Science Fair Board Template - Caraway PTA

Science Fair Board Template

Parents: use this as a guide and create a Word or Powerpoint template for your child.

Note ? the Caraway web site wouldn't let me post a Word or Powerpoint document.

If you create a "fill in the blank" guide similar to this one, your child will be able to put together their science fair board on their own

Make sure the template you create has a page for each of the required sections listed at the top of the judging form

Add Title of Your Project Here

By: Your Name, Your Grade Add pictures or art work here (optional)


Add your problem statement here


Add your technical term definitions below in place of these definitions

Torque: Rotational force Wind Turbine: A machine that converts wind energy into electric power. It uses a generator to convert mechanical energy from the rotating blades into electric power. Generator: Is a device inside the wind turbine that converts wind energy to electrical energy


Add your hypothesis here

? Add your information here ? Add your information here ? Add your information here

Backround information

Add your background information here

This will should be a combination of text, pictures, diagrams

? Add your information here ? Add your information here ? Add your information here

Backround information

Use a second page, if you need to, for additional background information

? Add your information here ? Add your information here ? Add your information here

Experimental Materials

Describe step by step how you did your experiment Your procedure should be detailed enough that someone else

could read it and successfully duplicate your experiment

1. Add your experimental procedure here 2. Add your experimental procedure here 3. Add your experimental procedure here


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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