HUMA 1905: Science Fiction Culture - York University

HUMA 1905: Science Fiction CultureFirst Term Essay: Comparative EssayValue: Draft: 10%; Final Version: 20% of your final gradeLength: Approx. 5-6 typed, double-spaced pages (1200 – 1500 words)Due dates: Draft: Oct. 24, 2019; Final Version: Nov. 28 @ 12:30pm (beginning of lecture)Write a comparative essay analysing, comparing, and contrasting a specific aspect in two (2) of the science fiction texts from the Fall term except Frankenstein. By “text” we mean any novel, short story, or film on the syllabus. A comparative essay is an argumentative essay, directed by a specific thesis statement, that argues and supports a position regarding a specific aspect found in multiple texts. This requires narrowing the large topic to a specific thesis position on it, then including specific evidence from the texts to support that particular position. While such a process must begin in the planning stages with descriptively noting similarities OR differences between the texts, description alone is not sufficient: shift the focus to a critical analysis of the nature of those similarities or differences – what might these representations reveal, suggest, or imply? What might be the significance of those moments of similarity or difference? Advance a critical position on the nature of the comparison you observe, and be sure to ground your analysis in evidence from the texts that you can analyze to prove the essay’s central claim. There are 4 essay topics. The essay must respond to one of these topics. Each topic offers several texts that may be considered. For each topic, the essay MUST include at least one (1) text from Group A; the second text may come from Group A or Group B. You are not expected or encouraged to use any outside sources to aid your analysis. You are advised to limit yourself to either similarities or differences unless you can make a case for both in such a short essay.You must submit a draft of the essay on Oct. 24 for feedback from your instructor. However, you may obtain further feedback both before and after that date during your instructor’s office hours. The more active you are in seeking help from your tutorial leader, the better your final grade is likely to ic 1. Analyse, compare, and contrast the handling of female characters in two (2) of the following works, discussing the degree to which these characters are presented as fully developed or significant only as symbols or as they relate to the male characters:Group A. The Time Machine; Brave New World; The Day the Earth Stood StillGroup B. “The Machine Stops”; “Helen O’Loy”; “That Only a Mother” Topic 2. Analyse, compare, and contrast the theme of dehumanization by advanced technology in two (2) of the following works:Group A. Brave New World; “The Machine Stops”Group B. From the Earth to the Moon; “The Cold Equations”; “Helen O’Loy”Topic 3. Analyse, compare, and contrast one social element of the utopias/dystopias portrayed in two (2) of the following works, looking at EITHER class, work, government, OR education:Group A. Brave New World; any of the excerpts from utopian worksGroup B. “The Machine Stops”; any other excerpt from utopian works; “Robbie”Required essay mechanics:? MLA style (8th edition): including typed, double-spaced, 12-point font size text, with 1-inchmargins on all sides, and identifying information and essay title on the first page;? begin your essay by formulating your thesis – then go on to justify your thesis with evidencefrom the chosen texts;? good writing style, including proper sentence and paragraph structure, proper grammar,punctuation, and organization. Your essay will be graded for spelling and style as well ascontent, so proofread carefully;? effective use of quotations and paraphrases used to support your thesis; they must beidentified by specific parenthetical in-text citation according to the MLA style, inserted in thebody of your essay;? include a Works Cited page with full bibliographic citations of the texts, using proper MLA style(8th edition);? submit hard copies of both the draft and the final version on the due dates and also submit electronic copies to using the links on Moodle. ................

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