time weekly out of schoolBy Feb 2020March 2020(Share )Partner meetings one planned for March and then May1 day weeklyMay 2020Invite partners to support school improvement by being a member of a development groupHT / PT HWBSLT meetingsDevelopment group timeSchool CPD sessionsSchool CAT sessionsInvite by Jan 2020Evaluate progress of the development groupEvaluate the impact partners have had on school improvementEvaluate progress of the new curriculum and the impact on attainmentShare findings with all staffHT EMPTs/AdminAdministrative timeSLT meetingsHT support time weekly1 day weeklyJune 2020NIF Priority – Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children and young people. QIs/ThemesQI 1.3 Leadership of change QI 2.3 Learning teaching and assessment QI 2.4 Personal supportQI 3.2 Raising attainment and achievementPriority 2 To continue to make Pilrig Park school a totally inclusive nurturing environment Develop nurture approaches Overall ResponsibilityHT R ChadActing PT A KirkwoodMeasurable OutcomesBy the end of session Staff will have received training around trauma and adverse experiences that can disadvantage pupilsPupil Profiles on all learners available for all staff to read and use. Outcomes: By the end of session there will beAn improvement in Learning and teaching across the school. All learners supported to engage in learningAn increase in number of staff using Inclusive communication approaches to engage learnersPilrig Park will be an inclusive school closing the gap by gathering data to inform targeted supportAn improvement in the Learning Conversation Targets. They will be reviewed, adaptations made and shared with the whole school communityTasksBy WhomResources(inc ref to PEF)Time(in line with WTA)Impact/ ProgressAt the start of the new session identify the barriers for each classSLTPTs - All staffParentsSLT meetingsStaff meetingsYPPMsSet out in YCCollate info from Oct2019Share information with all staff. SLTAll staffParentsIn service OCTCAT session (CAMHS)OCT 2019DHT/ PT Literacy to discuss names of students for targeted intervention. DHT / PT LitStaff Meeting timeOctober 2019HT to attend SCERTS training HTMarch 2020Ongoing CPDParental engagement to be reviewed/strategies to be put in place to engage families in learning/ target group of parents to be invited to workshop on inclusive communicationDHT/PT LiteracyLiaise with Redhall and GorgiemillsOpen mornings parent workshopJanuary 2020April 2020Evaluate the parent workshop on inclusive communicationDHT / PT LiteracyS/E working partyWhole school communityCATIn set dayMay / June 2020As above ................

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