Oral Presentation Rubric : Science Fair Presentation

Science Fair Oral Presentation Rubric

Student Name:     ________________________________________

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|CATEGORY |10 |7 |4 |1 |

|Time-Limit |Presentation is 4 minutes |Presentation is 3 minutes |Presentation is 2 minutes |Presentation is less than |

| |long. |long. |long. |2 minutes OR more than 4 |

| | | | |minutes. |

|Posture and Eye Contact |Student stands up |Student stands up straight|Student sometimes stands |Student slouches and/or |

| |straight, looks relaxed |and establishes eye |up straight and does not |does not look at people |

| |and confident. Establishes|contact with everyone in |always establish eye |during the presentation. |

| |eye contact with everyone |the room during the |contact with everyone in | |

| |in the room during the |presentation. |the room during the | |

| |presentation. | |presentation. | |

|Speaks Clearly |Student speaks clearly all|Student speaks clearly all|Student speaks clearly |Student often mumbles or |

| |of the time, and has good |of the time and/or is hard|most of the time and/or is|can not be understood. |

| |volume. |to hear at times. |hard to hear. | |

|Presentation Order and |Entire presentation |Most of the presentation |Little of the presentation|Very little of the |

|Relevance |relates to the scientific |relates to the scientific |relates to the scientific |presentation relates to |

| |method/experiment and |method/experiment and/or |method/experiment and/or |the scientific |

| |their presentation follows|order of presentation is |the order of the |method/experiment and/or |

| |the proper sequential |not in proper sequence. |presentation is jumbled. |no order is evident. |

| |order. | | | |

|comments |Total points earned out of|

| |50: |

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| |Doubled total: |

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