Miss. Browning's Science Class

Storm Grove Middle School Science FairProject OverviewA science fair project will be a fun and rewarding experience if you take the time to plan well. Your objective is to ask a question, develop a research-based hypothesis, and then create a testable experiment with variables that will answer that question. PROJECT DATA BOOK or LOGBOOKPlease purchase a bound composition book which will serve as the project data book or logbook for the science fair project. Every time you do some task toward the completion of the project, you will need to record that task in the logbook as a dated entry. Please write in blue or black ink.Please number and date each and every page that you use. Please do NOT tear out any pages of the logbook. If you make a mistake, simply draw a line through the mistake and continue to write.The logbook is a journal. Take accurate and detailed notes. Record all observations, thoughts, inferences, reflections, and data in this book. The first page should be a title page for your project. Write your name, Storm Grove Middle School, your science teacher’s name, and the date that you begin your IC You should think about your interests when you decide what you would like to research and what kind of experiment you want to design. If you are interested in your topic, then it will be a much more satisfying experience for you. Begin by writing down science questions that interest you that will allow you to create your testable experiment. The categories that projects fall into are: Behavioral and Social Science, Biochemistry, Botany, Chemistry, Computers, Earth and Planetary Science, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Mathematics, Medicine and Health, Microbiology, Physics and Astronomy, and Zoology. You can get some ideas from science fair websites, but you should not simply replicate someone else’s project. Product comparisons are not appropriate middle school science projects. Record the following information on the first few pages of your logbook:Research topic ideasPossible experimental ideasExplain what you hope to achieve by the end of the experimentWrite down all the information that you already know about the topic and some questions that you need to find the answers to through researchRead as much information as is necessary to gain an in-depth understanding of your topic. Remember to choose reputable sources. Websites like wiki. and answers. may be useful for some applications, but they are NOT acceptable references for your science research. Notes from your sources should be paraphrased—do not plagiarize from any source! Once you have several ideas, talk with your science teacher to get approval for your project.RESEARCH PLAN The Research Plan is required and must be approved by your teacher BEFORE experimentation can begin. Please write your Research Plan in your logbook and include the following: The question or problem being addressed in the experiment The hypothesis (or Engineering Goals for engineering projects) and the independent, dependent, and controlled variables. Remember, use the If…then…because… format for your hypothesis.A detailed description of your Procedures.MaterialsSafety ConcernsStep-by-step detailed procedures/experimental design (Begin each step with an action: Measure, Cut, Pour, Stir, etc.) NOTE – YOU MUST CONDUCT A MINIMUM OF 5 TRIALS!Diagram of experimental set-up Bibliography – a minimum of 5 references cited using MLA formatSCIENCE FAIR FORMSThe following forms must be completed before any experimentation can begin:Checklist for Adult Sponsor (1) – completed by Adult Sponsor (teacher or another individual with a strong science background) in collaboration with studentStudent Checklist (1A)/Research Plan – completed by the student and teacher (A typed copy of your research plan must be attached to this form)Approval Form (1B) – completed by the student and parentRisk Assessment Form (3) – completed by the student and parent (or Designated Supervisor or Qualified Scientist, if applicable) Additional forms are necessary for projects requiring prior approval by the Indian River Education Foundation/Scientific Review Committee before experimentation can begin.In your logbook, record the date that the required forms were submitted and the date that the forms were approved. EXPERIMENT Do NOT begin experimentation until all required forms are submitted and approved!Record every step of the experiment in the logbook. Be sure to include the following:number and date on every pagedata tables to record collected dataobservations (qualitative and quantitative) as you go—include illustrations any unexpected eventsaccurate measurements using SI units (cm, s, mL, g). five trialsphotos—copies of these can be used on the display board (NOTE: Photographs should NOT include human faces) FINAL REPORTThe final report brings together the library research, research plan, experiment, results, and conclusion. Include the following sections in your final report: Title Page -- project title, your name, and school Abstract – The abstract is a short summary of your work. The abstract MUST be typed on the official Florida State Science & Engineering Fair form. It should be a maximum of 250 words, written in the past tense, and include the following information:Purpose of the experimentProcedures usedDataConclusionsPossible research applicationsTable of Contents – Include a page number to identify the beginning of each section.Introduction -- Include the purpose, question or problem (or engineering goals), hypothesis, variables, an explanation as to what prompted your research, and what you hoped to achieve. Materials and Methods -- You can get this information from your Research Plan. Please give detailed procedures. Other scientists should be able to reproduce your experiment by following your steps.Results -- Include observations, photographs, raw data tables, graphs, statistical analysis, and a few sentences about your results WITHOUT making any inferences. Discussion and Conclusions -- This is where you discuss your results and make inferences, which should flow logically from your data. Refer to your observations, data tables, and graphs. Restate your hypothesis and explain whether or not it was supported by the data you collected. Compare the results of your experiment with what you learned in your research, expected results, published data, or commonly held beliefs. What are some possible sources of error in the experiment? Were the results affected by uncontrolled events or variables? What happened to the data with each trial – was it similar or did it vary? What could be done differently next time if the project were repeated? What other related experiments could be conducted? What are some practical applications of the experiment?Acknowledgements -- Credit those who helped you.Bibliography – Please follow MLA format.DISPLAY BOARD This is the last step and should not be completed until everything else is finished! Use a tri-fold board to show what you have done. Remember, this is the judge’s first impression of your work! Create a board that is simple but pleasing to the eye. There are some restrictions on what kind of decorations can be placed on the board, so please check with your teacher. Judges look for creative ability, scientific thought, thoroughness, skill, and clarity. Include the following: TitleProblemHypothesis and variablesAbstract – this must appear in the lower left corner of the board Methods (Materials and Procedures)Data table(s)Graph(s)Pictures, including captions – don’t forget the “photos taken by” credit lineConclusionDo NOT place acknowledgements on the display board5076190210185001193165245745001195705248285004039235205105004081145175260MethodsConclusion00MethodsConclusion2269490236855TITLEData tablesGraphsPhotographsDiagrams00TITLEData tablesGraphsPhotographsDiagrams1181100194945ProblemHypothesis and variablesABSTRACT00ProblemHypothesis and variablesABSTRACT209359514859000404622014859000208153014541500119316532258000207899032067500404304531877000 ................

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