Recommended Nature/Science Materials

Recommended Nature/Science Materials

Based on the Infant-Toddler Environmental Rating Scale Revised (ITERS-R)

Living Things such as house plants, aquariums, classroom pets

Nature and Science Books that represent nature realistically

• these can include home-made books

Nature and Science Toys that represent nature realistically such as:

• realistic animal figurines

• puzzles with realistic nature or science content

• realistic plastic vegetables and fruits

• picture cards of nature

Nature and Science Materials such as:

• rulers

• magnifying lenses (for 2 year olds and older)

• bug cages

• shaker science bottles

• real nature materials in a clear plastic bottle, such as dirt, mulch, blades of grass, water, flowers

• real nature items displayed on a poster

• real science materials that are large and safe for children to handle independently, with supervision, such as pine cones, leaves, flowers, mulch, large rocks, large shells

• planted seed growing in a 2-liter soda bottle with the top cut off and either taped securely to a table or on top of a shelf or brought out for children to look at with supervision


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