STISA-2024 - African Union


Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa 2024

Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa 2024



"On the Wings of Innovation", the Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa (STISA-2024) was realised through the valuable contributions of many individuals and organizations that invested both their time and resources in the process. The Commission would, therefore, like to extend its profound gratitude and acknowledgement to all those who participated in the development of STISA-2024 and all processes that led to its adoption by the Heads of State and Government in June 2014. Special mention goes to a High Level Panel of eminent African and Diaspora scientists that was co-chaired by Prof. Calestous Juma, of Harvard Kennedy School and Prof. Ismail Serageldin Director of Bibliotheca Alexandrina . This panel presided over the review of the Consolidated Plan of Action and the subsequent development of STISA-2024. The Panel was supported by a Working Group that drew expertise from regional institutions namely, the NEPAD Agency, the African Academy of Sciences, African Development Bank, International Council for Science Regional Office for Africa (ICSU-ROA), United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization.

"We shall accumulate machinery and establish steel works, iron foundries and factories; we shall link the various states of our continent with communications; we shall astound the world with our hydroelectric power; we shall drain marshes and swamps, clear infested areas, feed the undernourished, and rid our people of parasites and disease. It is within the possibility of science and technology to make even the Sahara bloom into a vast field with verdant vegetation for agricultural and industrial developments".

President Kwame Nkrumah, First speech at the foundation summit of the Organization of African Unity, Addis Ababa, 24 May 1963


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