Current Events in Environmental Science

Current Events in Environmental Science

Topic: ____________________________________________________________

Title of Article: _____________________________________________________

Source: ________________________________ Date published: ___________

* Attach a copy of your article to this sheet

Write a paragraph to summarize the basic points of this article:

What is the purpose of this article?

Write down a quote from the article that supports your answer.

Were numbers/statistics used in the article? __________

If yes, HOW were they used in the article?

If no, how was the purpose of the article supported? Do you think that the use of numbers or statistics would have improved the credibility of the article?

List all scientific terms used in the article:

List other scientific organizations, journals, or institutions that the article mentions.

Do you think there are biases present in this article or is it just the facts?

Explain with an example from the article.

How would you rate the credibility of this article on a scale of 1 to 10? _______


What is the scientific significance of this article?

What is the societal significance of this article?

What is the personal significance of this article?

Sit with your group members and discuss each of the articles that were summarized, then answer the following questions.

What did the articles have in common?

What was the specific topic of each article?

Were opposing perspectives given on any one topic? Explain.

Which article does the GROUP think is the most important for our community?

Which article concerns/ impacts/ impresses YOU the most. Explain.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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