Completing Your Virtual Science Fair Board

[Pages:2]Completing Your Virtual Science Fair Board

Instead of creating a physical science fair display board, you will be creating a "virtual" board this year in PowerPoint. Once you are ready to start creating your board, you should begin by downloading the template available at:

There are two different files there. One contains the templates if your project involves a scientific investigation and another contains the templates if you are doing an engineering project.

When you open the template, there will be four slides shown. Each of these is the same, with just different color schemes. Choose the one you want to use and delete the other three. Once you have your color scheme chosen, you can change the background color of the board if you wish.

If you are doing an engineering project or if the subtitles on the slides aren't appropriate for your project, you can click on the "New Slide" button and add a new slide. Choose the option for a display without titles. You will then have to add your own titles to the display. If you choose this option, your display must still have the same general layout: the left side of the display shows what you did before doing the experiment or building the project, the center portion of the board shows the experiment or design process, and the right side shows any analysis you did after completing the project.

You can edit the title at the top of the board. Make sure that the title on the board matches the title on all your paperwork!

To add text to the board, click inside one of the textboxes and you can then type the text you want there. Optionally, you can edit the text in another program, such as Microsoft Word, and then cut and paste it into the textboxes on the board.

When you complete your abstract, it needs to be added to the lower left portion of the board. Print it out, sign it, and then either scan it or take a picture of it and transfer the picture to your computer. You can then add it to the board by clicking the "Insert" tab and then select the "Pictures" button.

1. Click the "Insert" tab

2. Click the "Pictures"

In the center section of the boarbdu, tytoonu need to add your data (tables and graphs) as well any diagrams, photos, etc. You can add these in the same way you added the abstract. You should only include photos that help others better understand your project and should not show any people other than the researcher.

In the bottom right corner of the board you will see an editable textbox where you will credit and tables, graphs, photos, or diagrams on your board. If all photos were taken by one person, you can use a statement like "All photos taken by ___" (include the photographer's name). If you have pictures from different sources, you should credit the source under each one. You need to do the same for tables, graphs, diagrams, etc. For the tables and graphs, you can use the tools available in PowerPoint to create these or create them in another program and then add them to the board.



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