Instructions for preparation of papers in journal ...

Instructions for Preparation of Papers in Journal “Computer and Communications Engineering”

First Author, Second Author, Third Author

Abstract: The abstract should contain the most important information about the paper, excluding symbols and citations other than normal text. Maximum length of the abstract is 10 rows. Use font: Arial 10pt Italic. Paragraph formatting: Line Spacing Single, Indentation Left 1cm, Right 1cm; Alignment Justified.

Key words: 1-2 lines, up to 10 in alphabetic order

1. Introduction

In order to affect the authors are requested to follow instructions given in this sample paper. The recommended text processor is Microsoft Word 2003/2007/2010/2013/2016.

2. Page Layout

The length of the full regular paper should not exceed 10 two columns pages of A4 format, with space between columns 5 mm. The page setup is: top and bottom margins 25 mm, inside margin 17 mm, outside 18 mm. The text of the paper is in two columns width 85 mm, Spacing 5mm, Equal column width is marked.

Do not number the pages. On the last page of your paper, equalize the length of the columns.

3. Font and Styles

It is recommended to use Arial font. Several styles for different sections of paper are supplied. The title, authors, figure captions and equations are centered. The headings and subheadings and table captions are left aligned. The font size and appearance for the styles to be used in the full paper are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. The font size and appearance for the styles

|Style |Font |Appearance |

| |size | |

|TITLE |16 |Bold |

|Authors |12 |Bold |

|Abstract |10 |Bold/Italic |

|Keywords |10 |Bold/Italic |

|Heading |10 |Bold |

|Text |10 |Normal |

|Subheadings |10 |Bold/Italic |

|Figure Caption |10 |Bold/Italicl |

|Table Caption |10 |Bold/Normal |

|References |9 |Normal |

4. Figures, Tables and Equations

Tables and figures can be centered in columns. Table captions should be over the table, as in Table 1. Each figure must have a figure caption under the figure. For the table and figure captions 10 pt font should be used. In some cases it is allowed to make two column wide tables and figures, but at this case they must be located at the top or the bottom of the page. All figures must be mentioned in the text.


Fig. 1. This is the figure caption

Equations should be centered and numbered flush left, as in Eqn. 1.

(1) [pic],

5. Conclusion

When you refer to an equation, a figure, a table and a literature reference in the text of manuscript please use the following expressions: Eqn. (1), Eqns. (1) and (2), Fig. 1, Figs. 1 and 2, Table 1, Tables 1 and 2, [1], [2]. When submitting the full paper, send electronic *doc and *pdf version and a hard copy.


[1] F. Author, S. Author, Title of the book with only first letter capitalized, Editor, 2004, London.

[2] F. Author, S. Author, Title of paper with only first letter capitalized, Journal name, Vol. 1, No 2, pp. 150-155, 2004.

References should be numbered using “Numbering”, to have zero mm first line and hanging of 6 mm.

All references should be numbered in square brackets both in the list of references and when citing them [1]. When the book or paper is not in English, give the original title.

About the authors:

First name, last name, affiliation and information.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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