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3520440-384175Test Date: _____________________________00Test Date: _____________________________UNIT 1: Cell BiologyBiological Molecules (NOT including nucleic acids)Key vocabulary terms:Ch 2.1 – 2.2 Chemistry Review: matter, elements, atom, nucleus, neutrons, protons, electrons, bonding (Ionic vs covalent), hydrogen bonding, electronegativity, dipole(s), compound, moleculeCh 2.3 Water and pH: bonding (Ionic vs covalent), hydrogen bonding, electronegativity, dipole(s), acid, base, buffer, lubricant, monomer, inorganic, pH, polarity, solvent, temperature regulatorCh 2.4 Organic Molecules (general): polymer, monomer, dehydration synthesis, hydrolysis, functional group, R-group, acid (carboxyl) group, amine group, phosphate group, organicCh 2.5 Carbohydrates: cellulose, disaccharide, glucose, glycogen, monosaccharide, maltose, polysaccharide, ribose, starch,Ch 2.6 Lipids: saturated fatty acid, glycerol, neutral fat, phospholipid , steroid, unsaturated fatty acid, cholesterol, estrogen and testosteroneCh 2.7 Proteins: amino acid, alpha helix and beta pleated sheets, dipeptide, hemoglobin, peptide bond, polypeptide, primary structure, quaternary structure, secondary structure, tertiary structure, StandardsStandard unpacked in detailResources:You learn….You choose(you may use all, some, or one of these resources to help you with your learning)Chemistry Review I can describe what is an atomhow atoms interact to form bonds, compounds & moleculesI can describe:matter, element, atom,types of bonds (ionic, covalent & H-bonding)Textbook: Ch 2.1 – 2.2 (p24-29)PowerPoint Lecture Notes:Video: YouTube – Discover Math and Science Now: Bio 12 – Biochemistry PlaylistA1. I can describe the the characteristics of water and its role in biological systems - describe the role of water as a solvent, temperature regulator, and lubricant- describe how the polarity of the water molecule results inhydrogen bondingTextbook: Ch 2.2 – 2.3 (p27-30)PowerPoint Lecture Notes: Water LabVideo: YouTube – Discover Math and Science Now: Bio 12 – Biochemistry PlaylistWebsite Resources:3 types of bonds – animation Stax – Biology 2e – WaterA2. I can describe the the role of acids, bases, and buffers in biological systems in the human bodyI can identify and tell the difference between acids, bases and buffersdescribe the importance of pH to biological systems in the human bodyTextbook: Ch 2, p30-32Buffer LabVideos:YouTube – Discover Math and Science Now: Bio 12 – Biochemistry PlaylistWebsite Resources:StandardsStandard unpacked in detailResources:You learn….You choose(you may use all, some, or one of these resources to help you with your learning)B4 I can analyse the structure and function of biological molecules in living systems, including– carbohydrates– lipids– proteins– Specifically for carbohydrates, I canSpecifically for lipids, I canSpecifically for proteins, I canI can:demonstrate a knowledge of dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis as applied to organic monomers and polymersdifferentiate among carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins with respect to chemical structurerecognize the following molecules in structural diagrams:– amino acid -- disaccharide– glucose– glycerol– hemoglobin– monosaccharide– neutral fat– phospholipid--protein (1o, 2o, 3o and 4o stuctures)– polysaccharide (starch, glycogen, and cellulose)– saturated and unsaturated fatty acids– steroidsI can:->recognize the empirical formula of a monosaccharide as CnH2nOn ->list the main functions of carbohydrates-> differentiate among:a) monosaccharides (e.g., glucose),b) disaccharides (e.g., maltose), and c) polysaccharides (e.g. starch, cellulose and glycogen)->know the difference between starch, cellulose, and glycogen with respect to:– function– type of bonding– level of branching-> describe the location, structure, and function of the following in the human body:– neutral fats– steroids– phospholipids-> compare saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in terms of molecular structure-> list the major functions of proteins-> draw a generalized amino acid and identify the amine, acid(carboxyl), and R-groups-> identify the peptide bonds in dipeptides and polypeptides-> differentiate among the following levels of protein organizationwith respect to structure and types of bonding:– primary– secondary (alpha helix, beta pleated sheet)– tertiary– quaternary (e.g., hemoglobin)Textbook: Ch 2, p32-61Building biological molecule modelsLab – test foods to determine biological moleculesVideo:YouTube – Discover Math and Science Now: Bio 12 – Biochemistry PlaylistWebsite resources:Open Stax – Biology 2e 3 – Biological MacromoleculesProcesses of Science – these concepts may be tested on every unit testStandardsStandard unpacked in detailEvidence for learning(what have you created or done in class that shows your learning)Resources:You learn….You choose(you may use all, some, or one ofof of these resources to help you with your learning)A2 - I can design an experiment using the scientific methodI can:formulate an hypothesismake a predictionidentify controlled vs. experimental variablesidentify the independent and dependent variablesidentify and create control and experimental groupsuse appropriate sample sizeobserve, measure, record and interpret data use the appropriate unitsinterpret the data and results to draw conclusionsdetermine whether the conclusions support or reject the hypothesisdetermine whether the experiment is reliableI can use information and conclusions to make further comparisons, investigations, or analyses of experiments.Student created notes from textbookExperiments / labs done in classIn-class activities and worksheetsTextbook: Ch 1, p 7 - 12Videos:Bozeman Science – The Scientific Method Resources:What are the different variables? Stax – Biology 2e – The Science of BiologyI can interpret data from a variety of text and visual sourcesI can use data from:diagramselectron micrographsgraphsphotographsto make inferences and generalizationsI can present my conclusions applying the most appropriate means of communication (e.g. graph, diagram, model, formula, map, visual, etc) ................

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