Science Vocabulary List

Science Vocabulary List

A. Prefixes

a – without mono – one, single

ab – away, from non- not

ad – to, toward ob, of, oc, op - against

ambi, amphi, - around, both, about octo -eight

ante – before, prior to para- before

anti – against, hostile to penta - five

auto – self per – through

be – by peri - around

bene , bon – well, good phos, phot- light

bi – two poly – much, many

cata – down post – after, later

cent – hundred pre - before

centri , center, centro – point pro – before, in favor of

circum – around, about proto-first

co – together quad - four

com, con – together, with quasi – as if, approximately

contra – against, opposite quint - five

de – away from, away, down, undo re- back, again

deca –ten retro - backward

dem – people se - side

di- two sub – under, below

dia- through, across super – above, over

dis, div – not, apart, separation syn – with, together

em, ex – out of , from tetra- four

en – in trans – across, over

endo – within tri - three

extra – outside, beyond ultra – beyond, extreme

fore – before, in front un - not

hemi, semi, demi – half, partly uni- one

hetero – different hepta - seven

hexa - six

homo – same, like

hyper – over, above

hypo – under

im – not

in – no, not, in into ROOTS

inter – between ,together acer, acid, acri - bitter

intra, intro – within, inside acro – tip, top

ir, il – not aero - air

mad, mal – bad, ill ag, act – do, drive, move

mis – bad, wrong agogue - rule

agon – rule Cur – care dent, dont - tooth

all,allo,alter – other Curs – run derm – skin

alt – high Cycl – circle destr - hand

amat, amor- love, friend dict - say

anima – having life, spirit dign - worthy

anni, annu, enni – year Dactyl – finger doc, doct - teach

anth – flowers Deuteron – two, second don, donat - give

anthro, anthrop – mankind dox - praise

aqua – water duc, duct – to lead

arch – first, ruler dur - hard

aster, astro – star dynamo - power

athl – prize ep, epi, eph – upon, beside

aud – hear ethn - nationality

basi – at the bottom eu - well

bell – war fact, fict, fect – to make

biblio – book fer - carry

bio – life fid - faith

bi, bis – two finis -end

blast – germ flect, flex - bend

brachy – short flu - flow

branch – gill forc, fort - strong

bucca – cavity of the mouth fortuna, fortune - chance

Caco- harsh, bad frater - brother

Cand – to shine gam, gamy - marriage

Cant – to sing gen – birth, race, kind

cap – head geo - earth

Card, cord, cour – heart ger – old man

Ced, cess – move, surrender gloss, glot - tongue

Cephal – head glyph, glypt - carving

Cept, cap, cep – take graph, gram – to write

Cide – kill grat - pleasant

Cis, cise, - cut grav, gravi, gravito – heavy, weighty

Civ – citizen gress – step, go

Chrom – color helio - sun

Chron – time hum, human, - earth, ground, man

Clam, claim – speak, declare, cry out hydra - water

Clast, clasm – breakage, damage icon – image, idol

Claus, clud, clus – shut ideo, idea - idea

Cosmo – universe intellect, intellig – power to know and think

Corpus, corpor, corp – body iso - equal

Crat, cracy – strength, rule it is – inflammation of

Crit, cris – judge ject - throw

Cred- believe, trust jug, junct – unite, join

Crypt – conceal

Culp – blame

labor – work path – disease

latry, later – worship ped, pod – foot

lav, laut, lot – wash pel, puls – drive, push

leg – law pend, pens – hang

log – word, speech, reason, study phil – love

Laudra – praise poll, polis - city

Leg, lect – read pon, posit, pound, pos – set , place

Lic, licict – permit port - carry

Magni – great, big pop - people

Mal – bad pote, poss - power

Man, manu – hand potomia, potamos - river

Mania – madness pseudo - false

Matri – mother psycho - mind

Mecho – machine pyr - fire

Mega – great, mighty phobia – fear

Mem – remember phone – sound

Meso, medo – middle phyll – leaves

Meter – measure physi – nature

Micro – small plasm – form

Minim – little plut – wealth

miso – hate quer , quest - ask

Miss, mit – send, let go rupt - break

Morph – form, change rect - straight

Mort – death rhea, rheo – flow, burst

Mot, mob – move ridi, risi, ri – laughter

Multi – many

Nau, naus, nav – ship

naut – sailor

necro – dead sat, satis - enough

neo – new sci -know

nomen – name sed, sess - sit

nov – new scope- see

numer – number scrib, script – to write

oid – like, similar sect - cut

omni – all, everywhere sens - feel

optus, ops – view spec, spic, spect – see, look

opus – work sequ. secut - follow

ora – speak solv, solu - loosen

orama – view soma - body

ortho – straight , correct soph - wise

ostero - bone spir - breathe

paleo – old, ancient spond, spons – pledge, answer

pan – all sta, stit, sist, stet - stand

pater – father struct, stru - build

tang, tact, - touch

taph - tomb

temp, temper, tempor, tempo - time

tent, tend, tens – stretch, strain vacil- waver

tele - far vag – wander

ten, tain, tinu – have hold ven – come

terra – land, ground, earth ver – true

terr - fear verb, verbi – word

theo - god vers, vert – turn

therap - cure vest, vestis – clothing, to dress

via – way

therm - heat vir – man

- tomy, -tomic - cutting vinc, vinct – conquer

top - place vis – see

tort - wrist vit, viv – life

tract – pull, draw voc, vok – call

trop - turn vol – wish

urb – city zo - animal


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