Science Anchor Activities - FCPS

[pic] Science Anchor Activities [pic]

Questioning is a very important tool that teachers can use to elicit quality discussion from their students. The Science Anchor Activities are activities designed for students to complete after reading an information book. The book can be from an interest the child has or from a unit that his/her class is studying in science.

The tool, Vocabulary for Developing Tiered Questions and Tiered Assignments, located on the Advanced Academics site, under Questioning was used to develop high level questions for each of the science books used.

• CAPTAIN THINKER Questions are designed to be used for oral discussion between pairs or small groups of students after they have read the book.

• BRAINY BEE Questions are designed to be answered in written form by the student.

Note that the questions in these activities begin with a verb from Bloom’s Taxonomy. The verbs direct the student what to answer, whether orally or in writing. Bloom’s Taxonomy and any science book may be used to develop Captain Thinker or Brainy Bee questions. Students may develop their own questions based on one of their favorite science books.

Suggestion: Glue the title page to the front of a brightly colored folder. Then glue Captain Thinker and Brainy Bee inside the folder. Laminate the folder for an anchor activity that will last.

Carol Ann Tomlinson, University of Virginia, describes an anchor activity as “meaningful work done individually and silently…It’s something useful and important for students to do on a relatively regular basis throughout at least a portion of the year.”





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