Biblical Creation

Creation Seminar

Seattle Creation Conference

July 17, 2004

© Copyright Donald E. Chittick

II. The Dinosaur Puzzle 461

A. According to fossil evidence, dinosaurs were ____________ creatures and

not just ____________________ creatures.

B. The word dinosaur was invented about when? _______________

C. Before the invention of the word dinosaur, dinosaurs were called _________________.

D. Where does the word dinosaur occur in the Bible? ___________________

E. Dinosaurs were probably _____________________-blooded creatures according to

newer evidence from fossils.

F. Dinosaurs started out life by ___________________________________________.

G. According to evolutionism, the last dinosaur probably died out how long ago?


H. According to the Bible, land dinosaurs were created when? ____________________

I. Is there any evidence that dinosaurs were on Noah’s Ark? _________________.

J. Much scientific evidence seems to indicates that the dinosaurs probably died by


K. ________________________ is a Bible passage which may refer to an

animal we would call a dinosaur.

L. Cadborosaurus is believed to have lived when?______________________

M. Is the statement “Science has proved that dinosaurs all became extinct a long

time ago” accurate? ___________ Why? ________________________

N. Our thinking in all areas should be built on _____________________________.


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