Allison Ward Parsons

George Mason University

4400 University Dr., MS 4B3 • Fairfax, VA 22030

703-993-5257 •

Key Areas of Research and Review Interest

My key interests include literacy teacher practices and professional development. This includes literacy coaching, adaptive teaching, culturally relevant teaching, and classroom practices that support students’ reading motivation and engagement. Classroom culture and language/discourse can aid or inhibit student learning, particularly in the early grades when students are learning vocabulary and content through teacher talk. Effective instructional practices, supported by knowledgeable literacy coaches and specialists can improve students’ literacy outcomes. My recent work has focused on design-based research and qualitative methodologies involving video analysis, as well as survey research.


Current Position

• 2019 - present Associate Professor, George Mason University

Primary affiliation with Literacy; secondary affiliations with Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education

• Director, Elizabeth G. Sturtevant, PhD Center for Literacy

Previous Positions

• 2012 - 2019 tenure track Assistant Professor, George Mason University

• 2011 - 2014 Literacy Academic Program Coordinator, George Mason


• 2011 - 2012 Term Faculty Member at the rank of Assistant Professor, George Mason


• 2010 - 2011 Part-time Term Faculty Member at the rank of Assistant Professor, George Mason University

• 2009 - 2010 Tenure track Assistant Professor, Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC


• 2009 Ph.D. in Reading Education

The University of Virginia

Committee: Marcia Invernizzi, Michael C. McKenna, Laura Smolkin, Andrew Mashburn

Dissertation: A formative study investigating interactive information book reading and activities to develop kindergartners’ science vocabulary.

• 2006 M.Ed. Elementary Education

The University of North Carolina at Greensboro

• 1994 A.B. Elementary Education and Psychology

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Peer-Reviewed Research Articles

Parsons, A. W., Samaras, A. P., *Dalbec, B., Constantine, L. S., & Evmenova, A., (in press). Facilitators’ self-study of a virtual adjunct faculty self-study collaborative. Studying Teacher Education.

Hjalmarson, M., Parsons, & A. W. (2021). Conjectures, cycles, and contexts: A systematic review of design-based research in engineering education. Studies in Engineering Education on Theory and Methods in Engineering Education, 1(2). pp. 142-155.

*Ives, S. T., Parsons, S. A., Parsons, A. W., Robertson, D. A., Young, C., Polk, L., & Daoud, N. (2020). Students’ reading motivation and genre preferences: Validating two scales. Reading Psychology.

Coogle, C. G., Parsons, A. W., Ott, J. R., & LaCroix, L. (2020). A comparison of dialogic reading, modeling, and dialogic reading plus modeling. Infants and Young Children, 33(2), pp. 119-131. doi: 10.1097/IYC.0000000000000162

Ankrum, J. W., Morewood, A., Parsons, S. A., Vaughn, M. A., Parsons, A. W., Hawkins, P. (2020). Documenting adaptive literacy instruction: The adaptive teaching observation protocol. Reading Psychology, 41, 71-86.

Parsons, A. W., Parsons, S. A., Dodman, S. L., Ramirez, E.* Nuland, L. R*., Pierczynski, M.*, & Caufman, R.* (2019). A literacy professional development initiative in an urban elementary school: Year 2 of a longitudinal design-based study. Journal of Educational Research, 112, 447-462.

Parsons, S. A., Hutchison, A., Hall, L. C., Parsons, A. W., Samantha T. Ives, & Alicia Bruyning Leggett (2019). Teachers’ perceptions of online professional development: A national survey. Teaching and Teacher Education, 82, 33-42. doi: 10.1016/j.tate.2019.03.006

Paulick, J. H., Myers, J., Quinn, A., Couch, L., Dunkerly-Bean, J., Robbins, H. H., Sigler, H., & Parsons, A. W. (2019). A window into practice: Examining elementary writing methods instruction. Teaching/Writing: The Journal of Writing Teacher Education, 6, 57-75.

Parsons, A. W. (2018). Becoming a literacy specialist: Emerging

identities. Literacy Research and Instruction, 57, 387-407. doi: 10.1080/19388071.2018.1493554

Parsons, S. A., Malloy, J. A., Parsons, A.W., Burton, E. P., & Burrowbridge, S. C. (2018). Sixth-grade students’ engagement in academic tasks. Journal of Educational Research, 111, 232-245. doi:10.1080.00220671.2016.1246408

Parsons, S. A., Vaughn, M., Scales, R. Q., Davis, S. G., Gallagher, M*., Parsons, A. W. Pierczynski, M.*, & Allen, M. (2018). Teachers’ instructional adaptations: A research synthesis. Review of Educational Research, 88(2), 205-242. doi: 10.3102/0034654317743198

Parsons, A. W., Parsons, S. A., Malloy, J. A., Marinak, B. A., Reutzel, D. R., Applegate, M. D., Applegate, A. J., Fawson, P. C., Gambrell, L. B. (2018). Upper elementary students’ motivation to read fiction and nonfiction. Elementary School Journal, 118, 505-523. doi: 10.1086/696022

Parsons, A. W., & Hjalmarson, M. (2017). Study of self: The self as designer in online teacher education. Studying Teacher Education, 13, 331-349. doi: 10.1080/17425964.2017.1365699

Parsons, S. A., Gallagher, M. A.*, and the George Mason University Content Analysis Team. (2017). A content analysis of nine literacy journals, 2009-2014. Journal of Literacy Research, 48, 476-502. (Team: Jan Ainger*, Mary Carmen Bartolini*, Alicia K. Bruyning*, Ellen Clark*, Sarah Crain*, Nisreen Daoud*, Karen Sutter Doheney*, Stacey Duff*, Susan V. Groundwater*, Jacqueline Heller*, Amber Jensen*, Lesley A. King*, Jennifer Lindenauer*, Joanna Newton*, Allison Ward Parsons, Erin M. Ramirez*, Jayne Sherman*, and Peet Smith*) doi: 10.1177/1086296X16680053

Parsons, A. W., Ankrum, J., Morewood, A., & Parsons, S. A. (2016). Barriers to change: Findings from three literacy professional development initiatives. Literacy Research and Instruction, 55, 331-352. doi: 10.1080/19388071.2016.1193575

Parsons, A. W., Morewood, A., Ankrum, J. (2016). Supporting adaptability through professional development. Theory Into Practice, 55, 1-9. doi: 10.1080/00405841.2016.1173995

Parsons, A. W., & Bryant, C. L. (2016). Deepening kindergarteners’ science vocabulary: A design study. Journal of Educational Research. 109, 375-390. doi: 10.1080/00220671.2014.968913

Parsons, S. A., Parsons, A. W., Richey, L. N.*, Dodman, S. L., & Scales, W. D. (2014). Year 1 of a longitudinal literacy professional development initiative in an urban school. Journal of School Connections, 5, 29-57.

Malloy, J. A., Parsons, S. A., & Parsons, A. W. (2013). Methods for evaluating literacy engagement as a fluid construct. Yearbook of the Literacy Research Association, 62, 124-139.

Parsons, A. W., Richey, L. N.*, Parsons, S. A., & Dodman, S. L. (2013). How do teachers change their practice? Case studies of two teachers in a literacy professional development initiative. Yearbook of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, 34, 127-141.

Parsons, A. W., Parsons, S. A., & Dodman, S. L. (2012). Lessons learned from a longitudinal literacy professional development initiative. Making Literacy Connections, 27, 6-11.

Parsons, S. A., Malloy, J. A., Parsons, A. W., & Burrowbridge, S. C. (2012). Students’ affective engagement in literacy tasks: Observations of and interviews with sixth-grade students. In S. Szabo, T. Morrison, M. Boggs, & L. Martin (Eds.), Yearbook of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, 34, 137-147.

Peer-Reviewed Practitioner Articles

Malloy, J. A., Parsons, A.W., Marinak, B. A., Applegate, T., Applegate, M., Reutzel, D. R., Parsons, S. A., Fawson, P., Roberts, L., & Gambrell, L., (2017). Assessing (and Addressing!) Motivation to Read Fiction and Non-Fiction. The Reading Teacher, 71, 309-325. doi: 10.1002/trtr.1633.

Parsons, A. W., Picard, M., Silver, L. W.* (2016). Bridging partnerships and practice in early childhood classrooms. Reading in Virginia, 38, 13-21.

Parsons, S. A, Malloy, J. A., Parsons, A. W., & Burrowbridge, S. C. (2015). Students’ engagement in literacy tasks. The Reading Teacher, 69, 223-231. doi: 10.1002/trtr.1378

Parsons, A.W. (2011). Interactive reading is a SNAP! Reading in Virginia, 33, 14-18.

Zucker, T. A., Ward, A. E., & Justice, L. M. (2009). Print referencing during read-alouds: A technique for increasing emergent readers’ print knowledge. The Reading Teacher, 63, 62-72. doi: 10.1598/RT. 63.1.6

Book Chapters

Parsons, A. W. & Irish, C (2021). Print and text-rich classrooms. In S.A. Parsons & M. Vaughn (Eds). Principles of effective literacy instruction, K-5. Guilford

Hjalmarson, M., Parsons, A. W., Parsons, S. A., & Hutchison, A. C. (2021). Design-based research and publication challenges. In Z. Philippakos, A. Pellegrino, & E. Howell (Eds.), Design-based research in education: Theory and applications. Guilford

Irish, C. & Parsons, A. W. (2021). Educational reform policies. In R. Rycroft & K. Kinsley (Eds). Inequality in America: Causes and Consequences. ABC-CLIO

Parsons, A. W. & Hathaway, J. I. (2019). Video based coding tools to guide reflection. In R. Karchmer-Klein & K. Pytash (Eds.). Effective practices in online teacher preparation for literacy educators. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Parsons, S. A., Malloy, J. A., Parsons, A.W., & Burrowbridge, S. C. (2015). High-level instruction for all students: Reimagining literacy instruction. In J. C. Richards & K. Zenkov (Eds.). Social justice, the Common Core, and closing the instruction gap: Empowering diverse learners and their teachers. (pp. 249-267). Information Age Publishing.

Gray, E.S. & Parsons, A.W. (2013). Is it dyslexia? Abby struggles to read. In N. Nilsson, & S. Grady (Eds.). Considerations for struggling readers and writers: Linking research to practice (pp 71-88). Information Age Publishing.

Other Publications

Parsons, S. A., Ives, S. & Parsons, A. (2017). Motivating literacy learning with self-determination theory. The Oklahoma Reader, 53, 34-41. (Invited)

Parsons, A. W. (2015, March 23). [Invited review of the book Engaging students in disciplinary literacy, K-6: Reading, writing, and teaching tools for the classroom by C. H. Brock, V. J. Goatley, T. E. Raphael, E. Trost-Shahata, & C. M. Weber]. Teachers College Record, Retrieved from

Parsons, S. A., Nuland, L. R.*, & Parsons, A. W. (2014). The ABCs of student engagement. Phi Delta Kappan, 95(8), 23-27. (Editor Review)

Parsons, S. A., & Ward, A. E. (2011). The case for authentic tasks in content literacy. The Reading Teacher, 64, 462-465. doi: 10.1598/RT.64.6.12 (Invited)


Funded Grants and Revenue Projects

Parsons, A. W., LaCroix, L., & Klee, H. (2020). What does reading look like in early childhood classrooms: Times and types of texts in early childhood classrooms (T3EC). CEHD Seed Grant. $6914.60. (PI, Research Grant).

Samaras, A. P., Constantine, L. S., Smith, L., Azevedo, P. C., Parsons, A. W., Evmenova, A. S., Hjalmarson, M., Johri, A. K. (2018). Adjunct Faculty Self-Study Collaborative at Mason: Building a Professional Community with Adjuncts as Faculty Associate Compeers. CEHD Seed Grant. $8000.00. (Co-PI, Research Grant).

Parsons, A. W. (2015). Interactive literacy institute: Early literacy professional development (Year 2). Arlington Public Schools, $108,000. (PI, Professional Development Contracted Revenue Project).

Parsons, A. W. (2014). Interactive literacy institute: Early literacy professional development. Arlington Public Schools, $88,000. (PI, Professional Development Contracted Revenue Project).

Parsons, A. W. (2014). The effects of sustained, collaborative professional development on literacy teachers’ instruction and beliefs. Literacy Teacher Education Research Grant funded by Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, $2,500. (PI, Research Grant).

Parsons, S. A., Parsons, A. W., & Dodman, S. (2012). Collaborative advancement of reading education (CARE): Leveraging urban school capacity to advance student literacy performance. CEHD Seed Grant. $2,500.00. (Co-PI, Research Grant).

Ward, A. E. (2010). A formative study investigating interactive reading and activities to develop young children's science vocabulary. Proposal funded by the Winthrop University Research Council Grant Competition: Faculty Research, $3,150.00. (PI, Research Grant)

Helf, S., Ward, A. E., & Ming, K. (2010). Literacy education enhancement initiative. Proposal funded by the Winthrop University Research Council Grant Competition: Curriculum Enhancement, $2,531.00. (Co-PI, Program Development Grant).

Unfunded Grants and Revenue Projects

Hjalmarson, M., Parsons, A. W., Kelly, A. E., & Parsons, S. A. (2020- resubmitted). Design-Based Research in STEM Education: A Systematic Review. National Science Foundation, EHR Core Research, $499,850. (Co-PI, Research Grant).

Ankrum, J. (PI), Kidd, J., Morewood, A., Parsons, S. A., Parsons, A. W., & Vaughn, M. (co-PIs). (2020- resubmitted). An exploration of the influence of teacher expertise and teacher adaptability on student reading achievement. Institute for Educational Sciences, Topic 6: Teacher Effectiveness and Effective Teaching, Goal 1: Exploration, $1,322,082

Hjalmarson, M., Parsons, A. W., Kelly, A. E., & Parsons, S. A. (2019). Design-Based Research in STEM Education: A Systematic Review. National Science Foundation, EHR Core Research, $499,850. (Co-PI, Research Grant).

Ankrum, J. (PI), Kidd, J., Morewood, A., Parsons, S. A., Parsons, A. W., & Vaughn, M. (co-PIs). (2019). An exploration of the influence of teacher expertise and teacher adaptability on student reading achievement. Institute for Educational Sciences, Topic 6: Teacher Effectiveness and Effective Teaching, Goal 1: Exploration, $1,322,082

Parsons, A. W. (2019). What Does Reading Look Like in Early Childhood Classrooms: Times and Types of Texts in Early Childhood Classrooms (T3EC). Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, $3000. (PI, Research Grant).

Ankrum, J. W., Kidd, J. A., Parsons, A.W., Vaughn, M., & Parsons, S. A. (2018). An exploration of the influence of teacher expertise and teacher adaptability on student reading achievement. United States Department of Education, Education Research, Development, & Dissemination. $1,399,677.95 (Co-PI, Teacher Effectiveness and Effective Teaching Exploration Grant).

Parsons, A. W. & LaCroix, L. (2019). What Does Reading Look Like in Early Childhood Classrooms: Times and Types of Texts in Early Childhood Classrooms (T3EC). CEHD Seed Grant. $6914.60. (PI, Research Grant).

Parsons, A. W., Azevedo, P. C., Johri, A. K., Samaras, A. P., & Baker, C. (2019). Mason Adjunct Faculty Leading the Way Through Self-Study: An Online Professional Community. CEHD Seed Grant. $9970. (PI, Research Grant).

Burns, M. S., Kidd, J. A., Bingham, F., & Parsons, A.W. (2014). Project LEAD: Literacy education across disciplines. United States Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. $1,166,248. (Co-PI, Research and Program Development Grant).

Burns, M. S., Kidd, J. A., Bingham, F., Parsons, A.W., & Sturtevant, E. (2014). Project LEAD: Literacy education across disciplines. United States Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. $1,166,248. (Co-PI, Research and Program Development Grant).

Parsons, S. A., Parsons, A. W., & Dodman, S. (2012). Collaborative advancement of reading education (CARE): Leveraging school capacity to advance student literacy. Spencer Foundation. $35,390.04 (Co-PI, Research Grant).

Parsons, A. W. (2012). Distance education program proposal: Literacy program support. Office of Distance Education, George Mason University. (PI, Program Development Support).

Parsons, S. A., Parsons, A. W., & Dodman, S. (2011). Collaborative advancement of reading education (CARE): A school-university partnership in an urban charter school. Spencer Foundation. $40,000 (Co-PI, Research Grant).

Parsons, A. W. & Parsons, S.A. (2011). Building early science vocabulary in an urban, high-needs school. Proposal submitted to the International Reading Association: Elva Knight Research Grant program, $8000.00 (PI, Research Grant).


Peer-Reviewed International and National Presentations

Vaughn, M., Ankrum, J., Moorwood, A., Parsons, S. A., & Parsons, A. W. (2020, December). Adaptive Teaching Observation Protocol (ATOP): Examining expert teachers of literacy instruction. Paper presented at the Literacy Research Association, Online (due to COVID). This paper received the Area Chair Award (Area 3) for Best Roundtable.

Ankrum, J. W., Morewood, A. L., Parsons, S. A., Parsons, A. W., & Vaughn, M. (2020, October). A study of literacy teacher expertise and adaptability. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the International Literacy Association, Columbus, OH Online (due to COVID).

Parsons, S. A., Ives, S. T., Parsons, A. W., Robertson, D. A., Young, C., Polk, L., Daoud, N., Horton, A., & Pierczynski, M. (2020, December). Motivation to read and genre preferences grades 3-5: A multi-state study. Paper presented at the Literacy Research Association, Online (due to COVID).

Parsons, A. W., Samaras, A., Dalbec, D., Constantine, L., Evmenova, A. S., Azevedo, P. R., Doane, A., Johri, A., Smith, L., (2020). A Collective Self-study of Facilitating a Professional Community with Adjuncts as Faculty Associate Compeers. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Online (due to COVID).

Parsons, A.W. (2019, December). Design-based research in a longitudinal literacy professional learning endeavor. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Tampa, FL.

Conradi Smith, K., Parsons, A.W., & Vaughn, M. (2019, December). Time and types of text in elementary classrooms: Results of a national survey. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Tampa, FL.

Parsons, A.W, Parsons, S. A., Ankrum, J. W., Morewood, A., Vaughn, M. V. (2019, November). Adaptive Teaching During Literacy Instruction: Honing the Adaptive Teaching Observation Protocol (ATOP). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Corpus Christi, TX

Malloy, J. A., Marinak, B. A., Applegate, T., Applegate, A., Roberts, L., Parsons, S. A., Solar, E., Cook, C., Parsons, A. W., Brady, K., & Ives, S. T. (2019, November). Literacy motivation: Research to practice. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Corpus Christi, TX.

Brown, M., Ives, S. T., Kerestes, S., Malloy, J. A., Parsons, A. W., Parsons, S. A., Repko-Erwin, M., Sylvester, R. & Wang, J. (2019, November). Research in early and elementary literacies: Advancing literacy teaching diverse learners. Panel presented at the annual meeting of the National Council for Teachers of English, Baltimore, MD.

Parsons, A.W, Irish, C., Parsons, S. A., (2018, November). Designing longitudinal professional learning to support early literacy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Indian Wells, CA.

Parsons, A.W., Conradi Smith, K., & Vaughn, M. (2018, November). Time and types of text in elementary classrooms: Development of a national survey. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Louisville, KY.

Ankrum, J. W., Morewood, A., Parsons, A.W., Vaughn, M., & Parsons, S. A. (2018, November). What does adaptive teaching look like? Video exemplars for the Adaptive Teaching Observation Protocol (ATOP). Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Louisville, KY.

Marinak, B. A., Gambrell, L., Malloy, J., Applegate, M., Applegate, T., Fawson, P., Parsons, S., Parsons, A. W., Reutzel, D. R., Roberts, L., Cook, C., & Solar, E. (2018, November). Literacy motivation: Perspectives from elementary to undergraduate. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Louisville, KY.

Parsons. S. A., Gallagher, M. A., Bruyning, A*., Ives, S.*, & Parsons, A. W. (2018, November). A content analysis of 15 literacy journals over the last 10 years: Topics, theories, methods, and data sources. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Louisville, KY.

Parsons, A.W., Parsons, S. A., Silver, L. W.*, Mattix-Foster, A, Irish, C.,* Bartolini, M. C.,* Ramirez, E. M.* (2018, April). The Effects of Sustained, Collaborative Professional Learning on Literacy Teachers’ Instruction: Year 2. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.

Ankrum, J.W., Morewood, A.L., Parsons, A.W., Parsons, S.A., Vaughn, M., Hawkins, P. (2018, April).  Documenting adaptive instruction: The Adaptive Teaching Observation Protocol (ATOP). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.

Parsons, A.W., Silver, L. W.*, Picard, M., & Parsons, S. A. (2017, November). Teachers’ perceptions of sustained literacy professional development. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Tampa, FL.

Parsons, A.W., Parsons, S. A, Hall, L. A., Hutchison, A. (2017, November). Teachers’ online professional learning interests: A national survey. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Tampa, FL.

Ankrum, J., Morewood, A., Vaughn, M., Parsons, S. A., & Parsons, A.W. (2017, December). Adaptive teaching observation protocol (ATOP): Emerging results from observations of literacy instruction. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Tampa, FL.

Parsons, A.W., Parsons, S. A., Ankrum, J., Morewood, A., Vaughn, M., Gallagher, M. A., & Hawkins, P. (2017, November). Development and validation of the Adaptive Teaching Observation Protocol: Implications for literacy instruction. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, St. Petersburg, FL.

Marinak, B. A., Gambrell, L., Malloy, J., Applegate, M., Applegate, T., Fawson, P., Parsons, S., Parsons, A. W., Reutzel, D. R., & Roberts, L. (2017, November). Intrinsic motivation to read: Spotlight on grades 3-6. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, St. Petersburg, FL.

Parsons, A.W., Parsons, S. A. (2017, November). A longitudinal literacy professional learning project in a high-needs urban elementary school. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, St. Petersburg, FL.

Parsons, A.W., Parsons, S. A., Sell, C. R. Silver, L. W.*, Irish, C.,* Drake-Patrick, J., Groth, L. A., Ramirez, E. M. *(2017, April). The Effects of Sustained, Collaborative Professional Learning on Literacy Teachers’ Instruction. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX.

Ankrum, J. W., Morewood, A. L, Parsons, S. A., Vaughn, M. & Parsons, A. W. (2017, July). Observing thoughtfully adaptive literacy teachers: Creation of an observation instrument. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Literacy Association, Orlando, FL.

Ankrum, J. W., Morewood, A. L, Hawkins, P., Parsons, S. A., Vaughn, M. & Parsons, A. W. (2017, April). Adaptive teaching observation protocol (ATOP): Creation and validation of an observation instrument. Roundtable presented at the New England Educational Research Organization, Portsmouth, NH.

Parsons, A. W., Groundwater, S. V*., Sturtevant, E., & Patrick, J. D. (2016, November). Navigating the literacy coaching paradigm: Year 3 of a longitudinal study. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Nashville, TN.

Parsons, A.W., Parsons, S. A., Patrick, J. D., Foster, A. M., Irish, C.,* Sell, C., Picard, M., Silver, L. W.*, & Bartolini, M. C.* (2016, December). The impact of sustained literacy professional learning on teachers’ knowledge and instruction. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Nashville, TN.

Parsons, S. A., Vaughn, M., Scales, R. Q., Davis, S. G., Gallagher, M.*, Pierczynski, M.*, & Parsons, A. W. (2016, December). Literacy teachers’ instructional adaptations: A literature review. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Nashville, TN.

Parsons, S. A., Gallagher, M.*, Parsons, A. W., Brunying, A.*, Daoud, N.* & George Mason Content Analysis Team (2016, December). A content analysis of fifteen literacy journals 2009-2014. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Nashville, TN.

Parsons, A.W., Parsons, S. A., Foster, A. M., Irish, C.*, Patrick, J. D., Bartolini, M. C.,* Silver, L. W.*, & Ewaida, M.* (2016, November). The process of developing an effective early literacy professional development institute: Year two. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Myrtle Beach, SC.

Parsons, A.W. & Irish, C.* (2016, November). The effects of video-based coaching on literacy teachers’ instruction. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Myrtle Beach, SC.

Marinak, B., Gambrell, L., Malloy, J., Applegate, M., Applegate, T., Fawson, P., Parsons, A. W., Parsons, S. A., & Reutzel, D. R. (2016, November). Motivation to read fiction and non-fiction: Developmental differences. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Myrtle Beach, SC.

Parsons, A. W., Picard, M., & Parsons, S. A. (2016, July). Literacy professional learning is a two-way street: Insights from a school district-university partnership. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Literacy Association, Boston, MA.

Parsons, A. W., Patrick, J. D., & Groundwater, S. V.* (2016, April). Learning the language of literacy coaching: A longitudinal study. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, Washington, DC.

Parsons, A. W., Ankrum, J. A., & Morewood, A. (2016, April). Professional development to promote teacher adaptability. In symposium (M. Vaughn, chair) An examination of adaptive teaching: Exploring democratic spaces in education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, Washington, DC.

Parsons, A. W., Patrick, J. D., & Groundwater, S. V.* (2015, December). Navigating the literacy coaching paradigm: Year two. Roundtable presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Carlsbad, CA.

Merz, S. A.*, Parsons, A. W., & Newton, J.* (2015, December). Rounding the bases: Physical education preservice teachers’ beliefs of literacy. Roundtable presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Carlsbad, CA.

Parsons, S. A., Vaughn, M., Scales, R. Q., Davis, S. G., Pierczynski, M.*, Gallagher, M.*, & Parsons, A. W. (2015, December). A literature review of adaptive teaching during literacy instruction. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Carlsbad, CA.

Parsons, A.W., Parsons, S. A., Patrick, J. D., & Silver, L. W.* (2015, November). The process of developing an effective early literacy professional development institute. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Costa Mesa, CA.

Parsons, S. A., Vaughn, M., Scales, R. Q., Davis, S., Pierczynski, M.*, Gallagher, M.*, & Parsons, A. W. (2015, November). Methods used to study teacher adaptations in literacy instruction: A literature review. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Costa Mesa, CA.

Marinak, B., Gambrell, L., Malloy, J. A., Reutzel, R., Fawson, P., Applegate, A., Applegate, M., Parsons, S. A., & Parsons, A. W., (2015). Exploring students’ motivation to read fiction and non-fiction. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Costa Mesa, CA.

Parsons, A. W., Groundwater, S. V.*, & Patrick, J. D. (2015, April). Learning the language of literacy coaching. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, Chicago, IL.

Parsons, S. A., Parsons, A. W., Dodman, S. L., Ramirez, E. M.*, Pierczynski, M.*, & Nuland, L. R.* (2015, April). A longitudinal professional development initiative in a high-needs urban elementary school. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, Chicago, IL.

Parsons, A. W., Patrick, J. D., & Groundwater, S. V.* (2014, December). Navigating the literacy coaching paradigm. Roundtable presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Marco Island, FL.

Parsons, S. A., Parsons, A. W., Dodman, S. L., Pierczynski, M.*, & Ramirez, E. M.* (2014, December). A longitudinal, collaborative literacy professional development initiative in a high-needs urban charter school. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Marco Island, FL.

Parsons, A. W. (2014, November). Developing kindergartners’ science vocabulary. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English, Washington, DC.

Marinak, B., Reutzel, R., Fawson, P., Parsons, S., Parsons, A., Gambrell, L., Malloy, J., Applegate, A., & Applegate, M. (2014, November). Exploring reading motivation from multiple perspectives. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Delray Beach FL.

Ankrum, J. W., Parsons, A. W., Parsons, S. A., Morewood, A., L., Dodman, S. L., Pierczynski, M.*, & Ramirez, E. M.* (2014, November). The difficulty in enacting change in literacy practice: Three professional development projects. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Delray Beach, FL.

Parsons, A. W., & Caufman, R.* (2014, April). Discourse differences: Teacher impact on students’ science vocabulary development. Roundtable presented at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.

Parsons, A.W., Hjalmarson, M., Evmenova, A., & Samaras, A. (2014, April). Self-study of online teaching in education: Multiple contexts and strategies for peer interaction online. Roundtable presented at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.

Parsons, S. A., Parsons, A. W., Dodman, S. L., Nuland, L. R.*, Piercezynski, M.*, Caufman, R.*, & Ramirez, E.* (2014, April). A longitudinal literacy professional development initiative in an urban elementary school. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.

Parsons, A. W. (Discussant). (2013, December). How teachers respond to literacy in the disciplines. Paper session presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Dallas, TX. (Invited)

Parsons, A. W., & Caufman, R.* (2013, December). Discourse to develop science vocabulary: Context and content. Roundtable presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Dallas, TX.

Parsons, S. A., Parsons, A. W., Dodman, S. L., Pierczynski, M.*, Caufman, R.,* Richey, L. N.*, & Ramirez, E.* (2013, December). Collaborative advancement of reading education (CARE): A longitudinal literacy professional development project in a high-needs, urban elementary school. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Dallas, TX.

Vaughn, M., Parsons, A. W., Parsons, S. A., & Gray, E. S. (2013, December). Opening our minds: Literacy teacher educators engage in an online book club to improve our practice. Roundtable presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Dallas, TX.

Parsons, A. W., & Parsons, S. A. (2013, November). Semantic connections: Making meaningful content vocabulary choices for kindergarteners. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Dallas, TX.

Parsons, S. A., Parsons, A. W., Dodman, S. L., Richey, L. N.*, Pierczynski, M.*, & Caufman, R.* (2013, November). Findings from a longitudinal literacy professional development initiative. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Dallas, TX.

Parsons, S. A., Parsons, A. W., & Malloy, J. A. (2013, November). Sixth-grade students’ engagement in literacy tasks. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Dallas, TX.

Dodman, S. L., Parsons, S. A., Parsons, A. W., & Ramirez, E.* (2013, August). A charter-university partnership for school improvement: Promising practices and potential obstacles. Paper presented at the summer conference of the Association of Teacher Educators, Washington, DC.

Dodman, S. L., Parsons, S. A., & Parsons, A. W. (2013, February). Partnering for improvement: The Collaborative Advancement of Reading Education Project. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Orlando, FL.

Parsons, A.W. (2012, November). Exploring semantic connections to deepen science vocabulary: A formative study in kindergarten. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, San Diego, CA. *Area award winning presentation

Parsons, A. W. (Discussant). (2012, November). What motivates children to read? Paper session presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, San Diego, CA. (Invited)

Parsons, S. A., Parsons, A. W., Richey, L. N.*, Dodman, S. L., Scales, D., & Ramnath, R. (2012, December). Year 2 of a longitudinal, collaborative literacy professional development project. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, San Diego, CA.

Malloy, J. A., Parsons, S. A., Parsons, A. W., & Burrowbridge, S. C. (2012, December). Methods for evaluating literacy engagement as a dynamic construct in an integrated social studies/ELA classroom. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, San Diego, CA.

Parsons, S. A., Parsons, A. W., Richey, L. N.*, & Dodman, S. L. (2012, November). What components of literacy professional development are most helpful for teachers and specialists? Insights from a longitudinal school-university partnership. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Literacy Educators and Researchers, Grand Rapids, MI.

Marinak, B., Gambrell, L., Reutzel, R., Fawson, P., Malloy, J., Parsons, S. A., & Parsons, A. W. (2012, November). Motivation transforms literacy beliefs and practices. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Literacy Educators and Researchers, Grand Rapids, MI.

Parsons, S. A., Parsons A. W., Richey, L.N.*, Simmons, S. X., & Scales, W.D. (2012, April). The beginning of a collaborative, longitudinal professional development project. Roundtable presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, B.C.

Parsons, S. A., Ward A. E., Simmons, S. X., & Richey, L.* (2011, December). Year 1 of a collaborative, longitudinal professional development project. Roundtable presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Jacksonville, FL. 

Parsons, S. A., Malloy, J. A., Ward, A. E., & Burrowbridge, S. C. (2011, December). A formative study of student engagement in integrated literacy and social studies tasks. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Jacksonville, FL.

Parsons, S. A., Parsons, A. W., Malloy, J. A., & Burrowbridge, S. C. (2011, November). Adaptive teaching in integrated literacy and social studies lessons. Paper presented in a symposium at the annual meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Richmond, VA.

Parsons, A.W. (2011, November). Deepening kindergarteners’ science vocabulary. Roundtable presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Richmond, VA.

Marinak, B. A., Gambrell, L. B., Fawson, P., Reutzel, D. R., Malloy, J. A., Parsons, S. A., Ward, A. E., Burrowbridge, S. C., Applegate, M., & Applegate, T. (2011, November). Research on motivation to read: Classroom implications. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Richmond, VA.

Malloy, J. A., Parsons, S. A., Ward, A. E., & Burrowbridge, S. C. (2011, May). Methods for exploring the nature of student engagement in the classroom. Poster presented at the 4th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Motivation (SSM), Washington, DC.

Ward, A. E. (2011, April). Deepening kindergarteners’ science vocabulary. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA. 

Parsons, S. A., Cohen, S., & Ward, A. E. (2010, December). Students’ engagement in literacy tasks. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference/Literacy Research Association, Fort Worth, TX.

Conradi, K. E., & Ward, A. E. (2010, April). Graphic novels: Zooming into the classroom. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, Chicago, IL.

Ebert, A. A., & Ward, A. E. (2009, May). What does reading disability look like? Examination of the reading behaviors of two students attending a university reading clinic and strategies for helping reading disabled students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, Minneapolis, MN.


Parsons, A. W. (2018, April). Tier 2…Now what? Professional learning presentation for Elementary Teachers and Literacy Specialists, Alexandria City Public Schools, Alexandria, VA. (Invited)

Parsons, S. A., & Parsons, A. W. (2018, March). Elementary students’ motivation to read fiction and nonfiction: New tools! Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Virginia State Reading Association, Richmond, VA.

Parsons, A. W. & McCann, K. (2018, March). Learning to be a literacy specialist. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Virginia State Reading Association, Richmond, VA.

Parsons, A. W. (2018, February). Not this, but that: No more “Look up the list” vocabulary instruction. Professional learning presentation for Greater Washington Reading Council, Arlington, VA. (Invited)

Parsons, A. W. (2018, February). Not this, but that: No more “Look up the list” vocabulary instruction. Professional learning presentation for Greater Washington Reading Council, Ashburn, VA. (Invited)

Parsons, A. W. (2018, January). Tier 2…Now what? Professional learning presentation for Literacy Specialists, Alexandria City Public Schools, Alexandria, VA. (Invited)

Parsons, S. A., & Parsons, A.W. (2017, November). Student-centered literacy instruction: A focus on tasks to support student literacy engagement. Professional learning presentation for the Literacy Education Program speaker series, West Virginia University (Invited)

Parsons, A. W. (2017, October). Early literacy development through interactive reading. Professional learning presentation for The Quest for Reading, International Institute of Islamic Thought, Reston, VA. (Invited)

Parsons, A. W. (2017, March). Not this, but that: No more “Look up the list” vocabulary instruction. Professional learning presentation for Greater Washington Reading Council, Manassas, VA. (Invited)

Menditto, A.*, Kurz, L.*, & Parsons, A. W. (2016, August). Early childhood literacy development. Professional development presentation for early childhood faculty and staff, Prince William Public Schools, Woodbridge, VA. (Invited)

Parsons, A. W. (2015, April). Formative and design research: A formative study investigating interactive reading and activities to develop kindergarteners’ science vocabulary. Guest lecture presented in ECI 803 Advanced Seminar in Literacy (doctoral seminar), North Carolina State University, Raleigh NC. (Invited)

Smith, L., DeArmendi, N., Ozdemir, D., Wagner, W. Wang, D. Hjalmarson, M., Ericson, B., Parsons, A. W., Swanson, R., Samaras, A., Evmenova, A., Roman-Mendoza, E., & Zhou, Y. (2013, September). An action-oriented response to e-learning. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Innovations in Teaching and Learning conference, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA.

Parsons, A. W., Evmenova, A., Hjalmarson, M., Wagner, W., & Samaras, A. (2013, February). Going the distance: Exploring online teaching and interaction through self-study. Poster presented at the College of Education and Human Development Spring Opening Session, George Mason University, Manassas VA.

Parsons, A. W. (2012, May). Shared reading: Techniques to build children’s literacy skills. Presentation for Lake Anne Elementary with Fairfax County Public Library, Reston, VA. (Invited)

Parsons, A. W. (2012, May). Shared reading: Techniques to build children’s literacy skills. Presentation for Lynbrook Elementary with Fairfax County Public Library, Springfield, VA. (Invited)

Parsons, S. A., Parsons, A. W., Richey, L.*, & Dodman, S. (2012, February). Collaborative advancement of reading education (CARE): A school-university partnership in an urban charter school. Poster presented at the College of Education and Human Development Research Symposium, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA.

Ward, A. E. (2011, February). Deepening kindergarteners’ science vocabulary. Poster session presented at the annual College of Education and Human Development Research Symposium, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA.

Malloy, J. A., Parsons, S. A., Parsons, A. W., & Burrowbridge, S. C. (2011, February). Teaching and engaging: Using a formative experiment to find the balance in a sixth-grade classroom. Poster presented at the College of Education and Human Development Research Symposium, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA.

Ward, A. E., & Ebert, A. A. (2009, February). Using their own words to develop reading fluency: Motivating readers through Language Experience Approach stories. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Virginia State Reading Association, Arlington, VA.

Ward, A. E. (2007, November). Scaffolding emergent literacy through storybooks. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Virginia Association of Independent Schools, Richmond, VA.

Kutzer, A., & Ward, A. E. (2000, August). Hickory dickory dock: Literacy around the clock. Presentation at Staff Development for Educators “I Teach K!” National Kindergarten Teacher Conference, Ontario, CA.

Kutzer, A., & Ward, A. E. (1999, February). Hickory dickory dock: Literacy around the clock. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Indiana Association for the Education of Young Children, West Lafayette, IN.


Assistant Professor, George Mason University

Doctoral Advising and Mentoring

Dissertation Committee Advisor: Kelly Usher. Committee formed Fall 2020.

Dissertation Committee Advisor: Sarah Crain. Committee formed Fall 2020.

Dissertation Committee Advisor: Lori Silver. Committee formed Summer 2017.

Dissertation Committee Member: Michael Richardson. Dissertation defended February 25, 2020. The crescent and the dynamo: The cultural and linguistic attitudes of Muslims in the Washington metropolitan area.

Dissertation Committee Member: Alicia Bruyning. Dissertation defended October 2019. Black teacher preparation: Experiences at a PWI and HBCU.

Dissertation Committee Member: Leila Richey Nuland. Dissertation defended October 22, 2019. One size does not fit all: An examination of experienced and novice teachers’ experiences with online professional development.

Dissertation Committee Member: Leigh Ann Kurz. Dissertation defended March 22, 2018. Literacy integrated with kindergarten science: An investigation of impacts of kindergarten students including those at-risk for learning disabilities.

Dissertation Committee Member: Joanna Newton. Dissertation defended January 16, 2018. Teachers’ experiences with professional development and a morphological approach to vocabulary instruction.

Dissertation Committee Member: Christy Irish. Dissertation defended October 24, 2016. Dialogic reading in the home environment: A multiple case study of six families.

Dissertation Committee Member: Rebecca Caufman. Dissertation defended October 16, 2014. On the record: Exploring Reading Recovery teachers’ reported beliefs about and uses of running records.

Dissertation Committee Member: Maria Cruz. Student and teacher perceptions of a mobile-based biology vocabulary study tool for English language learners. Defended January 20, 2012.

Dissertation Committee Member: Amanda Ayers. Committee formed Fall 2019.

Dissertation Committee Member: Patricia Salerno. Committee formed Fall 2019.

Dissertation Committee Member: Marisol Alva. Committee formed Fall 2018.

Dissertation Committee Member: Jayne Sherman. Committee formed Fall 2018.

Dissertation Committee Member: Henrietta Sawyerr. Committee formed Spring 2018.

Doctoral Program Advisory Committee (Advisor): Kelly Usher. Committee changed Spring 2020.

Doctoral Program Advisory Committee (Member): Courtney Goldfinger Verbiest. Committee formed Fall 2020.

Doctoral Program Advisory Committee (Member): Andrew Doane. Committee formed Fall 2019.

Doctoral Program Advisory Committee (Advisor): Lori Silver. Committee formed Summer 2016.

Doctoral Program Advisory Committee (Advisor): Mary Carmen Bartolini. Committee formed Spring 2015.

Doctoral Program Advisory Committee (Advisor): Jayne Sherman. Committee formed Spring 2015.

Doctoral Program Advisory Committee (Member): Patricia Salerno. Committee formed Fall 2016.

Doctoral Program Advisory Committee (Member): Henrietta Sawyerr. Committee formed Spring 2015.

Graduate Courses

• EDRD 630: Advanced Literacy Foundations and Instruction, Birth to Middle Childhood:

Fall 2021 (hybrid online); Fall 2017 (hybrid online), Spring 2016 (hybrid online), Summer 2015 (hybrid online), Summer 2014 (independent study, fully online), Fall 2013 (hybrid online), Fall, 2012, Summer 2012, Summer 2011

• EDRD 681: Collaboration and Communication in Literacy Coaching: Fall 2021 (online)

• EDRD 830: Foundations of Literacy: Birth to Later Childhood: Fall 2020 (online), Fall 2018, Spring 2017, Spring 2015, Fall 2012

• EDRD 634: School-Based Leadership in Literacy: Spring 2021 (online); Spring 2020 (hybrid online- COVID), Spring 2019 (hybrid online), Spring 2018 (hybrid online), Spring 2017 (hybrid online), Spring 2016 (hybrid online), Spring 2014, Fall 2011, Fall 2010

• ELED 556: Literacy Teaching and Learning in Diverse Classrooms, Part II: Summer, 2020 (Online)

• ELED 555: Literacy Teaching and Learning in Diverse Classrooms, Part I: Fall, 2019

• EDRD 635: School-Based Inquiry in Literacy: Summer 2020 (Online), Summer 2019 (hybrid online), Summer 2018 (hybrid online), Summer 2017 (hybrid online), Summer 2016 (hybrid online), Spring 2013 (hybrid online), Spring 2012

• EDRD 637: Literacy Assessments and Interventions for Individuals: Summer 2019, Summer 2018, Summer 2017, Summer 2015

• EDRD 632: Literacy Assessments and Interventions for Groups: Fall 2018 (hybrid online), Fall 2015, Spring 2012, Spring 2011

• EDUC 897-028: Advanced theories of coaching: Doctoral Independent Study, Fall 2017: Amanda Ayers

• EDUC 994-005: Elementary Literacy Instruction and Practice: Supervised Doctoral Internship, Fall 2017: Mary Carmen Bartolini

• EDCI 555: Literacy Teaching and Learning in Diverse Elementary Classrooms: Fall 2010

• EDCI 556: Literacy Teaching and Learning in Diverse Elementary Classrooms 2: Summer 2020, Fall 2017

• EDUC 897.001: Advanced Foundations of Literacy Education: Doctoral Independent Study, Spring 2017: Nisreen Daoud

• EDUC 897.C03: Theories in Instructional Coaching: Doctoral Independent Study, Summer 2016: Patricia Salerno

• EDUC 897.001: Early Literacy: A Theoretical and Research Perspective: Doctoral Independent Study, Spring 2016: Alicia Bruyning

• EDUC 994-001: Early Literacy Research and Practice in Developing Countries: Supervised Doctoral Internship, Spring 2015: Kristina Solum.

• EDRD 631: Advanced Literacy Foundations and Instruction: Adolescence through Adulthood: Fall 2011

• EDCI 559: Research and Assessment in Elementary Education: Summer 2011

• EDCI 545: Differentiation and Assessment: Summer 2011

Blended Graduate and Undergraduate Courses

• EDRD 300/501: Literacy and Curriculum Integration for Specialist Teachers, Focus on Art, Music, and Dance: Spring 2011, Fall 2011, Spring 2012

• EDRD 300/501: Literacy and Curriculum Integration for Specialist Teachers, Focus on Art, Music, and Physical Education: Fall 2010

Undergraduate Courses

• ELED 410: Emergent and Early Literacy: Fall 2020 (online)

• ELED 358: Children’s Literature for Teaching in Diverse Settings: Spring 2020 (COVID), Fall 2019, Spring 2018

• EDRD 301: Working Effectively as a Literacy Facilitator in School and Community Settings: Spring 2018, Spring 2011

Assistant Professor, Winthrop University

Graduate Courses

• READ 681: Organization and Supervision of Reading Programs: Spring 2010

• READ 611: Issues in Teaching Literature for Children and Young Adults: Fall 2009

• READ 600: Literacy Assessment and Instruction for Early Childhood Educators: Fall 2009

• READ 510: Introduction to Children’s Literature for Early Childhood Educators: Summer 2010

Undergraduate Courses

• READ 571: Diagnostic and Prescriptive Teaching of Reading: Spring 2010

• READ 510: Introduction to Children’s Literature: Summer 2010, Spring 2010, & Fall 2009

Graduate Assistantships, University of Virginia

Graduate Courses and Supervision

• Teaching Assistant, EDIS 522: Introduction to Reading Education: Fall 2008

• Teaching Assistant, EDIS 773 & EDIS 774: Master’s Practicum in Reading Diagnosis and Remediation: Summer 2008

• Graduate Clinician, McGuffey Reading Center Diagnostic Clinic, 2007-2008

• Teaching Assistant, EDIS 522: Introduction to Reading Education: Fall 2007

• Teaching Assistant, EDIS 573: Reading Diagnosis and Remediation: Fall 2007

• Graduate Clinician, McGuffey Reading Center Tutoring Clinic, 2006-2007

Undergraduate Courses and Supervision

• Instructor, EDIS 522: Introduction to Reading Education: Spring 2008

• Teaching Assistant, EDIS 388: Elementary Field Experience in Literacy: Spring 2009

• University Supervisor, Elementary Education Student Teaching Internship: Fall 2008


• 2019 George Mason University Teaching Excellence Award nominee

• American Educational Research Association: Review of Research in Education Award for Parsons, S.A.,Vaughn, M., Scales, R. Q., Gallagher, M. A., Parsons, A.W., Davis, Stephanie G., Piercynzski, M., & Allen, M. (2018). Teachers’ Instructional Adaptations: A Research Synthesis. Review of Educational Research, 88

• American Educational Research Association: Classroom Observation SIG Exemplary Paper Award for Ankrum, J.W., Morewood, A.L., Parsons, A.W., Parsons, S.A., Vaughn, M., Hawkins, P. (2018, April).  Documenting adaptive instruction: The Adaptive Teaching Observation Protocol (ATOP).

• Career Connection Faculty Award nominee, George Mason University Career Services, 2016

• Area award for presentation at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, San Diego, CA., 2012

• Ullin T. Leavell Scholarship, Curry Foundation, University of Virginia, 2008-09

• Barbara LeBreque-Corbin Scholarship, Curry Foundation, University of Virginia, 2007-08

• George C. Graham Scholarship, Curry Foundation, University of Virginia, 2006-07

• North Carolina Teaching Fellow, 1990-94


International & National Service

Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers (ALER), Board of Directors. Elected in 2020 for 3-year term.

The Reading Teacher, Member, Editorial Review Board, 2015-present (3 articles reviewed in 2020-2021; 4 articles reviewed in 2019-2020; 3 articles reviewed 2018-19; 3 articles reviewed 2017-18; 5 articles reviewed 2016-17; 3 articles reviewed 2015-16)

Literacy Research and Instruction, Member, Editorial Review Board. (12 articles reviewed in 2020-21; 6 articles reviewed in 2019-2020, 2 articles reviewed 2018-19; 2 articles reviewed 2017-18; 2 articles reviewed in 2016-17)

Reading Psychology, Guest Reviewer, 2021 (2 articles reviewed) 2020 (1 article reviewed 2020, 1 article reviewed 2017-18; 1 article reviewer 2016-17)

Reading and Writing Quarterly, guest reviewer 2020-2021(1 article reviewed)

Literacy Research: Theory, Method, Practice, Member, Editorial Review Board. 2016 (2 articles reviewed in 2016)

Journal of School Connections, Member, Editorial Review Board, 2010-present (1 article reviewed in 2015)

American Educational Research Journal, Guest Reviewer (1 article reviewed 2018-19)

Early Childhood Research Quarterly, Guest Reviewer (3 articles reviewed 2017-18; 3 articles reviewed 2016-17)

Teaching and Teacher Education, Guest Reviewer, 2016 (1 article reviewed 2016-17)

The Reading Teacher, Guest Reviewer, 2012-2015 (7 articles reviewed in 2013-2014; 6 articles reviewed 2014-15)

Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Conference proposal reviewer, Spring 2017 (8 proposals reviewed), Spring 2016 (7 proposals reviewed), 2015, Spring 2012, Spring 2011

International Literacy Association, Conference proposal reviewer, Winter 2017 (12 proposals reviewed).

Literacy Research Association, Conference proposal reviewer 2018 (3 papers reviewed in Area 5: Early and Elementary Literacy Processes; 3 papers reviewed in Area 11: Research Theory, Methods, and Practices). 2017 (3 papers reviewed in Area 2: Inservice Teacher Education/Professional Development in Literacy; 4 papers reviewed in Area 3: Literacy Instruction and Literacy Learning; 1 paper reviewed in Area 5: Early and Elementary Literacy Processes; 2 papers reviewed in Area 11: Research Theory, Methods, and Practices), Areas 1 and 5, Spring 2014, 2013, Spring 2012, Spring 2011.

Literacy Research Association, Yearbook paper proposal peer reviewer, Spring 2017 (2 papers reviewed), Spring 2015 (2 papers reviewed), Spring 2014 (2 papers reviewed), Spring 2013 (3 papers reviewed), Spring 2012, Spring 2011.

National Reading Conference, Conference proposal reviewer: Areas 3, 5, and 13, Spring 2010, Spring 2009

U.S. Department of Education, Early Reading First, Grant pre-application review panel moderator, Spring 2009

U.S. Department of Education, Early Reading First, Grant full application reviewer, Summer 2008

U.S. Department of Education, Early Reading First, Grant pre-application review panel moderator, Spring 2008

State Service

Editor (2020-2022) of Reading in Virginia, the peer-reviewed journal of the Virginia State Literacy Association

Co-Editor (2019-2020) of Reading in Virginia, the peer-reviewed journal of the Virginia State Literacy Association

Making Literacy Connections, Member, Editorial Review Board, 2020-2021 (3 articles reviewed)

Georgia Striving Readers Subgrant Competition 2012, Proposal reviewer, Winter 2012

LiteracySC, Panelist selected to serve on South Carolina Department of Education’s initiative to align educational practices across the state with national and state standards, Spring 2010

South Carolina Early Reading Proficiency Project Forum, Participating faculty member, December 2009

George Mason University Service

Mason Child Development Center Faculty Search Committee, Member, Reviewed, interviewed, and recommended applicants for 2-year-old assistant teachers, 3-year old lead teacher, 3-year old assistant teacher, and 4-year old lead teacher, Spring 2016-Fall 2016

College of Education and Human Development Service

Mason Coaching Institute for Math and Literacy, Organizer of annual conference to promote instructional coaching and regional outreach, Feb 2020, March 2019, Apr 2018; Apr. 2017

Survey Task Force (towards CAEP Accreditation), Member, CEHD, 2017-present

Graduate, Employer, and Alumni Survey Task Force for Accreditation and Accountability, Member, CEHD, 2012-2016

Advisor, George Mason University M.Ed. Literacy: Spring 2016 Fairfax Cohort (10 students); Fall 2014 Fairfax A Cohort (23 students); Fall 2014 Loudoun Cohort (22 students); 2013 Cohort Literacy Specialist Certificate candidates (10 students); Prince William Cohort of Summer 2012 (8 students); Arlington Cohort of Summer 2011 (12 students)

Principled Practices in Literacy Spring Summit, Organizer of mini-conference to promote literacy coaching and regional outreach, Spring 2016

Principled Practices in Literacy Spring Summit, Organizer of mini-conference to promote regional outreach and literacy instruction for English learners, Spring 2015

Literacy Program Tenure-Track Faculty Search Committee, Member, Fall 2015-Spring 2016

Literacy Program Term Faculty Search Committee, Member, Spring-Summer 2015

Literacy Program Tenure-Track Faculty Search Committee, Member, Fall 2014-Spring 2015

Learning Technologies Program Tenure-Track Faculty Search Committee, Member, Winter 2012-Spring 2013

Literacy Program Term Faculty Search Committee: Member, Summer 2012.

Performance Assessment Committee, 2011-2012

Clinical Practices Revision Committee, 2011

Revision of Literacy Program Performance-Based Assessments and Rubrics: EDRD 630, EDRD 632. Assisted with final revisions in EDRD 631, EDRD 633, EDRD 634, EDRD 635, and EDRD 637, Summer 2011.

Winthrop University Service

NetSCOPE Curriculum Mapping Retreat, Winthrop University & Professional Development School Leaders: Participated in curriculum mapping to align university coursework and Professional Development Schools field experiences with Title II and USDOE Teacher Quality Partnership grant requirements, February, 2010

Literacy M.Ed. Redesign Committee: Participated in complete redesign of M.Ed. in Literacy program to align with IRA (2004) standards for reaccreditation purposes, Fall 2009

South Carolina Teaching Fellows, Winthrop University Advisory Board: appointed 2009

Undergraduate Student Advisor: Advised 11 freshman Elementary and Early Childhood Education majors, 2009-2010

University of Virginia Service

Curry Education Council: Member-at-Large, 2008-2009

SEEDS 4 Change: Student advocacy group for diversity and social justice at the Curry School of Education, 2008-2009

McGuffey Reading Clinic Tutor, 2007-2008

Literacy Community Service

Alexandria City Public Schools Literacy and Math Think Tanks analysis and planning discussion to inform district-wide school development, Alexandria, VA, 2018

Howard Road Academy, Literacy professional development leader, Anacostia, Washington, D.C. 2012-2013, 2011-2012, 2010-2011

Howard Road Academy, Reading committee member, Anacostia, Washington, D.C. 2012-2013, 2011-2012, 2010-2011

Early Childhood Comprehensive System, Literacy support team member, Rock Hill Public Schools, Rock Hill, SC 2010

Book Buddies Tutor, Charlottesville Public Schools, Charlottesville, VA 2006-2007

Early Childhood Resource Room, Project Assistant Chairperson responsible for development and launch of early childhood and family literacy outreach services, Junior League of Greensboro/Hemphill Branch Library, Greensboro, NC, 2003-2004

Mobile Book Corner, Project Chairperson responsible for creation and maintenance of mobile literacy outreach for young children, Junior League of Greensboro/Greensboro Public Library, Greensboro, NC, 2002.

Family Learning Night, Project Chairperson responsible for weekly family literacy programming, Junior League of Greensboro/Glenwood Branch Library, Greensboro, NC, 2000-2002


Reading, Writing, and Language Development Grant Writing Seminar Series for New and Early Stage Investigators, June 2014, Institute of Education Sciences

Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS)—Pre-K training, August 2008, University of Virginia

Introduction to Randomized Control Trial Research in Education, June 2008; Institute of Education Sciences- Sponsored Training, University of Virginia

Graduate Research Assistant, Preschool Language and Literacy Lab, University of Virginia, Summer 2007

Analysis of Data Using the NICHD Database, Institute of Education Science- Sponsored Training, University of Virginia, October 2006


• American Educational Research Association

• Literacy Research Association

• Association of Literacy Educators & Researchers

• International Reading Association

• Virginia State Reading Association

• Greater Washington Reading Council


Editor, The Education Center, Inc. Greensboro, NC 1998- 2006

• Served as Managing Editor for numerous Literacy and Early Childhood book publications

• Served as contributing editor for The Mailbox Magazine® Preschool & Kindergarten editions

• Served as Managing Editor of Teacher’s Helper Magazine® Kindergarten edition 1999-2000

Kindergarten Teacher, Club Boulevard Humanities Magnet School, Durham, NC 1994-1998

• Grade level chair, 1997-98

Substitute Teacher, Orange County Schools, NC Spring, 1994

NC Certification, Elementary Education (Grades K-6)


Experience administering and interpreting the following normative assessments

• Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing

• Expressive Vocabulary Test- II

• Gray Oral Reading Test-IV

• Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-IV

• Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening

• Phonological Awareness Test

• Test of Oral Language Development

• Test of Word Reading Efficiency

• Woodcock-Johnson Reading Battery

• Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement-III, language and reading subtests

• Test of Word Reading Efficiency

Experience administering and interpreting the following informal assessments

• Concept of Word assessment

• Developmental Spelling Analysis

• McGuffey Qualitative Spelling Inventory

• Narrative writing samples

• Phonological awareness assessments

• Qualitative Reading Inventory-VI

• Running records & miscue analysis

• 6+1 Writing Traits

• Words Their Way spelling inventories


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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